Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark Jedi

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Darth Vaildra"]


Nah, but thanks for the offer. Turning to the dark may not be till a bit later in my characters history. Plus it was one of the Sith of your Empire that crushed him and left him to die so the grudge would be intense.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

;p Sorry, staying a jedi. Most he will be going in the future is Rogue knight or Dark jedi. Never full Sith, and even then if I can he'd very much remain a jedi in affiliation.

You see that ranking under Romeo? Does that say Sith? Naaah man, Romeo is the OG of Dark Jedi here man. You need this power. ;P Still, I do like them Silver Sanctum guys. Maybe I'll wait a little longer.

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