Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Darkness Falls // NIO Invasion of TSE held Bastion

Active Member
Location:Near Fortress Carnifex
Objective :Still trying to defeat and kill DK-03 DK-03

Ra's call his Electro-Bisento right back to his hands with the force and he use it to counter the barrage of bullets turning his weapon at supersonic+ speed as he advance forward. Once he is close enough to his opponent he will use a force hold with his left hand to toss him against a group of 501 troopers.
Bastion: Fortress Carnifex
Vaulkhar Vaulkhar

Attention!” The major yelled, and the detachment of Varanin legionnaires stationed within Fortress Carnifex stepped to attention. As Joycelyn entered, a pair of crownguard stepped in to flank the princess on either side, sabrepikes in hand. She had come to accept the stoic guardians even though their allegiance was more to their father and uncle than to her. But the Legion was something else; even now as they stood at attention she could feel them expecting her words, stretching their senses to hear.

Loyalists to the Princess of Dromund Kaas.

Our enemies are many, and they have come far to strike us in our home.” “We are Legion, we are one, and just like Empress Varanin, our legacy will live forever in the name of those who would take the banner of the Sith.” “-Those who know the intrinsic truths of this galaxy, upon which we have built this, our empire.”

They stomped in response, punctuating with a united thump.

We will not relent” thump! “We will not surrender” thump! “and we will not part with a single street without payment in blood.” thump, thump, thump!

Joycelyn shifted the grip on her silver pike, the blackened phrik plates scraped against the songsteel, creating a harmony of high pitched screeches.

Your princess stands with you, at your side in battle, and they will break here!


She raised her pike as her troops turned and presented their weapons, heavy gunners taking the front.

Nyashjontû wo!” She called.

Imperius! Imperius!” They chanted in return, as she walked among them.

The return of blasterfire began, like the breaking of a dam.

Heavy blasters laid down suppressive fire and cleared the path while squads pushed forward. Joycelyn herself pushed forward as well, flames licking the palm of her right hand as she brought it up, then slowly moved it down like a cut, fingers splayed. Fire coalesced in the air above her, then streaked forward like a grenade, crashing into the ground ahead of them and spreading out to form a perimeter of intense blue flames.

Yet at the back of her mind, what pressed her was the search for her treasonous kin.


Objective/Location: Guns of the Patriots
Fighter: Tuk’ata-class Sith-Imperial Interceptor - Harmony Sixteen
Onboard Equipment: PU-96 “Imperius” Class Flight Suit“Judicator” Adaptive Battle Rifle
Allies: TSE (Grand Moff Aut-X Onrai Onrai TE-236 TE-236 )
Enemies: NIO ( Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Var Koon Orssos-brel Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen )

“Copy that, Romeo One. You heard the order, Harmony.” Harmony One began in the distinctly cold, detached voice that Seo-Yun had long-grown used to. “We have to stop the enemy attack run at these coordinates! Form up, accelerate to attack speed, and launch missiles on my command!”

"Yes ma'am!" Seo-Yun sounded off, her high-pitched voice carrying across the comms and joining the chorus of assent from the pilots following Harmony One's orders. From there, the squadron quickly formed up around Harmony One’s craft. Seo-Yun followed suit, angling her craft towards the incoming New Imperial fighter squadrons before quickly establishing a missile lock on one of the fighters close to the rear of the formation.

“Missiles away.” Harmony One ordered. In tune with her commands, all of the pilots launched their concussion missiles with perfect harmony, all aimed for various craft within the hostile TIE group. Seo-Yun launched two, which streamed out from her launchers at extreme speed towards her target, which she could only hope would connect. Regardless, with Harmony squadron quickly closing into knife-fight range, Seo-Yun set more power to shields, at the slight expense of engine power. Then, she angled her interceptor’s nose slightly ahead of the TIE/VX ( Detritus Ren Detritus Ren ) at the front of the formation, lining up an aggressive lead pursuit angle from the right side of the bandit, aiming for a guns-based firing solution. Moments later, delicate, yet firm fingers squeezed the triggers on the control sticks, firing off a volley of six shots from her interceptor’s laser cannons, which were led slightly ahead of the bandit’s flight path to potentially strike at the fuselage of the TIE/VX.

“Stay close to your wingmen!” Harmony One sounded out as her squadron closed into guns range. ”Engage targets at will! For the Emperor!”


13th Shocktrooper Legion - Warmaster's Wrath
Ravelin, Capital City
En Route to Fortress Carnifex

Blaster fire raced back and forth between the Sith Imperials and Imperial Legions, Ravelin becoming engulfed in carnage and destruction as the two sides collided with one another in skirmishes and the shifting tides of battle. The advance towards the Fortress was progressing as expected, pushing back the Sith Imperial Forces under their multi-pronged assault from all approaches by the several Legions led by some of the most prominent military leaders that once led the Sith Empire's armies.
A Sith Imperial Stormtrooper was hunkered down behind some fallen rubble that served as cover in the middle of the path, cursing under his breath as blaster fire whizzed over his head. A lieutenant next to him would be shouting at the men holding the position, standing up as he waved his arm to push back, only for a blaster bolt to strike him in the side of the head as his helmet was snapped at a sickening angle from the force, their body going limp as they fell like a puppet with its strings cut. The Sith Stormtrooper looked over at their now dead lead, peaking over the rubble as he was eyeing the distance between them and the encroaching New Imperial forces.
He'd reach a hand back to grab a thermal detonator as he primed and readied to throw it. The steady beeping of the primed explosive would be heard as he stood to chuck it out at the approaching enemy, only to find an invisible force seeming to keep his fingers wrapped tightly around the explosive, unable to let it go. His companions nearby took note of this as they panicked and scattered to get away from him. The trooper holding the detonator would look back towards the enemy to see the imposing figure of Vexen with his saber at his side, a hand raised as if grasping at an invisible object, using the Force to keep the explosive in the man's hand.
Vexen watched as a foolish stormtrooper was instantly disintegrated by a detonator that he was forced to hold onto through the Force. A deft swing of his saber would deflect a blaster bolt with ease back into another Sith trooper as he raised his hand up and watched a trooper drop their weapon and fly at him while grasping at their throat. Vexen's fingers wrapped around their neck as he began to rapidly siphon the life force from the struggling man using Force Drain, further empowering and nourishing him with the essence of life, assimilating the unfortunate soul into his Sea of Memories. The body would soon go limp as Vexen tossed it off to the side.
Filled with renewed vigor he held his arm up as an emplacement was being turned on him, a torrent of blaster bolts flying at the Anzati warmaster. Vexen did not flinch as he curled his fingers into a fist, holding it up perpendicular to the ground as the hail of bolts was halted several meters in the air as if frozen in space and time while Vexen employed Force Stasis, creating a wide barrier to protect the troops following behind him as he threw his fist out, fingers outstretched as each and every blaster bolt that was caught was thrown back, annihilating the emplacement position that was attempting to lay down suppressive fire. Vexen would raise his arm up to his chest level, activating his communicator, " Press the attack. No mercy for the weak. "

// ALLIES | NIO //: Irveric Tavlar / Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa / Agrippa Agrippa
// ENEMY | TSE //: Anden Fancelo



L O C A T I O N | Residential Sector
O B J E C T I V E | Ravelin
T A G S | Cyndane Cyndane
G E A R | Masamune, the Pew-Pew
Stealth Cloak, Beskar’Kandar, pair of MT-14 Pistols.

"Would you care if I provide some suggestions on your next course of action?”, the IA spoke inside her helmet but oddly enough Ursula could not offer some answer to it since the troops he could not answer since the enemy troops were right in front of him. The woman was also not interested in the suggestions of the machine, she rarely listened to what she suggested and sometimes thought that the reason for installing the IA was with the intention of just having someone to casually talk and offend. Ursula sighed under the helmet, that apparently was not her lucky day or even one of those days that she would just find peace in her life. But life was a bit like that plastic surgeon once said to her: "If you gotta go, go with a smile ', it was funny that he didn't laugh when she spread his guts on the floor after he refused to enter the ship.

"Yes.", She replied abruptly lowering the rifle in her hand and keeping it by the side of her waist between the fingers of her right hand. "Let me offer my credentials."

"OPTION 1: Shoot her from left to right to destabilize the new enemy and regroup.
OPTION 2: Lift your left hand and ignite your flamethrower, surprising her, activate the jetpack and shoot them down from the sky.
OPTION 3: Run as fast as you can."

Ursula felt the urge within her to offend that damn machine aloud, but she refrained from doing so. His free hand closed around his credentials, bringing his hand slowly forward, while the right rotated the gun from the bottom up, sinking his finger into the trigger with the intent of his shot to follow his rival, growling low as his gun shocked his arm back. Had she thought straight, she would have held the gun with her left arm, its mechanical monstrosity and withstood the rifle's kick without any problem.

Instead, Ursula rotated the mechanical arm presenting her credentials, offering her six small metallic balls, already ready to burst around with smoke and sparks. While her feet started running back as far as she can, while the other hand shared holding the rifle to stabilize her position and start the volley of shots from her lethal metal slugs. Shouting merrily as she unleashed her rifle against the girl in front of her.
"How do you find my credentials now, Sith bastard?!"

Atlas Kane


Allies: Hunter Blackburn Hunter Blackburn , the New Imperial Order;
Enemies: The Sith Empire;
Secure the Datacluster, take the info
Unnamed Sith Datacluster

There was something different about the currents of the Force today. It ran deeper than the planet-wide violence just outside. An uncertainty subsumed the space below the depth of power he had mastered, barely out of reach. This made him uncomfortable.

He rolled his shoulders to loosen up. It wasn't a smooth motion, doing little to take the edge off. The body beneath the Sith's armour was battered and broken, willed to move more by its master's power than the muscles and tendons that composed its once healthy frame. For once he was glad for the mindless slaughter the Imperial, Crius Hannad he learned, was cutting through the meagre security that remained in the Sith's Datacluster. Rarely did the Royal Guard let one of the legionnaire slip by to be dispatched by Atlas' crimson blade. The infrequency of action increased the chance the Imperial had missed the discomfort in Atlas' motions. He figured Crius too perceptive for something like that to remain beyond notice, but he lacked the energy to make sure it did.

So he banked on fate, on the Force. This made him even more uncomfortable.

He was fond of planning. Wherever he went, whatever he did, whatever outcome, it was always predetermined. Set up in advance after hours of tireless preparation and positioning of dejarik pieces on a metaphorical playing board. It gave him the utmost certainty in those moments when he needed to tend to the execution of his plans personally. He enjoyed that certainty then. It made each of his involvements more like the rituals he'd rather be conducting. So long as he performed each step precisely as prepared things fell into place. It left little room for error, true, but those had been beneath him for a while now.

Today he lacked that certainty, and as Crius' silver blade bisected a Sith legionnaire just ahead, that something about the current entered his thoughts again, their mission turned into little more than a formality for him at this point.

Atlas concentrated on that current of fate which had shifted almost imperceptibly in the Force just beyond his reach. The territory he had bent to his will in the metaphysical space that composed his well of power skirted the edges of the greater currents of the Force. It was like a lake that stood idle just shy of the wild oceans, or so he perceived it. His meditations into the Force had always been as cryptic as they had been insightful, answering as many questions as they illuminated new ones. But with more time spent deeply immersed in that place came familiarity with it, and he settled on imagining the Force as a great, wild ocean. Always in motion, rippling with countless individual waves that all pushed and pulled in every direction, yet all a small part of a greater whole left unaffected by what its small components did. He came to think of the power he could call upon as his own small, compared to the vastness of an ocean, lake. It was something one man could control, at least. He figured some would object, claim dominion over the entirety of the Force, the ocean, but this notion only came to fools drunk on ambition. History had made clear the Force was the master of all destiny.

"Thought I told you not to slow me down?" Atlas attention was brought back to the physical by the words of Crius.

He shook his head as though trying to dislodge a thought and looked at the Imperial, the remains of a red plated soldier crumbling to the floor behind the Royal Guard.

"Are you asking for my help with those sentries? Your performance thus far had fallen in line with my assessment of the legionnaire's role as little more than sabre-practice for someone of your rank. Perhaps my judgement was hasty," he replied, letting a false poison of disdain seep into his voice just to keep up the act. He didn't much mind the confrontational attitude of the Imperial, but he did mind letting the man think he could get away with implying the Lord of Power was anything but his better in every regard.
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Unit: Red Squadron (Temp)
Ship: X-Wing Space Superiority Starfighter
Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen Aeson Keel Aeson Keel Serenity Serenity Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Orssos-brel Hugot Tyvek VII Hugot Tyvek VII Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva Hiram Voss Hiram Voss
Grand Moff Aut-X Melia Siari Onrai Onrai Moon Seo-Yun Thaelius Thaelius


An E-Wing was engulfed in a ball of flame as one of the cluster seeker missiles finally hit its target, more of the missiles had caused the . The bombers seemed to have acknowledged their presence by now, but continued on their flight path, stoic and intent on causing as much havoc as possible. They had the simple job of trying to impede them in that task. The fighters and bombers in the squadron let off their torps at the swarm of blips. As soon as he'd unleashed part of his payload, he pressed on towards his adversaries.

"Full ahead people, target the bombers and watch for turbolaser fire."

Olen switched his firing solution back to regular lasers and bumped up the throttle, letting off a burst of red blasts at one of the bulky Sith bombers, blasting into the centre of the cockpit. It's wingmate correctly juked out of position to try and distance themselves. Deciding to go for a counternail, he cut some power and pulled back, allowing the chased fighter to catch it's breath as it attempted to come back round for another hit. If he timed this wrong then he'd end up colliding with the enemy, which was not the intended outcome.

He closed in carefully, allowing laser blasts from the enemy to pass through his strike foils and hit his shields. As soon as the fighter had passed his own flightpath, he got his opportunity and turned the stick right back around, reeling back in a tight arc before punching the sublight thrusters to get his opponent. As soon as his targeting computer locked, he finished the job, spraying the ship with quad fire from his laser cannons. Olen didn't have much time to savour his victory, so moved out quickly to rejoin the rest of his unit.

"That's another boss!" Came the celebratory voice of Red Four who'd secured another victory, the Pau'an's X-Wing coming into sight. The pilot from Utapau, snaprolled to port to join in the loose formation with the rest of the unit's starfighters who were all periodically forming up.

"Seems like our New Imp friends need some help over there. Follow me." Olen flicked on his backup transmitter and switched to the coalition frequency and eliminated the background noise. To his port, he noticed the NIO's Ghost Squadron struggling against some Sith Interceptors. Time to drop in. "Ghost One ( Detritus Ren Detritus Ren ), this is Red Leader, two squads at point oh-niner, we got your backs if it all goes to bantha poodoo.." Up ahead, the angular Tuk'ata-class Sith-Imperial Interceptor
of Moon Seo-Yun was visible. Over the course of his career, he'd spent many a time battling the fighter, and many a time studying it. His X-Wing had the speed department covered and his heavy laser cannons could do the trick, but they could easily swarm him if he wasn't careful.

Keeping his firing solution to his regular cannons, the pinpricks of fighters on his display grew once more as the unit attempted to hound Harmony Squadron.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Valeria Ragal (Ingrid L’lerim)
The Red Witch; sorcerer, master spy, agent, assassin, sniper, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Thaumaturgic Tower in Fortress Carnifex, Bastion
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Tactical Turtleneck with this look | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Stealth field generator | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Actual look under the armour: link |
Allies: AMCO AMCO | Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Enemies: Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | FN-999

They were still very slow with the deletion and EMP would not have been a solution either. Ingrid nodded seriously. Although she understood the computers very well, she did not offer her help. These were datas that Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe really wanted to see. Know about their existence. Precisely because of this, she did nothing; she cannot report on the existence of what she does not know. And if she saw something, she would remember and report it. She didn't want to be accused of espionage. She didn't want to put Adrian in danger either.

~ Then, now we know the problems, for the next time, wherever the attack is, we are... or I'm writing a computer virus that wipes everything and even destroys computers. And before you ask, both parents, but especially my mother. ~

Didn’t “say” more, Adrian already knew her genetic anomaly, so that was plenty. The Emperor’s Hand perfectly understood how important this was to the man and the Sith Empire, so just nodded again, seriously. Smiled for a moment when her lover mentioned that he wouldn't die for the data and the task anyway. Anyway, Ingrid would have bet on a larger amount on this. Scowled at Sith Lord's suggestion, and would have answered when she sensed the presence of the one who had just arrived nearby. Whoever was, it was very strong.

She wasn’t happy to have to give up on him, who knows what might happen while she’s out there. Especially when that someone comes here and finds Adrian, and of course his disciple, even though she didn’t care so much about her fate. Could hardly nod to the request. She stroked the man's face gently.

~ You want to protect me from the person we feel with this act of sending me away, do you? I hope not, because I don’t need protection, but you do! Even if the enemy is Force user. Anyway… I'm not happy to have to leave you here. Even if only for a few minutes. Be yourself and try not to be heroic, rather run until I get back. Whatever happens, I want you to get back in one piece Adrian! Please take care of yourself! ~

If her lover did not oppose, she kissed him. It was very difficult to finish the kiss and step back. Stepped back two more and disappeared to everyone except Adrian as she became invisible. It was only because of the telepathic connection between them that he could see her. She also picked up her helmet and hood, then hurried to the escape route.

The enemy had already entered the building, hearing their voices. After a hurry of a minute or two, she arrived invisibly at the place where the secret flight was to be found, which they wanted to use to leave, or just to escape. In this case, it will be an escape. Everything was still quiet here. For now.

~ They got into the building I hear and sense tem, it's only a matter of time before they get to where you are. If you don't leave now, you'll be trapped! The escape route is still free, here I am, no trace of the enemy. ~




NIV Dauntless: Shield Generators
1st Hour
Gordon found himself pinned under a torrent of bolts from ironically named Judicators. What exactly was the purpose of veiling the abhorrent acts of the Sith under brand friendly names like the Judicator. Perhaps the Sith enjoyed the irony as they wielded the rifle as an instrument of slaughter. He was felt that these Legionnaires were grinning sadistically under their heavy helmets, twisted through their indoctrination or perhaps just warped to begin with.

As he closely clung against the corner of the hallway, intense heat radiated from gradually reddening durasteel surface. Hot gases rapidly expanded and snapped, producing deafening crackling that rattled his audioreceptors.


When he signed up to be a naval officer, he was trying to avoid the horrors of wars yet he found himself in some of the worst possible situations. Tortured at Orinackra, blown up at Ord Mantell, ordered to die on his first day as a naval officer for the Sith Empire. He missed the days swigging reactor fuel with the maintenance boys at the local watering hole. Hearing the problems of Republika Mantellska--and those were so horrible that they were comedic--after an exhausting day of repair work seemed so innocent compared to S-IMPs mowing down unarmored crewmen.

He looked down and saw the pained and shocked expressions of crewmen whose bodies' were disintegrating as hails of blaster fire sliced and burnt through their corpses. The few sporadic wails of pain were immediately silenced as heavy repeaters tore through flesh and metal alike.

Gordon took a deep breath, the noxious fumes swirling into his artificial lungs. His olfactory sensors transmitted the repugnant stench of carbonized human flesh and blood, a smell that reminded him of his decaying body crumbling due to radiation and starvation.

And he hated it.

He chucked a KXA ABDG-01x 'Null' Grenade into the crowd of Legionnaires and dashed forward, keeping himself low and against the wall of the corridor. Blasters would be nullified or dampened, but he didn't think the S-IMPs would care to stop firing.

Reaching the first Legionnaire through dense smoke of the Null Grenade, Gordon slugged his arm forward, throwing his entire body's momentum into landing a solid blow to the soldier's throat. As the soldier was forcibly knocked backwards and onto the ground, Gordon stepped forward and accurately stomped his foot down, crushing their windpipe completely.

Lunging forward toward the nearest shadow, the hazy outline of another black armored Legionnaire was revealed as he cut through the Null smoke. He shoved the heavy repeater away from his body with one arm before unsheathing a vibrodagger and gouging out their exposed jugular. The vibrodagger impaled the large artery through its body suit and upon its quick exit, hot blood spilled outward and splattered across his face, pooling on the floor. He shoved the body over the mess before continuing his assault to the next.

Just as he was about to kick in the Legionnaire's knee, a force knocked him back completely along with the dozens of others among the Sith boarding party. As the smoke was completely expelled and dispersed by the wave of force, a bright red blur slashed across Legionnaires and he could make out the vague, passing outline of a green-skinned being dressed in dark robes. Crashing against the edge of the blastdoor with his shoulder, he was only inches away from completely caving in his head and dying on the spot.

As his crushed shoulder socket held on to his arm from falling off completely, Gordon got up and first saw the disappointed face of Vortex.

"Aw, I was hoping you would have died."

Clenching his teeth, he glared back at the Sith Apprentice and walked toward the fallen crewmen. Noticing fresh footprints imprinted on to the once pristine and crisp bodysuits, his teeth ground against each other, clicking painfully as his teeth slipped and snapped to the next.


Dauntless Junior: Hangar Bay
0th Hour of Bastion
A Kuati cigarra dangled loosely from the pale lips of Echo One. Echo was one of Dauntless Junior's TIE/OTx Outlander squadrons and each Outlander was a beautiful art piece of efficiency. It was built to be an effective dogfighter with a balanced load-out that highlighted maneuverability, and in the hands of a skilled pilot, its handling enabled some extraordinary acrobatic feats on the battlefield.

Echo One was the leader of the fourth element of Echo, and despite being a mere 2nd Lieutenant Flight Officer, he earned the distinction as Echo One due to having the best piloting skills. His short career with the New Imperial Order was his only limiting factor, but Bastion would soon be another distinction on his record.

He took another deep puff of his cigarra as he waited by his Outlander. Despite his immense ego about his piloting chops, even Echo One was anxious about the invasion of Bastion. If they lost, they would all die. And even if they won, most of them would die. In the grand scheme of strategy, tactics and skills, it all boiled down to luck.

As the klaxon blared through the hangar and drilled into his ear drums, he picked up his helmet and rested the lit cigarra in its place. Climbing up into the cockpit ball of the Outlander, he did a final flight check as he looked over the various controls and status readouts, glancing over at the cigarra out of the corner of his eye. He kept his thoughts simple: he swore to come back alive and finish smoking the rest of his cigarra. Gordon most likely spent more than his entire salary on one of those bad boys and he wasn't going to resign himself to dying before finishing it. Granted it was his second, but everyone had the right to be a little selfish in life, right?

As he flew out of the hangar bay as one of the first Outlanders to respond to the threat, he checked his readouts and immediately took a deep breath as he saw the numerous starfighters and bombers in Dauntless Junior's vicinity. His comms rang out.


His black TIE helmet tilted down toward the display panel for sensor systems and his heavy gloves crunched as he tightened his grip on his controls.



The comms on the other end burst into a loud dissonant and distorted snap of static before silencing. The NIV Dauntless's sensor systems marked another Outlander IFF transponder as unresponsive. The operator at Mission Control had already switched to the next starfighter pilot, spitting out sensor readings, and switched to the next.

Sitting on a cargo crate in the hangar bay, the embers of a smoked cigarra glowed dully as wisps of smoke hungrily ascended upward.


Honor in death...

Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano

“At times because of one man’s evil, ten thousand people suffer. So you kill that one man to let the tens of thousands live. Here, truly, the blade that deals death becomes the sword that saves lives.”

- Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure

An empty room greeted the lone warrior. He peered about, scanning the blank walls for any sign of life. A soldier's cot stood alone on one side of the room, a utilitarian desk opposite of it, devoid of use. As far as anyone could tell, no one lived within the space.

Vaulkhar knew differently.

He approached the desk. Its squat shape had been carved from a blba tree, a native to Dantooine's grassy plains. It brought a smile to the man's typically scowling face. The wood spoke of the room's inhabitant in ways no one else could. It was sturdy. Capable of enduring for centuries where their roots burrowed into the earth. Unbending, not unlike the man Vaulkhar had come to call his closest ally.

He took hold of the desk's chair and pulled it back. He set a wrapped package atop the surface, carefully unfurling the thick leather material to reveal a piece of parchment, beside an ink well and brush. He set the wooden tool aside, gently, as not to damage the brittle bristles. Next, he took the small container, its contents sloshing about at his touch. He uncorked the vial. Ink greeted him, its acrid stench lazily drifting up to tickle his nose.

Vaulkhar took a deep breath, lifted a hand, and removed his mask.

Worries strangle growth
Unafraid, defenders stand
Grown from broken past

Farewell, my friend. May you find peace in a life beyond the empty promises of war.

He stood, packing away all but his final message and the mask. "To think this ends today," he muttered, turning from the table to depart the room.

A golden skull grinned in anticipation.


Vaulkhar watched his sister's call to action. He studied her soldiers, loyalists to a fallen Empress, whom he knew only through his lover's stories. Varanin. An inescapable name. One that claimed even his son, now stood before him, garbed in mighty plated metals, armed with weapons of war. His men charged to meet them. Snow white armor gleaned in the midday sun, the thick layer of smog over the city incapable of chasing away the radiant beams of light piercing the desecrated site. Blaster fire rained down on both sides, the heaven's weeping as it readied itself to welcome more sons, fathers, daughters, and mothers home. He would grieve for them in the only way he knew how. A blade in hand, locked in his final dance with death. Soon, the Bloody-Handed Bastard would walk beside them into the next life.

He took a step forward, the men closest to him turning at attention.

"What are your orders, Lord Executor?"

Vaulkhar stopped. He turned his gaze to the officer, a hand rising to the soldier's shoulder. "Order our men to cease fire and take cover at my signal," he stated. "It is not death I seek to deal today, Captain Rhoul. It is mercy," he turned his attention from Rhoul and marched through his company's position. His hand dropped to his side, gauntleted fingers taking a tight hold of the lightsaber hilt hanging from his belt.

Blaster fire became more frequent as he approached the defensive line. Some of his sisters' soldiers noticed him, changed their targets, and released a volley of red death. They were fast. But the Bastard was faster.

His vermilion saber surged to life, basking the ruined streets in a lava-like glow. Calls of the traitor echoed down the line, alerting all who stood against the New Imperial Order of Vaulkhar's presence. It mattered not. More bolts joined the second volley, each sent away by an expert strike of his lightsaber's omnidirectional blade. Some flew true, blasting a soldier from the feet, only for the empty space to fill by another Sith-Imperial loyalist. The stormtrooper's behind him cheered as their Executor took to the battlefield, a renewed sense of vigor washing over them in a mighty wave.

Vaulkhar ignored them, his gray-blue gaze locked on Joycelyn's impressive figure.

"Come forward, sister!" Vaulkhar roared out his challenge, his blade pointed at the Ember of Vahl. "Let us settle this matter as warriors! Not honorless killers!" he stopped his march, standing in the empty space between the offensive and defensive lines. The troopers behind him stopped shooting. Orders could be heard from the Imperial Order's side.

"Do not fire unless fired upon!" Rohl shouted. "Do not engage the enemy commander!"

Vaulkhar waited in silence.
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Objective: Secure the Academy
Location: Bastion Academy Court Yard
Allies: NIO | GA
Enemies: Darth Daiara Darth Daiara

War, the thing Oceiros had once feared most. He’d feared war more than he feared the Sith, for it was in war where he’d lost his family. Where he’d lost his famed cousin. Yet no matter where Oceiros hid war always found him in one way or another. War had come to Brentaal, bringing with it death and destruction the likes of which the Jedi had never seen. It was also on Brentaal that Oceiros learned that he could no longer run, that he couldn’t hide, that there was something beyond simply himself. Arcanus wouldn’t have hid, no true Sunstrider would continue to bury their face in the sand while injustice and tyranny reigned around them. No longer was the Epicanthix running from war, now he marched in it.

Alongside the Jedi there were numerous Galactic Alliance soldiers and stormtroopers that moved through the streets. Standing atop a tank, Oceiros kept an eye out across the streets. Smoke and flames billowed to the sky, above the skies taking on the appearance of death. Oceiros could feel it as he looked across the cityscape, the force in turmoil, an odd sensation filling his being. This wasn’t a fight between light and dark, the Jedi weren’t the true reason behind this fight against the Sith. It went beyond that, it was a fight about reclaiming what was once lost. Those who’d once served the Sith returned to claim the home they’d fought for, bled for, and had sought to protect, many willing to do whatever necessary to reclaim it. This world wasn’t the Sith, it showed how little the Sith overlords cared for the planet by not evacuating it, by leaving civilians behind in the midst of a battle they knew was soon to come.

Oceiros’ heart was heavy as they approached the Bastion Academy, he could feel the presence of those within, all those that had been tainted by the dark. Those who’d had their thoughts clouded and manipulated by the Sith believing that it was the true way to live. “Watch your fire, when possible use stun rounds, glop grenades and sonic weapons. We will not be killing children today. Those who resist-” Oceiros stopped, the words he knew he had to say caught in his throat. Never did he think he’d have to do such a thing.

“Those who resist, do what you must.” With the order given, the troops descended upon the Academy, pushing into the courtyard. Legionnaires and Sith alike rushed out to meet the hail of blaster and sonic rounds. Hopping from his position above the tank, Oceiros came down in a cleave that freed a legionnaire of their arm before spinning and thrusting through the shoulder of another.

Making his way through the crowd the epicanthix, did what he could to defend his soldiers as well as incapacitate their enemies. Each slash a regret, and then it came from nowhere. A banshee of the night came flying out landing upon one of the troopers.

“Get her off me, get this queen the fuck off me!” The soldier screeched trying to fight the Sith acolyte off his allies, turning and raising their weapons towards them both.

“Noooo!” Oceiros shouted over the melee charging towards them but it was too late as a bloom of flame came to life. The inferno stretched out swallowing the entire squad including the one being used as a shield, white plastoid armor charred and turned black, the screams of the troopers filled the Jedi’s ears as he could do nothing but watch them fall to the ground and cease moving.

Staring through the carnage and fire to the lone figure who did this Oceiros’ cobalt eyes reflected the flames, and within those eyes was nothing but pity. Raising a hand and shoving it out, a concussive wave escaped the epicanthix’s palm, the flames shunted aside in its wake as it sought to fling the witch back.

Location: Bastion, Fortress Carnifex
Objective: Entrance and join AMCO AMCO
Allies: TSE and their allies, nearby Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Enemies: NIO and their allies, FN-999, Caulder Dune Caulder Dune

The young woman wasn't one to stray very far from her lover on Rannon or her home on Denon. However, she didn't live under a rock and word of the invasions by the New Imperial Order against The Sith Empire was difficult for her to not know about. Knowing they were coming again, Aren decided it was time to make her stance known. Traveling to Bastion before they ever arrived, she was keeping this as a surprise to her Master.

Many aspects of their lives were private and the fact that each of them had lovers were unknown to the other. Not that it actually mattered, but it would have been nice for her to have known. Adrian and Aren had a Master and Apprentice connection and oddly enough she could feel his irritation at the situation he was in.

That altered as his focus changed. Even though the building seemed to be getting broken into...she sensed he might not be alone and for some reason, he was both calmed and amused at the same time. Giving something of a mental shrug. Closing her eyes, she took a breath and took a step forward. Focusing on where she felt Adrian, a portal opened in front of her and when she took her step, she appeared in the room with him.

Just missing the departure of Ingrid, she looked at her Master and shook her head.

"Why didn't you call me? C'mon, Master I can help you....what are you trying to accomplish here? We got enemies almost breathing down our necks!"

Barely waiting on him to answer, she not too gently shoved aside one of the technicians working on the computer. Cracking her knuckles, she started typing on the keyboard and touchscreen in front of her. Within a minute or about that, the unit went dark. Looking around the room, the Sith shrugged her shoulders with a sigh and moved to the next console.

Barking out some advice to those across the room without looking at them, she did the same procedure on the computer in front of her until it also went dark. Moving to the next she started the process all over again.

"You have a bright idea on how we're going to get out of here when these are all wiped?"

Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she typed at the computer without looking at it entirely.

"Is there anything you want to be saved?"

Sion Alar


go get your knife ]
Sion's heavy breathing undulated intensely as he tried to resist his Other's superior physical strength. Plasma cracked and screamed as the opposing monochromatic blades pressed against one another. Howling of the wind against the windows created a discordant melody with the constant droning of saber friction. The saliva between his teeth scattered from parted lips as he emanated a sharp hiss of discontent. Withered excuse for a left arm throbbed violently with pain as the effort was exerted to hold his ground. Fruitless, the pain could fuel so much power, but it couldn't change what he physically was.
"You should be asleep,"

"Shut up," Sion growled through clenched, yellowing teeth. In the fluttering darkness of the chamber, he continued to hold as tightly as he could. Both hands seized around the archaic weapon, his knees bent as he leaned forward, every muscle that could manage to push Asharo back laborious attempted to overcome the fruitlessness of their purpose. Eyes widened as his saber was forced back closer and closer to the dead center of the space between him. Anger, frustration, and fear all took over as Sion's eyes widened to the peak of their ability.
"But it's okay; I don't blame you. I felt it too."
The anger fueled a sudden burst of force-assisted strength. A sudden lurch granted him a sudden advantage in the reverse tug-of-war. A shrill hiss emanated down the length of his saber as their clash ended with absconding friction down the length of their respective plasmas. Shadows twitched across the metallic containing surfaces of the room as their weapons strobed turbulently in that instant. Two steps back preceded a flourish of the sable stick of curiously cast light before it came to an accusative point back towards Asharo.

The sinister, amber observers remained widened as they stared down the edge of the hot, stygian guide that pointed out before them. "Don't act like you have any idea!" Sion shouted, voice cracking at the very apex of his demand. Breathing had picked up so heavily that the rising and falling of his chest and shoulder became visibly akin to some kind of twitching dance. Every exhale rasped like a struggling wheeze, every inhale wispy and exaggerated. In what little light graced it, his face glistened with a bright sheen of sweat.

Sion had been made to believe that if Asharo died, he would die with him. His arm, their scars, and their pain had been evidence enough that such was fact. But, something within him refused to believe it, or rather, refused to care. "You don't know what I feel-" Sion began to speak once again, struggling to get his words out. Sudden hiss of his lightsaber broke the following silence as the pressure grip was released and the plasma retreated into the emitter. With a rigid thud, the hit bounced across the floor as Sion's grip changed to the silvery locks from his scalp.

"Get out-" he whispered harshly. Knees began to tremble in sync with the ever-quickening hyperventilation that plagued his lungs. Knees faltered all at once, dropping him into a fetal-squat onto the ground, his face tucked between his knees. "Get out of my head!" Porcelain fingers gripped tighter along the snowy mane, plucking hair after hair from their claim within the skin. The defensive demands that he shouted one after another slowly devolved into incoherent wailing and lamenting.



local time :// AFTERTHOUGHT
objective // RIP AND TEAR
dyad :// Asharo Madar Asharo Madar
allies :// Agrippa Agrippa | FN-999
foe(s) :// Lark Lark

[ we spread the scene in red ]
Limbs, blaster fire, heads, shrapnel, and dust all converged together into a horrid cyclone of destruction. The canvas of war once again weaving its repetitive play upon Sion's visual stage. His body moved, his blade sundered, but he merely watched. Was he doing this? He felt like an audience twice removed from the stage, every stroke, every kill, it felt like a dream. Sion couldn't feel his face or anything else for that matter. Was he even really here?

The sudden sting that plagued his lower right side was a distant sensation. It wasn't his own, merely an echo of Asharo's misstep. He found himself worrying more about what had happened to his Other to bring him this much pain rather than worrying at all of the Sith two paces ahead of him whom he clashed sabers with. Sion's hand shot forward to seize the Sith by the throat, a sudden dark surge of strength forced the Sith to bend backward as Sion pushed. Knee lunged forward, sundering the spine with a muffled crunch.

Another outpouring of profane vigor empowered the next motion of his arm, flinging the now paralyzed figure over his shoulder neck-first. The black robes fluttered and billowed against the wind as the helpless, flailing Sith was sent back towards the ranks of Doom Division. Like a training target being fired from a cannon, the Sith was punched full of holes by the Division's merciless vermillion blaster fire before they had any hope of hitting the ground.

The ringing in his ears had picked up to a deafening howl. All inquiries and orders within the comms placed in his ear failed to climb the resonant mountain. Captivated, his psyche froze in awe at the deft machinations of maiming and murder that his body seemed to orchestrate all on its own. 'Why are we even here?' he thought, knowing that his Other would hear like he always did.

'Because Halketh demanded we be.'

'Something's coming. Can't you feel that disturbance lingering just beyond time's horizon?'

'I feel it, too.'

'We can take him, Asharo.'

Asharo didn't acknowledge that, but Sion had expected as much. As one, two, three more Sith fell to his blade, his face remained in that eerily blank autopilot. What was the difference between himself and a droid at this point? Following orders just because they were given, performing the same tedium over and over, and for what? Because it's what he was designed to do? It disgusted him, he didn't ask for any of this.

'You're a coward, Ash.'

Imperial Warlord of the Redoubt Governorate

OPPONENT: Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield
GEAR: [x]​


“Incoming!” howled a Force Corps Auxilia Trooper, as a cluster of concussion missiles ripped a section of a street block.

The missiles exploded as they impaled the street, uplifting concrete and durasteel, spraying it in a downpour of projectile debris. The chunks of Bastion splattered into armored personnel vehicles, pinned down by the advances of more powerful Sith All-Terrain Heavy Enforcer [AT-HE]. The unit had been pinned down by a unit of Armored Sith Trooper companies. Hordes of Sith Troopers supported by All-Terrain walkers had held up their advance into the central causeway that ran up to the Imperial Palace. They were all hunched behind cover, whatever cover was possible. Bombed out residential towers, burning carcasses of repulsortanks or, laid down prone in artillery ruptured craters.

The Auxilia Division pinned down by this onslaught was trying to engineer their own escape. The main chunk of the Force Corps, all of their Knights Battlegroups had been pulled to the right flank of the Sovereign Imperator himself. The Imperial Force Knights where there as well, as they were commanded. Led by the High Knight Marshal herself. Help, if any sort, wasn’t coming. The commander of the 99[SUP]th[/SUP] Auxilia Troopers, a near-human named Dexo Krav, was sat behind a smoldering tank with his surviving division staff.

“We’re fracked,” he said.

“This cover wont last another one of those missiles vomits sir!” chimed an officer.

“You don’t think I fethin’ know that?!” barked back Dexo.

“We could set up heavy repeaters in the buildings, funnel them into a kill zone,” suggested another officer.

“We’d need to run out into the open to set that up. We’ll get blasted into oblivion before then,” warned one.

“It doesn’t matter!” Dexo yelled, trying to shout over a deafening explosion.

“We can’t retreat, we can’t lose ground. There is no retreat point from here on out!”

“We gotta move! We move, we live. We stay, we halt, we die!”
Dexo punctuated his lecture with a slashing gesture across his throat with his thumb.

Dexo rose up slightly, bracing himself against the hull of the tank. He motioned for his men to follow. They all rose cautiously, mindful of cover and the spewing shrapnel that rained a clattering melody as it peppered the tank’s side.

“We form up in small teams, two or three and we move through the towers. Keep to cover and we surround that S-IMP Walker and divide and conquer. Understood?” Dexo said.

The officers fell silent for a moment, but nodded and finally replied, “Yes sir.”

“Alright then,”
Dexo said.

“Force and the Imperator be with ya’boys.”

They separated. Formed their teams. And launched their desperate charge. When the teams fanned out from their cover to run into the bombed out towers they were immediately beset by cover fire. Some torn by Sith Trooper snipers, others by armored vehicle rapid fire, and some by the AT-HE’s guns. Dexo’s team were close to the crumbling entrance of a grand residential tower when a missile erupted above and showered them with fire and debris. Bloodied and crawling Dexo was hell bent on reaching his target. Some of the teams were moving past him. Some stopped to pull him but, he slapped them away.

“Get to your target damn it!” he cussed at them.

“Just get there and move,” he whispered.

Another missile was blazing its way towards him. He eyed and smiled. But, the missile froze. Suspended in some paralysis that made it jitter in place, its rocket still spewing fire and smoke efflux. Dexo watched the missile vibrate in the air, held in place with shock. His mouth gapped open and his eyes widened. Standing beside him, was the High Knight Marshal herself. She was before him, both hands out, controlling the missile with the Force. Her white armor was scorched with blotches of blaster fire burn rings, her black camp torn into tattered streamers, and her insignia’s barely visible from the erosion they had suffered. But, nevertheless she stood like a goliath. The Shield of the New Imperial Order. Dexo heard a cry and turned his head slowly, fighting the pain his body howled at him to view an entire division of Imperial Knight storming behind them with reinforcements.

A sudden horror came over Dexo that provided an adrenaline to his body helping him to jolt up to his knees. In laborious and stumbling struts he tried to reach his commander.

“Marshal!” he called out, he continued ignoring any etiquette that otherwise was demanded when addressing the overall commander of all the Imperial Force Knights.

“What the fething hells are you doing here?! You should be with Knightsgroup Center!”

“We’re just a flanking decoy ma’am! The Center needs you!”

“We can be lost! The Center can’t!”

“We know our duty!"

"We’re the expendable ones, not you!”

Zovesa still holding off the missile said nothing for a moment. Her fists were shaking as they pulled on the invisible reins that held the missile in place. Slowly however, the missile began to spin around. More fire came down as she did, but other Imperial Knights moved to guide, deflect and redirect them away. The missile was then fully turned to point back at the AT-HE that was baring down on them.


“Not, to me…” Zovesa growled back over the comms in the helmet.

“What?” Dexo replied in reflex.

“You’re not expendable to me!” Zovesa said, before releasing her fingers and then releasing missile which flew back into the AT-HE erupting one of its chicken leg limbs into a fireball.

Zovesa spun around and grabbed Dexo and with Force Speed leapt aside into the cover of the tower’s entrance Dexo had been crawling to. There she lowered him down took off her helmet. Her brilliant red eyes glared deeply into his black visor. She rested her hand on his shoulder.

“This tower is our home now Colonel,” Zovesa said.

“It is our world, like Nirauan.”

“It is in your hands now, protect it.”

She put back her helmet and stood up. Igniting her sliver saber, she sprinted forward and then became a blur as Force Speed propelled her legs in cavernous leaping strides into the fight. Reaching the open street, she ran up a wreckage of a landspeeder and jumped into a unit of Sith Troopers. The Force which fuelled her superhuman run surged into her fist as she landed and unleashed a Force Blast comparable to the craters created by the missiles. It flung Sith Troopers around and took concrete of the street with it. A dust cloud plumed and Zovesa used it as cover to toss her saber out and send it in a slashing crescent to clear any follow up from surviving Sith Troopers. Having drawn their attention, the other Imperial Knights and reinforcing Auxilia Troopers charged forward in a full on assault.

// Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe | CLOSED //
B I R D ' S _ E Y E //

"Vizier on deck!"

At the commanding clamor of officers, men and women in the vicinity snapped to attention with a loud, collective rumble and snap. Commotion and utterances suddenly ceased, leaving the rhythmic tapping of Tyrell's cane upon the durasteel floor panels the only audible presence within. Shambling forward, flanked on either side by auxiliary members of the New-Imperial 501st, Tyrell did naught to acknowledge the officers or soldiers within. Their collective approach brought them to the precipice of the corridor where every holding cell within The Sentinel lay.

Lieutenant Commander Rondat met their approach with a snappy salute, his uniform shoes snapping against the ground loudly. In the light, the stubble on the Lieutenant's sweaty jowls was disgustingly stark. The slightly rotund officer was damp in the face, eyelids fluttering slightly at the sight of the Grand Vizier. It was painfully clear, at least to Tyrell, that this officer was hiding something. "
Grand Vizier Paxxus, to what do I owe your presence?"

Grand Moff Lowe, which cell?" Tyrell inquired firmly, drooping, aged eyes locked onto the sharp blue of the Lieutenant's. Hesistation was immediately apparent, the officer's eyes going from the vacant visors of the 501st troopers before falling back upon Tyrell. "130-A, Grand Vizier, m-may I ask for what purpose you wish to see the prisoner?" A subtle pivot on the heels pointed Tyrell in the direction of his departure past Lieutenant Rondat. "You may not, Lieutenant."

Eyes of rigidly attentive soldiers and officers glanced around nervously. Each of them wearing their guilt upon their oculi. The fists and feet responsible for the torment of a prisoner all adhering to the same order, a repugnant facade of innocence. The stride of the Vizier and his escorts grew quieter and quieter as they descended down the corridor.

With a dismissive nod of his head, the Grand Vizier signaled the two cell guards to take their leave. In the face of such authority, despite their probable guilt, they did not hesitate to flee leisurely from their posts. A hand placed flat upon the holoscreen of the door control. Biosignature identification imparting a delay of only a few seconds before the console beeped with mechanical approval.

As the thick, blast door slid open, fluorescent light from the corridor flooded into the near-lightless void violently. The blonde hair of the Sith-Imperial Grand Moff gleamed against the photons, her swollen and damaged visage casting a shadow of an all-to-different tune. Tyrell frowned at the sight of what'd been done to her. Did it surprise him? Of course not. But it was upsetting to know that such conduct could have taken place right under his nose.

"Grand Moff Lowe," Tyrell began in his usual atonal, stern utterance. "I apologize for... this. I find it regrettable that someone of your standing would be treated so barbarically." Did she deserve special treatment on rank? Probably not, but she was a prisoner, not a torturee. A wince crawled across his face when observing the severity of facial bruising and distorted wrist. She was the enemy, and to enemies they had done much worse. But she was a prisoner, captured, defenseless. Did they all still succumb to the faintest echoes of Sith-Imperial cruelty?

"Help her up. We're going to have a chat, Miss Lowe."
Galactic Alliance 3rd fleet, corvette line 253
Allies: Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Olen Halcorr Olen Halcorr Hugot Tyvek VII Hugot Tyvek VII Hiram Voss Hiram Voss Var Koon
Enemies: Thaelius Thaelius Onrai Onrai Grand Moff Aut-X


"Sir! High Admiral Pryce has given the order for the attack!"

"Then let us move forward."

Hawk lead the line forwards. Behind the moon, all was calm. When Hawk moved out of cover, that calm was shattered. In the distance, New Imperial and Sith ships engaged in an intense battle. The 253rd line moved rapidly forwards to open the fight, speeding ahead of the rest of the fleet. They were to open the battle, being able to close before the Sith's large Star Destroyers could turn to face them.The closest portion of the Sith fleet, under Thaelius Thaelius , had far fewer small ships than Constantine's own line. The Star Destroyers could easily annihilate his entire line if they were caught in the middle of their firing arcs. What Constantine needed to do was prevent that from happening.

"Lieutenant! I want you to keep an eye on the Destroyers, if they turn towards us I want to know!"

His second in command shouted a confirmation before jumping to his task. Hawk's guns were blazing by now, firing on the Sith ships with its turbolasers and Ion cannons. Currently, they were focused on the Sith strike frigates and corvettes, which were few in number. A single Warrior-II could easily take on one of the Sith Corvettes alone, So Constantine had most of his ships focusing fire on the frigates. Once those were destroyed, the line would then focus fire on the shield frigates to leave the Star Destroyers vulnerable. At least, that was the plan.

Flashes of blue, green, and red blurred across the Commodore's vision. Some directed at his ships, many at the Sith. The massive Star Destroyers dwarfed Constantine's line, and the intimidating form of the Autarch-class sent dread into his mind. That ship had to be destroyed simply for the threat it posed to the allied fleets. His mind racing, Constantine scanned the ship for anywhere he might be able to strike. The exposed bridge was a target, especially from behind, but the shields on that thing must be obscenely strong...
Last edited:

Assets: Dorn Company l 16th SOM
With: Amon Vizsla l NIO Ground Forces
Against: Nida Perl Nida Perl l Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Objective: Sin.

It was then, and only then, that I saw the futility of what I had done for years. All it took was a look.

Dorn Company was a ruthless, all-consuming wave of hatred, anger, repressed violence, and betrayed emotions manifesting in the removal of life from the Sith forces ahead of them. They were not there for the New Imperial Order. They were not there for the Mandalorian's revenge. They were there because the Silver Jedi betrayed their values. Betrayed Dorn Company. Sent them to die, to kill, to suffer. And left them only at the edge of the galaxy- to aid the enemy. To help slavers, to aid the Hutts, of all people. If people was the word. It was there that Dorn Company dropped their flag.

Task Force Raider was no more.

Dorn Company was disavowed, forgotten, abandoning their post.

The Rangers were split, their most lethal and experienced unit leaving the entirety of Silver Rest under the cover of night. The betrayal was less so, an exodus. They made their point by their leaving.

It was hypocritical, he then realized, for him to be staring at Nida the way he was. He knew the look on her face, even without closing the distance. The reason she was here. He would've known if she was a prisoner. But he saw no shackles. No cuffs. No collar. No- he knew Sith. He knew them all too well. Tulan Kor was a man of a lot of things- but forgiving of traitors was not one. Tulan may have left the Silver Jedi to save his comrades, and Dorn Company may have done the same but to save their ideals-

There was no greater betrayal to Tulan for someone to go to the Sith. The Sith made him a monster. A murderer. A killer.

And she was there.

She was so kind.

So wonderful.

So lovely of a soul. She went halfway across the galaxy to save another Jedi. She was Thirdas' true love, the one he was supposed to be with until he died. And she was here, helping the Sith. The Sith- of all people. The rapists, the murderers, the slavers, the pariahs of the galaxy. Touting order while sewing chaos. Advocating control while losing it. And she was there. Standing among them. For them.

There were no words needed to be said. As Dorn Company swarmed in through the breach, Tulan broke the lines, charging Nida. Sith Warriors came up, red lightsabers attempting to crash down on Tulan's form. There was no stopping him. He ducked low, his powerful form, stocky and muscular, grasping at them low, using his forearm to smack them away as he came towards Nida.

Tulan screamed, a terrifying war cry. Unhinged, Tulan was coming to do on thing-

Take Nida's life for her betrayal of all that he fought for, and the sacrifices he made to make sure she could stay a Jedi. The fall he took for her. The fall she took for herself.

He had a knife attached to his plate carrier. He dropped his rifle on the approach. His attack was going to be personal- and painful. She was going to suffer for her betrayal, for her defection- for her deceit. He was here for revenge, initially. He was getting it with every stormtrooper body his men collected. But this- this was more deeply personal than anything he ever did.

Something screamed at him to stop. But it was drowned out by the sound of his scream. The primal, evil man coming out in him. Something snapped inside Tulan when he saw Nida where she was. Who she was with.

Something that tethered him to being a good man, to having hope, was gone. There existed only the war, the violence, the brutality.


Nebula II-class Star Destroyer - NIV Myrmidon
Majestic II-class Heavy Cruiser - Two Vessels
Defender II-class Assault Carrier - Two Vessel
Inceptus-class Assault Ship - Two Vessels
Prosecutor-class Planetary Assault Ship - One Vessel
REC-LC01 "Negotiator"-class Light Cruiser - Twelve Vessels
V-wing Heavy Interceptor - Twenty Squadrons of Twelve
TIE/HB Bruiser - Eight Squadrons of Twelve
REC-LU01 HAAT - Eight Squadron of Twelve
Eta-2 'Midnight' Jedi Starfighter

With Bastion in sight, the surrealness of the Order's current situation had finally begun to set into Lucien's mind. The Third-Imperial Civil War had finally reached the cusp of its momentum, and at the gates of the Sith-Imperials themselves, the Order had prepared itself to take the final victory that everyone present had long dreamed of achieving. Already the Legions had fallen onto the surface in force, or at least the majority of them had done so already. Fleets were mobilized across the battlefield to engage their enemies across the stars, and the battle for Bastion was in full swing for all who were present in that moment.

All but the Myrmidons, and Lucien himself.

The glory which the armies of the Order were achieving planet side had created a growing void within the stomachs of the men and women who encompassed Lucien's companions,
his Legion. Together they had fought for what felt like ages, and perhaps it was, considering the stature to which their commander had risen. Gone were the days where dozens of men who being led into battle by some green kid who called himself a Jedi. The fire within his eyes had remained, yet that endless ambition had long since had its space mutually occupied by a weariness that only countless battles was capable of manifesting.

Witnessing the endless cycle of death and rebirth that the Order and the Sith created did little but bring jaded and mixed feelings into the heart of the Exiled Prince. The time for smiles and dreaming of seeing Serenno free were long gone, or at least locked away behind his more pragmatic side, which had done away with most of his naivety. His focus shifted from that fairy tale crusade to simply what was right in front of him at that moment. Whether it is NIrauan, his peers at the assembly, the men under his command, or Bastion itself, in all its corrupted and wilted glory. Such a narrow focus could be summed up within the ethos of the Myrmidons themselves.

Always forwards, never backwards.

Yet Lucien knew better than to espouse the ethos of his companions fully. From the front he led his men into the jaws of death, and with it came an understanding about what a leader must believe, even if his men were led to believe something different.

Sometimes you had to go backwards, if you wanted to get forwards.

His achievements were left muddled in the face of the numerous failures that had followed him since leaving his home. Even his reasoning behind exile was in itself the first in what became a series of failures to mark his legacy. A kid who came from everything had lost it all within the matter of hours, only to eventually gain back what he lost in the form of a new group of people to call his family. Those early days spent lounging around Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr 's ship while Amea Virou Amea Virou covered for his duties on the occasion had felt like bliss, despite having nothing but his ship and the friends who accepted him along the way. The wealth and power that came with his achievements meant nothing compared to those little moments that defined who he was to become. Who he truly was at the roots, and had never once considered abandoning.

Yet he abandoned those friends the moment the urge to follow his ambitions grew too great to keep him settled in one spot forever. The spacer life, which he loved from the bottom of his heart, was set aside temporarily as he set off to the Unknown Regions, intent on making his name through achievements that were earned in blood paid and spilled. Hollow achievements, if you asked him. He gained wealth and power beyond what most men could have dreamed of achieving in a lifetime, yet in the end he still felt as hollow as the day he left Serenno, never to return again.

There was nothing prodigal about his achievements, if in the end, he could feel nothing but a numbness in his heart when he looked at the world around them. The color seeped out of everything but the stars, and empathy became a chore more than a natural part of his psyche. He felt nothing, and he was all alone, even when surrounded by his companions and the countless souls that tugged at his heart through the force. Perhaps had he been in his shoes several years earlier things would've been different for him in the present. These days it felt like he was only ever alive when adrenaline coarsed through his body, and the force guided his blade forwards.

Always forwards, never backwards.

Until the last enemy had retreated off the battlefield or were cut down by the blades of him and his men. It was no wonder that the Myrmidons were growing restless whilst the rest of the Order spilled Sith blood throughout the streets of Ravelin. From his command bridge upon the NIV Myrmidon, Lucien casually stood around the holographic projection which displayed the current status of the space and land theaters of combat. Strike Group Dooku had exited hyperspace to the rear of Var Koon's 7th fleet, holding a position in the reserve that had essentially kept the entirety of Lucien's forces well and clear from all theaters of combat presently active.

Already there had been calls for Lucien to join the battle, to which the young Warlord utilized the loophole in his command to completely disregard the requests being sent his way from High Command. The battle upon Ravelin and above Bastion was no simple skirmish, nor was it to be the combined assaults which had won the Order the day upon countless planets and words curling up to the fringe of the Zambrano Empire's borders. Bastion was simply just it; Bastion. It was the pinnacle of the work that had went into striking at the Braxant Run with all their might, and cutting a salient through the Sith lines which would allow them to once and for all bring their little civil war to a close.

As such, Lucien didn't have any reason to let himself or the Myrmidons get wrapped up into the initial stages of the conflict. War was not a singular event, after all, but a series of scenes that each Commander present played a role in setting for each successive scene after. Everyone had their part to play, and for Lucien and the 173rd, that part did not come until later. Despite the protests from the Myrmidons themselves, Lucien would not give the order to let his men satiate their hunger, or the rage that had long since been present for their most hated foe, the Sith

From the bridge of his command deck, Luc would ignore the relaying of chatter by simply cutting off the shared comms which patched him into his senior commanders. With a smirk to himself, he'd retreat from the holoprojection of the battle, letting the amalgamation of Imperial commanders, Mandalorian advisors, and Fleet Officers meld their minds to formulate the stratagems that their infamous commander was incapable of achieving himself. Everyone had their role in the Myrmidons, after all, and Lucien's was currently in full view of the combat engulfing the space around Bastion's orbit.

Rexton Mandela, the aged Imperial who was veritably the Myrmidons's second-in-command, and the head of Lucien's fleet, approached the Exiled Prince and joined him at his side. Silence was shared between the two as their eyes wandered across the vibrant hues of colors which glared off the transparisteel shielding them from the void. An impassive expression remained planted upon Luc's face, his eyes not even addressing the Fleet Admiral but instead remaining locked upon the grandiose space opera which the two men were privy to view.

"It's only from this exact spot right here, that we're capable of seeing Bastion fall from a second-hand perspective. It's almost too surreal to be true-- kinda like watchin' a holovid or something." Luc would break the silence first, his gaze still focused forwards.

"That may be true...but I doubt neither High Command nor your men are pleased with our decision, Lord Dooku." Mandela replied, to which he received a brief shrug of the shoulders from the Jedi across from him.

"Perhaps you're right, but that hasn't stopped me from disobeying chain-of-command before, hasn't it?" Luc shifted his gaze towards the Admiral, the impassivity shifting as his lips curled into the beginning of a smile. "Trust me on this one. I get that we're here-- and yeah, it's Bastion, but it's not our time, Rex. The Myrmidons will serve a far greater role in the finale to this war than even I could imagine, if It weren't me tellin' you all this, that is." A hand smacked lightly against the Imperial's shoulder as Luc pivoted away from the Admiral, blueish-grey orbs lingering across his shoulder towards the Admiral as he walked towards the turbolift.

"But in the meantime...I'll be takin' Midnight for a little trip around the Sith's fleet." With a pair of fingers saluting the man as the turbolift doors opened, he pivoted around to face the clearly-annoyed Admiral, delivering him a final grin before the doors closed shut and delivered the fleet's commander to the Star Destroyer's primary hangar bay.

Times were changin', and darkness would indeed fall upon Bastion sooner than later. But not before Luc would make his presence known, and have some fun in the process.

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Location: The Throne Room
Allies: The New Imperial Order | Sons of Mandalore | Koda Fett Koda Fett
Enemies: The Sith Empire | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Objective: Vengeance

Should he fear this man? He should, yes, but that was absent, and in its place was will and determination. The will to fight and coke through with it; and the determination to seek victory no matter the cost. Having an ounce of fear would give an advantage to the Sith Lord and please him, and Vilaz would not give that to him. Time and time again he charged at the mouth of death in battle, knowing the potential outcomes, accepting whatever judgement the Manda gave him. The man did wish to be blessed as the victor in this fight, returning to his family with excellent news that soon the worlds of their heritage would be free, but not everyone got what they wanted. His heart closed off to any emotions, knowing they’d prove a distraction.

The behemoth Epicanthix, without a hint of emotion to his face, addressed them with a tone that would intimate a common conscript. His voice bounced off the walls, filling the volume of the throne road. The Munin had fought alongside the Dark Lord many times in battle and could get an understanding of his personality. This entity of evil fought with merciless, no morals in how to achieve victory. Surely he felt such hatred for Vilaz after for what he had done. The Warlord also felt that hatred for Zambrano and the rest of the Sith after carving Mandalore into a ruin. Knowing how Carnifex fought, so would Vilaz match his fury.

Honor belonged to clan and family, and Carnifex earned none from him. He’d soon learn why Vilaz was recognized as Manda’yaim and Mand’alor’s War.

A cackle of energy was produced around the Dark Lord, amplifying it by every second and then suddenly released. A single bolt of electricity, its source coming from the dark powers of Carnifex, was hurled at the group of Mandalorians with it finding its mark on one of the accompanying warriors in Vilaz’a group. The electricity struck him dead, only able to yelp before coming to his death. Should he not wear armor, it would have vaporized him and disfigure his body.

“Move!” and he suspended himself from the air with the aid of his repulsorlift. The same bolt of electricity did not cease as it ricocheted around the room. Again, another warrior was struck by it, leaving only him, Koda, and two other warriors. It had to be stopped, Vilaz assumed it would disappear if distracting Carnifex’s focus on it. The HUD and systems of his armor targeted the Sith Lord before raising his left forearm. Rockets coming from his wrist raced for the Sith’s area, intending to scar him from the explosives; however, he wouldn’t stop there as the rocket on his repulsorlift also launched for the Sith Lord. He expected Zambrano to react to his attacks, but it would be an opening for Fett and the others to make their move.


[ i don't understand why you can't see me ]

With each growing display of scorn from his Other, Asharo felt his heart sink further. Exertion was poured into the effort of keeping the wicked saber from his flesh, holding Sion back with the steeling of his wrist and locking of his elbow. He remained silent, deciding then this outburst was not so different from the countless others before it in that nothing he could say would reach the man. His hatred had long since blinded him, smothering out the cool reason Ash would have attempted to console him with. It was all he could do, really, to draw a slow breath through his flared nostrils and gather his thoughts through the haze his premature awakening forced upon him.

The dispassionate stroke of his frigid blade clawed by the incensed swipe from The Ruiner, filling the cold, lonely room with the blood-curdling screech of plasmatic will. And once their sabers had finally parted, Asharo deactivated his emitter switch and tightened his grip on the engraved hilt, bringing it to rest upon his blanketed thighs in partially expectant idle. He did not feel the gnawing urge to strike again in the back of Sion's mind and thus, allowed his guard to lessen.

Emotions churned in his gut, overturning, and unsettling his stomach. His brows could only knit in confusion with an almost sharp, stabbing ice spreading in rapid succession through his chest. Despair; writhing just beneath the surface of his tattooed flesh. Brown eyes flicked back to Sion, paying no mind to the stygian edge splitting the air between them, and instead focusing solely on the one holding it.

The corrupted eyes glaring at him through the dark.

"Just breathe, Sion..." He murmured with the closing of his eyes. He would bear these accusations with the dignity his suffering had afforded him. He saw pale grip loosening around the wretched hilt of the crude saber in his mind's eye and the resulting hollow clatter earned no response.

"Get out- get out of my head!"

He wished he could, perhaps more than anything. To feel the very real torment his forced presence inflicted upon another was a disparaging concept that only served to nurture a feeling in the depths of his being he always attempted to smother- one he knew if he ever allowed himself to attach to, he would end up the same as his Other; self-hatred.

Needles pricked along his scalp when The Ruiner tore at his own hair, having an utter meltdown just off the side of The Guardian's bed, and he could sit idle no longer. Slowly, Asharo slipped his feet from beneath his blankets and twisted himself around to slide off the mattress's edge and onto the floor. He shivered with the coldness of the tile against his bare soles and glanced up at the duraglass window to squint at the snow and ice beating against it.

Anything less than a blizzard would not have been nearly dramatic enough for one of Sion's outbursts.

Carefully, Ash brushed the tangled lengths of his hair back behind an ear and shoulder as he lowered himself to his knees beside the weeping man. He gathered himself for a moment, sorting the words he wanted to say from those he knew he shouldn't. And yet, as his cybernetic limb uncurled from its idle and hooked around his Other's shoulders, he said nothing. Sorrow softened Asharo's tired visage, yet understanding sparked life in the glossy eyes lingering on the profile of Sion's torture.

"I am sorry." His voice finally oozed from him on heavy breath, and really, that's all he could say.

Bare shoulders flexed in the dark with the turning of his upper half and reaching of his organic arm to join its mismatched partner in curling around The Ruiner. And without so much as an ounce of hesitation, despite the previous attempt upon his life, Asharo drew Sion into a tight embrace- offering him the calm he always possessed to weather this raging storm.



local time :// LOST
objective :// CLEAR_THE_WAY
dyad :// SION ALAR
allies :// Agrippa Agrippa // FN-999
foe(s) :// Lark Lark
[ dauntless ]
[ x ]

The calm overcame The Guardian in the throes of hell's gates. He closed his eyes for a second, steeling himself against the blistering pain which finally caught up. If he was still standing, that wound was not too severe for him to continue. He couldn't stop now. He wouldn't stop now. He had found it at last after all these hours of blurred encounter and raging clash.

Their rhythm.

The silvered edge of his saber droned in a harmonic arc to deflect another series of streaking tibanna sent their way, batting it back to the troopers firing from another battlement. Precognition flashed his mind. Across his form he twirled his lightsaber, stepping foot across foot to pivot around and sever the vibroblade meant for his Other's back. Another flick of his wrist and plunge of his elbow pierced the chest of the Sith Imperial, impaling the faceless trooper with the pyre of sizzling plasma. It was a clean, swift death; the cooking of precious cardiac tissue inside of a passionate chest. Romantic, almost. The Guardian withdrew without a thought, dodging the thrown crimson blade of another robed form.

His sharp gaze narrowed through the haze of war, finding the onyx draped pitcher of the lightsaber.

The wrong side of history, so he had heard the troopers say.

Don't be on the wrong side of history.

His arm snapped up, deflecting the lightsaber upon its return with his own.

Then, his idling hand raked through the air in a wide arch, earning a strained grunt with the exertion required to do as he willed. The busted, smoldering remnants of a mid-stilted battlement groaned with protesting pop from their roost, refusing to move fruitlessly. Still, it crashed like a tidal wave of durasteel towards the Sith opposite of him. For a moment, the scene was still as the dust and ash settled and his vision tunneled.

A half-second later,
the violent scream of plasma split through the wreckage and cut a smoldering path. The earth resounded with the effort of bolstered charge. No rest for the weary.

His eyes locked on the tip of that emerging red blade with the slowing of time, watching the Sith Knight lunging victoriously out of the steel prison, and straight for him.

'Why are we even here?'
A good question.

'Because Halketh demanded we be.'

A good answer.

And then, that sanguine lightsaber was in front of him. Instinctively he snapped his armored hand up, steeled expression tipping towards the Knight's mask, and caught the blade with his palm. He focused his efforts heavily, forcing himself to absorb as much of the kinetic energy as he could, yet despite this, he felt a rising heat boiling in his veins and rushing through his body. He needed to disperse it. Quickly. A strained groan rattled from between his blood-smeared lips with his struggle back against the surprised Sith Knight. He was losing this brute effort, perhaps his wound was bleeding him of his strength more than he thought. But, Asharo was not designed to falter for long when such things did occur.

"You forgot something, didn't you?" The Silver Savant's eyes burned into the slots of the Knight's mask, blazing with the red reflection of his saber, "I have one of those too." Perhaps Sion's smugness was bleeding through his expression, because it was with a smirk that he plunged his colorless blade through his foe and swiped to the left, cutting completely through with one arcing motion. A final shove pushed the nearly bisected Sith from his path, but despite the disconnection of the lightsaber from his flesh, the burning persisted.

'Something's coming. Can't you feel that disturbance lingering just beyond time's horizon?'
A bad question.

'I feel it, too.'

A bad answer.

Ash deactivated the plasma of his blade with a blood-soaked thumb now that he had a mere centimeter of breathing room. The energy screaming through him had to be dealt with before he could proceed. He bit the inside of his cheek viciously in some attempt to anchor and steel himself as he braced for what it was he had a mind to do. The anxiety that always came with battle patching rose in his gut, fighting to stand out amongst the calm consuming him and the bloodlust devouring Sion.
'We can take him, Asharo.'
"No. Deep breaths, Asharo." He coaxed himself to focus, tuning out the streaking laser fire and earth-rattling explosions popping off in their proximity. A handful of Sion's fury was stolen from The Ruiner and used to drive the metal hand to press over the gash splitting his lower left side apart. A sharp yelp. A ragged gulp. And the energy he had stolen poured forth at his will, channeled into a heal meant to close his damage. The pain was fleeting, though the rage it stoked persisted like a dull ache he could not rid himself of.

The Guardian ignored The Ruiner's remark. It was not the first time he had suggested they kill the one who took them in and gave them everything they had and he doubted it would be the last. Sion would never stop talking about it. Asharo rolled his eyes and shook it off, too busy focusing on anything but the residual pain he felt. Hawkish eyes swept the ruin then, searching for his next foe.

'You're a coward, Ash.'

That remark earned more than a thought. Over his shoulder, The Silver Savant regarded his Other, eyes narrowing with slight.



"-and yet I still have your back. Pity our situation all you wish, Sion, I won't let you destroy it."

The whooshing hiss of his emitter blasting plasma sounded by his side and he found his legs wheeling him backward in synchrony to his Other's, and for a brief moment, they had joined in solidarity; back to back as the world crashed around them.

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