Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dancing the Night Away

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

He was somewhat glad that she hadn’t dug deeper into his comment about being raised by three parents, he often found it hard to explain to people who hadn’t been introduced to his family dynamic before. “Yeah it was definitely…interesting growing up in a home like that, takes a special type of family to pull it off but we did it.”

Then Lily asked the million credit question: how he felt about his name. This was something Junior had wrestled with since he could understand the weight of being named after both his semi-famous father and his ancestors who were famous within his House. He looked into his glass for a few seconds as he formulated a response. “I feel proud and…nervous. Proud because my dad thinks I’ll do great things but nervous…well nervous cause I might let him down.”

Throwing back the shot after answering he wiped his mouth and chuckled at her response to him being one half of a pair. “You’d think. Don’t get me wrong I love Morgan and she’s closer to me than almost any other people in the galaxy…and sometimes that can get a little annoying. But yeah…still love the chit outta her.”

Seeing her looking around he figured she was noticing the time of day and she looked down at the chrono wrapped around his wrist, indeed confirming that it was getting late. Looking back to Lily he decided to try and shoot his shot. “So…do you wanna get outta here?”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Nodding her head, "living up to the expectations of our families can be tough. But sometimes it is important to remember that we don't owe them to live up to the life they envision for us. We are independent people who should pursue our own dreams and just live up the expectations we hold for ourselves." Lily mentioned. It was something her aunt told her when she feared that becoming a Jedi would not live up to the expectations that her mother had for Lily. It was a lot of concern that Lily held but her aunt reassured her that living the life best for Lily would be the best expectations that her mother had and she would accept it.

"That's nice. To always have someone who has your back, no matter what." Lily commented since she didn't really have that for someone similar in age to her, "sweet that you care about her." She smiled warmly, stretching her body and pushing against the bar.

Hearing the offer from Noah to get out of here, clearly together and she could tell he was shooting his shot, she smirked over to him, "that's a sweet offer. But I think I should head back to my place rather than heading out with someone I just met." Lily didn't want to sound like she was being disinterested or rude in her letting him down, she just wasn't sure how she felt about the guy she only recently met. "Perhaps we'll meet again."
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

Junior listened to Lily as she spoke and nodded with a smile, her words filling him with a bit of confidence he hadn’t had for a little while, something he’d admit very few had been able to do in a long time. “Thanks…I think I needed that. That weight hanging over me is uh…one of the reasons I left home and began doing well what I do now, no one is putting chit on me and I’m doing what I want to do.” As if to punctuate his words he quickly threw back his drink, all but slamming the glass back down onto the bar.

He chuckled and nodded to her words and shrugged. “Eh, it's the consequence of sharing such a confined space for nine months, I kinda feel like I owe her for hogging all the legroom.” He chuckled at his own joke before shaking his head with a smile when Lily mentioned caring about his sister. “She’s loud, she’s obnoxious and she’s opinionated but I love her all the more for it.”

When she shot him down a slightly crestfallen look came over his face before he quickly recovered and decided to take another shot at least having some more time with her. “Well if you insist on going home then I insist on walking you home at least…” He smiled at her, pushing himself away from the bar, throwing some credits onto it as a tip before gesturing for her to lead the way.
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She shrugged when he mentioned that weight was looming over him, "it will still weigh you down. Doesn't matter what I say. If you wish to resolve it, sounds like you need to speak with your father on it." Lily wasn't trying to sound like a therapist but her aunt was probably rubbing off on her too much and it was slipping out. She did note that he was drinking a fair amount in short succession, it seemed that there was a lot surrounding the issue that laid on his mind. Hopefully it would be something that could be resolved with ease.

The talk on his sibling was curious. He was mentioning things that people usually considered complaints and negatives but then stated that he loved his sister more for those reasons. It seemed contradictory to her but then again, she had an inkling of that mindset, her family were people that she could find annoying and unlikeable at times but she also deeply loved them, respected them and could not trade her family for anyone. So she figured that was likely the case here.

When Noah mentioned that he was insisting on walking her home, she felt a moment of being stubborn and refusing it. However, she could also tell by his crestfallen expression that he was likely vying for more time and conversation with her. "You can walk me part of the way. Not letting you find out where I live, acceptable?" Her tone suggesting if he did not accept her terms that she would not walk with him at all.

Lily was not looking for a partner or a relationship this night or any time soon. And having a guy she just met know where she lived seemed too much like a step in that direction for her.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans -

Junior sighed and looked towards the ceiling at Lily’s words about speaking with his father. “Yeah you’re probably right about that too…it’s easier said than done though.” In reality Junior had been trying to avoid going back to Alderaan for some time now but in the back of his mind knew that this next job he was taking would bring him home and knowing his father he’d probably be at the spaceport waiting to talk to him.

He knew that the way he talked about his sister was…unusual for someone who didn’t know their family dynamic and even more so considering they were twins but he didn’t care, she was his sister and he could talk about her however he pleased, but Force help anyone who said anything bad about her because he would break every bone in their body for speaking ill of her or anyone else in his family.

Junior made a show of mulling over her offer of partly walking her home but eventually nodded his ascent. “Good enough for me…I can tell arguing is gonna get me even less than that so no use.” Standing from his stool, making sure to steady himself against the bar, more from an overabundance of caution than actually being that drunk before gesturing for Lily to lead the way, having learned his lesson from trying to lead the way to the bar.
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

It seemed there was a lot on Noah's mind when it surrounded his father and the legacy that Noah was being forced to live up to. She did not say anything more on the matter. It was for him to resolve and she was not seeking to sought out anyone else's family drama, especially since she was generally avoiding in dealing with her own if it could be helped.

When he rose from the bar, Lily observed that he was not overly drunk and nodded her head, "smart move in not fighting me." She said bluntly, demonstrating she would not have approved if he had tried to. She was head strong and knew that she was more than capable in handling herself when walking home alone. But she allowed for the company since it did make walking a nicer experience, that she could not deny.

"So, what else did you wish to speak about?" Lily asked, curious to see what else Noah was interested in, walking and enjoying the cooler air of the night that reminder her of home. Eshan was an eternally cold world so lots of other worlds were very warm. Jakku was ridiculously hot in her mind but it was where she was training with her Master currently. Her heels clicked softly on the ground as they walked.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

The young Mandalorian had more than just his impending talk with his father on his mind. Having basically ran away from home, well more snuck away since he was an adult at the time, under the noses of his mother's he also would have to apologize to them for that little transgression as well and knew very well how they could be when they felt slighted, memories of his father all but groveling and being for forgiveness for transgressions filtering into his mind.

He chuckled and shook his head when she mentioned him being smart in not putting up a fight. “Grow up in a house with two strong-headed mothers and just as many sisters of the same temperament and you learn pretty quickly that sometimes it's just a good idea to let them win.”

As they entered the cool night air of Coruscant, Junior entertained the idea of offering his jacket to the young lady before quickly quashing the idea, remembering as an Echani her tolerance to cold was much higher than most other humans and near-humans. Her question made him pause in thought but not step as they walked in sync, the steady rhythm of her heels giving him a sense of ease for some reason. “Hmmmm how about ‘21 Questions’? You ask a question, I answer and then vice-versa.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

One problem that Lily found with Coruscant was that the night atmosphere was not as visually pleasing. Looking up, one could hardly see the stars and the galaxies up in the sky. Instead there was just the bright light of the city that seemingly never slept in some form or fashion. She walked and thought about her plans for the next few days before she headed back to Jakku, wondering what other trouble she could get up to while she was visiting the city world. What other items of clothing and dresses she could wear.

When she was asked to come up with a question, she tilted her head, she didn't have a question formed in her head when she had mentioned to Noah to ask. She had assumed there was already a question or conversation starter that he had in mind since he was the one wanting to walk her home. However, she thought on it for a few moments and considered what were the things she was interested in or what were the questions she could ask. "You mentioned one of your mother's being Echani, what was your fighting Echani fighting form?"

Clearly Lily was never going to be defeating the allegations that she was a fighting/sparring fanatic and part of her didn't mind that, she was keen on fighting, it was something that she was great at and she loved spending her time doing. It also meant a lot culturally to her and understanding what were the preferred styles of people was a step in understanding them better.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

Much like Lily’s dislike of not being able to see the stars, Junior too disliked this. Having grown up on worlds like Carida and Alderaan the young man was used to seeing the wide open sky and the stars above him. While he had never truly appreciated this as a child he had recently come to hold a higher degree of appreciation for the stars as he traveled among them. While waiting for his companions' reply he’d began thinking of the things he’d need to do before leaving for Alderaan and then what he could do for leisure once his chores were complete.

He chuckled at her question and was not surprised that she had asked it, she was Echani and he knew from his mothers teachings growing up that their shared culture revolved around combat and sparring. “Hmmm well I’d have to say the second form. I’ve only learned the first two forms, mom didn’t think I was ready for the final form yet. Now my turn…”

Once again he made a show of thinking on his question before deciding to keep to the vein of fighting and sparring. “Alright, what is your preferred lightsaber form?” They were both force users and they both had lightsabers so it made sense he would be curious to see what her preferred form was and he would of course supply his if she asked.
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Listening, Lily was intrigued that he had only learned the first two, there had been other non-Echani who had been able to learn all three forms. However, it did make some sense in her mind, she was not sure how much Echani was in Noah, but based on appearances, there seemed to be very little. It made sense that he was likely to struggle more with learning the combat style, especially since Lily had only learned and basically mastered all three due to the fact she was considered a prodigy in the eyes of her mother and aunt. Her combat prowess was far more advanced than it should be for someone of her age.

"Easy, Vaapad." Lily stated simply, answering the question without even thinking much upon it, deciding to give a little more, "it is the closest the Jedi get to a combat style similar to the Echani style of fighting. Still very different and there is plenty that one needs to be careful when it comes to that fighting form, but it is the closest."

"I have been learning all the other styles as well and taking the time to master them as well, they all have their pros." She added, being open about her dedication to combat and her training. "What is your preferred Lightsaber Form then?" Deciding to keep the combat talk going and curious to see what type of fighter he would be.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

It was somewhat of a sore topic that Junior had not learned the final form of the Echani fighting styles. It was not that he didn’t want to or lacked the skill to do so, quite the opposite in fact as he had taken to the forms quite easily. It stemmed more from the fact that was a product of a mixing of two peoples that quite often didn’t mix and he had struggled to find a balance for himself culturally, with this even bleeding into the style of fighting he exhibited.

To say he was not surprised when Lily quickly answered his question with Vaapad would have been an understatement, the form fitting both her personality as far as he knew and her cultural background. He listened to her explanation of her preference to Vaapad and was somewhat self-satisfied that he had pegged the forms' similarity to the Echani fighting style as her reason for practicing it.

“Well growing up I preferred Niman and Juyo, these being my mothers preferred forms as well. But as all kids do when they grow I began experimenting and found myself gravitating towards those two forms mixed with Jar’Kai and Trakata. A little unorthodox but ‘unorthodox’ is the story of my life and family.” He shrugged with a grin before beginning to formulate his next question. “Alright, since we talked about forms let's talk about your saber itself. What kinda is it? Standard, crossguard, double-blade?”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

It was interesting hearing the different forms that Noah held an interest in. The form Niman was a jack of all style combat and Juyo was meant to be similar to Vaapad, from her understanding of things. Jar'Kai was something she had been learning to mix well with the two Lightsabers she currently owned. Trakata was a tricky form, it was one that many saw as dishonest and without honour, so for someone who was a proud Mandalorian to be adopting a form known as a fighting style lacking honour was intriguing.

When asked about her own Lightsaber, she decided to focus on the one that she made and not on the one she was gifted. While she was not a ashamed of the gift, making sure it was secret allowed Lily to use it in a surprising manner. "Crossguard Lightsaber, cyan coloured blade and hilt long enough to be held in one or two hands for combat." While she wasn't much on weapon talk, she understood that would be something more appealing to a Mandalorian to go over weapons.

"What are yours like? I am guessing you have multiple since you are going down the Jar'Kai route." A style of combat for two Lightsabers, she was curious to hear what his were like.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

When it came to Junior’s use of Trakata it came down to his clan's esoteric philosophy when it came to ‘honor’ or the concepts surrounding it. It boiled down to the simple mantra his father had taught him and his siblings ‘There is no such thing as a fair fight’. In more complex terms it mattered little how the fight was won but that it WAS won. Throw sand in your opponents eyes, attack them when they are most vulnerable or at a disadvantage, etc. Of course winning in a fair fight was seen as more honorable but not exactly the be all and end all of honor.

He nodded at her description of her lightsaber. A crossguard saber was definitely unique, not a type of saber you saw often. “Crossguard? Very unique. Cyan colored crystals are also very hard to come by from my understanding.” It made a certain amount of sense to him, a unique lightsaber for a rather unique person. When she asked about his he nodded in confirmation to her guess. “Yup, got a standard blade for offense and a shoto I use for defense. Orange colored blade. The crystals are rather unique since their family heirlooms.”

Deciding to shift away from weapons and combat talk Junior tried to think of another lighter topic he could steer the conversation towards. “Hmmm what do you like to do in your leisure time? I already know dancing and drinking, I assume sparring because, not to be racist, your Echani and exercising simply from looking at your physique. What else?”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Lily shrugged her shoulders, she hadn't thought about how unique her weapons were nor had she thought about the colouring on her Lightsaber too much. The Force had helped her by guiding Lily in the direction of the design and it helped form the style of combat that she was focusing on.

"Shoto makes sense, more common than attempting to wield two full sized Lightsabers." Lily stated, while some did, it was a tiring job since the weapons still had a weight to them and the length was something to be cautious about. "Interesting. I found my crystal on Naboo with my Master. It is meant to be a unique crystal with special properties but I have yet to unlock the full potential." She hadn't spent the time mulling over the design of the Lightsaber, nor had she spent the necessary hours fully connecting with the crystal to gain the most benefit.

"Sparring, dancing, shopping and studying are currently all the things I have time for in my life, and even shopping is something I am doing rarely." Lily was not someone with many hobbies, she had her interests and she was honed in on them fully, "I suspect, by the time I finish my training as a Jedi Knight, I might have more time to spend to develop hobbies again. Though I could become even busier than I am now, especially with the Sith ever present as a threat."

Looking back to Noah, "what about your hobbies?" She paused in the street, looking around, this was as far as she was going to let Noah walk her home but she was allowing him the chance to answer her question and offer one more question if he held one.
Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Outfit: Jacket - Shirt - Jeans - Shoes

Being Mandalorian the young man had put more thought into the construction of his weapon than you’d expect from someone who used a lightsaber, though it was also because among his clan a personally crafted weapon was seen as a extension of one’s self and therefore one often put great care into making it reflect themself.

“I tried a lot of different saber types before I nailed it down to the saber/shoto form. My mother wields two standard sabers so I tried that out, found it was too cumbersome for me and a double-bladed saber wasn’t it either.” He chuckled thinking back on his various funny moments trying to figure out what exactly fit him. “Ironically it wasn’t until later that I found out that my fighting style mirrors my fathers pretty well. We both prefer a shorter blade to defend and a longer one for attack.”

He nodded his head when she explained how she had acquired her crystal. Junior admittedly knew that the way he had acquired his crystals was odd since most force-users, or Jedi as far he knew, had to go on a journey of sorts to acquire a crystal that called to them. “My crystals were passed down for the last two thousand years. Force users are a rarity among my House, only a handful crop up each generation and so we often keep the Kyber crystals from the previous generation and pass them down, often to direct descendants. Mine were my great-great grandmothers.”

Her interests didn’t surprise Junior in the slightest, Lily seemed the type of person to be highly focused on improving and moving forward so they seemed to fit her well, though shopping had indeed piqued his interest. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled when she asked him about his but it was only fair. “Well training, exercising, reading and cooking are about the only things I can get up to in between hyperspace jumps so that’s about it.”

Junior had noticed her looking around and deduced that this was going to be where the two of them parted ways. Reaching into his jacket he pulled a flimsi notepad and pen from one of the pockets before quickly scribbling something before ripping the page out gently and neatly before extending it to Lily. “I uh had a good time tonight. My comm channel if you ever find yourself wanting company again.”
Location: Coruscant
Attire: Casual
Tag: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Listening it was interesting seeing the passion for a very specific aspect of a Force User's lifestyle from the angle of someone not obsessed. Usually she was hyper focused on the details of combat, but seeing the details that Noah was displaying when he spoke of the weapons. It was cute to see that passion in another, it gave her a frame of reference and allowed her to see what people saw in her. She just allowed him to talk as she stood there and listened to how he detailed the crystal was a generational heirloom.

Something she hadn't even thought about. Clearly there was some sense there and Mandalorians already had a similar tradition with how they viewed their armours, beskar plates were passed down and reused. It made sense that they would see Lightsaber crystals in a similar manner. She wasn't sure if her children would ever have need of hers, or even if her grandchildren would. Though the thought of her having either at the moment sent a shiver, that was something for later down the line. Years away in her mind.

For now, she was just enjoying the time she had training and being free spirited.

"Fair enough, I am sure that you will get a chance to find some new hobbies, I mean playing board games or card games is a good way to spend time during travel from what I have heard." Lily mentioned.

Taking the piece of paper, she noted the comm channel and nodded her head, "sure. I'll think about it. And who knows, we might cross paths before that during a mission or something." Lily mentioned, unsure if she would reach out via comm channel.

She gave Noah a final smile and waved goodnight before she walked back to her place alone.

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