Dante Sotari
Rook to Knight Four

(+) Steady Hand, Steady Heart - Dante is trained as a sniper and demo expert. These two things require an ability to shunt all other things aside and focus. As long as she can focus herself, she can calm even the worst case of nerves in most situations.

(-) Hunted - Dante knows that someone wants her dead- the same person who murdered her husband. She doesn't know who, or why for certain, and the knowledge that person is out there follows her. This can lead to trouble sleeping, paranoia, and a difficulty trusting others.
(-) Alcoholic- While it isn't yet interfering with her ability to function, Dante is well on her way down the road of an addict. A drink or three at night to dull the paranoia, the loss, to relax, let loose- whatever the excuse is, it changes from night to night, but a night without a drink in her hand isn't a night that's closed yet.
(-) Running - Where most people would want to know the who and the why..... Dante doesn't. She thinks if she runs far enough, denies it hard enough, it'll never shadow her door. At least, that's what she tells herself. But as seen in the Hunted disadvantage above, she can't actually get above it.
(-) Commitment Issues - Work, friends? Sure no problem. Relationship? Oh, no. No no no. We good.

(\ /) Sarcastic - Maybe it's her sense of humor. Maybe it's a defense mechanism. Who knows? But Dante isn't always a delight to talk to.