Sister of Twilight
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associated with
Eternal Empire
Also Revenant Blade strapped to back
Asaaj watched as the gas giants of Qina dipped below the horizon for the last time for the next month and all of revenants were gathered about. The clothing that was given to Asaaj by

Her love, a near infatuation for the woman drove her to depths she had not risked before, studying the arcane rituals of long dead sisters to find a way to save the elder vampire. She was imprisoned by the Galactic Alliance and day by day they cut deeper into her flesh to learn her secrets. The woman had called to her in pain and desperation from some fifty thousand light years away and now Asaaj was ready to perform the rescue. She had no way of tracking her and no way of pinpointing her from this range, Persephone had given her glimpses of he surroundings, but it wasn't enough.
So here she was performing a dark and powerful magick. Many sacrifices must be made, she thought to herself as her long, dagger like teeth penetrated the skin of her latest victim. As she drank, she held out her arm and one of her revenants drew a blade across it, drawing dark red blood and allowing it tonrun onto Persphones dress. Asaaj felt more power flowing though her than she ever had before too much for one vessel to ever contain. And in that was the point, she would force her essence to overflow from her body and into the chosen vassal, in this case it would be guided by her blood into Persephone. They would bond, and it would allow Asaaj to inhabit her body, wherever she was in the galaxy. Of so the ancient runes described, not all of the information was complete, and it frightened her, but if she could connect to her, even for a short amount of time, she could find her love and use her dathomiri magicks to teleport right too her. It would take so much power to do this. And she knew it may be a one way trip, until she returned she was no longer an Imperial, she was a nobody, she would succeed, or she would die.
"let me in"
The ritual continued on and on, ripple in the force spread around Asaaj as it threatened to overload her, she howled into the night, and little little the bond was forming. She screeched as more of her blood was spilled. Persephone would feel the essence of Asaaj, clawing at her mind, if she didn't accept it Asaaj would fail and it would be over, but if she opened her mind, Asaaj would give her everything and Persephone would see the ritual unfold. Once completed, the teleportation ritual would be the next step.
"I will be with you soon"