Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Jedi faction?

Akio Kahoshi said:
How do you "drop out" of a religion into a new one? Jedi and sith are both religions. It's like saying a Christian or Muslim dropped out and became a Jew. Doesn't work.
I suppose Vilox Pazela would be the first exception, haha. But then again I am not really, am I? We've already seen it with Ashin Varanin, who was the Sith Empress and then became one of the most powerful dark sided individuals in our time line, who is conveniently a "Dark Jedi Master" :p
Vilox Pazela said:
I suppose Vilox Pazela would be the first exception, haha. But then again I am not really, am I? We've already seen it with Ashin Varanin, who was the Sith Empress and then became one of the most powerful dark sided individuals in our time line, who is conveniently a "Dark Jedi Master" :p
To defend the poster - This was made in reference to a more structured OOC post in regards to the idea, which was edited before you saw it. Now its all good, and hopefully you can see that even just making such a faction you'll generate instant public discussion, for me I'd call it Dark Jedi X or some such and see what happens! We have the Sith Empire, the Jedi Order and X.

In other words awesome idea.
As with all factions, there are those who are directly affiliated to it. Then there are those who are drifters, who come and go and then they're those who are what they are by definition, but not directly affiliated to the faction. Sith such as Kaine Zambrano, who has always been involved in the Empire, to Mikhail Shorn who flits in and out whenever he feels and then Darth Moridin, who is a Dark Lord of the Sith but not involved in the Empire anymore.

There can be this Dark Jedi faction, where several Dark Jedi have gathered to work together and then there can be Dark Jedi such as Domino, a vigo in the Black Sun Syndicate who isn't necessarily (not at this time anyway) affiliated to a Dark Jedi faction, as it were.

Cliche as it sounds, we called our faction the "Dark Order" in my other community. It's nice, simple and to the point.


I remember this from the old community, and if it wasn't for some choice individuals getting their pepsimax on all over the shop, this would have turned out to be one of the better plotlines from that year. Fortunately this community is much more mature and accepting of long RP arcs than the last, so I reckon if you get enough people to run a faction then this will be amazing to watch develop properly.

Definitely advise stealing some of the more darksided Jedi for the faction to try and give it that different-from-the-sith feeling that the Dark Jedi always deserved to have though! It was one of the only failings from last time that I can remember, other than aforementioned spamlords and their force grip ram on heads.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
Cytheria Vox said:
I remember this from the old community, and if it wasn't for some choice individuals getting their pepsimax on all over the shop, this would have turned out to be one of the better plotlines from that year. Fortunately this community is much more mature and accepting of long RP arcs than the last, so I reckon if you get enough people to run a faction then this will be amazing to watch develop properly.

Definitely advise stealing some of the more darksided Jedi for the faction to try and give it that different-from-the-sith feeling that the Dark Jedi always deserved to have though! It was one of the only failings from last time that I can remember, other than aforementioned spamlords and their force grip ram on heads.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
@[member="Cytheria Vox"]

It was ruined by the fact that Sith had the, "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE UR SO UNLOYAL AND YEAH MY SHIPS" and suddenly had 10+ people trying to kill them all.
ooooh sneaky idea. Maybe this faction doesn't have a set planet/land :), maybe they help pull certain strings, and are loosely affiliated with their own goals :D.

I think that would give you the broadest scope and compliment the factions that already exist to, any of which might ask for this factions aid :D

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