Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Jedi Looking for a home

Darren Onyx

I agree. If you don't want to be either then the Alliance is for you. But really, the Empire is better. >.< #trollo
Well-Known Member
Welcome to my-err, our domain. You know about as much as I do about it! Haha. How about that? A secret society where even the people IN it don't even know they are in it :p

Darren Onyx

We can unlock all the power you have so you can use it to it's fullest. The Jedi want to keep you under lock and key though.
Not really. I don't feel hindered in any way. Actually... I'm truly free because I am not a slave to impulsive whims and bouts of emotional desires. Sith claim to be about breaking chains yet... they enslave themselves to their emotions. Kind of ironic eh? :p
To clarify, Jedi do not intend for you to become some hollow void of emotion. That's a terrible misnomer spread by the Sith. No, we just do not make emotions our crutch or the basis for our actions.

Darren Onyx

But we unlock our true potential because of the force and because we can be free with our emotions.

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