| @[member="Salina Aviner"] | @[member="Rat Six"] |
"Deities? Interesting. You'll have to tell me more." He stepped backwards a little when Rat came closer. He looked down at the child and inclined his head slightly. "I presume you are here to listen as well, Rat. Listen closely."
"I presume that both of you are aware of the Jedi Order? They practice the light side of the Force. But their views and philosophies are dogmatic and limiting. There were those of there Order that discovered the dark side several thousand years ago. When they tried to share their new discoveries, the Jedi responded by exiling their comrades for their new practices. The Jedi believed that the dark side of the Force is unnatural and an easier path. But for those of us in this room, we know that the force is more than just the light. What we know to be the dark side of the Force allows us to unlock techniques that can be devastating in power or unlimited in their helpfulness. One can become so powerful in the dark side that they can unlock the secrets of ever lasting life."
"The Jedi teach us not to embrace our passions, to ignore all emotions and attachments. This limits us. All of us feel varying degrees of emotions, ranging from hatred to love. The Sith teach us to embrace the darker, sinister emotions such as rage. These are helpful and should be used to make us stronger. But unlike the Sith, we must practice and control ourselves. Become the guides of the dark side, not allow it to guide us. That is what will make us better than the Sith, much like it did for the people that I am talking about."
"The Jedi that began to practice, study and learn about the dark side of the Force were called Dark Jedi, due to the previous affiliation to the Jedi Order. These people uncovered secrets of the dark side, showing that the limited views of the Jedi Order were constricting them. They knew that for them to discover more about the force, the Jedi would have to be toppled. Thus they waged a war that history remembers as the Hundred Year Darkness. However, the Jedi Order had the backing of the Republic and subsequently the Dark Jedi were outnumbered. They hadn't learned enough about the dark side; and so they lost their war. Instead of murdering them, the Jedi exiled their former allies from known space and so they ventured out to the stars."
"It is a testimony to the dark side that, when one of us becomes it's vessel and subsequent guide, it will lead you to where you need to be, deceiving those whom are too weak to embrace it. The Jedi should have destroyed the Dark Jedi when they won their war, but their weakness told him to exile Ajunta Pall and his following instead; and thus during their exile, they discovered Korriban, home world of the Sith. The Empire that exists today, as well as all of the philosophies and practices of the Sith Order are because of the exiled Dark Jedi that founded the Sith Empire all of those years ago."
"But the Sith are a failure. Throughout the continuing eras since Sorzus Syn forged the Sith Code that they follow and since Ajunta Pall ruled as the first Dark Lord of the Sith, the Sith have changed from what they intended for them to be. Thus, the Jedi Order still exists and the Republic remains strong. Yes, there have been victories in Sith history, but when they have been on the eve of victory, it has not come. They did not become the dark sides guide, only a vessel."
"If weakness is to be removed, then evolution is necessary. I believe that will begin here on Vjun. I have so much to teach."
He looked between both of them, finishing his story and explanation, waiting to see their reactions and thoughts on the matter.