Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darkness Falls

The robot came and administered another dose of the serum and Jairdain hissed again. It was more painful than the last, but not debilitating like the one Krest had given her. That poison had knocked her out and kept her that way for weeks. In those weeks, he had brainwashed her and Mirial was her first venture out since she had returned to the Jedi.

This man didn't know that though, he couldn't have known what she had been through. Continuing on with his questioning after the droid backed off, he was adamant about asking after Arisa.

"No, there was no debriefing for me. Arisa and I don't get along, Koda Fett. I'm blind, how could I know her ship was sighted there? I can't read either so if a report was handed out, I didn't get one."

He then asked if Arisa could be capable of performing that skill. If he looked, he would see Jairdain really had to think of her answer. In the end, she had to shake her head. Arisa had never come across as a mentalist to the knight. Not like she was built for at least. If he ever released her and Jairdain could get her hands on him, Koda would feel that power directed at him.

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
The Concord Spear

Koda wasn't afraid of any Jedi, they were just wizards with light swords. Though perhaps a different method could be tried, as such he reached for the hides that rest over his shoulder and placed them inside a small compartment before pressing the large red button next to it, uncrossing his arms to do so, turning away. Her connection to the force was re-applied, and now she could sense him, whether that was for better or worse, he could not tell. Though Fett was a ripple in the force; a pulsar of death. If Lightsabers and Padawan beads themselves had any connection with the force, then she'd feel them around her. Fett had killed many Jedi, taking what matters to them as trophies.

"Now you can see... Perhaps you'll learn to be afraid of me, everybody knows something and you are taking me for a fool. No Jedi would be left out of the events, if not for a dossier of the events a verbal debrief would of been administered. Don't push your luck, or I might have to send you the way of those hides."

She could hear him move around and within moments Jairdain had the Force. Through the Force he emanated a sense of death, but it was controlled. He had killed before and would do it again. It was his job. There was no fear there either and what respect she had grew. It was something they fear. Both had faced their mortality and come out the victor.

If the binders had been removed, she would have moved to slap...even through his helmet, but she was unable to move.

"I hold no fear, Koda Fett."

The fact that the truth serum was in her veins was known to both of them would tell him she felt no fear for him or anything she could think of.

"A Jedi would be left out of the events if said Jedi returned to Iridonia before anything could be said to her."

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
The Concord Spear

She was brave, it was commendable. He knew she spoke the truth for the serum in her veins wouldn't allow her otherwise. It was probably a stroke of bad luck that led to Fett pursuing the only Jedi who had no knowledge on the matter, but other such things came to his mind - perhaps Yune had a Padawan, if that were the case then that Jedi would certainly know of their Master's doings. Then he would know for certain, he had a hunch, when he got them they were usually correct, and in this instance it was, all the Bounty Hunter had to do was prove it. With an emotionless sigh his hands were down by his side.

"Then you are of no use to me." He threatened one more time, whether he planned on air locking her or delivering her elsewhere was unknown, even through the force he was unpredictable, it's what made him such an effective combatant. "Before I dispose of you, tell me this... How do you contact your fellow Jedi, and who is Arisa Yune's Padawan?" He asked, standing right in front of the door that just hissed open at the press of a button, his body facing the doorway with his helmeted head over his shoulder.

After Jairdain finished speaking and he knew she was telling the truth, there was a minor change in him. Still a dark, beacon of death, there was a feeling of respect for her that was lacking before. He let out a sigh at her words, but it didn't contain any real emotion. Though the helmet, she couldn't tell what it really implied. In saying she was of no use to him, there was a hint of a threat...what it was though, she could only guess at. A ripple through the Force happened and she knew he wasn't going to kill her.

"I am a mentalist, Koda Fett. The Force guides me and if I need to contact anybody, I just reach out and contact them."

Her face paled when he asked who Arisa's padawan was. It wasn't out of fear though, but at a lack of ability to answer the question.

"No idea who she has a padawan. Her last is now a knight."

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
The Concord Spear

She's doing it again, she's taking him for a fool. "You're taking me for a fool once again. The Silver Jedi Order does not merely rely on the force to contact people, you have soldiers without the use of the force, and it is entirely impractical to solely rely on it... even for the Jedi." There was a hint of bitterness in his voice, he hardly enjoyed being told something he knew was a well-worded truth. "If you were not present for the debrief, it would of been sent to you, where is your starship?" Koda knew this routine, he'd done it so many times before but often with far more cowardly Jedi that dared not have their secrets spilled.

​From the doorway he turned to face her once again, leaning against it with his arms folded over his chest and his right ankle crossed over his left. He waited for the response as he remained calm and off-edge. A professional like him wasn't to be messed with, he knew if she tried anything she wouldn't survive in her current state.

The small defiance in her answer was picked up by him and pointed out to her. A feeling of triumph was short lived though, it may have even shown in her eyes. Along with the deflating of the feeling.

"Out on the field is different than at my own home, Koda Fett. Of course, there are other ways to contact them while in battle."

The tone in his voice was bitterness, but Jairdain couldn't figure out what it was for. He asked where her ship was and she had to answer.

"It is kept parked in a long stay ground location at the edge of town. Between my home and the spaceport."

Her head followed him as he moved through the room and stopped when he did. Through the Force she was able to look at him wholly now, just his upper torso. The feeling and the sight was still the same. He wasn't emotionless, but he kept a tight control on them. Much like she did.

Through this questioning, he had been persistent, but calm. A fearless professional. She respected him for that, even more now.

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
The Concord Spear

​The answer was acceptable, but vague, he'd have to know more. Wasn't a good idea to go searching a city for one ship. "This location have a name?" It must of, but he didn't know that but would soon learn about it. Remaining in the doorway, observing with his cold eyes that had seen too much in this life to return to a regular way, perhaps she could feel the pain in him. The loss of a wife, the loss of a son, the loneliness that came with such an aloof personality. It fit perfectly with the death he radiated.

Sending him a rather flat look, just another small sign of defiance and resilience to the serum. Even though it was working on her, Jairdain's mind attempted to reject its control.

"Yes, it has a name."

Providing it for him, Jairdain somehow felt from him that he was lonely. However, he was comfortable being that way. However he had gotten to be who he was today, made him who he was. She didn't think Koda had always been alone though. Going hand in hand with deathly aura, it was a good mix. The professional observation came back to the knight, but for some reason she wondered if he was any different when he wasn't on the job.

Pushing that thought away, she waited for any further questions.

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
The Concord Spear

Another longer exhale of frustration came from his nose as his head somewhat bowed to shake from left to right, this woman was only agitating him further and further but he couldn't help blame himself for not being as specific as he should of been. "What is it's name, what is it's location, what is it near, what does it look like?" He wasn't going to make the same mistake, so in turn he bombarded her with questions that would give him the answer he so desired. He was a true professional, rarely if ever did he engage with others in a friendly manner, he was nothing like this Jedi when not on the job, and he never would be. He knew that.

"I already provided you with a name and the location. Walking from my farm to the town, you will find it. How am I supposed to know what it looks like or what it is near?"

If Jairdain could have raised a hand to her eyes, she would have pointed at them. Koda seemed to forget she was blind sometimes.

However her tone of voice was totally calm and did not carry any hint of its previous defiance. Knowing people could be pushed only so far before they broke...having had that happen to her twice now, she didn't want to push him any further at this time. Given the opportunity though, Jairdain's mind would continue to find other ways to defy him.

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
The Concord Spear

The Bounty Hunter had heard everything he needed to, and with it he gave a huff, "Hmph." At it's conclusion he pressed himself off of the metallic doorframe and upright on his feet. Fett took a step outside the door, leaving it to close with a swoosh behind him, leaving her in a small, red tinted room, but it wasn't as if that mattered, she was blind. Following this, Koda had made his way towards the cockpit of the Firespray Starship, passing the holotable, cages and his various trophies he had collected over the years. Eventually, he sinks himself into the seat, pressing, pulling and twisting at various buttons and nozzles as the ship hummed back to life and corrected it's position in the air. The feeling of it moving could be felt even by the Jedi in the back. The Concord Spear descended planet-side, making it's way over Iridonia and towards her home that Fett had ransacked if not destroyed in an attempt to find anything of use.

As the Concord Spear came in to land, it roared through the air, it's engines facing directly down as the cockpit stared into the sky. It was an odd design, but it worked all the same. From the cockpit he pressed two buttons, lowering the ramp with a hiss that sets itself in the dirt out the front of her home, just as the door slid upwards with a hiss. "Don't get comfortable." The Bounty Hunter mocked over the intercom before departing with his EE-3 Carbine in his hands. It wasn't often that he did mock someone, but when he did it was for good reason. A small speeder was unloaded from the back of his starship, humming to life as he sped off in the direction he was oh so truthfully told to go find the starship, and with it his payment.


Upon his arrival he skidded it to the side of sorts, disembarking with a solid thud as he examined the vessel from the exterior. Though it wasn't too long before he made his way up to it entirely, at the ramp he slapped the button underneath, lowering the ramp with the hand he briefly removed from the blaster itself. Now show me what I want to see. His own mind had said to himself, making his way up the ramp and inside. It was easy to spot what he wanted to find, it was on the large enough holotable. Nothing pinged on Fett's sensors, he was safe to dig around inside the vessel for anything that may be of use.

After some time now, he rooted around through the personal information recorded, but he didn't give half a damn for any of that, he was looking for one thing and one thing in particular. "There you are." He said aloud after coming across the Mirial Debrief message she must've been sent, examining over it to then confirm his suspicions. "Hmph." He scoffed in amusement, his suspicions were correct. He always was, and Koda knew that. You didn't earn the reputation he had by making common mistakes, both in actions and judgement. Finally he had what he needed, and with that he could return, but not after downloading all he could onto a datapad that found itself pouched on his belt as he raced back towards his ship. Couldn't leave Jairdain alone for too long, didn't know what she could of gotten up to whilst he was gone.

Feeling his ship come to life, Jairdain paid attention to the noises it made. She knew when it reentered the atmosphere of what she hoped was Iridonia. With all his questioning about the location of her ship, she was fairly confident he hadn't taken her far from home. He landed the ship and opened the ramp of his ship. Smelling the familiar aroma of her home, Jairdain nodded. It was about all the action she could do right now. He then left her alone with a mocking, parting phrase.

She heard Koda leave on a speeder and she let out a small sigh. This poison wouldn't last forever and she could take it out of her system with the Force. It was something she had not done when he was around, but should have. Focusing on flushing that out of her system, that took her at tops five minutes. Now that wasn't in her body anymore, the knight's mind was clear.

On her hip rested her lightsaber. Finding it odd Koda didn't take it from her, she focused with the Force on getting it off her belt and into one of her hands. Taking careful control of it, she maneuvered it so that when it turned on, it wouldn't hurt her. Taking a breath, Jairdain ignited her now white blade. Making sure that when she cut through her binders she wouldn't slice her own hand off, she felt the heat near her flesh. It was quick work now though and both sets of cuffs came off to land on the floor of the holding room.

Standing up, she stretched and knew she had to get moving before he returned. In one hand, Jairdain held her saber and sliced through that half of the room's items. Following where he had gone, she knew there were items on either side of her. With her hand not holding her saber, the knight reached out to touch some of the items. These were his trophies and would mean more to him than almost anything.

As she walked, Jairdain picked up the items of his collection she could. Saber hilts, braids and anything else she found and could easily carry. At the end of the room, she was faced with a choice of leaving the ship or going deeper in. Attempting to do a mental calculation of how much time had passed, she thought it was about twenty minutes since he left. Knowing how long it took to travel between her home and the lot where her ship was, she knew she had another few minutes, but not many.

Taking a quick walk through the other part of the ship, she took all his clothes and armor out and just made a mess of them. She then Dashed out of the ship to the ground outside her small farm. All of his items would be returned to him...if he had the patience to find them. She would start leaving a trail that led from his ship to her now trashed home, out to the shed that was in same condition. Glad she had done the same to him, Jairdain would then hide herself within the Force and on a visual spectrum.

It wouldn't be long before he returned to find her escaped. She needed to be as hidden as she could be. Climbing the only real tree on her property, she then adjusted her body temperature to as closely match as that of the surrounding air. If one looked close enough, they might notice what looked like a wavering of the light where her body was located. In folding the light waves around her, there was no way to become totally invisible. He would have to look closely to see that shimmer though.

Hearing the hum of his returning speeder, Jairdain watched him through the Force and didn't move a muscle as he approached.

[member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

​The hunt was over, it took a week to track a Jedi that was going to be his prey, finding an isolated location to kidnap her from. Then the easy party came, but he wasn't so lucky in who he had targeted. Though at the end of the day Fett always got his mark, even if it was information, and that's exactly what he find this time around. Arisa Yune was the 'Butcher of Mirial', an intimidating title that better suits any Sith Lord over a Jedi. Though it wasn't as if it mattered, he was simply there to hunt down any information regarding it, and he struck the motherload with this debriefing document that gave a detailed report on the events from the Silver Jedi's perspective. Though that wasn't what mattered now, what mattered was something wasn't quite right with the Concord Spear at the moment...

The Bounty Hunter flew back in on his speeder, turning it to the side as he came to a stop. With the Firespray on his left hand side, he leaned over to it with his head facing it, the left leg planted on the ground whilst his right rested on the speeder's foot rests or whatever they happened to be. Some of the very small amount of clothes he happened to have where sprawled out across the ramp. Bringing his right foot over and onto the ground he stood upright, reaching for the blaster carbine that was slung over his shoulder. Fett stood at the top of the ramp, glancing in to see the destruction caused. An angry grumble came out from beneath his helmet, turning around to face the home. Koda's left hand removed itself from the blaster, grabbing a small circular device from one of the many pouches he possessed, holding it in his hand as it pinged. There was a life signal pinging off nearby, and it wasn't his. Placing that back inside the pouch, the same left hand pulled the rangefinder over his helmet, scanning the area with thermal imaging, but nothing. "Hmph, faulty." He murmured to himself.

Fett turned back over, reaching down and grabbing the clothing and hurling it inside with an underarm lob. The ramp raised behind him, and the door closed. He assessed the damage with his eyes, it was just dirty for the most part. As for the interrogation room? That would need to be replaced entirely. Koda was able to take notice that his trophies were missing, or at least a considerable amount of them, an angry sigh emitted out from his mouth, "Eugh..." Though there was something special about it, the fact that despite her clear problems she engineered this and didn't steal the ship. A respectful move, after all, what he was doing was just his job. There was no doubt he'd take the fight to her next time he saw her, but it would be one with a commodity of respect.

Clambering up inside the Pilot's seat, he set his rifle aside and detached his jetpack to properly find himself inside the chair. It hummed to life again, blaster hot energy around and destroying the grass beneath it, even sending a wave of energy towards the Jedi hiding in a tree like a cat in need of a fireman. He was truly done here, now he just needed to get paid, and with the information he possessed it was worth the full two-hundred and fifty thousand credits, including the encrypted comms channels the Jedi shared. It was goodbye for now, but surely they'd encounter each other again.


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