Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dancing the Night Away

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

Noah Corek Jr. danced like his life depended on it, it didn’t but this was currently the most fun that he had partook in in quite awhile. His life recently had been merc job after cargo hauling job after bounty hunting job for the last few months and while his bank account was flush with credits because of it he needed a break now more than ever.

It was with that in mind that when he landed on Coruscant to take on some fuel for a trip to haul some cargo to Alderaan, he’d decided to forgo the job and spend a little time on the ecumenopolis instead, his dad had always extolled the night life on Coruscant so he had decided to see it for himself.

And it was with that he found himself moving to the flow of the electronic music currently blaring through the speakers of a club called ‘The Fountain’ in the Uscru Entertainment district. Aptly named for the large, rather comically large, amount of fountains scattered around the exterior and interior of the club.

He moved his body, almost dancing around the other patrons, making sure not to bump into anyone and trying to be as coordinated as possible, a hard feat considering the three shots of tihaar he had consumed before seeking out the dance floor. He couldn’t be fully coordinated and before too long he found himself accidentally bumping into a white haired girl. “Chit! Sorry about that!”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Dancing in the club, it was a great time to move her body in ways that were not combat focused and for her, dancing was a great cardio workout which would only help her fight better. At least that was how she justified her nights out at clubs and the ilk to her Master. The drinking was just a way to keep hydrated... At least that was her excuse which was likely the weakest justification in her desires for a night out. However, she had been working herself hard lately and her body needed a chance to go out and relax. A way to work out the stresses and stiffness that comes from fighting constantly.

Coming to Coruscant made sense since the city world had some of the best clubs and nightlife in the galaxy. She found herself in one club, dancing away, shaking her hips and eyes closed as she just felt the beat of the music move through her body. As she dancing to the music, she felt someone bump into her and snapped her eyes wide open to see who it was. Luckily she was as coordinated as she was meant that she wasn't knocked over by his firm hit into her.

"Didn't need to nearly tackle me if you wanted my attention, could just try saying hi." Lily teased with a slight giggle in her voice. She had assumed that this was some kind of move or stunt to get a chance to speak or flirt with her. A little vain but Lily knew many would think she was one of the most attractive in the club tonight.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

An eyebrow was raised in questioning when the
woman assumed that he had bumped into her on purpose but a smirk crossed his face when he heard the giggle in her voice. He looked the woman over real quick, trying not to linger to avoid looking like a creep. "Well it really was an accident but I can at least say it was a happy accident."

Deciding to test his luck he began to dance next to the girl for a couple of minutes, hips and body moving and gyrating to the rhythm of the music alongside her, matching her movements expertly, finally years of combat training under his father proving to be worth more than just being able to kill people.

Smiling down at the woman he jerked his head over to the bar a few meters away, offering his hand to her to lead them through the throng of people currently dancing around them. "Wanna get a drink? My name is Noah…in case you were wondering what to call me later tonight." Maybe a bit forward, but as his House motto went 'Luck Favors the Brave.
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She noted that he had spent the time to look her over, she didn't mind and couldn't help herself checking him out as well. He seemed a solid build which was good. Definitely someone who was active and getting into fights from the way he held himself, "sure." There wasn't a full belief in happy accident, Lily couldn't believe too much in coincidences and the like, though she did have to admit he seemed sincere.

The stranger then made the bold move to dance with her, moving in close and gyrating his body close to hers. It was certainly a move that she considered cocky but the music was pleasant and she was here to dance and let loose so she didn't protest. As long as he behaved himself.

Once the song finished, he gestured to the bar and she nodded, she was parched and a drink was a smart move. His offer of a hand to lead her was a little much in her mind, she did not take it, able to make her own way to the bar and not needing to be guided. She leaned against the bar counter and her steel gaze looked over to him. "Noah. Good to know, can let my friends know to watch out for creepy ginger Noahs when going out when I go home tonight." Lily smirked.

She wasn't going to be playing easy and he seemed to think a little too much of his skills so Lily was more than happy to tease him.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

He was happy, or at least relieved, when he noticed the woman looking him over as well. He could tell by the way she said “sure” that she didn’t believe too well in coincidences and that alone gave him more than a few clues. He was again happy when she didn’t immediately tell him to feth off when he began dancing next to her but deflated slightly when she didn’t take his hand, admittedly it was a bit forward and too familiar for two strangers who had just met in a club.

Leaning against the bar next to him he flagged down the bartender before letting out a full and amused laugh when she called him ‘creepy ginger’.
“Creepy ginger eh? That’s a new one. Most people say ‘weird knife-ear’ or ‘annoying buckethead’ when I talk to them. Care if I use that in the future for my Zinder profile?” He added emphasis to the knife-ear comment by flicking the tip of his rather obviously pointed ear.

The bartender, a typical looking Rutian Twi’lek, arrived just in time for him to finish his self-deprecation. “What’ll it be?” Junior made a show of thinking before ordering.
“A glass of Varos tihaar for me and whatever the lady wants.” He quickly placed a few credit chits down on the counter, more than enough to pay for his and her drink. “So…tell me why a fetching Jedi such as yourself is doing in a nightclub like this? Not the typical haunt I’d expect.”

The bartender arrived back with their drinks, putting Junior’s in front of him and whatever Lily ordered in front of her, and gave Junior his change which the man quickly deposited in the nearby tip jar. “Also: before you ask how I know you’re a Jedi…” He trailed off as he raised his hand, calling on the Force before quickly levitating a nearby bowl of legumes over to settle between the two of them on the bar.
Last edited:
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She tilted her head, she didn't think his ears were that pointed and wasn't even sure pointed ears were an issue. Felt strange to discriminate people for unique features, though she also came from a race that were near identical even when not related. At least to the eyes of those not Echani. So having features that helped stand out or were unique sounded like it had some appeals to her. Though she was not going to see out pointed ears or anything else to help her stand out. She was pleased with how she looked and the body she had worked on.

The annoying buckethead comment caught her attention as well, another Mandalorian. Her experiences with Broja had been mixed. He had been nice and very fun but there had been the issue of him disappearing and them being from rival factions. Mandalorians were a very fickle bunch whose support and allyship was not dependable. She was unsure how she felt about interacting with another one who was clearly interested in her in a manner that was more than simple friendship.

"Tequila, the bottle." Lily stated as she was going to pay for her drinks. She was figuring that he would not want one drink and it would prevent interruptions if she simply ordered a bottle.

Looking over to him, she was not surprised he had figured out she was a Jedi, she could tell he was Force Sensitive as well. Even if he wasn't carrying his Lightsabers with him, which in a club seemed a risky and unnecessary move. Anyone could steal them or even active the Lightsabers by accident. "Are Jedi not allowed to blow off steam and have fun?" Lily asked curious, "I like to dance, this is the best place for it." She added on.

"What brings a Mandalorian Force User out here? I thought the Mandalorians were rejecting Force Users?" Lily tilted her head curious.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

Admittedly as he had grown Junior’s eyes had blunted somewhat, turning more into what you’d expect from a human or near-human so it was rare to hear the ‘knife ear’ comment anymore but it had been a common jeer he had heard as a child. But as an adult he didn’t let taunts and mean words like that bother him anymore and the comments made simply flowed down his back like water off a duck…unless they were made about someone he cared about, then the young man tended to become…fervent in his response.

He knew that his veiled comment about being a Mandalorian had most likely caught her attention, it was meant to of course. Most in the wider galaxy had a dim view of his people and weeding out those who did and didn’t was part and parcel for him no matter where he went. Seeing that she didn’t immediately tell him to feth off upon learning his particular cultural background. Though the two of them did share a cultural connection as even though his mother was currently Zorren, her original body had been Echani and she had instilled much of this heritage in her children when raising them.

An eyebrow was raised when she inquired for a bottle of tequila, quickly downing his small glass so it would be empty upon the return of the bartender with the aforementioned bottle. He had placed down more than enough credits to pay for a bottle. When the bartender placed down the bottle and a glass for Lily he gestured towards it in a ‘after you’ manner, filling his own glass after her.

He shook his head when she asked if Jedi were not allowed to blow off steam. “That’s not what I meant, Jedi are people too, you are entitled to blow off steam, just didn’t think a nightclub was a place I’d find one.” When she mentioned her love of dancing he nodded and smiled. “Yeah I saw, you’re pretty good at it.”

Her curiosity about him being both Mandalorian and a Force user was expected since the two were usually mutually exclusive. “What brings me here? Well I just got off a job delivering some cargo, supplies to help repair the Temple. Not much but honest work.” She was right to think Mandalorian rejected Force users, many did. “Most clans do reject them but my clan is…different. We don’t see being a Force user as a bad thing. My mom is actually a Force user…though she isn’t Mandalorian.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

"Not many Jedi then." Lily smirked, she had taken a group out to Eshan to clubbing and dancing when she was early in her tenure as a Padawan. It had been a great night of dancing and she had gotten a chance to spend some time with Broja without the Enclave or the New Jedi Order knowing that they were secretly dating. That had been exciting and Lily loved the thrill of it, though she also just loved the ability to get the Jedi out of their temple and relaxing. "I know a plenty Jedi that love to dance and cause trouble in a club."

She grinned when he complimented her dance skills, "I am brilliant at it, thank you." Slightly correcting him on her skills, she was a little proud of her dance skills since they were often connected her skills in fighting and she was firm in the understanding that she was a fantastic fighter.

"Celebrating a finished job then?" Lily asked as she poured her drink and then slid the bottle over to Noah so he could pour his own drink. She downed the tequila easily and with practiced skill, ready to pour herself another glass. "That is interesting to hear. Mandalorian clans seem to vary as much as people do." Lily commented, wondering how many were not as distrustful of Jedi and Force users as the ones she had previously interacted with were.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

He raised an eyebrow at her words and chuckled. “And what makes you think that? I actually know a few Jedi, thank you very much.” While another may have name dropped the Jedi they knew Junior was surprisingly humble about who he knew and what he knew and would only state who exactly he knew if pushed. He nodded to her words with ease. “Yeah, some of the Jedi I know definitely seem the type to blow off steam this way…but from what I know of them they’re not the typical Jedi…hence my surprise of finding a Jedi that’s not them here.”

He full on laughed when she gently corrected his compliment, finding her confidence in her abilities endearing if nothing else. “Alright alright, you are an amazing dancer. Happy?” While the words were said with a hint of sarcasm they were genuine and he made sure to keep any sense of deception out of the Force, knowing full well she might sense it.

He nodded when she spoke of celebration and smiled at her. “A little bit of that mixed with a little bit of having been working too hard aaaand a little bit of not wanting to move onto the next job.” Taking the bottle after it was passed to him he poured a generous amount into his glass before passing the bottle back. Downing the drink with as much ease as her he nodded when she spoke of his clan’s uniqueness. “Yeah, most aruetiise…sorry, non-Mandalorians, don’t take the time to learn and think all Mandalorians are one monolith.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

"I say it because I know plenty who would blow off steam this way, they just focus hard on missions and you couldn't tell it from just seeing them on mission." Lily pointed out, she wasn't that surprised that the Mandalorian had known Jedi or even worked with them. From the sounds of his clan and ways it seemed like he was usually around Force Users and had some ideas formed on the Jedi and their ways. Lily didn't mind demonstrating that they were incorrect ideas, especially since he had some experiences with Jedi who weren't that different. "Perhaps that is their belief that they are not typical Jedi, but meet enough that all enjoy similar things and realise that things aren't as different between Jedi as some wish to be."

Drinking another shot of tequila, she smirked and shrugged her shoulders. "Hard to say, you were only alright so maybe your compliments are not something I need." She giggled, obviously teasing him for attempting to be sarcastic with her. She wasn't always to best in understanding why some people like to be sarcastic but she enjoyed teasing back when she could.

Nodding her head, she listened as he explained his reasoning for sticking around. He also poured himself a shot. "aruetiise was something I heard a lot of, I got it's meaning early on." Her time captured by the Mandalorians of the Enclave meant that she understood some basic words in Mandalorian. A lot were the more unsavoury words she would never dare utter.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

“I’ll admit, a lot of the Jedi I meet aren’t exactly in…social interactions I guess you could say so my opinion might be a little skewed.” In reality Junior really hadn’t interacted with many Jedi outside of missions and such and this was possibly the second longest amount of time he had spent with a Jedi in a social setting. He chuckled at her words about getting enough like minded Jedi together and looked down to his drink, swirling it around before downing the contents before reaching for the bottle to refill it. “I could say the same thing if you got enough like-minded Mandalorians together…unfortunately in the history of the galaxy that tends to not be a good idea.”

He chuckled at her teasing, a fair response to his sarcasm but having grown up in the house that he did sarcasm was part and parcel of daily conversation between him and his siblings and even his parents when he was feeling brave. “Fair, my mother taught me how to dance but unfortunately it was more the formal type of dancing so I haven’t really got the whole shaking my shebs type of dancing down pat yet.”

His eyebrow was raised when she mentioned knowing the meaning behind the word aruetiise. “So you’ve spent time around Mandalorians…can’t say whether that’s good or bad. Guess it depends on the House’s and Clan’s you spent time around…” He knew that some of the House’s and Clan’s around the galaxy weren’t the most hospitable to Force wielders.

Downing his shot once more a thought entered his mind. “You know you still have me at a disadvantage…you know my name but I haven’t caught yours yet.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She shrugged, "maybe. Mandalorians tend to be more stubborn in their core beliefs and clan mentalities. Jedi can be a little more fluid, though, from my experiences at least." Lily met several Mandalorians stubbornly believing they were in the right, doing the correct thing even when evidence was thrusted in their face of their crimes. "Hopefully in the future there can be a gathering of Mandalorians that does good." Lily wasn't holding any judgement towards the group, even though she had been imprisoned and tortured by a large group of extremists.

"Ballroom dancing can be nice but never going to use those skills in the clubs around here." Lily pointed out to Noah, "though I am sure plenty of ladies love that fact about you." Lily wasn't showing any feelings of being impressed by the fact herself.

Lily breathed in deeply and took a deep sip of tequila. "It wasn't the best, but not everyone was terrible." Thinking on the few that she had been able to connect with and get along with. When Noah pointed out that she hadn't given her own name, she smirked and shrugged, "maybe I don't wish to share my name yet, maybe I don't trust you enough." She fell into another bout of giggles.

"Lily. My name is Lily."
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

He would admit he had to agree with her estimation about Mandalorians and their beliefs. “That’s the main problem with my people…most of us are unwilling to adapt, unbending to the galaxy and its changes. Admittedly some of our traditions are good but a wide many of them are not.” He downed another shot of tequila before reaching for the bottle to refill his glass, starting to somewhat feel the heat of the liquor pooling in his stomach. “While I hope you are correct…I won’t hold my breath."

He chuckled at her words on his ballroom dancing skills. “Yeah, I can’t really see many of the patrons of a place like this know a good Alderaanian Waltz.” He shrugged when she mentioned the ladies loving his skills. “To be honest? Most don’t get to know me that well. As soon as the topic of my cultural heritage is brought up, they label me as a ‘savage monster’ if you can believe that.” It was more of a statement than anything and while it was tinged with a slight modicum of sadness he wasn’t fishing for pity.

He mirrored her actions and took a sip of his own tequila and winced when she confirmed his suspicions that her stay with his kinsmen was not exactly hospitable. “Well then let me be the first, if I am, of my people to apologize for any maltreatment you received.” An eyebrow was raised when smirked and shrugged before he nodded his head with a grin. “Smart lady, holding out information when you’re not sure if you can trust someone.”

When she said her name he mulled it over in his head. “Lily, Lily.” He let the name roll off his tongue, as if testing it. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She shrugged, "it isn't they wouldn't enjoy the waltz, it is just not the style of dancing they are seeking right now." Lily pointed out, "this is dancing to let loose, to dance without care of being seen. This is dancing to avoid the fears of war over take you." Lily mentioned, there were plenty of hints that war was going and it was likely to be a war that lasted a long time. A fear that grew in her about what there could be lost and what could happen to her friends. She just wanted to make sure they were safe.

"People like the make assumptions on cultures foreign to their own. There are a lot of ideas and beliefs on Echani culture that isn't accurate." Lily commented, there were lots of cultures and a lot of stereotypes about them.

Lily smiled politely, "plenty have apologised already for the events that happened, myself included." She knew there were errors in her actions that led to her being captured and under her Master's guidance, she aimed to never make a mistake that massive again. "I know all too well about the dangerous of being too open and naïve in front of strangers."

Shaking her head, his compliment was still cheesy in her opinion, "my family have a tradition of the daughters being named after flowers. All except for my aunt." Her aunt was named differently due to her grandmother's refusal to name her aunt and her grandfather doing it instead.

"What about you?"
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

He listened carefully to her words and had to admit she had a point, there were times where he enjoyed listening to what could be described as classical music and then of course there were times also where he just wanted to listen to something he could thrash his head and body to. When the topic of war was brought up his mouth pressed into a grim line. “I’d say war is already here…I was at Eiattu 6. Can’t say I blame any of the people here for wanting to cut loose, if Eiattu was any indication it’s not gonna end soon.” When his sentence finished he slammed back the tequila before filling the glass again.

He nodded to her words on culture and chuckled. “Oh I’m well aware of the negative connotations of both Mandalorian and Echani cultures…my mom was born Echani so besides my Mandalorian upbringing she also instilled a lot of her culture into me.”

He could tell that her time meeting his kinsmen wasn’t something to prod into and instead decided to follow the flow of the conversation into names. His compliment was a product of both his upbringing and seeing his parents interact, his father often leveling cheesy compliments at his mothers and also his more physical affections though he doubted those would be well received by Lily at the moment.

His head nodded to her explanation, a good family tradition in his opinion. His face twisted into a grimace when she asked about his name, not of pain but of being about to admit something he didn’t particularly like. “I’d like to say my name is unique among my House…but it isn’t. Hell it’s not even unique among my immediate family. My full name is Noah Corbulo Corek the Sixth, my father is Noah Corbulo Corek the Fifth…so as you can guess instead of calling us both Noah my family simply coined a nickname for me…Junior.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She shrugged, "I guess people would say that the war between Jedi and Sith has never truly ended, merely paused from time to time before inevitably starting up again." Lily was mentioning a pessimistic view but it wasn't necessarily how she viewed the matter. There was some truth to the words however, the war between the Jedi and Sith never seemed truly over, only suffering periods of breaks during massive conflicts that changed the galaxy a lot of the time. There was rarely a war that didn't having lasting impacts, whether for the better or worse.

It was interesting to hear that Noah's mother was Echani, it was rare to know an Echani who would marry a Mandalorian. Their culture was a stark contrast with the Echani ways. She wasn't sure how one could cope with the large differences but did not comment, she had no understanding of Noah's parents and how things worked between them.

"Oh. That is interesting... Any reason for keeping the name for six generations?" Lily could not think of a reason she would want to ensure her descendants were keeping her name alive, besides pure vanity and belief it keeps you alive beyond the memories of your existence. Though she also knew that was a narcissistic decision if that were the case which would be concerning.

"Junior is cute." She finished her tequila shot.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

He chuckled and took another shot of the tequila, the alcohol admittedly starting to get to him. “You sounded like my father there for a second saying things like that…he’s a historian among many other things and loves to draw parallels between current conflicts and past ones. I always assumed it was just him trying to make things make sense in his own mind…maybe the old mans on to something though.” He never thought he’d agree so wholeheartedly with something his father had said.

Junior was glad that she didn’t react too much, at least outwardly, when he admitted his mother’s ethnicity. He often found that while talking with Echani people they had a habit of commenting on his mother marrying a Mandalorian, and they often weren’t complimentary to either of his parents.

Then she asked about his name and he rubbed the back of his neck as he began to formulate his response. “It hasn’t been a straight six generations thing. Before my dad the last ‘Noah’ was born about…five hundred years ago I believe? The reason for it though is because…well when it comes to my House and Clan I’m basically a prince. So choosing a name with a history behind it is kinda tradition.” He said it in a rather matter-of-fact way without any pomp or arrogance, almost as if it was a burden.

An eyebrow was raised when she called his nickname cute, a slight blush coloring his cheek as he felt heat rise up the back of his neck. “Uh…thanks...nobody's said that before."
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She leaned against the bar and shrugged her shoulders, "some might call it a pessimistic view and that what the Jedi causes more harm than good. However, that isn't necessarily true." Lily could feel a little tipsy but she knew it would be fine, she had a decent understanding of the Force to avoid getting drunk. It was something that she realised quickly was very useful in everyday life where other Force powers were not as convenient she felt. Lily looked over to Noah, "well, listening to your elders is always a good idea, even if you don't always agree. So maybe you should take board what he says more often."

Lily placed some credits on the counter and brought another few tequila shots since it seemed like Noah was interesting in striking a conversation with her.

"Tradition to repeat a first name? Seems odd but if that is your tradition, I hope it brings you the luck that your father wished it to have." Lily came from a strong matriarchal society and home, her family name was Decoria and came from the women in the family. It was important to her family and respecting the ways that Echani culture continued forward.

Though not everyone thought that way and it was clear that Noah's mother felt that way as well since she didn't fight for him to have her family name. Lily drank her shot and shrugged, "nicknames are cute, especially when bestowed by family." Lily had never really had a nickname, her aunt would call her a couple terms of endearment but nothing that she would share publicly.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

Feeling the alcohol getting to him, Junior gave himself a small break on the tequila shots, even though he was sure with the Force and his biology he could easily stand to go a few more rounds, he found that he wanted to be able to remember this night. “I wouldn’t call it a pessimistic view, I’d call it a realistic and honest view.”

He chuckled and shook his head at words about their elders. “I take a lot from what my parents have taught, both physically and mentally…the good part about growing up with three parents from three different cultures is you get a lot of different ideas, sometimes in overtaxing but you get used to it.”

He shrugged at her question about repeating the name before downing one of the shots she had bought, his gentlemanly upbringing chiding in the back of his head that he hadn’t offered to buy the next round. “For a name to be repeated is House Corek it has to have some significance behind it. For me and my fathers name the significance is that the first member of our House to be named ‘Noah’ was a member of the Cuy’val Dar who trained Clone Commandos for the Republic in the Clone Wars…the ones who take his name are expected to do great things.”

He nodded when she mentioned nicknames. “My family is big on nicknames, maybe that’s because of such a large family? My twin Morgan is called Mo or Momo, as much as she insists on being called just Morgan now that she’s an adult.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

It was curious that Noah had been raised by three parents, it was something that she hadn't seen before but it seemed to be very informative for learning different cultures and understanding more ways of life. "Interesting."

She tilted her head, it seemed overly superstitious holding significance around names but it was something that was clearly important to this Mandalorian Clan/House so she wasn't going to judge it too much. Mandalorians tended to take a lot of pride in their clan names and the significance that name can have. "How do you feel being the sixth person with this name?" She was curious if he felt there was any power or pressure that came from having this name thrusted upon him from birth.

"A twin is fun. I never had a sibling. Always wanted one." Lily mentioned, taking a sip of her drink, looking around the bar. She could feel it was getting late and she knew she had to get up early for training the next day.

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