Armand Temi
Location: Dathomir
Uncharted Sith Alchemy Lab
At this very moment, Varas felt as though she was unraveling from the inside out.It’s my own fault, she thought as she lay on an untidy slab of stone, a surface stained with blood and bile and other unidentifiable liquids. I pushed Primat away. I disavowed my father. And this is what I get.
I get what I deserve.
It didn’t used to be this way. Once upon a time, I frolicked on beaches, chasing colorful parrots with my lover. I met his parents, trying to hold myself together - my nervousness and my expectations. Saw the exact same thing in his glacier blue eyes.
And it both enlightened her and terrified her.
So much that she’d left it all behind in a reckless night, stealing a TIE fighter and leaving behind the world she knew so well.
And how sheltered I had been, she thought.
And now Varas couldn’t quite tell where she was. She guessed her location to be Dathomir, though she’d started out on Coruscant in an Undercity gambling den. It wasn’t the first time, she’d run off, but it might as well be her last. She put her credits on black and then, eyelids heavy, she faded away, the same color swimming in her vision.
Once the brunette clone awoke, she realized she was an experiment in Darth Endel’s laboratory, and for the first few days she was strapped to this same slab of stone as alchemical toxins ran through her bloodstream, causing her the most feverish dreams. Some of the dreams were not too bad, especially when [member="Primat Ren"] came to her, the two of them discovering together all of the things beyond this mortal realm.
Yet when life raft of consciousness rose her back to the surface, the Knight of Ren was terrified by what was going to happen to her. Darth Endel must be operating outside of the realm of the Empire.
In a slow, benumbed voice, Varas attempted to threaten him. “Doesn’t the First Order have a treaty with your brethren, Master?” If she didn’t call him Master, he’d whip her pale, skinny back with a neuronic whip. And while the Sith Lord was normally taciturn and wordless he answered, “I’m a free agent, operating on my own.”
“Why me then?”
“Because your unstable emotion makes you vulnerable. I’m going to cure you of that once and for all, young one.”
Chillingly enough, this was something Varas’s father, [member="Kyrel Ren"] often said to her, but she hadn’t believed him. Can’t I be a human with a full range of emotions and be a solider and a Ren?
But what it seemed like Darth Endel strived to do with the burning chemicals which rushed through her veins as he injected her with various fluids was make her into more of a monster than she already was.