Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Dark Harvest: Containment | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Christophsis




Spread like wildfire, the Fireflash’s onslaught continues despite The Enclave’s best efforts of containment of the virus and the infected. Reason is swept away by a strong wind of panic -just as dangerous as the virus itself- as civil unrest is firmly prevalent across all quarantined worlds within The Enclave’s borders, creating perfect grounds for dissidence between Mando’ad and Aruetii alike, who both live and serve under the shadow of the same flag.

For too long discord has been sown into the peoples minds during this crisis. The time has come to put an end to the horror known as Fireflash; and the chaos and ruin it has brought with it.



Objective I
Across the surface | Roon

Another world falls victim to the merciless clutches of the Fireflash virus: Roon, the birthplace of both the Mando’ade and the Enclave, succumbs to the disease spreading like a cancer all across Enclave space. With martial law declared, and cordoned off from the rest of the Enclave space as per quarantine procedures since the day it was revealed that the virus took hold over the populace of Roon, chaos has dominated the planet since. Despite the best efforts of the brave men and women of Roon’s local planetary defense force to keep the peace, the situation is nothing short of dire as they wage a battle against the sea of infected across multiple sectors over the planet, in a fight for survival.

Drive back the restless and unrelenting tide of infected through iron resolve, beskad, and blaster alike. Provide relief to the beleaguered defenders of Roon, and begin search and rescue operations for the souls fortunate enough to have survived the initial outbreak.


Objective II
Medical Labs | Kamino

While the more conventional effort of cleansing the infection with one blaster bolt at a time continues without falter, a great endeavor has been undertaken by The Enclave’s brightest minds, those scientifically qualified to find a more permanent solution to the virus within the brilliantly equipped facilities on Kamino.

The effort to find a vaccine, or better yet, a proper working cure, is well underway. Assist the science team in their pursuit for a solution to the virus, whether that be to study the cadavers of the infected, or studying the patients whose stage of infection varies in severity, or to find and bring back newly infected people for scientific study and testing.


Objective III
Ra'ntisr Capitol Building | Hefi

As intergalactic conflicts and the spreading virus threaten the stability of Enclave territory, tensions have begun to rise between the ruling Mandalorians and the sovereign systems that agreed to join the Enclave’s territory in exchange for protection and freedom of movement.

Nation heads and representatives from the planets within Enclave space gather on Hefi in the Ra'ntisr Capitol Building to discuss the growing situation and how to move forward in these times of uncertainty. Can a peaceful and strategic solution be reached or will secession and war reign supreme in the Enclave territory?​



The loud screaming and gurgling was accompanied by bloodied hands slamming against the glass. There was no worry for containment breach, security made sure to contain them safely. The undead female twi'lik thrashed around, hopelessly trying to break out to infect the doctor on the other side of the glass. She was an Arkanian, wearing the proper work clothes. Her curled hair was pulled back and tied up, and her whitecoat flowed in the white room's air conditioning.

In another containment unit, fully protected soldiers were wheeling out another infected on a tightly locked table. Every limb was locked down, the chest, torso, and legs were all locked down. The head, mouth especially were bound and covered. It was trapped against the table.

The crew hooked up numerous monitors and chords, carefully avoiding any kind of contamination. The doctor approaching, looking down at the struggling infected with... kindness.

"I know, Garthlond." She spook in a calm, soothing voice, "I know you don't like when we do this."

She turned to a platter of tools beside her, picking up a needle and properly preparing it. "But we have to do this to save you. I am helping you, mindless and writhing as you are."

She started taking another blood sample from the infected, "I, Olaya Astropi, have seen your pain. And I have answered your cries."

She carefully removed the needle, stepping back as she and some nurses immediately started cleaning up the infected's wound. As the cleaned the needle, the doctor spoke with glee, "I will not only save the sick, but the turned as well. I, Doctor Olaya Astrapi, will cure Fireglash and save everyone!"


Observing the DNA sample taken from "Garthlond," on a computer screen; the pale doctor rubbed her tired eyes. This did not look good... The more samples she took, she saw the further implications of death's decomposition. She gritted her teeth, refusing to admit defeat. This was just an overworking necrosis situation! She could reverse the effects and regain their minds! She had to!

How else could she cement her place as such a brilliant doctor? How else could she gain the praise and admiration she deserved? The dark circles under her usually pale eyes were too noticable as she once again checked the status of "Alice's" expiraments. Responses to medications meant to calm the brain, responses to stimuli meant to calm the individual.

As she read through the unsatisfactory results, a nurse approached from behind.

"Doctor Astrapi, the latest vaccine test has failed. There is no sign of the virus dying to the serum."

Olaya gritted her teeth, "Even this more potent variant? We've pulled every trick we can!" Then remembering how the prior cure had just killed "Timothy," she asked, "And Delilah?"

The nurse coughed into his fist, "Er, 'Patient' 032 shows no changes from the injection."

Olaya sighed. "Delilah" was alright! She could still save her! "I need to see the serum formula again. This time, I will perfect my antidote."
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TAGS: Open

The situation on Christophsis was worsening with each passing day. The talk he had with Daraho Arvyd Daraho Arvyd was now in motion, the company needed to switch things up and get help from the outside if they hoped to survive.

Naturally Braxton made his presence known with a battlecruiser and a whole battalion of Hellions and GalacMed doctors to help the Enclave, while he attended the talks on Hefi to discuss the situation for his planet’s rights in Enclave space. He wasn’t going to risk open war on Christophsis against the Enclave if they came knocking, not when the “death” toll was climbing into the millions. The mercenaries were being used as a horrid mix of a police force and death squads, hardly what they were supposed to do.

Entering the conference room, the Director adjusted his tie and looked around, immediately helping himself to a mug of caf from a machine. He was a little disappointed when he didn’t see the hexagon logo on it.


Objective III
Ra'ntisr Capitol Building | Hefi

Mandokarla Speaker Runi Kuryida stood near the center of the chamber without her helmet present. The cloak of dark feathers, worn leathers, and scuffed beskar was enough for the informed to know her identity. Despite the agenda of this gathering, Runi had no intention on killing those present so the helmet would have been insulting. Even if most present wouldn't have been aware of the slight. Which was part of the problem, really -- those 'non'-Mandalorian didn't understand the people that had tried to assemble some semblance of order in their far-out reaches of the galaxy.

Her hazel eyes swept over the walls of the chamber for a moment. It seemed almost a ritual at this point that the Shaman should sanctify the room whenever large numbers gathered. This was no exception. While some might claim it was hyocritical, Runi saw no benefit of someone unwittingly being infected and sending the entire assembly into chaos. There was enough of that as it was. So, Runi reached out and triggered the glyphs encircling the perimeter to provide a defense against the affliction spreading across several worlds. This would be a sanctuary for calm, orderly discussion.

It took great effort not to sigh in that moment as a raised voice sharply accentuated the moment. Calm, orderly discussion indeed.

A slight turn of her head was the only indication Runi gave her attention was elsewhere, however. There wasn't time to stand around idly. Not that most others present would see the spectral 'assistant' at the Shaman's side. Runi's version of a datapad, but with genuine intelligence behind it. Yes, better most weren't aware they were present; which wouldn't be difficult given the relative lack of trained 'Force' sensitives around.

The spectral aide dutifully informed the Speaker of the ongoing disaster rolling across the plants. Efforts were underway to discover a cure, of course, while others fought to stem the tide of death and destruction. Whether all that effort was for naughty might come down to the outcome of the political assembly on Hefi, however.

Runi's slow travel through the chamber brought her near where the caf machine sat. It was likely to be a long day, after all. "Director Hoist." The Shaman stopped nearby and took to appearing to consider the beverage options situated before her now. "I have heard of your medical contribution of late. It is most welcome, and has not gone unnoticed." Nor the battlecruiser and Hellions, but Runi was often more interested in social services than war. Provided Hoist hadn't come with any nefarious plans in mind for the latter.

Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Open

Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Olaya Astrapí Olaya Astrapí

There is no technical term for zombies in a medical dictionary, but instances of 'zombies' have been seen in nature. One example would be caused by a fungi that could latch onto animals and change their behavior, though it isn't quite understood how exactly it is done. Fortunately this only effects smaller animals that are vulnerable with rudimentary neurological systems. This doesn't mean that there aren't any for bigger animals out there.

While fungi was still on the table, Todd kept it as an after thought. When someone had notified him of the scenario his curiosity got the best of him and he decided to check it out. Now he was in a medical lab with infected, but all seemed okay at the moment, no sign of breaches or trouble. Though Murphy's Law states, 'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.'

Todd was just an acting as a resident for the entire situation, he was seeing what they were doing to treat the disease. If he saw something that made no sense he may intervene to try and get the situation under control before anything could go wrong. All he needed to do was see a brain of an infected to try and determine what it could possibly be.

There is a protein known as Prion, it is known to cause neurological problems for many different animals. This is what he assumed it was as the signs lined up best with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), it was most likely not that disease exactly but something like it. Prion was a scary protein when it attacked the brain, it could do one of many things. The biggest issue would be future prevention if any of it gets into the ecosystem, that could lead to devastating effects.

Standing there Todd snapped back to reality, he had drifted for a while as they were trying new things to the subject. While technically he was an observer he was allowed to pipe in with his knowledge as he was told he would be an acting resident in this situation.

"If I may ask, do you think it could be a protein like Prion causing the issue? I might add that it would show differences in the brain structure. It could be why nothing is working, you're attacking the wrong thing." Though he had gotten there late and still didn't know what they had tried yet. It still could be a fungus attacking nervous system or he could be correct. Either way it never hurt to ask.


Braxton Holst Braxton Holst Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | OPEN TO ALL OBJECTIVE 3

There was something about the coming together of people that gave Hester a sort of chill that ran down her spine, just thinking about the opportunities. Like a predator that finds itself inexplicably dangling, unseen, above a large group of prey, she found an exhilaration.

She had done so for decades now. A lifetime it seemed had passed since her days on the floor of the Viceroyalty, exchanging retorts and delivering chilling speeches to delegations. It seemed so long ago that she and Bastille Rommer would quip and make dangerous accusations across the floor, Hester always defending the office of the Presidium, of the President. That is until she no longer needed its support, the moment she allowed the office to be usurped.

From her own position in the interior, as a Minister, she headed a department that could wield unaccountable power, to be dealt out and born as she saw fit.

She had seen the writing on the wall when the fall had come, her own assets and provisions made secure during her lengthy wielding of power sent far across the galaxy, safely taken care of until it was safe for their reclamation.

Hamra had been quite the departure from the beaches of Scarif, the glistening technological hub of a growing sector. She watched it from afar. She had learned of the ravages that the planet had undertaken. She had remained staunchly quiet about the entire affair. As Governor of a world newly entered into the Enclave, she would be interested to hear what had to be said. Her new relationship with the corporate entity known as Hex would always change a great deal.

"A great deal indeed," she muttered to herself, almost lost in thought for a rare moment. The women of poise and purpose was distracted.

She swallowed hard. She said nothing.

She felt eyes on her. She had been Governor of Scarif once, one of only two in its recent history. The second was likely here too. The one she had plucked from some banking family in Challon.


She took the majesty of the building in her stride, no less impressive than many of the other significant buildings of State that she had frequented.

The Viceroyalty. Now there was a building.

She eased with her usual persuasive saunter through the crowd, polite nods and bows from and towards various dignitaries. She spotted Holst. He was with one another.

She waited patiently, her long dress, lime green with white trimmed fur that ran along the edges, displayed like a giant fan around her, rich red hair flowing freely. She was trying to be enticing. Even as she advanced in age, she was still beautiful.

That she would always be sure of.
TAGS: Olaya Astrapí Olaya Astrapí | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


This was the last thing the young medical student expected on her part-time job. She wanted more experience, in this line of work it was crucial. She also wanted to help people, precisely why she decided on becoming a doctor. But to be assigned to a team to help the Enclave in finding a cure for this violent outbreak was the last thing she expected to hear. Being paired up with a sleep-deprived Arkanian giving the infected individuals names was also not helping the situation.

She was going to talk to the GalacMed higher ups once they returned to Christophsis.

Her gaze shifted to the Arkanian, Doctor Olaya Astrapi, as she listened to her talk. She looked back to the specimens strapped to the tables and locked behind the holding cells. They were all too far gone. The infection had already run its course, all the tests showed it. But reinforcing that with the Arkanian was the bit she didn’t look forward to.

”Doctor Astrapi… these specimens are too far gone. We’re going to need someone who’s been recently infected.” She spoke up with a calm voice. ”I don’t think that any of our tests will yield any results because there is nothing we can do for these people.” She walked towards her as she adjusted her coat.



Roon | Skyhold
Tag(s): Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

With the situation growing dire across the planet, Venari was of course at the ready to help, eager to get into some action.

The youth and her AI mother were aboard a
troop transport along with Tayl and Viper team, seeing as Venari was able to be quick enough on her feet with that heavy repeater of hers.. Well, it would make swarms go down like flies hopefully.

As they started to arrive to the drop point, Venari would be gazing out of the cockpit window, it had been some time since she had been here on Roon. Both her and Mother recognized the area where they were to be dropped, it was the old area where the Black Hand used to operate.


The name still sounded funny to Venari as she said it within her mind to this very day, remembering the first time she heard it spoken by Aloy. Yet now all her eyes could see was the flames and smoke from below, sounds of pure chaos unfolding. Back then she would have been scared just thanks to the sights and sounds of it all, now though, now she had a burning passion inside that fueled the youth like a machine built for war.

"Drop ETA two minutes! Weapons at the ready and armor tightened, the directive is to aid what remains of the defense force within this area, sweep and clear this area and find any non-infected persons. This ship should pick up rescued persons as we find them and take them to a designated safe zone after a careful examination is done on them."

Mother had spoken through Venari's holoprojector, letting the whole team know of the plan.

"Been a moment since we were both here huh Tayl? I wonder if the old Black Hand hideout would make for a good spot for the defense force to hold out and keep rescued people? Guess we will figure it all out as we go eh?"

Their destination draws ever closer, Venari checks her gear one last time to make sure everything is in working order..

"Drop ETA one minute!"

The AI chimes in one last time, letting everyone know that the drop was soon upon them.


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Vemric Keldra




TAG: Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Open




The governor's fine-silk robes billowed behind him as marched toward the conference hall.

It had been far too long since the chambers had been used to its full extent. A pity it had to be under such dire circumstances.

The tall, regal frame of Vemric Keldra entered the chambers, a brow already aloft as he spied some of the attendees that had arrived. One of them none other than Hester Shedo Hester Shedo - the once Viceroy of Scarif.

The brow lofted higher, threatening his impeccable hairline.

His robes billowed behind him again as he swept into the chamber proper, people parting before him like a sea as he made his way to the ex-Confederate. It had been so long ago, but there had been a time when he had been on the privy council of the Queen of Naboo - he remembers the delegates of the Independent Systems well.

"Mistress Shedo, what a surprise to see one of your...reputation here." he said, sounding bored as usual, even as he pointed out the double nuance in her reputation.

"What brings you to these discussions?"





Olaya turned to the armored doctor with clear offense, "Do you take me for a fool, Doctor Graker? Of course I tried that! I am a brilliant Arkanian! Only a dumb gundark would not have tried!"

It became even more frustrating for Olaya as from behind her, that medical student started spewing everything Olaya refused to admit.

The Arkanian harshly turned around, stomping as her arm swiped through air, "Silence, student! They are not too far from me! I can rescue them."

She lowered her arm, hissing, "Your inferior medical knowledge cannot see what we Arkanians can."

She twirled away, whitecoat flying harshly as she marched towards the laboratory, "I need the latest DNA samples from Delilah and Grog. Stat! This time, I will focus more on boosting the body's immunity while attacking the virus."

Another nurse piped in, "Doctor, these infected have no immune systems to speak of-"

"-I will artificially create one! Using the same techniques used to create the Quermian species as well as cloning, give them the boost they need."

Doubters. All of them. Olaya had what it took to save these poor infected, trapped in insanity. It would be the fest to glean all the attention and respect she craved. Even her mother would be proud! Perfection was the goal, and she would settle for nothing less for her patients. She started working immediately, determined that they were wrong and she was right.

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker Laura Reese Laura Reese
"The Misfit. One and only!"



Roon | Capital City
Equipment: In Bio.
Tags: Open For Interaction!


The outbreak, and the destruction it brought in its wake had caught up to him.

And the young Misfit thought he would be way ahead of it according to his calculations; a straight shot into the Core after a brief stop on Roon to stock up on some stuff and refuel.

He was now caught under planetary quarantine; the exclusion zone on the entire planet was set in place before he could refuel the Basilisk Wardroid lended to him for his personal use by his Clan Chief, the revered Shaman ( Jos Krayt Jos Krayt ), and continue on with his journey, to find a place he could call home.

He could not risk an attempt to make a break through the exclusion zone out of the virus ridden planet of Roon. Not only would that be very foolish of him, going against the law, as well as the naval elements in orbit, he would not be able to live with himself if it were to be his fault that innocent people on other worlds he’d stop by, during his self imposed exodus, would contract this infestation because of him.

He had to follow through with the quarantine procedures and protocols for this, when this was all over; he would not ever try to leave Roon sooner than that.

He could, however, speed up the process by assisting the defenders.


The Misfit, who the blood of the infected dribbled off his armor, sat cross-legged on the roof of a high rise apartment building; his left vambrace raised before his eyes horizontally, the young man tapped away at the touch-pad of the computer terminal mounted onto his left vambrace in a manner seemingly detached from his surroundings, mostly deaf to the animal-like guttural growling of the infected roaming the streets unopposed, several stories below him.

Leaving infected masses unprovoked, with the blood of the infected he had put down not long ago still fresh on his armor, masking his scent with ease and cleverly fooling their heightened sense of smell, tricking to believe them he was one of them, the kid’s presence atop the roof remained concealed to them as he interacted with a pair of probe droids via his personal terminal.

He had read of the known capabilities of these creatures; the Fireflash had stripped them of their memories, their identity, the things that made them who they once were. What made it worse was that it was firmly theorized to be irreversible.

They were reduced to mere predatory animals possessing heightened senses and quicker reflexes, only in the guise of people.

But, with creative application of technology in which one could use to abuse their strengths against them, those advantages they possessed could be nullified.

That was exactly what he was doing.

The loud yelps of air speeder alarms rang sharply in the streets not long after the kid interacted with his wrist mounted terminal; the agitated growls of the infected matched the intensity of the sound not long after. Drawn to the moving source of the sound, like moths to a dancing flame, they swarmed towards it from all directions, pouring out of alleyways and leaping out of windows alike from within buildings.

Using a pair of cheap, disposable probe droids with the air speeder alarms he had salvaged off some speeders hooked up to it, the kid had gathered up one sizable horde within moments. Directing them all to a spacious, unobscured street several blocks away from him as he flew the drones, the alleys and the buildings around The Misfit were soon, mostly, bereft of the infected.

But he would not stop there.

The young Mandalorian held the massive horde he had conjured in position and put the probes into hover mode just roughly ten meters over their heads while the alarms hooked up to the probes continued blaring sharply, retaining their attention without an issue.

It was then The Misfit pulled himself out of the virtual reality, lowering the touch screen away from his helmet visor. He quickly relayed the horde’s grid coordinates to the defense forces on Roon using his helmet comlink a moment after as he stood back up to his feet. The coordinates were soon to be cleansed by incendiary munitions.

Now was the time to move out.

Breaking into a sprint towards the edge of the roof as he firmly held his blaster carbine in his hands as the bright white and orange mists of an incendiary cloud douzed the horde following the faint whistle of the mortar and artillery rounds alike, The Misfit leaped off the side without hesitation. He let the gravity do its work, activating his pair of jump boots and landed onto his feet after a slow descent.

He had no time to waste.

The young lad ran towards a residential complex in the next block with all due haste. He had spotted thermal signatures he discovered to be survivors, taken shelter within several structures, scattered between several floors, and only in that block alone were considerable amounts of said signatures.

He had to get them to safety.


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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | HX-Revolver ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Olaya Astrapí Olaya Astrapí Laura Reese Laura Reese

Todd's statement was thrown away rather quickly in a rude manner. Deciding not to comment on her demeanor, he stood there listening to her. Though what he heard he thought was fundamentally incorrect as if there is no working immune system creating one would be pointless. "If you create an artificial immune system you have left out every variable that could be impacting it. There could be a cease in current neurological function to the system which would nullify any attempt to activate it through drugs. What you need to do is isolate the virus or protein and figure out what binds to it, if you try and boost the function of a system that isn't working you will do nothing. Nurse, if I may ask what you mean by that, do you mean their system is just not there or there is no response to any stimuli."

If an immune system is completely nonfunctional there is an agent in an organ doing so. If it wasn't being activated it would probably be best to figure out what was causing it and fire a counter-agent through the lymph nodes. This however, would be pointless if blood wasn't moving around the body. "Ma'am does the patient have a blood pressure?"

The issue would be finding what the protein is that's causing it, it wouldn't be nearly as hard to make something that binds to it. He was set on his conclusion that it was a protein assuming that even with all her 'brilliance,' she still missed something. It seemed even that Arkanians could make mistakes just like any other person. Well assuming he was correct and she wasn't.

Places that it could be effecting ran through Todd's head, it could be attacking the Thymus and preventing it from creating any more T-cells or the Lymphatic System causing it to not send out any signals to the body. All he knew that if they have declared it a virus then it couldn't be a fungi, he would need to set up a lab and test results to see what could be found in their organs. Though the solution may be at the tips of all their fingers, it may take a little surgery to figure out the main problem. If he was incorrect it would be quite embarrassing, but he was confident in his assessment.

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


// ALLIES | ENCLAVE // Venari Krayt Venari Krayt //

Music: Vitruvian


"Yeah. It's the best we can do for now" Tayl sighed quietly, staring out at the chaos with both the cockpit and a visor between her and the outside world. Even surrounded by her Vode, it still made her feel so safe.

Even so, she felt as though everything she knew and loved lay in ruins.

Firstpage, The town that connected the old realm of House Vizsla to the other provinces of Roon and the Daba'r Continent, lay just below them. A small town, build of sandstone along a singular main street that stretched it's entirety, lined with shops and taverns all leading up to the great train station connecting it to the outside world and the cold deserts of the south or the frozen glaciers of the north.

Smoke billowed from several of these buildings, Heat signatures indistinguishable from fire and writhing bodies within.

Save for one. A singular bastion at the far end of the town, Where a two-story barracks, once belonging to the Death Watch Reformists of Darsch Vizsla, had become the last hope of the beleaguered Planetary Defense Force in this area.

Even now, from somewhere above them all, One could see the desperate struggle of these men and women as they fired upon the small but gathering horde of Undead approaching down the street, spurred on by the sound of blaster fire coming from the little courtyard, reinforced only by sandbags and makeshift platforms to fire from, And firing positions of sharpshooters on the second story.

"Been a moment since we were both here huh Tayl?

"It's been too long..." Said the outwardly calm Vizsla, Hand clenching tightly around the grip of her Slugthrower as they neared.

"Drop ETA one minute!"

Viper team perked up in the back, Nodding to one another with near-enthusiasm at M.O.T.H.E.R.'s call. Redsun, The senior-most member of their team and Tayl's Ex-Mentor in the Death Watch Crusade, was the first to remove the safety from his particle-carbine and stand within the gunship, gripping the overhead support beam as he neared the boarding ramp, his crimson Rallymaster's armor gleaming in the sun against the backdrop of sky-blue Ex-Crusaders.

"Stitches, I want you in the courtyard on touchdown. 1-2 through 1-4 will set up on the roof. Everyone else, Form a parameter out front and kick shebs."

Calling out over his shoulder, Redsun paused a moment. It would take getting used to; The idea that Tayl was his employer now, and not just that excited little Verd'ika anymore. "Have fun"

The team did as ordered when the gunship finally touched down on the main street of Firstpage, 9 Crusaders burst out like water from a broken dam, Rifleman kneeling to fire with their blaster rifles while some used their flamethrowers to purge the closest of the scattered but amassing horde, even still a few used their gauntlet-mounted disruptors to completely vaporize infected in a shower of ashen particles.

Tayl stepped off the ramp at a casual pace, Taking a moment to breath deeply and scan the area with an array of tech while her bio-inhibitor chip forced her into a state of chemically induced Zen.

A singular infected who had taken notice of the ship's arrival wandered in from a nearby building, only have a hole blown through it's skull as Tayl lifted her Lever-action slugthrower to it's chin as it tried to swipe at her, left crumpled to the ground and skull imploding slowly, A single incendiary round slowly burning within from behind Tayl as she marched toward the courtyard, twirling the carbine to chamber another round in one fluid motion.

"Who's in charge here?"



Roon | Skyhold, Firstpage
Tag(s): Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
Equipment: In Bio


The eager Krayt would switch her heavy repeater off of safety while her air scrubber turned on just in case, and as the ship made touchdown the young Mando makes their way out of the ship as the rest of the team does. Her gun raises and her jetpack turns on to get a high vantage from the swarm and to not shoot her friends in the back.

A volley of high-powered blaster bolts are sent at whatever remained of this growing and cancerous horde was swiftly gunned down by the heavy repeater, with a satisfying thud, the young Krayt lands back on the ground. Her heavy boots stomped forward as the exosuit powered her onwards.

"Damn I love this gun!"

She chuckles to herself while patting her trusty gun before trotting behind Tayl, gun raised.

"Where to next? Our arrival might have spurred on more infected to this location.. Do you think we should load up who we can on the ship and send them off to a safer place? It should hold a fair number of people, the call is your's to make though."

Venari remains on sentry, keeping watch while Tayl speaks to whoever was in charge around here.


Objective: Preside
Tag: Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | Vemric Keldra


The dithering of self-important dignitaries and underqualified officials was beneath the psyche of the Mandalorian people. Political squabblings were less than honorable for Mandalorians, and scheming was paramount to cowardice. A true Mandalorian faced his foe head on with a blade in hand, or so Romul Saxon believed. But the necessity of the Enclave's situation meant that political interaction was necessary to keep the sovereign worlds within the Enclave's borders in line.

But that did not mean he would treat with them with flowers and kind words.

Romul strode unceremoniously into the council chamber, a giant in his gleaming armor framed by a burly fur cloak still wet from the snow of Kestri that had since melted into the deep brown furs. He was flanked by two honor guards, who displayed the colors and signet of Clan Saxon. The number of sovereign worlds in the Enclave -- worlds that were not governed by Mandalorians -- was small, and so the chamber only consisted of two tables. The first, a small and rectangular one, was meant for the Mandalorians presiding and any officials that oversaw the unitary Enclave government, such as Verin Oldo Verin Oldo , the Enclave's auretii Minister of Defense. Facing the table was a larger hemispherical table at which sat a seat for a representative from each sovereign world in the Enclave.

The seat at the head, the Quartermaster's seat, was left empty as Romul took the to the right, removing his helmet and placing it on the table before him with a declaratory thud. "This meeting will come to order. All representatives present may take their seats," he announced brusquely as he took his own.


TAG: Braxton Holst Braxton Holst | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Hester Shedo Hester Shedo Hester Shedo Hester Shedo | [IMG alt="Vemric Keldra"][/IMG] Vemric Keldra Romul Saxon Romul Saxon

He wasn’t sure he could keep it up much longer.

He had spent his entire life at the helm of one starship or another and he felt the burden squarely on his shoulders, perhaps a little too heavy these days. His husband had calmly and clearly voiced his objection one last time before resolving to not mention it again.

“Let the stars be. Come home.”

He didn’t mean literally. Verin was happy within the Enclave. He knew what was meant by it. He was missed as a Husband. As a partner. As a man.

He didn’t feel he did any of it very well at the moment. Too much conflict. Too much tragedy. Too much for his addled brain to comprehend these days, it seemed. He sighed, walking through the main reception of the great chamber with various adjutants at his side. He was there as the Minister of Defence, an important player in the governments that faired outside of the Sovereign territories that made up the main bulk of the Mandalorian worlds. He was an important voice, though why anybody would take heed to him these days was a total guess. He had lost faith in his own ability to play the game of nationhood.

Was it time? Was it ever time?

His dress uniform was a little too starched today, tight at his neck, which made taking in the various delegations quite tedious, a gentle rubbing constantly at him, layering irritation upon irritation.

He made for his seat, lost in a crowd of voices within the confines of this smaller reception chamber. He watched in quiet and respectful awe as Romul Saxon Romul Saxon strode in, defiance and power in every step. He called the room to a swift order.

Verin listened with intent.
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


// ALLIES | ENCLAVE // Venari Krayt Venari Krayt //





"About Karking time!"

A series of voices cried out as the Mandalorians departed their vessel, sending the infected screaming to whatever hell they'd came from. Venari Krayt especially, looking like an angel of death, dispensing the manda's righteous fury upon their shared foe.
"Damn I love this gun!"

"Where to next? Our arrival might have spurred on more infected to this location.. Do you think we should load up who we can on the ship and send them off to a safer place? It should hold a fair number of people, the call is your's to make though."

Tayl smiled under her helmet at first, enjoying the Ex-Aruetii's enthusiasm. It reminded of the young Twi'lek of herself when last they met.
Being entrusted with that kind of authority however, that was still new to the wandering Vizsla.

"Oh, right..."

"Vizsla," One of the soldiers called out, recognizing the Gray and White markings on Tayl's armor "Sergeant Kyns, Planetary Defense"
He seemed out of breath, the only skin visible amidst his plasteel armor dripping with sweat. By this, and the wounded or dead being dragged through the courtyard, the fighting her had been fierce. Even despite the relatively remote location.

"You're looking for the Mandalorian, Ma'am. The Deathtrooper"

"Deathtrooper? Of Krieg?" Her head visibly tilt to the side, Amazed that the
Deathtroopers of Krieg, who served her mother long ago, were still on Roon. Even if just one.

Sure enough, Tayl was one of these old warriors watching them from the roof above, Still dressed in his rugged,
ashen armor.
"I see."

She marched inside, Walking past the old bunks that had now been converted into firing positions, past the corner where drinks from the local taverns were being made into primitive incendiary bombs, through the corridor of murder holes where the sharpshooters were position, and to the roof where this Deathtrooper of Krieg stood, watching over the unfolding battle, even as Tayl stopped by his side.

"Greetings, Vod"

"Mmh" He simply nods, eyes still locked to the horde. "You'll be evacuating the civilians and wounded, than?"

"Yes" Tayl too looked over the battlefield. Observing as the frontal line was decimated by mandalorian gunfire, al while the horde consolidated further back. They'd be pushing soon. And pushing hard. "Where's the nearest safe zone?"

"Don't know. We lost contact with the castle. Now it's just us out here"

"Chit... We'll have to take them back to our rally point than"


Viper's heavy weapon team had made it to the roof, setting up their
Model 39 heavy particle repeater, almost identical to the one carried by Venari. Almost as soon as it had been placed on the bipod, locked and loaded, It began to provide a stream of covering fire for the rest of Viper Team as they displaced, all finding cover on either side of the street. A few even jetpacking onto the rooftops to get better sight and shots.

"You'll survive, young one. Just keep me informed and look for stragglers. We... couldn't get to them all"

"Got it"

Departing with little more than a nod, Tayl leapt down to the courtyard again, assisted by her jetpack. She was quick to order the evacuation, Setting up the local soldiers in a parameter, assisted by the Ex-Crusaders, that would begin escorting civilians and wounded carried on stretchers to the gunship.

"Venari!" She called out to her Vod, Removing her hulking Hand-cannon to gun down the cancerous horde "Thin the horde! Then we search for more survivors"


Objective I
Roon | Capital City

The roar of air as it filled the mechanics bay on the belly of Alora's stealth ship, Gambit, would be deafening for anyone without a helmet on. Fortunately, Alora didn't have any stray 'paper' or other light materials out to get stirred up into a tempest. They were plunging out of atmosphere in toward the Capital City of Roon with the doors wide open and Alora perched on the edge.

Alright, Gam, drop me off then sweep over the city. Clear out the large groups, and try to carve a path for survivors to get to pick up zones.
They'd discussed the plan at length earlier, but a little chatter before the mission never hurt. Even Alora felt a bit uncomfortable facing these infected sorts. Even if this wasn't the first time. There was something just truly unnerving about the whole situation. Just imaging what it must be like...

That won't be a problem. So long as the infected don't remember how to use anti-air batteries, Gambit replied.

This crisis went on any longer and Alora wondered what might happen. The whole thing seemed a little too effective, didn't it? For a mere virus. Blackwing hadn't been a mere virus either. Not comforting thoughts, but now wasn't really the time to worry about it.

Alright, then, I'll be off! Alora leaned forward and fell through the open hatch.

The Gambit soared through the air and began to bank on a new course as the fully suited up nontraditional Mandalorian plummeted toward the surface below.

As the ground swept up to meet Alora, the jets of her suit flared to life to decelerate her approach. Her boots hit the ground in stride as both hands flung out to the side with disruptors drawn. Simultaneous pings of disruptor fire vaporized two meandering monstrosities. The silvery Mandalorian strode into the intersection ahead of Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt as her disruptors were swept forward. Two more shots took out another pair down the road that crossed Kayl's path.

The shallow-V visor turned in the man's direction a moment before Alora took a pose with one disruptor pointed in to the air. "Hello there. Someone call in support?"


Roon | Skyhold, Firstpage
Tag(s): Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
Equipment: In Bio


Her scanners had already picked up on the swarms of infected, the Mando was quick to jetpack onto the rooftop. Her repeater is quick to raise yet again, and a smile forms on her face.. Did she ever mention that she loved this gun yet?

"Already on it! Consider them gone already!"

The girl's attention focuses as the boons given by Mother activate, every target being locked onto just before the large gun starts to unload down the street. The full auto cannon letting out a roar of aggression as the scorching hot rounds flung at high speeds, Venari herself quickly snapped her attention to a new target as the previous one was turned to ash like she was some sort of combat AI. Once the crowd was exterminated within the street, she jetpacks down to the ground to take point. Her heavy boots once again letting out a loud thud as she planted them onto the ground, scanners quickly pick up on infected within buildings as the Krayt takes the forward position. Whatever bodies were left on the street she sets ablaze with her flamethrower, turning it on a pair of infected that rushed her from a building. Once the infected matter was disposed of, she quickly gestures to the next buildings.

"More angry infected hidden within those buildings.. My scanner just lost one signature, I think we just lost a survivor."

She continues to take the forward advance, cleaning up whatever remained in the builds, turning the infected to ash swiftly as they would charge out of the buildings. Once everything seemed clear enough, she backs up closer to their original position, taking up sentry while the rest of the non-infected beings are escorted onto the ship.

"Our ship may not be able to handle many more non-infected organisms, capacity is reaching its limit. I suggest calling in another ship to pick up what is left, we should hold this position until our own ship gets back and then push forward, all the while our gunship covers from overhead and is at the ready to pick up more non-infected organisms."

Mother spoke through the comms thanks to being connected to Venari, being a highly advanced combat AI.. Chances are her plan was rather solid.

"Merely my own thoughts, my calculated plan ensures a higher rate of survival for both Viper team and the non-infected that need our assistance.. But by all means, don't listen to Mother."

Venari's chuckle can also be heard in the comms, she rolls her eyes and smiles.

"As warm as ever, momma. Despite her umm way of saying it, her plan is up on the table, Tayl."

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


// ALLIES | ENCLAVE // Venari Krayt Venari Krayt //



Tayl's own Hand-cannon unleashed a torrent of particle fire, bathing the courtyard in a fiery glow that danced within the reflective surface of her Visor. Behind that visor, An equally potent torrent of information flowed as her weapon's own crude AI locked onto each and every target highlighted by the helm's extensive software. The gun's inner barrels would turn within it's duraplast carapace, snapping onto each target lock with every shot.

This crowd of undead never stood a chance. Not with these sister-repeaters let loose.

Even still, Viper finished setting up their own heavy repeater, yet another storm of blissful death being delivered to these poor restless souls.

Eventually the storm began to pass as the tide was stimmed. Tayl taking a step aside to vent fumes from her overheating gun, taking a well earned coolant bath after expending 100 bolts.

The others cleared out the scattered remains of the horde all the while, dropping a number of bodies that made Tayl proud to be leading this little group.
Venari especially, who was already burning the bodies she'd been stacking without any third party incentive. Tayl had never seen her fight until now, and damn, it was good knowing that this little foundling knew what she doing.

"Alright, sound off! Whose got more bodies to stack?"
"More angry infected hidden within those buildings.. My scanner just lost one signature, I think we just lost a survivor."

"Fuck...!" She cursed under her breath, Stepping out of cover and flicking the rotary back into her Mini-mini gun.
With a simple hand gesture in mandalorian battle-sign, Viper Team is quick to stack up on the other side of the street and get to work, while leaving the heavy weapons crew up top to cover them and pick off any stray Infected that might wander the street or arrive from the wilds.

"We're doing this chit door to door. Venari, On me"

Tayl draws her Peacekeeper, being more reliable in CQB and more likely to finish them in one blast, being a disruptor pistol, though it was left in her offhand so that she could wield both in a pinch.
"As warm as ever, momma. Despite her umm way of saying it, her plan is up on the table, Tayl."

"It can't hold any more?" She muttered, Taking position beside a doorway, finger on the control panel and ready open up for Venari's Big Kriffing Gun.
"Understood... Get them Airborne, let's move, move, Move!"

::This is Viper-Actual to any available Enclave Forces; We are in immediate need of EVAC, break, Times 20 Survivors and wounded, break, Coordinates to follow::

The message was sent on military frequency both on-world and in orbit.

Then, Once Venari was ready, she'd hit the button to open the door, Guns up and ready to blast anything hostile that isn't completely torn apart by the main cannon.


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