Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darian Helsic


[SIZE=11pt]Darian Helsic[/SIZE]




~Sexual Orientation:~

[SIZE=11pt]1.905 Meters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]99.79 Kg[/SIZE]

~Hair Color:~

~Eye Color:~
[SIZE=11pt]Light Brown[/SIZE]

~Skin Color:~

~Force Sensitivity:~
[SIZE=11pt]Unable to make use of the Force[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Sith Empire[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]~The Legion[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]SIF-71 LMG, this bulky heavy weapon is the Major’s main weapon and practically his child[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]He likes to carry two SIF-57s, in case one is rendered useless[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Vibroblade, for the down and dirty[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]​Sith Imperial Legionnaire Armor Mk.2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While highly mistakable for a human, Darian is in-fact one of the exotic “Nishir” while almost indistinguishable from a normal human he has the benefit of night vision. Rarely too important, but it’s a useful trick to have.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He’s a brick of a man, built up heavily of muscle. Makes sense why he uses a heavy weapon as his main toy, doesn’t it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While he’s a solid brick of muscle, he’s far from a particularly agile man. Focusing more on raw power. Fitting.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While not always a fault, Darian can get stupidly stubborn when he starts fighting. He never retreats unless he absolutely, 100%, get a court-martial, has to. The man has a death wish, they say. Or the propaganda went to his brain.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Bedecked in near tribal tattoos of the Marauders he fought alongside on Phaeda the man is always said to have a stern face no matter what. Like something constantly has him upset, and hushed voices say he only smiles when the shooting starts. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With a stern face comes a particularly wide and muscular body, generally he is scrubbed as a highly intimidating man to deal with even when he isn’t carrying around his LMG, bedecked in enough scars to readily speak of his underworld past.[/SIZE]

Owns no personal ship


~Bounties Collected:~

[SIZE=11pt]Darian is scrubbed as many things, most of them revolving around a cold and cynical view of the Galaxy and it’s many worlds. But this trait leads right into another defining feature of the man: his complete and utterly loyalty to the cause of the Sith. Strange, one could say, because the force is null to him and it’s pull is never felt. But the cold dog-eat-dog mentality he sees in the Empire is a vision for the Galaxy he can get behind, to an extent, of course.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While easily describable as gruff, he’s not inherently unfriendly and gladly will engage in conversation if he deems it appropriate enough. This gruff demeanor goes to his very core, the Nishir has a knack for violence and the fight, speaking towards his younger days fighting [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]among[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Marauders on Phaeda before betraying them off to the Sith Empire. Never again will he serve [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]among[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] scum, and there is nothing that holds his distaste more than all those agents of chaos in the Underworld.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Phaeda should be a new word for mudball, they say. It is an unfortunate curse to be born upon such meaningless worlds, such dens of corruption and the underworld. Darian was one of these unfortunate souls who’s young life could easily be summarized by the same boring routine. That was how things were, it was boring, it was dull. He wasn’t rich and he wasn’t poor, he grew up in the masses and that was what drove the young Darian to get in with the rampant crime of Phaeda, but the most violent of them: the Marauders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Half a cult of a gang, they were near anarchists zipping around to despoil the distant settlements outside of the main spaceport. He embraced this, lived it. Tattooed his face, prepared his body, scars littered his body from the fight. But...he grew disillusioned: what was this life? He assailed the weak and the defenseless and contributed to the chaos, he wanted something else. Marauders made him strong, he was built to become a warrior, and now all he needed was a cause to get behind with his new found “good heart”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]What would this be? The Sith Empire. A strange departure from a mere Marauder but he welcomed it in open arms. He was able to embrace the cause of the Empire enough to where he became half a fanatic with his loyalty. Unwavering and steel-hard when he enlisted in as a soldier, it was a fine life to him and he proved to be a proper soldier. Well, almost proper. He proved he was...stubborn. He didn’t retreat and became quickly bored of the normal rifle, a hefty heavy weapon was what he wanted and he was quick to push for one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rough enough, but giving him his LFG was a fine choice. With his first of many pseudo-babies in hand he became a fine site in the ranks, leading from the front with an unshakable resolve that quickly spread to those around him. All this lead to the man becoming a Major within the Legion and a title he wears with pride.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With his Platoons in hand he has become quite the sight, he is rather ruthless in making sure his soldiers are at peek condition and he has taken part in this as well. Without being deployed, he feels it’s one of the only things to be done.[/SIZE]

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