Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Jedi Looking for a home

I started a jedi.. but then my jedi master and I were recruited into the Imperial Knights, but then he abandoned me on korribbon... the spirits had their way with me, and I was screwed up again.. then I was rescued by a jedi master who then became a sith lord... so you can see Eldoc has a complicated past. so pardon me if I don't see your jedi order and you as innocent.. any order willing to leave a padawan... on a enemy planet.. when the preach protecting the galaxy and its own.. can purge "evil" however it wants, but it should look within first...

Darren Onyx

So does my other character, Kodiak Mosthal. But he still balanced as a Dark Jedi. The real question is, are you closer to the Dark Side or the Light Side?

Darren Onyx

So, because you are closer to the dark side, you should join either The Rebel Alliance or The Empire.

Darren Onyx

Or you could join the Clockwork Rebellion. They are really doing good considering they are wiping out everyone.

Darren Onyx

*"Accidentally" steps on @MSE-007* Did anyone else hear a crackling sound? lolz. Just kidding.

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