Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Dark Harvest: Wildfire | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Shola

Outfit | Weapon | Appearance
Location: Vlemoth Port
Objective: In the Jungle
Armor: Shadow Gear

<T> "Iris, don't expect reason from him anymore."

The longer this fight took, the worse his condition seemed to become. Between the screams, the awful feeling in the Force, and the way he was fighting, she knew time was not his ally, so it wasn't theirs either. The last thing she wanted was to find out what a turned Mandalorian would be like.

After pushing himself back up to his feet, he turned to find Valery standing ready with the hilt of a lightsaber drawn into her right hand. She ignited it and watched as another arc of flames came towards them. This time, she raised her free hand and projected a Force Barrier in front of her to shield herself against the fire.

But that wasn't everything.

Fenn pulled out a disruptor pistol and began opening fire while he closed the distance. The first few shots impacted her Barrier, but she dropped it and began focusing on deflecting the others. <T> "If we can't restrain him quickly, we have to either take him down for good or leave him behind somehow. We need to get to that town before it's too late." She wasn't actually entirely sure how they were doing over there, but a large concentration of people was bound to attract a lot of undead.

Between her deflections, Valery extended her arm again and clenched the hand into a fist as she connected with a tree, crushing it at the base so it fell over. In that same motion, she took control over it and flung it horizontally towards Fenn, forcing him to go either into the air or break through somehow.

Either way, it wouldn't help his advance, and Valery expected her Padawan to follow up as well.




Objective: Capture Infected Targets
Location: Vlemoth Station, over Sanshur Flats
Tag: Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Alberich Wren Alberich Wren

It was odd how silence could be more terrifying than noise. Siv was accustomed to noise near danger; the sounds of a war-torn battlefield were natural to him. But this quiet, especially when he knew that danger could be around any corner, was more unsettling than he could've imagined. His grip around his cryoban light repeating blaster tightened instinctually as the walls of the derelict spaceport creaked and groaned around him. All of his HUD's scanners were on high-alert for the slightest sign of life. The smallest sign of danger.

Whatever this virus was, Siv did not want to catch it.

Suddenly, the audio enhancement protocols in his helmet picked up the faint, muffled sounds of voices, biosignatures erupting a moment later as he turned a corner to see a blast door sealed along the side of the wall. The metal was too thick for him to get a look without opening, but he could very well be walking into a den of infected. Cautiousily, his cryoban weapon held ready at the hip, he keyed the door open with a slicing tool. The blast doors slid apart, but he was not faced with a horde of infected, but a congregation of civilians huddled. Some cried out in terror as the door opened, but they slowly died down to whimpers as they saw not the monsters that they were expecting, but a lone Mandalorian.

"Feth," Siv muttered. He could count forty, maybe fifty. Men, women, and children, likely survivors left behind and now bunkering down, hoping foolishly to outlast the infected. He keyed his comms onto an open Mandalorian channel. "This is Siv Dragr at Vlemoth Station, Section B-23. I have fifty civilians that need evac and I don't have any ships that can take them. Back-up required."



Iris flicked her blade up. Shifted, moved. Fire, danger in the colors. Her blade arced through the flame, consuming what it could as she retreated away and back. He was loosing himself more and more to the disease, she could see it. Then the disruptor. The shots were haphazard enough for the Padawan to weave through them, watch. Wait. Thus far she'd only shown that she was easy for the sick guy to dodge.

She switched her blade, the lethal edge igniting once more. She watched. She waited. And as Valery brought the tree down for the Mandalorian she threw her blade to try and cut down the man's jetpack while he dodged, got buried, bashed through, whatever an unhinged turning infected would do.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag




Equipment: Beskar'Gam l Crushgaunts l Disruptor Pistol l Beskar Knife l Jetpack l Combat Rifle l Combat Stims l Cigar and a lighter l Wrist Mounted Flamethrower l x3 Grenades


Valery Noble Valery Noble l Shel Beroya l Iris Arani Iris Arani l Hakon Fett Hakon Fett

He had a moment of clarity when the tree came at him. A brief moment of clarity. He reached his mighty hands out, fingers digging into the tree bark behind crushgaunts. He did not toss, he did not break- he caught. Bark dug against beskar, leaving handprints in the bark where the crushgaunt bent the bark and wood to Fenn's indomitable will. He let the tree fall to the ground, staring and breathing ragged at the Jedi.

He did not have time to react very quickly when the Jedi padawan came crashing down, the lightsaber scraping against his helmet, down his chest, cutting deep into his collar bone. He shrieked, the pain was there it was there and he couldn't stop it they needed to die he wanted to live he needed to live they needed to die.

Cut, kill, stab, punch, bite, drink her blood and crush her spine she has to die she's trying to stop us we need to have her skull crushed. The girl get the girl she's close- like Preliat, kill the Jedi kill the Jedi make him proud he's not your father he's not my father, I do not want to kill her, she has to die she has to die. Kill her and don't let her take you she's trying to stop us, she's trying to help me I am not a bad person.

Crush her spine.

Crush her skull.

Feet, hands, knees, elbows.

She was so close- reach out with your hand. Grab the lightsaber. Grab it and hold it. And headbutt her break her skull break it wide open she's trying to stop us, she needs to die she needds to die die d ie d ie die die d i die die die kill feed. kill her kill her kill her kill her the Jedi are trying to hurt you don't you want to live I want to see the stars again I'm so sorry father I didn't mean for this I don't want to hurt them, I'm sick they're right I'm sick. I'm not a bad person I'm not a bad person.

A hand, clad in crushgaunts, wrapped around the Jedi's lightsaber hilt, tossing it off to his side, ignoring the smell of seared flesh and the deep pain. Hateful eyes behind the helmet softened. And two words, for that brief moment of clarity.

"I'm sorry."

Had to kill had to crush drink her blood drink her blood bite her bite her bite her had to bite her why did he want to bite her it was the stars that brought him home at night when the moon was low where were the stars he wanted to go home he was scared he wasn't ready to die why him what did he do he never got to live he was so scared to die

He charged. He charged at the Jedi that threw the lightsaber she didn't have a weapon he was the weapon he needed to kill needed to blite biote bite bite? bitel, b ite

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Objective: Capture Infected Targets
Location: Vlemoth Station, over Sanshur Flats
Tag: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Alberich Wren Alberich Wren

The mission had been to go and kill off the diseased, without causing much damage to the city and infrastructure. Plus, they wanted one of them alive to see if there was a less lethal cure for the disease than a blaster bolt to the face. Which naturally meant they had to step in and clean the place up manually, instead of just having someone bomb the kriff outta the place from afar. If they needed boots on the ground, they'd have Thonn's. With his MS-01 rotary cannon fully loaded and his GAALAR-15 carbine slung behind his shoulder, he was ready to clean the place of crowds of infected.

It was a different battle, the type Thonn didn't care for. Waiting. There were no blaster bolts flying, and no sign of their enemy besides the belief that they were lurking around here somewhere. But there was not a sound nor a sign, and thus nothing for the trigger happy heavy gunner to shoot. He'd simply taken up a firing position at a long passageway. As strategically important as it was to keep control of it, it was unnerving to wait for a foe he could not see. Regardless of discomfort he remained steadfast in his task. He hoped the fighting would begin soon. It was outright disturbing to not know where any of them were.

Well, someone did.
"This is Siv Dragr at Vlemoth Station, Section B-23. I have fifty civilians that need evac and I don't have any ships that can take them. Back-up required."

"Thonn Rokkal; positioned at B-22. I'm making my approach." Thonn replied back though the comms channel, taking one last look around for any infected before he moved from his position. Moving through this place was discomforting and disturbing, but that's gotta be nothing on the survivors. It wasn't far though, and there was no sound of any infected on his way there. The silence brought no comfort, only increasing his growing anxiety.

"Siv, this is Thonn. I'm at your position." Thonn spoke into the comms, his hud declaring Siv to be not far away. Better to announce, the last thing he'd wanna do is startle him. There was little doubt that everyone was worried about the same thing. There were a pair of doors opened up, and his hud told him that Siv was not too much further beyond it.

"Made it over as fast as I could" Thonn said as he stepped forth.
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Location: Vlemoth Port
Objective: In the Jungle
Armor: Shadow Gear

While the tree she had thrown his way didn't bash him down, it still stopped him in his tracks long enough for Iris to take advantage of the situation. She threw her lightsaber, hoping to limit his mobility by destroying the man's jetpack, but because he didn't move at all, the weapon's arc instead brought the blade down his chest.

She heard his scream of pain, but more overpowering was the hungry rage she felt from him. The infected Mandalorian didn't want to just take revenge and attack her Padawan, he wanted to devour her.

"Iris, watch out!"

Valery watched him charge towards Iris and in that very moment, decided she was no longer going to hold back just to try and prevent lethal injuries. With an extended arm, Valery tapped into the invisible strings of the Force and attempted to wrap them around the Mandalorian. Not to just restrain him, but to lift him off the ground and slam him back down with incredible force. She didn't care if it would shatter bone or cause bad injuries — she was protecting her Padawan, herself, and whoever else he could run into if he'd get away somehow.

Whether her attack worked out or not, at least it gave Iris time to summon back her lightsaber or reposition herself.




Iris blinked, slowly. She watched the Mandalorian scramble forward in a mad dash to break, kill, destroy. The colors were wild and unpredictable around him. And yet, he apologized. He wasn't as far gone as he initially seamed, was he? A flash of different colors erupted from the second lightsaber she always kept close by. Domxite. The Rainbow Gem. She moved in time with her Master, bringing around the blade.

Not to kill. Domxite controlled the intensity of the blade. It's effect. She cut to bring him down so his people could find a way to save him before he was too far gone.

Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Sanshur Flats | Vlemoth Port
Objective: Avoid getting bitten by the infected
Equipment: Sword, M.I. Beskar'gam Mk.1 M.I. 'Sunstroke' jetpack M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol,
Allies: Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Jos Krayt Jos Krayt | Olaya AstrapĂ­ Olaya AstrapĂ­


Vulcan knew a reprimand was coming, he knew he wasn’t the stealthiest or the quietest and he had escaped the Infected easily enough. Yet the fact was, he was a liability if he kept doing what he normally does, he was sick of Hospitals. So he needed an adjustment. Vulcan knew he was being glared at, the nagging feeling picked at him. His instinct was to get all up in Olaya’s face and order her to stop staring at him like a petty teenager, but he didn’t, he realised he didn’t care.

There was no time or reason to escalate anything. Holstering his blaster, Vulcan drew his sword. Something was calculating about a sword. He made it yet he neglected it. Shame it was so underused. Attention snapping back to the surroundings, Vulcan picked out some useful landmarks and alleyways. There had to be a way to contain the horde, which can climb, of course, they can, they are, after all, possessed sentients with opposable thumbs and brains, even if it was rotten by whatever it is that turned them into this monstrosity.

Boxing something often worked, they used it in the Foundling Rebellion, the adults, herded them into a large building and waited until they all got bored and/or tired. So why not use the same tactic on these, things, Zombies, Infected? Put them in one place so doctors can research better. Foundlings were easier to reprimand when in one place than scattered in Kestri. Jos's disappointment was very palpable even when no reprimands came his way. This is why he decided to have a useful suggestion instead of his usual Zealousness.

<“I got an idea, why not lure them into one place and pen them inside?”> Vulcan suggested, not once mentioning destruction or gunfire.



Flee you pitiful things. Flee from our fury and the slaughter. Werewolf looked as one called to her, removing her axe from the skull of one of its victims and licking the blood from the blade.
"You think you could kill us all?" Lycia would be a very intimidating sight at two meters tall and covered in blood. "You cowards can only shoot so many in the back" Drips of blood trailed behind her, the axes having a slight glow to them, but that could be a trick of the light

Was that a blade? was that what this prey was using to defend themselves? A small blade, barely longer than his hand, and here we are with the fury of the gods
"You call that a blade?" Shaking the blood off the axes, each one a good hand and some, curved in a vicious crescent. He came in with the blade and for a moment she almost laughed. Quickly moving aside and then slamming both axes down on his 'shield'. Not quite show how he managed to use it as a shield, but wanting to inflict damage on the fragile parts of the rifle. Backing off and twitching

"You're pathetic." As the werewolf lunged forward in a flurry of blows against the prey that dared stand up against them.

Open to all
Jas Katis



Equipment: Beskar'Gam l Crushgaunts l Disruptor Pistol l Beskar Knife l Jetpack l Combat Rifle l Combat Stims l Cigar and a lighter l Wrist Mounted Flamethrower l x3 Grenades


Valery Noble Valery Noble l Shel Beroya l Iris Arani Iris Arani l Hakon Fett Hakon Fett

The force lifted him off of his feet, slamming him into the ground where the dirt was he was in the dirt get off the dirt you have to kill them I am trying to kill them they are trying to hurt me I am alive they are there I want to live I want to die kill me don't let me turn don't look at me like that I am not a monster kill them.

He had to get up. Ribs are broken bones are crushed. Have to feed. Have to eat. Have to stop. Have to break it. Helmet stuffy. Helmet causing breathing can't bite with helmet on. Ba'gedet'ye! He remained on the ground, reaching up to his helmet, throwing it off his head. His face was pale(more than usual), his eyes yellowing. The warpaint he had on smeared his face.

The blade was caught by his crushgaunts, energy meeting the warrior's crushgaunts in his hands they were in his hands she was near him. On the ground have to get up have to bite have to eat drink her blood break her skull, drink her blood drink her blood. Fenn didn't want to but he couldn't stop. He was watching a movie, and couldn't stop the script. He wanted to get up and stop, to go home. He wanted so desperately to go home. He wanted to be back with his father, hunting on Concord Dawn. He wanted to forget who he was, not be here, dying and alone in the jungle. They were not trying to hurt him they wanted him to die he wanted to live he had to live to bite to kill to bite to kill to bite to kill.

Angry eyes stared at the Jedi padawan, the blade falling in his hands, against his crushgaunts.

His mouth was full of blood. He bit into his own cheeks to draw blood. He reached up with his free hand, trying to grab at the Padawan- arm outstretched.

Tears fell from his once amber-brown eyes.

TAGS: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Olaya AstrapĂ­ Olaya AstrapĂ­ | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt | Domina Prime Domina Prime
GEAR: In bio


Standing on the roof of the building, the group had a perfect view on what was happening below. Comms chatter from other troops indicated that they were in a similar position, though not nearly as bad at least. So far there were no injuries or deaths on their side, which was a relief for the Kel Dor.

His gaze shifted to Doctor Olaya for a moment as she seemed incredibly fascinated by the feral beings below them. ”I would highly advise you against referring to our people in this way, Doctor Olaya.” The Kel Dor spoke with a cold tone as his visor glared at her. He shifted to look at all the others, making sure they were all alright and accounted for. Vulcan spoke up with a sound idea, though their problem was far from solved. ”Trapping them is the easy part. It’s catching a few and bringing them back to the ship that’s the difficult part.”

He looked around, then down at the building below them. ”We are here to eradicate them anyway… let us use the building and get rid of the rest. We can figure it out from there.” He spoke up as he looked at the others before turning to leave with the staircase.

Except the plan took a surprise turn with the arrival of a very familiar, very odd being carrying two of her brothers. Resting his staff against the floor, the Kel Dor watched as Dima dispensed her two comrades on the ground. ”Dima! What a pleasant surprise to see you.” Jos greeted with a nod as he walked closer to her. ”You have impeccable timing, do you know that?” He stepped back to the edge and peered down at the scrambling Infected. They were probably already infesting the building.

”Dima, you can spin webs, correct? I have a job for you. We must catch and restrain a number of the Infected and take them back to the ship. But jetpacks draw too much attention.” He turned to look at the rest. ”Who wants to cull a few infected people?” The smile in his voice betrayed the stalwart expression his T-visor projected.


Location: Vlemoth Port
Objective: In the Jungle
Armor: Shadow Gear

"Oh no, you don't."

Like a fiery mother protecting their daughter, Valery closed the distance with lightning speed. Iris' attack had been caught, and while she always trusted her Padawan to get out of tight situations, she couldn't help but feel a need to interfere. Fenn was holding on to the blade with one arm and outstretched the other to reach for her.

Blood was draining from his mouth, his face looked pale, and so Valery worried that the infection had finally gotten to him. Under no circumstances was she going to allow it to spread to her Padawan — nobody was going to hurt her on Valery's watch. So as she drew close enough, her lightsaber came up, and with a powerful swing down, she attempted to completely sever the arm by aiming for a gap in his armor.

It was still non-lethal, so if with some miracle the effects of the plague could be reversed, there would still be a chance for him to survive. But one way or another, she was going to take him down and keep him from adding to the already massive problem the Enclave had on its hands.

"Iris! Knock him out!" She hoped that in a follow-up to her attack, the Padawan's special lightsaber could connect to take him out. But at this point, any method to bring him down would be fine to her.



Iris didn't stay still. As Domxite was grabbed, she was already calling back the thrown saber from before. She waited, watched. the bond with her Master already told her everything she needed to know. As Valery struck, Iris turned Domxite off to free them from the Crushgaunt, caught her other saber, and swiped the Entropite edge once more for the Mandalorian's throat.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag

Objective: Capture Infected Targets
Location: Vlemoth Station, over Sanshur Flats
Kit: Si'Kahya Heavy Beskar'gam, BR-6B Verpine Shatter Battle Rifle, M.I. Model 32 Multiple Grenade Launcher, Euk Siha Service Knife
Tags: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal

It had been a long time since Alberich had known fear. Years. Decades, even. But this place... these halls and bays and administration blocks, they scared him. The first thing he had noticed upon boarding was the lack of noise; the silence that seemed to drone on longer and louder than the screams of the infected as they roamed, out of sight but never out of mind. The emptiness followed. Flickering lights flashed in halls long since abandoned, revealing signs of struggle, desperation, and worse things besides. Whatever this infection was, it had left its mark on Vlemoth Station.

It was starting to leave its mark on him, too.

Making his way to the end of the corridor he currently found himself in, Alberich took a moment to figure out his surroundings. Each corner posed an unknown threat to the Mandalorian; every crawlspace was a possible hidey-hole for 'infected material'. Alberich took comfort in knowing that if anything did rear its head at him, he had the firepower to blast it clean off. So, too, did his vode. What I wouldn't give to have my squad with me now, the big Mando thought, his scanner pinging movement at the exact moment someone opened up on comms.

"This is Siv Dragr at Vlemoth Station, Section B-23. I have fifty civilians that need evac and I don't have any ships that can take them. Back-up required."

Another voice.

"Thonn Rokkal; positioned at B-22. I'm making my approach."

"This is Wren, making my way to you now. Hold fast, Dragr." Retracing his steps, Alberich backtracked to the nearest maintenance ladder. With the station on lockdown and infected on the prowl, he didn't really fancy getting stuck in one of the lifts. The spaceport's hallways were already claustrophobic as was, and with his heavy armour weighing him down, he wasn't going anywhere fast. The last thing he wanted was to trap himself in a square coffin. Better to die in the open, where he had ample room to move, to fight back. Better, still, not dying at all.

Minutes passed as he made his way to Siv's Section. His scanner pinged again as he made the climb; the warning gave way to an agonized scream as something entered the shaft below him. Feeling increasingly vulnerable, the big man hauled himself up just in time to spot the figure as it dithered at the ladder's base. "Fething things," he cursed, snapping his rifle up. Before he had a chance to fire, however, the infected was gone, lost to shadow and silence.

Sliding back from the ledge, Alberich didn't waste anymore time in linking up with Siv and Thonn. When he finally found them, Alberich nodded to both in turn. His gaze shifted to take in the terrified civilians waiting in the dark. "See you weren't kidding about needing back-up," he said, his voice toneless behind his T-Visor. "What's the low-down?"
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Equipment: Beskar'Gam l Crushgaunts l Disruptor Pistol l Beskar Knife l Jetpack l Combat Rifle l Combat Stims l Cigar and a lighter l Wrist Mounted Flamethrower l x3 Grenades


Valery Noble Valery Noble l Shel Beroya l Iris Arani Iris Arani l Hakon Fett Hakon Fett

Arms outstretched, reach out and grab her grab her throat bite her throat drink her blood have to feed you have to feed to survive you'll die if you don't I won't die And in his foolishness, in the parasite's attempt at spreading, his arm was foolishly outstretched. And he felt the burn. He screamed a primordial scream, watching his arm fly away just above the elbow. No armor to protect him there. Crushgaunts, Beskar, hand that held so much but never quite enough to make him happy, went flying away. He was left with only one arm, which failed to support the Padawan's weight when the shock came the arm isn't there the arm isn't important.

It's my arm and I'll care about it, it hurts so much why does it hurt so much. Roll away, try to kill you. Roll away. Blade coming to you, have to move, can't stop. Have to feed.

He rolled away from the blade, scorching along the ground. Blood, where the lightsaber failed to burn completely through, fell to the ground. He looked down. His hand, remaining hand, clutched at the wound. He attempted to get to his feet, but fell back, eventually settling to his knees. He was only a few feet from the Jedi, breathing ragged and heavy like before.

"I can't... stop it. I'm- fighting myself. I can't fight it much more. Just-" A weak hand, shaking and trembling, reached for his beloved helmet. He looked at his reflection, for a moment. He was too weak to even put his helmet back on. He breathed raggedly, tears staining the paint around his eyes. He was denied a warrior's death, or a good life. He was going to die alone, in a Jungle, away from his family, his brothers and sisters. He fixed his hair with his remaining hand, falling forward to his hands and knees, curling his face into an angry sob, cursing every demon and every God that abandoned him.

He composed himself after a moment.

"Just make it quick, please."

Get up and kill


Kill them​

get up and bite them

they're going to kill us​

fight them​

jedi scum

spines break bite her neck




have to kill skin

I want to go home
have to live have to feed


Location: Vlemoth Port
Objective: In the Jungle
Armor: Shadow Gear

"It's over," Valery said when she watched him go down to hands and knees. A hungry urge to fight and keep going was still alive within him, but he was actively fighting against it, and with one less arm, she no longer felt the danger from before. But there was one more thing to determine — what to do next with him.

She glanced at Iris and nodded, clearly happy with how she had handled herself, and finally turned back to Fenn.

"We're not killing you here. We will bring you to your people," Valery promised as she moved closer towards him. Whether it was a great idea to take an infected Mandalorian to a village with others remained to be seen, but she felt confident enough that she could keep him restrained, and she was certain that it was what he would have wanted.

If this was it, at least he'd be with those he cared about.

Finally, she augmented herself again and closed the last stretch of distance before aiming a careful but powerful kick at the head, measured to knock him out, rather than kill him if it were to connect. "Iris, I'll carry him to the village, so I'll need you to cover me, okay? I have a feeling we'll run into more infected along the way."


Objective: Capture Infected Targets | Assist Mandalorians In Danger
Location: Vlemoth Station, over Sanshur Flats
Interacting: Gwyn | Jos | Vulcan | Olaya

The Xenos senses flared, those ears of hers fluttering about within her helm in sheer excitement as the beast of a Mandalorian bounced around while standing on her back tendrils, continuing to ramble and go on and on into the communicator, filling the comms with random, incoherent chatter as Dima spoke to Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla , pacing back and forth frantically like a hyperactive child as the two brothers she had rescued from certain mutilation regained their wits from the horrific situation while Dima lingered over them as bubbly and whimsical as ever. "Gwyn? Gwyn? Gwyn? Hey Gwyn, Gwyn are you there? Gwynnnnn, Can you hear Dima?" Dima asked, noticing after a while of talking that there was no response but empty static on the communicator. Dima's brows furrowed, taking a hand and bringing it up towards her helmet and tapping her sharp claws against the side of it with a 'TINK! TINK! TINK!'. "Is this thingy on? Hellooooooooo?" She tried, becoming rather annoyed after a minute or two as the Brothers just looked at the Xeno with disbelief.

Then, abruptly the doors to the roof flung open, and through them came some small woman who found herself shrieking into the air when her eyes landed on the alien Mandalorian. Dima grimaced behind her helm, looking around herself confused before eventually craning her neck downward to see Olaya AstrapĂ­ Olaya AstrapĂ­ standing right below her, looking up at Dima with astonishment.

<"What is that?! Some kind of experiment??"> Her little voice rang, the word 'Experiment' instantly causing Dima to recoil visibly, flabbergasted at the very idea.

"W-wha? Who? This one???" Dima gasped, gesturing to herself with all four of her arms.

<"Fascinating!"> The girl cheered.

"N-no! Dima is not! Dima is sweet and super nice!" She argued, those cerulean eyes all shifting and scanning the stranger who had accused her of such a thing.

<"No diagnostics recognize this one as any sort of known species! What is it? Why was it created? Something this wonderfully out there must have been created with Arkanian genetic technology, must it have??"> The stranger went on, causing a physical reaction from the Xeno as her inner glow flared intensely beneath her armor.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!" Dima hissed, furious as that elongated alien tail rattled viciously behind her, clenching her claws into a fist as her tendrils STOMPED against the floor of the rooftop violently, almost threatening to cleave clean through it. "Dima is precious! Dima is sweet! Dima is strong!" She snarled, leaning in close as one of those tendrils lashed out, attempting to snatch the doctor off her feet by grabbing her by the mid section, hoisting her into the air so she'd be at eye level of the Xeno. "you can't do this you can't call Dima some...some...STUPID LAB THING!" She cried, becoming rather distressed as her alien body language clearly dictated. "Dima is smart! Dima is beautiful! Dima will NOT be SHAMED by a MOUSE!" The beast went on, the grip of those crystal talons tightening their grip dangerously. "The Godlings couldn't have Dima, and neither. can. You." She chittered loudly, the alien considering dropping the stranger off the side of the roof where she had found the two brothers who, at the moment were slowly backing away from the scene as Dima threw a tantrum at being called a 'Lab thing'. An experiment...such a filthy word.

"Dima! What a pleasant surprise to see you." A voice rang behind Dima, coming from the door she had turned her back on after flipping out on the doctor. "You have impeccable timing, do you know that?"

Instantly Dimas hostility was disarmed. The doctor, whom had all of Dimas focused was suddenly and abrubtly dropped back to the floor, Dima swinging herself around to face Jos Krayt Jos Krayt , purring loudly and scuttling forward towards him. "Oh why hello cousin!" Dima mused, swaying from side to side on her back tendrils as Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt also came out through the door onto the roof. "Oh, and other cousin. Look at us together and strong and pretty together yes?" She cooed, her tail swishing in delight as Dima completely disregarded the doctor she was previously scolding.

"Dima, you can spin webs, correct? I have a job for you. We must catch and restrain a number of the Infected and take them back to the ship. But jetpacks draw too much attention." Jos asked the alien, making Dima sit there for a moment before looking over the edge of the building at all the infected below then back at Jos.

"This one has beautiful and strong silk, yes." She nodded reassuringly. "Ohhh, a job for Dima? It will be done!" She squealed, the pitter patter of her tendrils scuttling about the floor as Dima ran in a circle around the group of Mandos on the roof. "Oh many uhhh~" she slowed to a pause. "How many does Dima need to capture? A lot or a little?" She asked, unsure of the exact details of what she was supposed to be doing. The alien leaned towards Jos. Leaning in and whispering against his helm as if that...did anything. "Also, the stranger lady was very mean and sour to Dima! Can this one throw her from the roof?" She asked hopefully, and loudly enough for not only the doctor to hear but everyone on the roof despite leaning in to 'whisper it'. Her eyes staring daggers at the doctor through her visor.

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Iris watched, listened. Waited. Her master had it handled. She gave her a curt not as she turned her gaze ahead, on guard once more. Valery would handle Fenn, and she'd handle whatever else came up before they made it to the village. Okay good, okay fine. She extinguished both her sabers, though only hooked Domxite on her hip as she started to lead them through the swamp to their destination.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Shel Beroya | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett



Objective: Capture Infected Targets
Location: Vlemoth Station, over Sanshur Flats
Tag: Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Alberich Wren Alberich Wren | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt

"Okay, let's all calm down," Siv called out as he tried to make soothing motions with his arms. Although their initial terror had subsided at seeing a Mandalorian instead of an infected horde, they were beginning to become restless. "We're going to get all of you out right away, just hold tight while we make sure it's safe to go." Despite what he said with his words, however, he had absolutely zero plan for how to evacuate they entire crowd by himself. Fitting a single bounty into his starfighter was stretching its capacity, nevermind fifty people.

But as luck would have it, it seemed that his call for aid did not go unanswered. A familiar voice crackled through his comms; Thonn Rokkal, a warrior Siv had fought alongside on different occasions over the years. Only a few moments later a second voice, this one unfamiliar, identified themselves as Alberich Wren. "Acknowledged," he said back into his comms.

A moment later and their helmets were rounding around the corner. "Welcome to the party," Siv said with a hint of exasperation in his voice, keeping his voice down so that the crowd of people wouldn't hear the three Mandalorians. "I hope one -- or either of you -- brought freighters, because there are fifty people here we need to evac immediately. My fighter won't carry any of them." Suddenly the passive biosignature scanners monitoring the perimeter of their range all went off on alert. At that range, their data collection was very basic, but it only had to indicate: large amounts of signatures moving to their position.

And moving fast.

"And there's our cue," Siv said grimly, his grip on his cryoban light repeating blaster tightening. "Infected closing in on our position. We have to move, now. Get them to the hangars."

It’s Nothing Personal

Location: Vlemoth Station, over Sanshur Flats
Objective: Eliminate the Infected Run


The mercenary fired another volley of shots behind himself, striking a few more infected civilians. He watched as they collapsed to the floor, motionless. That was until they got right back up, seconds later, and with two more joining alongside. They seemed to just keep multiplying. The only way we was going to make it out alive was to run faster.

Kreg originally groaned at the thought of a civilian rescue mission. 'Civilian' usually meant 'untrained with blaster' and 'likely to get in the way.' It was the job of a warrior to come and save them, not teach them how to fight. Well, thankfully this warrior had empty enough pockets to hop along for the ride. Unfortunately, the civilians behind him meant 'kill, kill, kill.' His initial thoughts of working with the Enclave did not involve fighting off an army of infected people. Yet here he was, running for his life.

"This is Jare, I got multiple hostiles on my tail and I need backup, now!"

His HUD informed him that up ahead were three of his Mandalorian brethren..and about whole lot of civilians. Dammit, this wasn't good. And Kreg had no other way out of this.

"Someone tell me that we have EVAC coming, because I think we have overstayed our welcome."


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