Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darkness is Expansion [New Order Dominion of Dubrillion]

Harrip continued his exploration, but found he could hear only the sounds of military boots tramping behind him. They would soon find the victim and would guess at what could do such a thing. He smiled to himself, he hadn't been caught before and he would not be caught now, and they may fear what monster could be in the walls of the facility. But then they may simply try to find him and kill him, however he was not concerned. He would get out of here before being found and he would make sure that the job was finished. He was here to make sure that no secrets were hidden here, and he would make sure that it was so. All the passages or traps would be found and either made known or removed. His master would be pleased...

In a moment he had heard something else, a misstep. Not military boots but civilian probably a traitor if he was walking so lightly. Harrip's huge form leaped forth in pursuit of this person. In a moment he could hear the footsteps of the man running, he knew Harrip was here. However not all the running of a simple human could outmatch a Rakghoul, and in a moment he was upon the man. With a simple leap he knocked the man to the side and was on top of him in a flash. Before the man could speak, Harrip smashed the man's head against the wall hard enough to knock him out. He then grabbed the body and tossed it hard a few meters behind him. That way he would be found before Harrip would.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
[member="Dex Drakkel"]
Dubrillon- West end.
@Darth Ayra

On the west end of the city a revolt was breaking out. The citizens fed up with the weakness of their government took to the streets. It started as a trickle and then more, and then they were screaming and shouting.

At the head of a five man sqaud or black armored figures stood Strain. Ominous and tall, cloaked in night black and holding a large slugthrower repeater. The rounds that it fired were massive and they were about to be fired on the rioting crowd.

The stormtroopers behind him took up firing position, ready to unleash at a moments notice. Strain just stood there, watching the pathetic citizens as they grabbed rocks and bottles and began to fling them at the troopers.

Finally he spoke, turning to the Stormtrooper Colonel next to him.

"Enough of this, Shall I exterminate these weaklings sir."

The Stormtrooper colonel did not respond. Then a blaster bolt streaked into the formation, dropping a buckethead.

"Ill take that as affirmative. Situation is out of hand. Initiating extermination protocol."

Strain wheeled back to face the crowd and strode forwards with his five commandos and they opened fire. The slug repeater launched rounds into the crowd in rapid succession, shredding flesh and bone.

"TK-4261 on the west end, to higher. We have a riot turned bad. Extermination of individuals has begun."
Cipher 18 had finished collecting the data from the surveillance cameras in his wing, and was now proceeding back to give them to the Sith Lords. Hopefully, Drakkel and the other Stormtroopers had been just as efficient in the other halls. While moving back, he caught the glimpse of a strangely familiar formation on the ground. As he moved closer, and the image came into clearer view amidst the dark hallway, Eighteen saw that it was a body of an Imperial soldier.

The Agent rushed to the side of the body and knelt, immediately checking the man's vital signs with two fingers pressed to the neck. Alive, but unconscious. The helmet was dented, looking as though it had taken an impact. Vaas unfurled his blaster pistol as well as his comlink, tapping into [member="Darth Ayra"]'s frequency.

"This is Cipher 18," He said. "We are not alone in this facility. One of our men has been attacked by an unknown force."


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