Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Dark and Dormant

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Unknown World
Objective: ???
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

"You must not know your galactic history - your apprentice does, as did Sasmay, before..." She trailed off with a pained tone, giving a surprisingly somber look and not wanting to bring up the demise of Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull at the hands of a perverse and corrupted Celestial, used as an incubator for a parasitic lifeform Onrai had unwittingly unleashed on the galaxy. Seeing Arla's fighter making a strafing run towards them, the dark side being raised her hands, sending a great deluge of blackened lightning at the craft, seeking to zap its systems and hopefully send the resulting craft spiraling into a crash-landing with the unfortunate passing of its pilot.

Of course, it would never be that simple.

As the dust from the laser fire cleared, Onrai watched as Valery managed to, against all odds, persuade the enigmatic Force user, who apparently hadn't even intended to claim the bounty on her head, made an offer to her to meet on another planet and fight. To say she was bewildered at this course of events was putting it mildly to say the least. Valery was insistent on getting to the temple - and for one reason or another, this ronin seemed curious as to accompany him. "Don't forget that Jedi can lie." She said in response to his comment, bewildered at the suggestion he would blindly put his faith in whatever words the Grandmaster told him. She fully expected the woman would passively agree to meet him there, then blow him off - or better yet, have him arrested for attempting to, well, kill the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

"Now then, shall we get to the hard way?" Onrai said, stepping closer to Valery. She was going to get this bounty, one way or another.


The other fragment of Onrai that had not gone to the ruins left its clinging of the rocks, satisfied that Arla's fighter wasn't coming around for another strike. Slowly, then at a greater pace, it continued to travel up the cliff edge. The form had nearly reached the temple entrance in question - fortunately, it seemed that the last of the present people had nearly burned himself out traveling up the stairs - which meant even if he beelined it to the temple, she could outpace him and make entry before he arrived.

At least, that was the plan.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Equipment : Beskad, Claw and Fang, Shotguns, Phazor. Schmetterling (Starfighter)
Objective : Protect Valery


The starfighter Schmetterling survived the strafing run that Arla put it through, and came around back toward the conflict on the ground. Arla took a quick scan of the situation and decided she didn't have time to find somewhere to land. "R9, take the wheel." She said, and popped the hatch over her head as she unstrapped.

Moments later the Journeyman Protector was sailing through the air on her jetpack as her astromech took the starfighter away to a safe distance to await her call. Arla rocketed through the air and landed beside Valery Noble, one of her shotguns levelled towards Sars Sarad. "Heya Val." Arla said, not looking away from the one her weapon was aimed at. "Gonna introduce your friend? Gotta be someone special to draw a blade on the Sword of the shabla Jedi, i reckon."

Lightsaber might be a problem. Arla surmised, assessing the other hunter. Possibly a force user too, which would almost certainly be a problem. Against that she had her wits and her weapons. She'd packed mixed loads, so her weapons held a fire and an ice round each. Best to be prepared when you didn't know what to expect. She was playing the cocky bounty hunter mandalorian, if that made them take her for granted, so much the better.

Valery could take the lead for now, this was her show. Arla was just the extra muscle. She'd let the Jedi Grandmaster make the calls, and play along. Later when they had a chance to talk, Arla could fill Valery in on her own scheme. First though, they had a little situation to deal with.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Onrai Onrai


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Unknown, Wild Space
Objective: Assist the Grand Master

Two on two, now. Jack slowly got to his feet, side-stepping towards the temple. As long as he kept them all in his sight, he would have no problem blocking them should they attempt to pass him. He had had next to no experience fighting other Force users, so this would be... interesting, should they all bum-rush him.

He watched allegiances shift, the weird cloud lady thing seeming to threaten all three at once. The Force was boiling now, tensions flaring and emotions unstable. And yet something felt off, something tickling at the back of his mind. What was he feeling? Everyone was here, no?

He knelt down again, clawed hand slowly sifting through the topsoil. Untenable decay and rot... if this place was to survive, it would need more life poured into it. Not that it was the right time now... He poured his Force presence into the dirt, seeking... he didn't know what. Some promise that it could be done? Some reason why this unlife persisted in this place?

That tickle at the back of his mind was increasing. Something asking, no, telling him to

Turn around.
Was it something Valery had told him? Something to do with the temple? He turned around and began to run towards the darkened doorway. He had to get there. He had to get there now. Time to go. Time to move.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Onrai Onrai
Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch


Yet, another player made himself known to this most dangerous game. Screeching through the sky came another ship. From the make, one would have possibly thought the Alliance had come bringing backup. A heavy, modern retrofit of a B-Wing. Yet, the Razorwing was not friend to the Jedi. It was marked in red, tribal patterns that culminated in a Mythosaur-like emblem near the cockpit. The ship passed by, followed by the sound of another jetpack descending, along with its user.

From all appearances, another Mandalorian. The red-decorated beskar'gam stood out against the snow, like the blood from a fresh winter's kill. The T-visor scanned slowly across the others. A couple Jedi, a Rodarch, and indescribable abomination. He knew he had no friends among these people, which made things all the more easier.

”Any other day, and I would count myself lucky for coming across so many with a price on their heads.” He joked with a gruff growl, ”I am Khama Fett. And I come staking claim on one of you.”

He pulled a bounty puck from his belt, which fizzled a holographic headshot of Master Noble herself before he returned it. His hands pulled out a twin pair of blaster pistols. His helmet stared them all down again.

”So, who's my first dance partner?” He quipped, blasters ready

A regular Tatooinian stand-off, if there ever was one.

Last edited:



Outfit: Factory Link
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I'll be there," Valery swore to him. She had no real desire to fight someone just as a way to test skill or for the fun of it, but she was going to keep her word, even though Onrai tried to claim that she wouldn't. All to ensure that she'd be able to reach the Temple and actually complete her mission. She had no time to waste, and was eager to turn around and head in that direction. But with Onrai in the way, she had at least one other issue to deal with.

But it didn't stay with just Onrai.

Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch coming down from above was a welcomed change of pace, but another soon approached. Khama Fett Khama Fett wasn't a familiar face to her, but his purpose was obvious.

Another hunter.

"I can't say I've met them before," she told Arla with a smirk, "But they're in my way at an annoying time." She glanced at Sars, uncertain who he'd be targeting. If he wanted his duel, the logical choice would be to help her get through Onrai and this new Mandalorian. But that meant siding with Arla as well, who had just opened fire at him from her ship.

What would he do?

"This is my final warning to all of you. Let me pass, or else the consequences will be severe. I have to go into that Temple."

Meanwhile, another part of Onrai and Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow were getting closer to the structure. Its pyramid shape was soon revealed, and so were the statues of ancient Force Users at the front of the Temple. Its doorway was shut — a massive slab of stone stood in place, and there were no obvious switches or handles to get through.

Equipment: Takoraas Duster, Armor, Lightsaber, Old Sin
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Khama Fett Khama Fett Onrai Onrai Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

In a Galaxy so large there were innumerable force traditions. The Jedi and the Sith perplexed him, much as he imagined his own tenets confused them. Accordingly for Sarad one could only know ones self and evolve through personal combat, to fight was natural and attuned one to themselves and the ethereal world that existed beyond the norm.

Another Mandalorian arrived before he could answer though this one seemed to be at odds with Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch after she had sided with Valery Noble Valery Noble . He'd heard what the silhouette, Onrai Onrai had told him too but he sensed no deception in the Sword of the Jedi; he could read body language and the inflection in her voice and he hadn't detected that she was lying to him. Sarad knew better than to trust easily but his read of people was often correct.

Maintaining his stance, which shifted to a right sided lead while his lightsaber blazed at shoulder height where he'd positioned it Sarad remained silent and narrowed his eyes as they went between one person and then the next…

"Very well."

…his answered was purposefully ambiguous, it would be difficult to tell if he'd was speaking to Valery or Onrai regarding what they'd said to them. Then his left hand opened, his elbow tucked close to his side against his hip and he made a crushing motion.

It was a conundrum; Sarad had fought for the Empire and collected bounties, he had fought on the side of the Brotherhood of the Maw seeking a target and now he fought with a Jedi---because he could not allow these Hunters to take what he sought.

His eyes had leveled on Khama Fett Khama Fett as his gaze passed between those present. Using the force Sarad's eyes flashed briefly, he saw the threads that interconnected them all. The Force flowed around each of them, like water and touched them even if they couldn't perceive it. As he made that crushing motion with his hand he applied a sudden telekinetic force to Fett, particularly the Mandalorians Helmet. Beskar, more commonly known as Mandalorian Armor was durable and Sarad knew he couldn't bend it to his will or crush it as simply as durasteel which is why he didn't try. The Telekinetics, sudden and powerful targeted Fett's visor with the strength to shatter it and the intent to either blind the Mandalorian unless he removed his helm or cause it to burst and send shards of the visors pieces both out and in to riddle his features.

At the moment it seemed he had chosen his side.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Khama Fett Khama Fett

Onrai watched as Arla, one of the Mandalorian Protectors, emerged from her fightercraft after the strafing run in question. This would make things a bit more interesting, certainly. She eyed the tired form of Jack Sandrow as he made it to the templescape, only to turn around - likely to pursue her other presence at the temple in question while this distraction continued. A shaded smile was perhaps barely visible on her face, the barest trace of notice she had perhaps given him.

Then came another Mandalorian. he entered the ruins similarly to the Protector, though his ship and demeanor were more than evident signs he was not here to aid the Jedi. She listened as he introduced himself, somewhat curious: there was no bounty on herself that she knew of, nor was there one she recalled for the Force-user of flexible loyalties.

Of course, this was also infringing on her own goals here.

Valery rather remarkably agreed to the terms Sars had put forward - and Onrai could, surprisingly, sense no deception from her. The Jedi Grandmaster put forward her plea to the group - it was one she found incredibly familiar. Onrai couldn't help but smile. "You know, this sounds awfully familiar to my own plea some decades back, and as I recall, that didn't stop you from interfering with work where the 'consequences would be severe.' As the gangers of Nar Shaddaa would say, 'fair game is fair game.' Besides, there's no Kaine to torment you at the end of this trip, not like last time."

Onrai took the opportunity of Sars making a move to slowly walk towards Valery in question. She fully expected that either Arla or the Grandmaster herself would make a move against her and chose to take a deliberately cautious approach. She knew that even with the Force aiding her enemy, she had stamina and time on her side, as well as durability - unless there were any esoteric rituals or particularly detrimental artifacts that her enemy or enemies had acquired for use.


As Onrai's essence reached the temple in question, she raised an eyebrow at the place's pyramidal form. Typically, this was a more Sith-like structure - certainly it wasn't anything like what she had seen from the Jedi. Perhaps this came from what the Sith once were before the Father of Shadows had irrevocably tainted them? Or perhaps it was something else from the great cults of the Old Ones or the Architects in question. There was certainly power here, though its purposes were yet obscured to her.

Observing the door being a giant stone slab, Onrai decided that perhaps the crowbar approach was best, at least to leave a more visible sign of her presence to the plant-person that pursued her. Her obsidian ink-form slithered into the crack between the bottom of the stone slab and whatever pathway led into the temple. Once she was reasonably certain she was in position, with a rush of power, she forced her presence to expand. Her intent was to use the tremendous rush of physical pressure to force the door open - and if it wasn't merely held down by weight, then to destroy any locking bars, or perhaps the door itself through the application of force.

Or, well, Anti-Force.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Equipment : Beskad, Claw and Fang, Shotguns, Phazor
Objective : Protect Valery


Curiouser and curiouser down the Jedi chase rabbit hole, as more contenders came out of the wood work, went Arla. She already had Sars covered with her shotgun, and she swiftly drew her phazor to cover the Fett Mandalorian who showed up. This one was a talker, which was fine with the Journeyman Protector, gave her plenty of opportunity to draw a bead on him. Potentially having a price on her head fascinated her. She'd have to look into that.

She gave the unknown Mando'ad points for style and bravery, and he certainly showed a lot of confidence. Plus, he was a Mandalorian which meant underestimating him wouldn't be smart, and Arla didn't, having drawn on him the moment he appeared. His choice of blasters seemed to her to be a mistake, if he was coming to hunt Jedi.

"You heard her. Piss off." Arla said, and almost fired a stun blast his way, but restrained herself. Valery had given them all a chance, and Arla would extend that chance, as far as it went. He'd move or be dropped where he stood. The phazor's beam was fast and quite effective, though she hadn't set it high enough to kill or vapourize the Fett. It was set high enough to stun a raging Rancor, so it would do a man in armour well enough.

She didn't want to kill a fellow Mandalorian, even a stranger, even one who was interfering with her business. But she'd fight for what was hers, and she wasn't going to hand Valery over to anyone, whether they asked nicely or with weapons. They would have to go through her to get what they wanted, and Arla wasn't in the mood to give easily.

"That goes for you too." she said to the saberjockey she was covering with her shotgun, but didn't yet fire. If he didn't take his leave, he'd also get shot. Valery had made her call, and Arla was going to back it up with everything she had.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Onrai Onrai Khama Fett Khama Fett


The move was made as Sars lashed the Force out against Khama. The Scion of Jango could feel a sensation of pressure on his head. He could hear the beskar creak but not budge. He could not say the same for the transparisteel of his visor. It began to crack, warnings in Mando'a flashing on his HUD. He quickly undid the hekm and tossed it to the snowy ground.

Skanah!" He snarled, a tinge of Kestrian slipping his tongue, ”You're gonna pay for that, jetii."

Khama was a follower of so-called “Way of the Mandalore.” Instead of a bare face, onlookers saw a man with a black balaclava-like mask with two eye ports. The skin around his eyes had been smeared with some sort of blackish grease or warpaint to further disguise his face. The only feature that could be distinguished was his eyes, dark brown in nature. And now they were furrowed in vehemence.

He raised his gauntlet, and pressed a button. Metal fletchettes fired off toward Sars, whining in the air. Whistling Birds. Whatever they would make contact with would explode. A test of those Jedi reflexes. He soon felt a gun trained on him, his eyes looking to Arla. He kept his own blasters to the side, eyes assessing his environment.

”Aruetii." He cursed her, ”Since when does a Rodarch give a damn about a Jedi?"

His stance was one of determination. Like Arla, the Mandalorian blood refused to let him back down so easily. Unlike her, he had no qualms of killing a fellow of his people. Mandalorians die by the blade or blaster, and they should be ready to face that no matter their opponent....even one of their own. He kept ready, awaiting the next move in this deadly dejarik game he found himself in.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Unknown, Wild Space
Objective: Assist the Grand Master (by way of the Temple)

Big door. Big bulky door. The shadows here were thick enough that he swore he saw some crawling into the door. He'd need some light to work.

Holding out one clawed hand, he summoned a particularly bright flower to the back of his hand, this one an offshoot of a Felucian native. A soft hiss of reactive chemicals, before the flower began to glow a bright yellow, more than enough to illuminate the door and frame in its entirety. Hrrmm... simple but effective craftsmanship. He couldn't see any hinges or weak points. The stone was weathered and aged, but still resolute and cold today. There was some other work at play - what, he couldn't say, but he wagered there was some Dark Side seeped into the masonry.

Nothing stood the tide of life, though. With his other hand, he summoned a root from the ground. The sickly bark quickly sloughed off, revealing regenerated xylum beneath, which crackled and regrew its outer protective shell. A wave of his hand, and the root snaked forward, smacking against the stone. It began to spiderweb over the surface, growing thicker and larger as it went, the Dark Side tinging the roots with purple blotches on its fresh green surface but not at all stopping them. Jack concentrated, feeling for the cracks in the door, concentrating on the ebb and flow of the Dark Side. The center of the door was weak... yes... there was a hole there. And... a presence?

He took a step back and instinctively hissed before he caught himself. There was someone already here -

And then the door exploded.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Onrai Onrai
Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
Khama Fett Khama Fett
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Equipment : Beskad, Claw and Fang, Shotguns, Phazor
Objective : Protect Valery


Arla watched as Sars cracked Khama Fett's helmet with the Force, and the Mandalorian replied with a volley of whistling birds. She didn't know the language, but people tended to curse in their mother tongue. And she knew a curse when she heard one. There wasn't much to see under the helmet, with the face still being covered. A child of the watch, perhaps, or a follower of the Way of the mandalore. Fairly irrelevant to the situation as it didn't change how they would fight, but a curiosity never the less.

Khama Fett didn't make any hostile moves toward Valery or Arla, and so the Rodarch held her fire for the moment. Arla growled unhappily. "Might take too long to explain to a Fett." Having already delivered a warning, her mood was quickly darkening, not appreciating her aliit being brought up in a less than respectful tone. She could snark at Clans too, though she didn't mind if the confrontation between Rodarch and Fett remained words instead of violence. There was enough potential for trouble with all the other variables present. Her reasons would remain her own for now.

For the first time she noticed the other presence, a somewhat of a phantom but definitely there and not a hologram. She couldn't tell the intent but whatever it was, was approaching Valery. Arla wished fervently and forlornly for a third arm to point that way. Her two hands were busy covering Sars and Khama. Arla wanted to ask Val to make the call, but didn't want to show any confusion to the enemy. She could fire her targeting shotgun in that direction without moving if she had to, but the Journeyman Protector still wanted deterrence in place of conflict if at all possible.

Then the explosion came from the Temple door. Arla didn't have any way to know for sure what had occured, but clearly someone had gotten to the prize ahead of Grand Master Noble. That didn't bode well for the situation. But she didn't move a muscle, keeping her shotgun and phazor up and aimed at the Saberjockey and the Fett respectively. This was still Valery's show.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Onrai Onrai Khama Fett Khama Fett




Outfit: Factory Link
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched, as Sars Sarad Sars Sarad cracked the Mandalorian's vizor with a crushing weight of the Force. A clever move that forced the Mandalorian warrior to remove one vital piece of his armor. She'd have to remember this one herself for future battles. Valery's focus didn't linger on the duelist and Mandalorian for long, however. Even as whistling birds began to rain down upon Sars Sarad, her focus turned to Onrai instead.

A darker, malicious presence that she couldn't allow to get in her way. A distant explosion near the Temple emphasized that feeling, so without wasting anymore time, Valery turned to Arla.

"Focus on her," she said. "We can trust the duelist, for now, and he'll keep the Mandalorian busy." Hopefully, busy enough for her to not have several people on her tail.

But even if she was late to reach the Temple, there was still hope. Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow had reached the structure as well, mere seconds before the blast echoed through the mountains. The stone slab that had covered the Temple's entrance had cracked and split open into two separate pieces. The doorway fractured, Onrai and Jack would look inside but all they could see was darkness. Even the light from outside was somehow kept at bay.

What was lurking inside?

Valery was determined to find out for herself, and suddenly moved towards Onrai with a burst of speed. She drew her weapon, but in reality, had no intention of wasting her time fighting. As soon as she reached Onrai —and whether or not the strange being decided to attack or make attempts to stop her — Valery phased and moved right through. Perhaps it was risky, revealing one of her crucial abilities, but she had to use it to gain some distance on the Temple.

She had to trust Arla to handle Onrai or follow after her.

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Equipment : Beskad, Claw and Fang, Shotguns, Phazor
Objective : Engage Onrai

"Focus on her," she said. "We can trust the duelist, for now, and he'll keep the Mandalorian busy."

The instant of release had finally come, and wound up tightly, flush with adrenaline and ready to rock and roll, the Marshal of the Journeyman Protectors was unleashed by Valery's call. Arla chose to take the request as a command to action, and trust to the Jedi's instincts. If it turned out wrong, it wouldn't be her fault. "Done." replied the Marshal.

Smoothly, Arla turned both her weapons upon Onrai Onrai . She put Sars and Khama out of the equation for now, against her own better judgement. She'd decided this was Val's show and she'd stick to the plan. Arla had no idea what threat was presented here, with Onrai, no way to know how dangerous her foe was. So, she went with the practical option. Hit them as hard as you possibly can. This was no longer a game of deterrence. Now they could play for blood.

Arming the phazor to full power was a matter of a blink command, and the target was easily within range, bracketed in Arla's HUD. Arla fired both weapons, blasting two Ice shells down range, freezing shards imbued with the Dark Side and an electrical charge. From her other weapon came a devastating bright light blast. But Arla wasn't finished. She added on the missile from atop her JT-12, firing that too as a final point on the assault.

A deadly beam of light shot towards Onrai, along with two guided shells, which blasted open to release a cone of deadly kiiricaabine and soulsteel shards, sharp as razors. And down came Arla's missile, at point blank range.

Arla was already holstering her spent shotgun and pulling its twin from its place. By the time the phazor cycled, she'd have another two shells to go in case there was anything left of the enemy. Whatever the shab it was.

It was better to be sure.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow
Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Khama Fett Khama Fett

Equipment: Takoraas Duster, Armor, Lightsaber, Old Sin
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Khama Fett Khama Fett Onrai Onrai Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

He'd kept Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch in his peripheral but the majority of his attention had shifted to Khama Fett Khama Fett when he began applying the force to crush the visor of the Mandalorian. It had worked as intended, the Mandalorian had reached up and removed his helm. As Khama began removing his helm the telekinetic force would cease, Sarad needn't focus his energy on something that had become irrelevant.

With that done Sarad had only to adjust his right arm, angling it towards the Mandalorian while maintaining the horizontal guard of his lightsaber which continue to blaze and distort the immediate area with heatwaves. As Khama unleashed the 'Whistling Birds' another burst of kinetic energy ripped outwards from him. Not the force though. Bringing his left arm around Sarad had also set his hand over his right forearm.

The Kinetic Force was a blast from the 'Repulsor' fitted into the armor that he wore on the right vambrace, concealed by the Takoraas Duster that overlaid it. Unleashed as a wave of translucent energy that sent ripples through the air Sarad's intent was twofold and simple, one the kinetic burst would make contact with the 'Whistling Birds' as they were unleashed and act as a counter pressure which could have the potential to cause some of the projectiles to predetonate mid flight and two the kinetic energy was meant to throw Khama back and away.

As for the rest immediately after Sarad had fired his Repulsor he leapt up and away, carried high into the air by the force he'd have flipped backwards. Landing somewhere amidst the ruins where they did battle he'd have used the crumbling walls as cover for the projectiles Khama had fired to blast into. Despite this the explosions they'd cause would send showers of debris all around him.

When Sarad had re-emerged his lightsaber had angled forward towards Khama like he was aiming it at him, he'd brought it to height with his hip.

Advancing on the Mandalorian he meant to close distance with him now, a cut from the debris that had showered him evident over his right cheek causing crimson to leak from the wound...

"Do you have many more tricks, Mandalorian?"

...Sarad was at his best when he could close on his targets, what point was there in a dance from afar. He'd hear the blast from Arla's shotgun but at the moment it was a tertiary concern, something happening in the background.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Khama Fett Khama Fett Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

The hypersensualized fragment of Onrai was imminently aware of the activity by both Valery and Arla, her focus on every last sliver of sensation within the room. Every word seemed spoken not just with sound but with intent. Meaning. Purpose and goals. Textures made themselves known as though they were dataslates feeding information directly to the psyche that was yet made manifest. Onrai was not particularly surprised at the move by Valery to phase through her form - though the slight draw of Force energy she got as the intransient form of Valery passed through her inky physique was appropriate enough compensation for the blow. Once the Jedi had passed through, the false deity sought to put her use of the Anti-Force to work, using it in a simple way: to try and grab the Grandmaster's long locks and yank them back towards her with almost whiplashing force. It was a grade school trick, but at the speed Val was trying to get away, it was possible that if her head was yanked back hard enough, she might stumble and fall if nothing else - or possibly paralyze herself with her own speed, however unlikely that was.

Regardless as to the outcome, the twice-false goddess had to bring her attention elsewhere - to the Mandalorian Protector. Sometime back, the semicorporeal being had come in her guise as the inheritor of the legacy of Via, the goddess who had triumphed over their ideological ancestors many countless millennia ago. She had offered to do for Mandalore what she had done for Ord Mantell: to restore the planet and turn it into a prosperous world, undeserving of its harsh climates and barren wastelands. Her offer had been rejected, and here was an opportunity for the being to showcase her lack of appreciation for the turn of events that had been made. The shade found herself forced to the side in an attempt to avoid the duo, but only the linear beam could be properly dodged, the soulsteel shards piercing through her form. The fragments remained within her as she brought a hand up, forcing the missile away and redirecting it into a column of the ruins that collapsed, encouraging the aberration to move closer forward. The Dark Side energy within the shards was familiar - and empowering, as were the arcs of energy that coursed through her form even as portions of her torso glazed over in a crust of ice.

"Not bad - though you hardly compare to the Taung." With a burst of telekinetic power, the frozen shards of Onrai's essence were torn from her very body, hurtled towards Arla with the same speed the projectiles themselves had been - along with the electrified metallic shrapnel itself, spraying toward her as a rush of obsidian energy momentarily poured from tears in what would have yet been the abdomen of the shadow-form. Perhaps it would do something to Arla - Mandalorian Iron was probably the only thing that could break Mandalorian Iron, after all, yet there were other tools to bring to the field: A hand raised to the atmosphere above them, a finger pointed, and a bolt of lightning yet struck from the sky, its arc redirected by the enigma towards the highly metallic plate of the Protector. Onrai knew there were many ways to fight, especially when it came to dealing with a ranged combatant, and this was going to be one of the most difficult battles Arla had ever come across in her years of fighting.


The fragment of Onrai at the temple site found herself feeling gleeful - the door of the temple had been broken, and the all-consuming darkness within it yet drew the shade in deeper. She left Jack outside, a deliberate act - the lack of light within the structure in question was a boon to her, an opportunity for her to gain situational awareness over him were he to inevitably follow whatever command Valery had given him to send him within the temple. She knew what he was. At one time, she likely knew how he acted and would react. All she could do now as her milky white eyes disappeared into the infinite abyss of the temple's anti-lumina was wait for the opportunity to pull the correct string.

That said, she wasn't going to make it particularly clear how much she yet knew of him. Not yet.

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Location: Unknown, Wild Space
Objective: Assist the Grand Master (by way of the Temple)

Jack paused in the entryway. That black something had got around him somehow; he thought that Valery had dealt with it, but it must have been more than she was expecting. He had to head in now. He didn't see an alternative.

Leaning down next to the door, he gently planted a small sprout in the dirt and poured some nutrients and energy into it. It would be his exterior relay for him while he traveled inside the temple. Turning back to the darkened entrance, he knelt down and plucked an off-white bulb from his shoulder. Crumbling it into a light powder, he drew back and launched the spores forward, using the Force to spritz the entire entryway, down the hallways, into every nook and cranny. He flexed his neck, letting the information swirl into view for him. The sizes and definitions of the walls, ceilings, and floors were still 'developing' further into the cavernous blackness, but he could now make out the rough shapes of the interior of the temple. Spore-based LiDAR. A slight smile creased his jaw under the helmet, and he was about to run in, before sensing the fight moving towards the temple.

Planting another little flower bulb near the entrance, he imprinted a few instructions onto it. "Okay little guy; when Valery comes by, please relay these words to her: 'Headed inside, pursuing shadow monster. Follow the spores. Will attempt to apprehend unless advised otherwise.' " He stood back up, and began to race inside, letting the false-color spore-laden information soak into his mind. Putting the Force into his strides, he began to race in, soaking in the rough physical information as he went.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Onrai Onrai
Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
Khama Fett Khama Fett


Khama smirked beneath his balaclava.

"I'm full of surprises," he retorted, raising his gauntlet. A stream of fire erupted from his flamethrower, surging towards Sars Sarad in a wave of intense heat.

With the flames providing a brief distraction, Khama activated his jetpack, launching himself backward to create more distance. As he soared through the air, he lobbed a sonic grenade toward his opponent, the device emitting a high-pitched whine before detonating.

Landing a safe distance away, Khama took a moment to survey the commotion outside the temple. The battle raging within its walls seemed to be escalating, drawing his attention away from the immediate fight with Sars.

Realizing the importance of the conflict inside, Khama lowered his weapons slightly.

"Truce," he called out reluctantly. "The chaos inside of that temple seems more important the quarrel of two hunters. We can split the bounty on the Jedi Master afterward."

He stood ready, eyes scanning for any signs of agreement or betrayal from Sars. He was still armed to the teeth with tricks and gadgets if the cloaked Force-Wielder still wished to pursue this fight.

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Equipment : Beskad, Claw and Fang, Shotguns, Phazor
Objective : Engage Onrai

"Not bad - though you hardly compare to the Taung."

Combat could oft be a game of inches and microseconds, and though Arla had quickly replaced her empty shotgun for a full one, and recycled her beam pistol, the quick return of the pieces of her target were too quick and too unexpected for her to avoid. Fortunately, they'd lost much of their sharpness and penetration power by being fused with pieces of her enemy.

Fragments pinged off her armour as no more than a minor distraction as Arla saw the figure's hand go up. She didn't need the Force to sense the danger, and blasted quickly to her left with a burst from her jetpack. Smoothly scraping her boots across the ground, she slid to a halt while keeping her target covered with both arms.

Not a moment too soon as the lightning blasted down to hit the earth where she had been. The damned tendril had seemed to be reaching out for her, and Arla didn't discount that it very well may have been. "Less talking, more dying." Arla said.

She fired again, the shotgun first, blasting two guided Fire shells at Onrai. These shells burst into a cone of shards of the same razor sharpness of the previous Ice rounds.

This time she stuttered her attacks, waiting a moment after blasting the shotgun before unleashing the Phazor's beam again. The shotgun rounds were guided, while the phazor was not, so she aimed for center mass. She was hoping to wrongfoot her opponent by mixing up her shot timing, even so slightly.

The Fire shards were a combination of isorite barinium and lum'baranium, nasty Mandalorian science. Their effect was to distort electromagnetic fields, and to burn respectively. The massive radiation output of the isorite emboldens and supercharges the lum, which gets hotter the more radiation it absorbs. This produces not only a disruptive effect, but a prodigious temperature which will only increase and later become toxic. This is not nice stuff.

Arla had seen the weapons tested, and read reports of the production, after she'd ordered them to be produced for her. But this was her very first field test against an unknown Force entity. It was proving not only to be a fun and diverting challenge, but an educational experience.

Ice didn't work, she'd try Fire. If that also didn't work, she might just have to resort to good old steel. She holstered her second shotgun, now also dry. There was no time and space now for a combat reload.

Arla was still testing. She wanted to know what she was fighting.

Then she'd know how best to kill it.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow
Sars Sarad Sars Sarad Khama Fett Khama Fett

Equipment: Takoraas Duster, Armor, Lightsaber, Old Sin
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Onrai Onrai Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Khama Fett Khama Fett

An Inferno streamed towards him. Without breaking stride Sarad would take the hem of his duster in his left hand, raise it up to shield himself and duck his head back back down behind it before he was completely engulfed. Thanks to the treated Maalraas leather incorporated into the duster the fire was at most a minor inconvenience and at best even less than that as it washed over him.

Blurring as the flames passed over him, a fact that likely went unseen by Khama Fett Khama Fett without the aid of the systems incorporated into his helm now that he'd lost it Sarad became a dervish. While Khama took to the air with the aid of his jetpack and threw the grenade Sarad moved faster, more swiftly than anyone should be able to under natural circumstances as the force compelled him. By the time Khama had landed, at what he thought was a safe distance Sarad was already on him while the sonics of the grenade blared somewhere in the background.

Up close and personal Sarad was not kind nor was he gentle, Khama was able to speak the beginning of his first word 'Tru--' before Sarad had reached out to clasp onto him with his left hand, hooking his fingers into the neckline of the Mandalorians armor in the process. In the same breath the lightsaber that had been angled towards Khama snapped outwards in a motion that saw it turned into a diagonal blow as Sarad tucked his right elbow close to his side. The Lightsaber meaning to cross over the grip of his own arm and bite into the weak point of the armor that permitted movement of the shoulder near the side of the clavicle on Khama's right before the blazing hot energy blade sparked as it drove itself down over the breastplate of the armor.

Even this was not the full extent of the attack for as Sarad gripped at Khama ion energy erupted from the arm of his duster, the miniaturized ion disruptor integrated into his armor unloading on his opponent. Ion energy was harmless, it was unlike blaster fire save that it would disrupt and destroy the equipment integrated into Khama's armor. His Jetpack, any other devices or systems that relied on electronics in the Mandalorians Armor would all find themselves shorting out, becoming inoperable.

Through the crackling of lightsaber energy and the spray of ion fire at close range Sarad only smiled, a thin and predatory expression...


...were actions insufficient to convey the message then Sarad had made it clear that he rejected the proposed truce. Khama couldn't have known it but Sarad had some history with the Mandalorians which made him less apt to consider the proposals they'd offer him.
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Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Tag: Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Khama Fett Khama Fett Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Valery Noble Valery Noble Sars Sarad Sars Sarad

The blast of shotshells struck Onrai with equal force as the last - to be followed momentarily by the blast of the phazor. Onrai observed the radioactive potency of these shards as they pierced her exterior - it was like a soft reactor in a way, the radiation emitted by one metal further being absorbed by another metal and gaining energy. She was forced to focus as the beam struck - finding that as the radiation was further infused into her form, so too did the blast stimulate these new shards of metal as well.

This could be useful.

As before, the shards of ultra-hot radioactive material came to the surface of Onrai's torso, gleaming white and even causing the barest edges of her being around them to smoke and sizzle from the head involved. This time, however, the telekinetic force was hardly a mere throw, but hurtled the swarm of fragments towards the Mandalorian at a near-equal speed to that which the shotgun had sprayed her with them in the first place. Whether the change of speed would do anything, she didn't know - Onrai was more curious at how defensive against radiation Arla's plate was. For now, barring flinging the high-rad shrapnel at her, there was no reason to attack.

Only to wait - and perhaps taunt her.

"The Doom of Ulmarah would be proud of your efforts - but even he fell before the Zhell. Don't waste your time - you'd be better off recovering the Roonstones of the Warriors of Shadow."


The essence of the other Onrai manifestation filled the temple, surprisingly seeking the structure's layout similarly to Jack's own methodology, and to the way she had found passage through the cave complex. Through further dividing her shadowed mass into smaller and smaller fragments, she was able to observe the temple's pathway similarly to pouring water through a labyrinth, the liquid rushing through each hallway and mapping out in outline whatever was going on. As Jack ambled through the darkness, a whisper seemed to speak to him.

You don't have to be the only one of your kind, Jack. There are more of you waiting to be uncovered, you know.

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