Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public [OOC Information] Dantooine Open - JESSE, ITS TIME TO SWOOP





The Dantooine Open

We are going to be racing on Dantooine Space Station right in front of a crowd in the grandstands. I spoke with the Diarchy, and not only are they cool with it, they want to RPly sponsor it!

We want to try and get one of the biggest turnouts ever on the site for a racing event. If your character does not have a swoop bike, don't worry - you can rent a DFS100 from the race coordinators, help sponsor a racer, or even act as pit crew!

As you may have noticed, in usual Ova Ziss fashion, he has an ulterior motive for organizing this race, which may or may not involve credits. The poster may provide a clue, wink-wink.

We will use the pod racing rules that people are already used to!

For the first lap, there are no limits to the number of racers.

I want to also point out that armaments are banned for these races because they are pro-league. If your character is caught using covert weapons (OOCly, rolls poorly), then they may be instantly disqualified by the racing officials. It is up to the racer whether or not they've been disqualified, or if they simply lost the race or fell too far behind. Keep in mind, too, that if other characters notice your weapon use, they may potentially report you to the racing authorities, which could lead to a rather under-handed and villainous win. If you catch cheating and want to RP that, please ask OOC permission and do the RP privately. The main thread will be only for the main race narrative, and we want that to be fun!

*Note: please ignore the special obstacles and read the track information below. The Dantooine Open has different obstacles. ;)

How the Laps will Work
1. We will roll all 6 posts of a lap, for all of the racers, in sequence.
2. We will then roleplay out the results of the dice rolls.
3. The racers stop their bikes after the final 6th leg, and they post an "#exit thread#".
4. There will be a private RP detailing what happened between one lap and another: intermission 1 (between laps 1&2) and intermission 2 (between 2&3). This is a good time for slice-of-life RP and for corporate RP about sponsoring racers for other laps. You can also talk to your pit crew, or even give an interview to the press! [ Serena Harth Serena Harth ].
5. The next lap will start as a separate thread.

We will do this process three times for each lap.

This means that all-in-all, there will be five threads relating to the Dantooine Open.



LEG 1: LONG STRAIGHTAWAY - The track has a long straightaway with boost to hype up the audience at the start of the run.
LEG 2: LEFT DIP INTO TUNNEL - A slight left dip; considered the easiest part of the track apart from the straightaway. Tons of boost pads here.
LEG 3: HARD RIGHTTUNNEL TURN - This leg tests the swoop bike's maneuverability, and that of its pilot!
LEG 4: HARD LEFT ONTO STRAIGHTAWAY - The pilot needs to switch the swoop from a left turn to a right one, avoiding a collision on this narrow track leg.
LEG 5: DRIFT LEFT INTO HILL - The pilot must maintain control of their swoop while drifting towards the hill section. This leg passes precariously close to a reinforced window, creating a unique distraction for the pilot.
LEG 6: HILL SECTION - There are artificial hills going up and down, then the racers turn left into the straightaway as they reach the stands.

Leg 1:
Boost Pads - If you roll 17 or higher, the next poster takes -1.
Leg 2: None
Leg 3: None
Leg 4: Heckling VIP Section - Even numbers take +1 to roll, but odd numbers take -1 to roll
Leg 5: Degenerate Drunken Pirate Antics - Odd numbers take +1 to roll, but even numbers take -1 to roll
Leg 6: None

All racers who place in the rankings on lap 1 will move on to the Semi-Finals
1st Place - 80,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Semi-Final Race.
2nd Place - 40,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Semi-Final Race.
3rd Place - 10,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Semi-Final Race.

4th Place - 8,000 credits and moves to Semi-Finals.
5th Place - 4,000 credits and moves to Semi-Finals.
6th Place - 2,000 credits and moves to Semi-Finals.
Racers who finish the race, but place lower than 6th place, receive their 1200CR entry fee back.
Racers who place lower than 12th Place are knocked out of the runnings, but they may still observe or pit-crew for other racers.
Racers who crash or who "nat 1" with no saving throw will be eliminated.
There will be an unlimited number of racers during Lap 1.

1st Place - 160,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Final Race.
2nd Place - 80,000 credits, but no forward position.
3rd Place - 20,000 credits, but no forward position.

Racers who place between 4th-6th place qualify for the final lap, but they only receive 1200CR.
Racer who finish lower than 6th place are knocked out of the runnings for the last race, but they may still observe or pit-crew for other racers.
Racers who crash or who "nat 1" with no saving throw will be eliminated.
There will be up to eight (8) racers in lap 2. Additional racers are at the discretion of the racing authorities.

The winner of the Final Race will receive 100,000 credits and the Dantooine Open Cup. The rest will receive an invitation to personally meet with the Diarchs and race sponsors.
The final race can incorporate up to six racers.
Additional racers may be permitted at the discretion of the racing authorities.
Racers who crash or who "nat 1" with no saving throw will be eliminated.

Please tell me your character name, your pit crew member name (if applicable), and the swoop you are using.

The first six people get forward position for Race 1!

The first race will begin February 1, 2025 (2/1/25) !

Racer NamePit Crew / HelperType of Swoop BikePosition on Lap 1Semi-Final Position Lap 2Finals Position
Lap 3
Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano NoneDFS-1001 [Forward][Race on 2/15/2025][Race on 3/1/2025]
Valery Noble Valery Noble Vera Noble Vera Noble DFS-1002 [Forward]
Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Saul Whesai Saul Whesai Courser Racing Motorcycle3 [Forward]
Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Diarch Reign Diarch Reign DFS-1004 [Forward]
Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg aka "The Crimson Baron"NoneDFS-1005 [Forward]
Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris NoneZ-956 [Forward]
Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos Guardian Crotchrocket7
Mr. Usher Mr. Usher [Self - NPC Crew]DFS-1008
Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar NoneDFS-1009
Eupheira Besserit Eupheira Besserit NoneDFS-10010

Media, Spectators, and VIPs

Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Leader, The Diarchy Faction(*Has a Big Announcement.)
Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Co-Leader, The Diarchy Faction; favored by the Diarchy to win the race.
Valery Noble Valery Noble Grandmaster of the Jedi Temple; favored by Galactic Alliance to win the race.
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Race Sponsor and Owner of Dantooine Space Station (*Has a Big Announcement.)
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen High Admiral of the Dark Empire - Formerly, New Imperial Order - Veteran fleet commander
Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg aka "Crimson Baron"Veteran of multiple New Imperial Order military campaigns; favored by the Trade Federation to win the race; Trade Federation may have hacked Crimson Baron into a forward position.
XaraXunia XaraXunia King of the Kobok Insectoid Race and "Conqueror of Koboth"; came to place bets
Serena Harth Serena Harth Press Box - Interviews with the Racers - Came to get the big scoop.
Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse Vendor - Deathsticks and other goods
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I'm a little confused by the rules but if people will bare with me I'll give it a shot!
Right on! It's okay, we will teach you how it works and help you with the dice rolls. It is similar to the Dungeons and Dragons d20 system.

Edit - You know what. Lets get one of those basic racers and send it. RELLIK FOR THE W.
YEAHHH, scootah brathahs! I added Rellik, and he will have a forward position.

Dani is in. Will update the bike later
Awesome! Let me know when you can.

Actually, I want to ask...will the track have any off-road sections? If possible (and if allowed), I'd like to take a motorcycle!

Ova Ziss Ova Ziss
Sure! I will allow it because your bike uses Repulsorlift. We will say RPly that the racing authorities didn't think to restrict them. XD

Also, the first few people to sign up now have forward position!
Early birds get the racing worms, eh! XD
Don’t know what good I’ll do as pit crew but I’ll sponsor the brother Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik count me there
YUSSS! I was hoping Reign would make an appearance! Added!

Does anyone else have pit crew characters they want to add?

EDIT: If you have pit crew, you are permitted to re-roll one failed or substandard roll once in each race thread. You can do this at any time.
For example, if you roll a "1" on leg 4 of race 1, but you have pit crew, you can re-roll and save yourself.

EDIT EDIT: NPC pit crew is fine if they are Codex Approved.
I'll race and pit crew myself on a rented DFS100

Can I fatally crash out by choice? (OOC intentional, IC accidental)
Yes, you can! Dang! That would be a great sabotage, if you roll for one!
You can be your own pit-crew if it is an NPC, and the NPC is codex approved. No problem.

Me! Memememe! I WANT IN!! vibrating in excited pilot
Hahaha, alrighty. Added!

I will be pit crew for Azzie!
Yay, pit crew! Added! I'm getting hyped now. Pit crews make things very interesting.

As of right now, Azzie will be using a modified and personalized Crotch Rocket set to repulsolift :cool:

It might change, but as of now that's the plan!

Ooooh, interesting! I like the look of it! Added! :cool:
Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Quick question, If I remember right (but I could very well be wrong), the dice rolls are hidden to everyone but the person who rolled, so is there a way you want to combat that or just use as is?
That being said, are real dice a allowed? I have this carved gemstone dice set I got specifically for Azzie and I would love the opportunity to use them! If not, that's totally understandable no worries!

ALSO, The creator of the Crotch Rocket is currently updating the sub, so I'll have a new link for you once approved.
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Quick question, If I remember right (but I could very well be wrong), the dice rolls are hidden to everyone but the person who rolled, so is there a way you want to combat that or just use as is?
That being said, are real dice a allowed? I have this carved gemstone dice set I got specifically for Azzie and I would love the opportunity to use them! If not, that's totally understandable no worries!

ALSO, The creator of the Crotch Rocket is currently updating the sub, so I'll have a new link for you once approved.

Alrighty then.

Ahhhhhh, the real dice problem.

I wish we could use real dice, but the problem would be verifying it.

I've found that the best way to do the rolls easily is to use the DND/Pathfinder Dice Roller, because it screencaps the day and time. Then you can just use your computer's snipping tool and host the screencap on something like imgur

I mean, I guess we could make it work if we had someone hold up a picture with the date and time, but that would be a heck of a lot of trouble. If we were doing only one race, it would be fine, but we have to make sure to do the dice rolls quickly.

What i'd suggest is to make the rolls in the DND roller, screencap, and then put [spoiler ] tags around the pictur.
OR take a verifying pic with your IRL dice with the date of your post in the picture, and then upload that picture.

This is my suggestion...

You can use the IRL dice roll.
If there is no pictorial verification of the day/time of your post next to the dice, then it counts as a 1.


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