Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Unknown World
Objective: ???
Valery Noble
Sars Sarad
Jack Sandrow
Arla Rodarch
"You must not know your galactic history - your apprentice does, as did Sasmay, before..." She trailed off with a pained tone, giving a surprisingly somber look and not wanting to bring up the demise of
Sasmay Cull
at the hands of a perverse and corrupted Celestial, used as an incubator for a parasitic lifeform Onrai had unwittingly unleashed on the galaxy. Seeing Arla's fighter making a strafing run towards them, the dark side being raised her hands, sending a great deluge of blackened lightning at the craft, seeking to zap its systems and hopefully send the resulting craft spiraling into a crash-landing with the unfortunate passing of its pilot.
Of course, it would never be that simple.
As the dust from the laser fire cleared, Onrai watched as Valery managed to, against all odds, persuade the enigmatic Force user, who apparently hadn't even intended to claim the bounty on her head, made an offer to her to meet on another planet and fight. To say she was bewildered at this course of events was putting it mildly to say the least. Valery was insistent on getting to the temple - and for one reason or another, this ronin seemed curious as to accompany him. "Don't forget that Jedi can lie." She said in response to his comment, bewildered at the suggestion he would blindly put his faith in whatever words the Grandmaster told him. She fully expected the woman would passively agree to meet him there, then blow him off - or better yet, have him arrested for attempting to, well, kill the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
"Now then, shall we get to the hard way?" Onrai said, stepping closer to Valery. She was going to get this bounty, one way or another.
The other fragment of Onrai that had not gone to the ruins left its clinging of the rocks, satisfied that Arla's fighter wasn't coming around for another strike. Slowly, then at a greater pace, it continued to travel up the cliff edge. The form had nearly reached the temple entrance in question - fortunately, it seemed that the last of the present people had nearly burned himself out traveling up the stairs - which meant even if he beelined it to the temple, she could outpace him and make entry before he arrived.
At least, that was the plan.
Objective: ???

"You must not know your galactic history - your apprentice does, as did Sasmay, before..." She trailed off with a pained tone, giving a surprisingly somber look and not wanting to bring up the demise of

Of course, it would never be that simple.
As the dust from the laser fire cleared, Onrai watched as Valery managed to, against all odds, persuade the enigmatic Force user, who apparently hadn't even intended to claim the bounty on her head, made an offer to her to meet on another planet and fight. To say she was bewildered at this course of events was putting it mildly to say the least. Valery was insistent on getting to the temple - and for one reason or another, this ronin seemed curious as to accompany him. "Don't forget that Jedi can lie." She said in response to his comment, bewildered at the suggestion he would blindly put his faith in whatever words the Grandmaster told him. She fully expected the woman would passively agree to meet him there, then blow him off - or better yet, have him arrested for attempting to, well, kill the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
"Now then, shall we get to the hard way?" Onrai said, stepping closer to Valery. She was going to get this bounty, one way or another.
The other fragment of Onrai that had not gone to the ruins left its clinging of the rocks, satisfied that Arla's fighter wasn't coming around for another strike. Slowly, then at a greater pace, it continued to travel up the cliff edge. The form had nearly reached the temple entrance in question - fortunately, it seemed that the last of the present people had nearly burned himself out traveling up the stairs - which meant even if he beelined it to the temple, she could outpace him and make entry before he arrived.
At least, that was the plan.