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Public Darkness on Onderon

Servus Dolor



The Darkness has come for Onderon

As so often is the case, a few beings will decide its fate.

Three paths lay before you. Justice. Darkness. Chaos.

You must choose.


"Onderon will bleed. I have tried so hard for so very long to maintain peace, but in a few months, I find my efforts to be in vain. Count Vercarl had little support a year prior, claiming descent from the Sith rulers of our past, boasting that he would again bring greatness to our world."

The woman sighs, her hologram transmission flickered for a moment as she again composes herself, though it is clear the stress of the past weeks has begun to weigh her down, her attempts to main her regal demeanor slipping with each passing moment.

"He was a madman with dreams of grandeur and some fool gave him an army. I cannot move against him officially without looking weak before the Royal Court. Onderon's armies will not be drawn into a bloody civil war as long as I still draw breath, yet I cannot succeed without aid."

The Queen joined her hands in front of her, throwing herself at the mercy of those her transmission was to reach.

"I call to you now. I appeal to goodness in your hearts to aid me in ending the growing darkness. For someone that will be enough, for others, I promise you riches, a portion of my own personal fortune should you defeat Count Vercarl and the Cult that has flocked to his banner. You must do so alone, without the support of the throne. If you do choose to aid me I have attached the location of a safe landing site near the monastery that the Cult has taken as their own. Save those who have survived their initial assault if you can, but above all else, you must stop whatever evil is being committed and expose the Cult. They will not save Onderon, they will be its doom."

With one final pause, the Queen lowers her gaze to the floor, then back up and speaks one last time.

"Please, Onderon needs you. I need you."


The cloaked figure, even as a simple red hologram, was great in stature. His arms and hands were tucked into the black robe that covered his entire body, and only the slightest hint of a monstrous face peaked out from beneath the hood as he began to speak.

"Onderon, the jewel in the crown of Freedon Nadd's Empire, will be but the first touched by divinity."

The figure pauses for a time, seemingly reveling in the momentous day that was to come when the galaxy would, at last, be graced with a true God that would put an end to the chaos and disorder and bend the force to its will. Not simply a tool as the Sith used it, nor an ideal that was to be served as the Jedi believed. It would be an extension of a truly enlightened, all-powerful being.

"Yet there is work to be done. The excavation work below the temple continues and while it does we are vulnerable. My followers have gathered much ancient knowledge and many precious artifacts from the Sith of old. Aid me and they are yours, remain with my forces and ensure the monastery is not breached. The Choir will obey your will, so long as you continue to aid me in my great task.

The figure leans forward, a grotesque jaw appearing for but a moment from beneath his cloak as his transmission draws to a close.

"Come to the monastery. Carry out my will. Serve me well and you will continue to walk the path of divinity, to witness the birth of a new God."


Despite the best efforts of the Queen and the Cult, rumors of Onderons troubles have begun to spread to the wider galaxy. Though two factions gather to face off for the fate of Onderon, that does not mean there is no opportunity for those who seek their own path. The Cult plunders the remains of the ancient Sith who once ruled Onderon, and many powerful relics are available to claim for those who are strong enough to take them.

Yet there is an even greater opportunity for those who are willing to risk utter doom. Challenge both the Cult and the Forces of Light, drive them away from Onderon, and use this opportunity to establish yourself as the true guide of Onderon's destiny. Should the Cult be driven away and the Queen brought low with scandal, the Royal Court will be forced to choose a new monarch, a monarch who will owe their power to those who made their chaotic rise possible.

Chaos and Slaughter await those who fight alone. But beware, for you are to face powers familiar and those that are far more ancient. Triumph and you will rise. Die and you will be forgotten.

Tags: Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Samuel Exel Samuel Exel Saram Kote Saram Kote Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Mercy Mercy Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Valery Noble Valery Noble Lady Venge Lady Venge Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta Jin X Jin X and anyone else who would like to join!


Location: Zeltros, High Orbit (1 hex away)
Objective: Justice

"Please, Onderon needs you. I need you…"

The holographic image of The Queen vanished from the Astromech’s projector as the transmission ended. With that R4-P4 followed it with some eager chirps and whistles. Cyran put his hands on the back of his head and leaned back in his seat. “Wow, that’s pretty wild, I didn’t know Onderon had a Sith problem, I hope it gets resolved soon.” The bounty hunter replied with a rather dismissive tone. Annoyed, the astromech beeped and booped in a frustrated tone. Chastising Cyran’s seeming lack of interest in pursuing the adventure. The Daring droid quickly tried to convince the reluctant freelancer by playing the transmission again.

The small holographic image of The Queen appeared again in front of Cyran. "I call to you now. I appeal to goodness in your hearts to aid me in ending the growing darkness.” The insistent droid tried to pull on his heart strings and guilt trip him into going on some noble quest. But the zeltron shook his head.

“Come on P4 we already got our own stuff to do, it’s the beginning of the new standard year and I haven’t even gotten my bounty hunting license renewed, let alone Takumi’s as well. Plus we’re several systems away, by the time we get there it might be too late and this whole thing will blow over and sort itself out.” The droid was growing more annoyed with Cyran before letting the transmission play some more.

“For someone that will be enough, for others, I promise you riches, a portion of my own personal fortune should you defeat Count Vercarl and the Cult that has flocked to his banner.” P4 then explained that Onderon is an unincorporated system, so his Galactic Alliance bounty hunting license wouldn’t even matter. Plus they have The Queen’s blessing to partake. Cyran rolled his eyes, the droid made a good point there, royal money and an endorsement could make it well worth the effort. The astromech spoke more about how adventure is calling, for him to dawn his shining armor and save a literal damsel in distress. What else could be more honorable and romantic work. This was the kind of heroic work holo-dramas were made out of and inspired Cyran to be a bounty hunter in the first place when he was a kid. Slumping his head and arms down Cyran saw himself conceding to the droid’s inspirational nagging.

“Okay okay fine, roll yourself over to the cockpit and set a speedy course to Japarel System, and see if we can’t make ourselves Onderonian folkheroes.” With a cheery whistle R4-P4 spun around some before making their way over to the cockpit to get them to their new destination. Holographic transmissions of a noblewoman in need of help played by an astromech? an evil wizard bringing doom to a planet named similarly to Alderaan? Flying over in a rickety old corellian light freighter? All this was starting to feel a little familiar.
Outfit: Jedi
Objective: Justice
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas

A cult on Onderon?

Dreidi knew that Sith cults, or any Dark Side cult was never good news. They tended to pray on the weak and vulnerable. Twisting death and the dead into monstrous creatures that inflicted harm and destruction. It was not something that Dreidi could idly stand by and ignore. Metellos had been revealing in that there were Sith that could not only use Magick, but would twist it into something that unnatural and abhorrent. She refused to stand by and allow that to happen, she knew that Nightsisters on Dathomir would use Magick to control their dead and defend themselves, but it was never used in a manner that was wanting to control a world or destroy it beyond repair. It was skills that was used on former sisters and to defend their home. While not a skill that Dreidi wanted to learn, she could understand and sympathise with that situation more than the Sith that wanted to use such powers to take over a planet.

Messaging her mentors and friends that she will be gone for a bit, on a mission, Dreidi packed items that she would need for a mission and made her way to the hangar on Coruscant. She needed to get travel to Onderon as soon as she could, even if it meant that she had to fly herself there. Not the easiest journey and her stomach would hate her for it but at least she would get there. It seemed that the situation was only getting worse and Dreidi couldn't delay her support on waiting for someone else to fly or for more Jedi to receive the message and join her. It was somewhat reckless of the Padawan to leave on her own, but with her connections to Magick, training with witches and holding some understanding of Sith, she figured that her skills and knowledge was going to be important in the mission. Being there as soon as she could might help in forming a plan of attack on this monastery.

She was able to borrow a X-Wing, the controls of the ship weren't too bad and she was finding herself learning to handle a ship like this one more. Though she was also not keen on attempting to land. Landings were always the trickiest, especially since she didn't have a droid to assist her with the task. Dreidi chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about the message, it seemed that some Count had been able to garner an army and strengthen his position. It was tricky from the political angle. Dreidi held no authority to take down the Count and ensure he could not rise in power again, Onderon was outside Galactic Alliance territory and therefore outside NJO jurisdiction. She was trying to play by the rules and not cause any more issues, especially since she was feeling her abilities were getting close for her to be ready to be a Jedi Knight. Dreidi knew that a cult, a dangerous cult that could have Sith ties or Dark Side ties, was something that as a Jedi she could assist with but the Count was something that Onderon's officials would have to handle. At least, that was the pragmatic approach she figured that she should take.

Dropping out of hyperspace, Dreidi's thoughts turned from the mission and what she was willing and had to do to assist the people of the world. Now she had to focus on ensuring she could land the ship and not crash. Crashing was a bad idea.

It took her twice as long as it would any normal pilot to land and the final drop was bumpy as hell but she landed without an explosion and without potentially alerting any enemies to her location. Another positive landing in her mind. Dreidi stepped from the ship and looked around, she held her Lightsaber ready in one hand, in case this wasn't as safe as the woman had informed her in the message. Events could have changed things very swiftly. Dreidi held her breath, wondering who else might turn up for this mission.
A droid the size of a lightsaber training remote, dark in color save for a red baleful eye floats noiselessly along the durasteel alleyways of the old city near the starport. A few wary dregs look towards it here and there but mostly the droid escapes unnoticed as it glides through shadows interlaced with the velvety purple light of Duxn. It turns a corner and ducks into a run down residential building, long abandoned and made of stone. Up three flights of stairs it finds it's way into the waiting arm of of a dark man. His skin is the color of ash, his pupils silver enough to almost make him look blind. He sits wreathed in a black armor dull to the moonlight, wrapped up in dirty rags that form a makeshift cloak. Half his face obscured by a breathing apparatus. He unhooks a jack from the droid and plugs it into his temple.

"Hmmm...I see"

He whispers in a broken voice to himself.


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Covered in sweat and with heavy breaths, Valery woke up late at night and rolled over to face Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , her husband. He was still asleep, and she didn't want to wake him, but she couldn't wait either. What she had witnessed was no nightmare — it was a vision of the planet they had visited together a few years ago. The planet where she had been recovered from stasis by Jedi Knight Ala Quin.

Something dark was happening there, and Valery couldn't sit by and let it happen.

So as quietly as she could, she got herself dressed, readied her gear, and tried to slip out of the apartment and to her ship. But before she could, Valery heard his voice.

"Be careful love,"

She flashed him a bright smile, walked over to kiss his cheek, and pressed her forehead against his for just a moment. With Kahlil's support, she was able to confront anything.

Not much later, Valery had boarded her ship and the hyperspace jump ended not long after, as she pulled into Onderon's system and began her approach for the planet. She wasn't quite sure where to start yet, or what was happening, but the Force would be her guide.

And a powerful guide, it is.

"Back here once again," Valery muttered to herself, as her X-wing lowered into the clearing of the jungles. Once she was down and the engines were turned off, she climbed out of the cockpit and looked around. There was something sinister out there — she could already feel it, and without wasting even a second, she started to move.

She wasn't going to allow anything to happen to Onderon.

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Location: Oderon
Objective: Investigate the rumors
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble


Just outside Oderon a lone X-wing came out of hyperspace and instantly shot toward the atmosphere of the planet. Recently, rumors had been making their rounds on the sith cults that were ravaging the planet. Jedi were beginning to get worried about the sith presence growing stronger so something had to be done in order to see the true extent. Silas was one of many to go investigate himself, so by all means he wasn't going to be alone down there.

Wasting no time Silas found a small clearing in the forest to land his ship and prepare for the investigation ahead. He could sense something was wrong as soon as he landed, it was just a matter of what which was bothering him. The knight jumped out of his cockpit and lightly stretched his body, keeping calm and collected just before he set off into the thick jungle ahead.

It was about time his experience in the New Cov jungles came to good use.
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Lomrik the Repellent



Inventory: Curved Lightsaber | OH-77 Multi-Purpose Pistol "The Koymodo"
Location: Proceeding about a half a mile away from Valery Noble Valery Noble and Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Once a planet deep within the very heart of the Silver Jedi Concord now given independence at long last due to the silver jedi's collapse, Lomrik recalled the planet as clear as day when he was a Jedi Knight in service of the Galactic Alliance. His master had told him that the planet had a troubled history with the Dark Side of the Force and even was home to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Ancient Clone Wars. The "GREAT CRISIS" brewing over the world brought a smile to his smug features, a cult was the perfect opponent for an experienced force user. There were certainly potent rumors of relics scattered across the world that were up for grasp.

Lomrik was there for a single purpose to claim the planet for the High Regent Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and the Glorious Final Dawn as he was after all a Colonel within their Armed Forces. After all who could better run a government than the Final Dawn, a known affiliate of the Brotherhood of the Maw which unfortunately got smashed by the Galactic Alliance. A pity that he was not aligned with them when they ravaged the world of Csilla. It was considered important to not deploy actual ground forces as that might tip off the Galactic Alliance and thus he was left with a hired mercenary band from the world of Abonshee named Warriors of Abonshee. Considerable front line infantry with their hard scales and ferrous fighting spirit. They would die happily in huge numbers against the cult while he hardly lifted a pinky finger in the background.

The immense darkness was noticeable on the world as his band moved through the jungle.

"This jungle reminds me of ancient song once song by children, WHEN I WAS A YOUNG WARTHOG!" Lomrik sang with his hand in the air to the annoyance of his band as they tried to cover their scaly ears. But they weren't getting paid to enjoy his antics but to fight in the name of the Final Dawn.

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Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Ally Tag(s): Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Silas Sunfyre Silas Sunfyre
Unknown Tag(s): Lomrik the Repellent
Enemy Tag(s): Servus Dolor


Hours earlier, bridge of Shev'la Kyramud-class Stealth Heavy Multi-role Corvette Prudii Rekr 1-1

Saram walked onto the bridge in full kit. They'd barely had time to grab fresh ammo, ordnance, some hot grub and a half decent six hours before they'd been asked to grab their kit and rendezvous with Spar and head to Onderon. Apparently Spar had all the intel they were going to need because they hadn't gotten a briefing after they'd received their tasking as they usually did. The only thing she'd been told was that the company would be paying extra to any unit that accepted the tasking, "So what's this transmission?" she asked Spar, who was conversing with his comms operator.

"Queen of Alderaan's got a Dar'jetii problem. She's offered a pretty decent pile of credits to anyone who assists her situation. That's not it, though. Alor doesn't want a dar'jetii run government in the area. They're bad for business, and he'd prefer we didn't reenact the invasion of Onderon. Company doesn't see this as a payday, but an investment." said Spar, giving her a knowing look. That explained why both her squad and Spar and his corvette were being sent in. The payout couldn't be worth the operation's actual cost, could it? Was the Queen of Onderon that shabla rich?

"Got it. Get in. Clean house. Get out. Do what we do best," she said, stopping herself from getting anymore distracted by estimating the Queen of Onderon's wealth. Behind enemy lines, surrounded by hostiles, was where they did some of their best work. Only this time, she wasn't so sure if they were carrying enough gun to deal with everything that they might encounter down there, and they were packing more than a fair bit of gun. "Can we count on you for any kind of fire support while we're on the ground, Spar?"

"About that. We got full authorization to flatten the site as a last ditch effort. I'll have missiles in the tubes, but there's going to be others there. Make sure I don't end up committing the next Rodia, or starting a shabla war," said Spar, a thin lipped mirthless smile on his face. Ideally, neither of those things would happen. Ideally, they'd be in and out without Spar so much as having to acquire a target lock.

"Why do I get the feeling that that's going to be the least of our problems once we get down there?" she sighed, trying to keep all the many horrifying ways this could go wrong out of her head by focusing on the task itself.

"Probably because it is," shrugged Spar. Saram was genuinely speechless for a moment. Spar was right. Shab him for being right too. Only thing they could do however was plan for the worst and hope for the best.

"Vor'e, Spar. I feel so much better now," she sighed again, giving him an exasperated look before she turned around and went to brief her squad.

Galaar 1-1, G-02H/S Shev'la'galaar-class Heavy Stealth Gunship, on approach to Onderon

"You think there'll be Jetii here, alor," asked Anila Kyrr, Davaab's explosives expert as she double checked the electronic fuses on her detpacks.

"Count on it, they're going to want to send someone, but unless they make a really shabla compelling case for why they'd like us to ditch our lizard burc'ya on the gunship, we're keeping them," replied Saram, answerin Anila's unspoken question about what to do about their Ysalamiri if there were.

"Shab yes, this place is supposed to reek of all this dar'jetii osik on a good day. Today is sure as haran not a good day. Otherwise we wouldn't be here," agreed Ran Netra, her 2IC, as he loaded a few more grenades for his AR-2CQB's under barrel grenade launcher into his webbing.

"You ad'ike ever wonder why they never send us anywhere nice?" asked Jaing Nihut'tyr, the squad's usually stoic technical speicalist, after a moment's silence had set in. With Jaing, she could scarcely ever tell when he was being serious or not, and she'd served with him for the better part of a decade.

"Because how much they'd be willing to pay wouldn't even cover the gal budget?" scoffed Viraen, the squad's second marksman, and ever the brutal realist.

"Not with the way you di'kute drink," Saram laughed, hoping to lighten the mood somewhat. If only she'd known that her cousin was going to maybe take that a step too far.

"Al'verde got sent somewhere nice. Even met a decent guy," said Rusana, giving her a pointed look. She still didn't know how Rusana had found out, and would likely never learn who had spilled the information, but somehow her vod's excuse of being too busy with fleet operations didn't quite seem to convince her.

"'Lek! What ever happened to that guy?" asked Viraen, giving his squad leader a pointed look that barely masked an osik-eating grin.

"Things were...complicated. And none of any of your shabla business you nosy di'kute!" she started before awkwardly laughing the rest out. Not that she was particularly embarrassed by their implications, just...

"Things're bound to get complicated when he's old enough to be your ba'buir's ba'buir," laughed Viraen, who immediately wiped the smile off his face when he caught the first glimpse of the glare she was giving him.

"But that's stasis for you, if we're counting stasis then isn't that Jedi Master, Noble or something, a.." started Anila, elicing amused expressions from some of the others in the squad.

"And we're stopping this conversation right shabla now," she said firmly, deciding that maybe that was a little too much conversation on that subject. Especially given their luck they were bound to run into the Sword of the Jedi herself once they made planetfall.

"We're about to be over the LZ now, vode," came their pilot, Rav Kote's voice over the intercom. "ThreeSakagaal running GA transponder and IFF code. Jetii. specifically, looks like." Buy'ce were immediately donned and weapons were checked and re-checked. Acknowledgement lights all flashed once to tell her that they were ready.

"That answer your question,vod?" she asked Anila, turning in her direction before returning her attention to the display of the terrain and the landing zone projected in the troop bay. "Oya Manda, vode. Rav, take us in under cloak, drop us off and circle. I have a bad feeling we'll be needing either CAS, a hot extract or both." she said. Her armor's Manda module updated to reflect that the gunship was currently running under full cloak, sensor, optical, and of course coated in an almost non-existent thin layer of void stone, invisible to those that sensed via the force.

She felt the gunship slow to a hover over their LZ. There was one life sign in the LZ. Humanoid. There were two X-wings though. Maybe one of the Jetii had already ventured forth? Regardless, there was no point in waiting any longer. She hit the ramp release in the cabin and motioned for her unit to move. Two by two, Davaab squad leapt out of the gunship on invisible wings of fire, armor's advanced stealth suites making sure that they were both invisible and silent. Once the others were out, she and Rusana joined them.

"Utrel'a!" she called once she'd checked their combined sensor and scanner feeds via the Manda tactical battle net. Saram frowned as he looked at the lone Jedi in the LZ. For some reason, Saram could've sworn that she recognized her from somewhere. On a hunch, she ran her face through the armor's ID scanner and when it pulled up old CIS records, Saram knew why.

"Wayii," breathed Ran. Saram echoed his sentiments. They hardly expected to run into someone from the CIS out here on Onderon. Especially at a time like this. Last any of them knew, they'd all run off to form the Ascendancy. She didn't expect any of them to still be in known space, much less frequented space. Or become a jetii for that matter. None of them did.

Over the Manda, Saram gave the order to disengage their armor's camouflage systems. The eight commandos of Davaab squad flickered into view. Saram held one hand up to forestall any instinctive saber swinging, "Wait, we're friendly! Saram Kote, Strill Securities, we served in the CIS togehter."

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Extract Survivors, Fulfill Client's Requests
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas , Open.

A wide-band distress broadcast was almost always listened to by Samuel. Cruising along after the latest successful contract in his ship, The Headhunter, the signal was picked up and played through the holo-projector. Some sob story, political conflicts of which he could care less about. And while he did lend some attention, feel a twinge of sympathy, there was ultimately no real reason to get embroiled in the mess that came with it.
Perhaps the Alliance would help her, or some other folk with more time on their hands than he to waste on a--
“...for others, I promise you riches, a portion of my own personal fortune should you defeat Count Vercarl and the Cult that has flocked to his banner.”

From beneath the helm, his gaze flickered back to the holo-projector, with a brow slightly lofting in interest. He may not entirely care for the reasons, the causes and effects. It had no place in his life, to worry about such frivolous things. But Credits were the opposite of that; and a Queen’s reward would likely be generous with its payout.

“Hrnn.” Exel gave a soft exhale through the helmet, as he leaned forward in the cockpit. With a few flicks of switches and levers with the sounds of ‘clicks’, and the activation of buttons above his seat, the powerful thrum of the engines started their tune in response. A probe droid scuttled up, perching on a console to his left, making a deep ‘Bleep’ in query. “Yes. More targets.” Was the nonchalant reply from the Hunter to the recently-reactivated droid.

Exposing meant proof, evidence. Where unhinged individuals like that lurk, however, such a thing is usually in abundant supply. Frankly, putting down such worshippers of death and mayhem was a personal enjoyment. The contract didn’t specify needing to take any alive, only the collecting of evidence. While it was a guideline he normally heeded, he made the exception for groups like this. The ship was swift to exit hyperspace and cruise into the system, pulling over the forested area the coordinates indicated, and ensuring to put some measure of distance - ever paranoid for a setup. Immediately, more switches were flicked to keep its emissions and giveaways low-profile.

“Hopefully worth my time.” Came a soft murmur to no one but himself, as he shifted from his seat and grasped the carbine that lay next to the doorway. Embedded with all the usual armament within his armor, and whatever else grabbed along the way, he strode out of the cockpit with the droid leaping off the console and latching onto his back on the way over. It was then the ramp lowered, and out he stepped into the deeply forested area. He wasted little time in starting towards the Monastery, weapon-in-hand and attention afforded to his helmet's systems. It was a ways away, however, and the chance of encountering another enterprising individual was not lost to him...


Objective | Chaos


Onderon, a world rich in history. From lengthy wars with ferocious wildlife, to constant battles between the Jedi and Sith, not to mention the many civil wars along the way, Onderonian culture was one that had been forged by warfare, too the point that even the Mandalorians and Sith were either unwilling to attack it or were outright unable to conquer the world. Despite it's wild history, Onderon had enjoyed relative calm throughout the past few decades under the protection of the Silver Jedi Order and the Silver Jedi Concord, that was until the recent dissolution of the latter as a result of larger galaxy-wide unrest that had resulted in the collapse of various galactic governments.

Now, as a massive power vacuum engulfed the galaxy in the wake of this wave of unrest, Onderon had become a battlefield for the many forces across the galaxy that sought to take advantage this new opportunity to expand their influence in the process. One such faction was the Final Dawn, which upon receiving reports of the brewing "Great Crisis" on Onderon between Sith Cultists and the Planetary Government, were quick to act on this information, moving forth to deploy assets on Onderon to further advance their goals, seeing an opportunity to test their ability to influence galactic geopolitics without the need for large armies and armadas in the wake of the Second Great Hyperspace War.

With the Brotherhood of the Maw and the New Sith Order officially defunct with the conclusion of the Second Great Hyperspace War, the Final Dawn was no longer subservient to the Sith and thus were able to act on their own accord, acting for their own self-interest rather then the interests of the Sith as a whole. Now, they were here with the aim of challenging both the Sith Cultists and the Forces of the Light, preventing a complete Cultist takeover while simultaneously eliminating the Queen of Onderon in order to prop up their own puppet government free from the influence of either the nearby Galactic Alliance and their New Jedi allies or the rising Sith Order from the South who were most likely responsible for the growing crisis on Onderon.


"Exiting hyperspace in 3...2...1"

A single Corvette emerged from hyperspace arriving in orbit of the Inner Rim world of Onderon, it's advanced stealth systems already active to ensure that they would not be detected by any other ship present in the sector. As the Corvette began it's approach towards the jungle planet, a single armored individual proceeded to walk into it's bridge, immediately being saluted by the officers already there including his subordinate, Lieutenant
Mithak a capable and cunning officer who had once served the GADF throughout the Third Imperial Civil War. "What's our situation" the armored individual said as he walked up towards the viewport of the corvette's bridge, proceeding to gaze upon the planet that lay infront of him.

"Our forces are in position for deployment, and we have confirmation that Colonel Lomrik and his men are already in position" Mithak said in response. "Good. Inform Colonel Lomrik that he will soon be joined by another unit of Mercenaries, the Relic Stormtroopers. If he is going to face both Sith Cultists and the Jedi he will need all the support he can get." the armored individual began. "I on the other hand will lead the Hellfire Squad in dealing with the Queen herself. I'm confident that the Jedi will prioritize the Sith Cultists and won't anticipate a direct attack against the Queen herself." he continued.

"As for you Lieutenant, i need you to stay on the lookout for any further arrivals. We already have a
Surveillance Ship in a nearby planet to keep tabs on any additional forces entering the system. It is imperative that we be prepared for any unwanted surprises, especially given Onderon's close distance to Alliance territory." the armored individual finished. "Very well sir, i'll inform the rest of the Task Force." Mithak responded before walking away. Before long, a single Infiltrator Shuttle would detach itself from the corvette, headed towards the Onderonian Capital of Iziz with it's stealth suite activated while a trio of Civilian Utility Shuttles would emerge from hyperspace shortly afterwards this time headed towards the jungles of Onderon near the location of Colonel Lomrik. In time, the Final Dawn's operation on Onderon would begin in earnest and if everything went as planned, Onderon would be theirs before either the Sith or Jedi could realize their deception.


Servus Dolor


Onderon: Shatoon Monastery
Objective: Darkness


Within the deepest chambers of the Shatoon Monastery, darkness reigned supreme. Not since the days of the original Sith Lords had Onderon been home to such corruption, but this world would only be the first to be blessed by its touch. The ancient stone, already cracked from millennia of neglect, now supported jagged, red crystal, not unlike the kyber that powered the lightsabers of Jedi and Sith. Yet these were a sign of a higher power's personal presence, for within them swirled the concentrated energy of the Dark Side which would poison the world around it. Many would view such a thing as a curse, but to the creature that stalked the ancient halls, they were a sign of his coming divinity. Tall and cloaked, the Elder One moved toward the newly uncovered chamber along with several elite members of his guard and a plain-robed monk, an elderly man who had endured significant suffering already in the pursuit of ancient knowledge. He was all but broken in both body and mind, but the aspiring God required his services for a bit longer before he was granted death.

"Master-" one of the Cultists began, quickly kneeling before the Elder One as he arrived at the entrance to the newly-opened chamber "the chamber is secure, the relic remains sealed, though we have been unable to break whatever power is protecting it by brute force."

"No matter, I have everything I need to claim my prize. But the ritual will take time. As predicted, the Queen has called out for aid and that aid has come."

"Shall we attack them in force, Master? We could intercept them before they grow too close to the mon-"

"Remain in place. The jungle is treacherous, the Dark Side has only stirred the local beats into a frenzy and that will work to our advantage. Still, it is best we thin our enemies' ranks. Release the Hragscythe, I wish to see how the beast performs now that it has received my blessing. Send it against the Mandalorians and that petty mercenary band that comes to challenge us."

"Yes, Master."
The cultist rushes off, back down the halls in order to release the creature that his master had spent countless hours with, ensuring the formidable beast was made all the stronger via the corruption of the Dark Side. Yet the Elder One paused for a moment, not entering the chamber just yet but instead turning to one of his larger guards, though he was still far taller than the armored servant.

"Lindros, Jedi have come. Do not kill them, they might be of some use to me. Ensure they come to the monastery, the Dark Side is strongest here. I will ensure that they are broken so that they are remade into heralds of my will. If they manage to enter the deepest chambers of the monastery, kill them."

The warrior grunts, following the other servant back down the hallway as the Elder One enters the vast chamber, the same red crystal that infected the rest of the temple lined the walls and burst out of the ground at seemingly random points, yet at the center of the chamber lay a pyramid-like structure covered in runes, some being that of the ancient Sith while others were of a dead tongue. Regardless, the Elder One knew that the prize within was well worth the lengthy ritual required to open the device.

The broken monk followed along, falling to his knee's at the creature's side. The Elder One allowed his malformed hand to rest on the monk's head as if he was a loyal pet.

"Come, my friend, I have need of you for but a precious few moments."

TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Samuel Exel Samuel Exel Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Saram Kote Saram Kote Lomrik the Repellent
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Objective- CHAOS

Lady Venge had to chuckle at the Queen's naive plea for aid that reached out across space on holographic transmission. Appealing to the goodness of a Sith's heart? Please! Venge didn't care one way or the other what happened to Onderon in the end, she was simply out to cause her own brand of chaos. Armed with the knowledge that there was a dark cult on the planet, Venge plotted a course for Onderon. In her perpetual quest for even greater power, Venge was always on the lookout for artifacts. It would be most interesting to see what this cult possessed and what she could possibly take for herself.

During her voyage, Venge searched the holonet for information on Onderon itself, focusing primarily on its connection to the ancient Sith Order. Apparently, the planet had once been the fabled crown jewel of the Dark Lord Freedon Nadd's Empire. Yes, that Freedon Nadd, the fallen Jedi prodigy who apprenticed himself to the ancient Dark Lord Naga Sadow on Yavin 4, eventually learning all that the Dark Lord had to offer, and defeating him before venturing forth to enslave Onderon, where he ruled for over 100 years as King before his physical demise.

The thought of walking the same ground where the likes of Freedon Nadd once trod, sent a thrill of excitement through Venge as she read through the planet's history and connection to the ancient Sith Order.

Her revery is soon interrupted by her pilot droid informing her that the Dark Embrace, her Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop heavily modeled after the one once owned by the infamous Count Dooku, was about to drop out of hyperspace at Onderon.

"Find a clearing where it will be safe to land," Venge instructed. "It's time for a little fun."

"As you command, Mistress," the droid replied, slowly bringing the Dark Embrace in for a landing.

TAGS: Open


Location: Onderon, Sky
Objective: Save lives, Fight Cultist, Get Paid
Tags: Samuel Exel Samuel Exel | Servus Dolor

The harsh sound of Cyran’s light freighter leaving hyperspace into realspace over Onderon rattled the vessel. From the cockpit Cyran and R4-P4 saw the planet, the light of the system’s star shined brilliantly over the curved horizon of the planet. Either witnessing a sunrise or sunset from orbit, it was pretty.

Making a rapid descent the ship got into reentry, becoming a literal fireball as it shot through the sky. The air molecules in the high atmosphere ignited from the falling ship. “The Queen provided a location for us to drop down safely, though that’s only a recommendation.” Cyran said, causing the droid to spin its head around to look at him, almost questioning what he meant by that. “I’m gonna skip it, I bet you these Sith think they’re top of the food chain. Too arrogant to look up said food chain, and see who the real apex predator is. Fly the ship high above the monastery will you? Thanks.” Cyran grabbed his helmet and jetpack and made his way out of the cockpit. All the while if the astromech could roll its eyes it could.

“Show off…” It muttered to itself in droid speak.

The ship wasn’t too far from Cyran’s preferred destination as he went to the primary loading ramp on the side of the light freighter. Overriding the safety to prevent it from opening while in flight. The moment the vessel’s loading ramp began to descend a power gust of wind whirled around inside the ship. As it lowered it only grew more breezy, causing him to hold onto a railing to keep from falling over or getting pulled out early by the winds. Soon after the ramp reached its lowest point R4-P4 spoke to Cyran via the comms in his helmet.
“Okay we’re above the monastery, now go save the queen and her subjects you knight errant!” P4 said before Cyran leapt off from the ramp and into the sky above.

His visor got wet with condensation as he fell through a cloud, which revealed the monastery far below him. Quickly falling down towards the building like a javelin. Descending from the heavens like an angel of justice!
While nights on Onderon are hot and clammy, the daytime trends opposite. With most of the moisture sucked up by the eternal forests during the night the days are chill and breezy, with only the sunlight offering warmth. Still, the nobles despise this sunlight. Preferring to have their shade carried with them wherever they go within their droidic machinations fitted with retractable parasols. That is how Kaan could tell the man in front of him belonged to one of the noble houses of the planet though there was nothing noble in his demeanor. The man was paranoid to a degree that surprised even Kaan. Perhaps that is what the dark side of the force did to a person incapable of mastering its powers.

"So it is agreed, a thousand credits a day for the duration of this...unrest."

Kaan shrugged his shoulders, his pale eyes lingering on the noble's bodyguards. Three assassin droids and one twilek shadowdancer. An entourage geared towards inflicting damage rather than negating it.

"But of course before we begin..."

Kaan knew what was coming. He shifted his weight ever so slightly onto his left heel. His hands were already resting on vibrosword and blaster pistol on his belt.

"There is the matter of authenticating your....skills...yes?:

The man had barely completed the sentence and Kaan leapt off his position, diving into the middle of the triangle created by the three droids. His blade made a soft hissing noise as it sliced clean through the three droid necks in one arc, the blaster in his other hand was digging into the shadowdancer's chest. From within Kaan's shadow floated out his own personal droid and spoke up in the unmistakable sing song voice of a protocol droid's vocabulator somehow tortuously encased within the small spherical shape.

"For forcing Lord Kaan to demonstrate his skills in this public square the price has gone up. you must now serve him with 5000 credits per day."

The Twilek opened and closed her mouth like a fish, sucking in air while looking for an opening. Kaan ever so slowly straightened and rose to his full height, bringing his blade to bear against her neck. Unable to process a reaction, she screamed and abandoning her half drawn vibroblade onto the street she ran for her life. The Noble was at a loss for words for a second but when he finally spoke it was all curses and bluster.

" moron, my guards, you destroyed my guards, they cost a fortune, you...get lost you fiend. I won't hire you, no one will hire you. You won't find any work on this planet. I'll make sure of that. Bego...gulp."

The noble found silence as Kaan's blade came to a rest on his shoulder.

"Perhaps...perhaps I spoke hastily, look are clearly a man of skill so why don't we try this 5000 per day is nothing I can easily double that. So let us not...make any rash. decisions, eh?"

Kaan lifted the blade and taking his cue the noble pressed a button on a remote. His droid carriage speedily retreated from the venue, still when he glanced back at Kaan there was murder in his eyes. Kaan sheathed his blade and pistol and walked away without a second glance. His droid floating behind in his shadow. His movements observed by many hidden eyes.
The Collector of Robbed Trinkets

Character Voice: X

Location: Onderon (local graveyard)
Objective: Darnkess
Gear: Nightmare of Exegol (Lightsaber), The Fiend's Grin (Lightwhip), Pistol, Sniper Rifle
Tags: ?​

"One, two, and three," I said looking up into the sky at the fallen stars drifting down onto the planet. Stretching my legs, and with a slight yawn, I snuggled back comfortably onto the freshly dug up grave, where a patched marked casket rested between me and the slowly rotting corpse of some missed friend or family member. This dead sod was surly missed, I would caustically imagine, by those she travelled with in her life; whose friendship I now beheld by her putrid smell. By the aroma, she couldn't be dead but by a few days. Fresh corpses are easier to feast than hiding the body of a kill. And this corpse, surrounded in such an unfashionable shroud was garnered by no royalty status or riches, which meant her meat would be rather satisfying to my growing hunger. Sitting up, I once again took in her smell; then leaping to my feet and drawing forth my hilt, I activated the blade shredding away the package to me retrieve my dinner.

Her once beauty in life could only be captivated and conquered by her beauty in death. This was a creature, I could only submissively assume, commanded much respect and suitors from the grace and vanity spewing off her like dangerous and toxic fumes of hormones; drawing whomever she chose to her webs like mindless flies. A predator in life, a feast for a graverobbing cannibal in death. It would be a shame to eat this murderess, but her morals and deadly scruples that stolen the lives of so many innocents were the very reason I sought her grave; making her the most sought out meal. In truth, she wasn't missed by friends or family. Her execution was witnessed by the family members of those she killed, and the hangman himself. She died alone, and her dastardly deeds would never be officially recorded. But I watched her die, salivating at the prospect of adding her soul to mine.

ome Mother of Death, the usurper of stealing lives, allow me to enjoy your memories through every bite of your cold, hardening flesh," I said taking my first bite. Her flavor, her texture, and her ability in death to satisfy the hunger of one of her kind was thrilling. Now, I'm not a gorger like other flesh eaters, I only eat enough to satisfy my hunger till it's time to eat again. Eating the dead is one thing, eating a fresh kill bears its own pleasurable rewards. With a semi-full reconstructed belly, it was time to seek out this cult: This Choir of Silence. I only hoped they would accept The Fiend.

Venge's Theme

Departing The Dark Embrace, Venge felt a subtle tingle in the Force, alerting her to the presence of another Dark Sider nearby. At the same time, a faint odor of decay made her wrinkle her nose in disgust. Unless she was mistaken, the odor was that of a slowly decaying body. Then she hears a voice...

"Come Mother of Death, the usurper of stealing lives, allow me to enjoy your memories through every bite of your cold, hardening flesh."

The hair on the nape of her neck suddenly standing on end, Venge's right hand slowly dropped towards the hilt of her lightsaber.
Walking into another clearing a short distance from where The Dark Embrace had landed, Venge came upon a sight that made even her, Sith though she was, slightly nauseous. A ghoulish looking young woman was sitting in a freshly opened grave, feasting on the corpse within.

"You're not actually enjoying that, are you," Venge asked, making her presence known to the ghoulish figure before her.

Jin X Jin X

"What do you see-"

"Be patient," Aryrene snapped. For once Xeykard listened, stewing in an agonizing ignorance, and let his apprentice meditate.

He'd been on Onderon for two weeks now -- along with Aryrene and a squad of Sith troopers, he had arrived at the monastery to pledge his meagre forces to the Elder One's cause. He lended his strength, and in return he would receive a share of the spoils once Onderon had fallen. The Elder One had already given him a taste; an ancient Sith amulet now hung around Xeykard's neck. Of course, the millennia underground had sapped the artifact of most of its power; now it was just a trinket.

The Elder One wasn't an idiot. Open though his call may have been, he wasn't about to trust just any Sith who showed up to his door, no matter how convincing Xeykard tried to be. The Sith Lord's rewards would be given slowly, and his secrets kept safe.

Which was why it was so frustrating not to know the specifics.

He paced a little more in the room they'd been assigned. He knew his steps were heavy; he knew Aryrene could hear them.

"He's a master sorcerer and I'm half a witch," they said, still not opening their eyes. "If I move too fast, he'll notice me."

"Do you see anything?"


"Actually, yeah." Their brow furrowed. "There's a seal -- the next chamber over. Old magic. Like, really, really tough. No wonder they've been here so long. That's probably- whatever divinity, or 'god' they're talking about."


There was a knock at the door -- three, pause, then two.


Major Vaice stepped through and immediately snapped to a crisp salute. The old marine was far past the point of needing to fight in the field, but his armor still fit him like a glove.

"At ease. Speak."

"Sir -- it appears the queen's message has brought us company. The Choir are mobilizing, and-"

"Oh, they're about to release the beast," Aryrene said. The Elder One had kept that one a secret, but they'd managed to sniff it out pretty early -- it helped that it was massive, loud, and required a lot of meat to feed it.

"Yes. Should I contact the Red Rain?"

The Elder One wasn't the only one holding things back. Xeykard had managed to slip in two cruisers past the remnant Concord border fleet; now, they sat behind Dxun, waiting for the right moment. "Mm. Yes -- keep them where they are, but prep a flight of fighters, and another shuttle, just in case."

"Ours? Or Gormak?"

"Gormak. These jungles will be tougher than those of Voss -- I suspect they'll relish the challenge."

"Yes sir."

"Gather your men -- leave a fireteam here. Aryrene, keep your watch, and keep this one informed. Everyone else with this one. We'll... do our part, for our esteemed host. Dismissed." Vaice snapped to a crisp salute, then exited.

"You're really gonna ditch me here?"

"Yes." He checked his gear quickly, before pausing and looking to his apprentice. "Be careful."

Aryrene opened their eyes, a touch surprised. "Uh, thanks?"

"Focus on your spell," he growled.

"Right. Sorry. See you."

An ear-shattering roar came from the massive beast. Three heads the size of landspeeders scoured the landscape, searching for prey; Xeykard, intending not to be eaten, kept his squad about a hundred meters back from the corrupted hragscythe's trail through the jungle. He signalled silently, and they followed.
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Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Ally Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Baddy Tag: On request

Not long after making her landing, Valery could feel a very familiar presence out there in the jungle. The world around her was vividly alive — from the plants and animals to other Jedi and even darker presences. But in that sea of life, Silas Westgard Silas Westgard would always stand out to her. She had a bond with her former Padawan that allowed her to sense him at great distances, and she could always tell if something was wrong with him.

Today, they'd get a chance to work together once more.

<Silas?> Valery asked over a secured comms channel. <I felt your presence, do you know what's happening? I saw something last night and felt drawn here, but I don't know why just yet.> She lowered her wrist away from her mouth for a moment and glanced around again. Something dark was happening out there.

Something they'd have to stop.

<I'm coming your way. Meet me halfway? I have a feeling that it's for the best that we work together.>



Location: Oderon
Objective: Investigate the rumors
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Request


It was only when he was walking through the dense forest did he feel something familiar. In the middle of this strange planet was his former Master Valery, a person he had grown so close to he couldn't mistake her from anything else. She was a person who he looked up to not only as a role model but as a mother figure who he could always count on if he really needed help. Unexpectedly, today seemed to be one of those days.

"Master Valery, I had a feeling you'd show yourself here," Silas said with a smile while talking into his comms. In all regard Silas was only going off the rumours of cultists spreading their influence across the planet, so he didn't know the full story either "There was word of cultists growing stronger on the planet is what I've heard from fellow peers on coruscant. Upon hearing such things I and a few others volunteered to see if this was accurate." however the fact that Valery saw it in a different way only made things more suspicious.

"Hm, it is most odd indeed. I believe there is an ancient rock structure I flew over that shouldn't be too far from us both, we can gather ourselves there and figure out a game plan." Silas said before lowering his arm and pressing forth with some quick slashes of his lightsaber to get through the forest.

Before long he finally reached the abandoned and crumbling formation, giving him a brief time to rest as he waited for Valery to arrive. Silas sat down against a wall and listened peacefully to the sound of wildlife. taking in the beauty the forest had to offer.

A planet like this deserved to be free of darkness


Lomrik the Repellent



Inventory: Curved Lightsaber | OH-77 Multi-Purpose Pistol "The Koymodo"
Location: Final Dawn Base Camp

"Why has my glorious campaign stopped!.." Lomrik said after his horrible singing had concluded to the relief of his reptile subordinates. "Sir, the thick jungle is blocking our advancement." Mercenary Captain Gorsh of the Abonshee Mercenaries explained coming up beside the Colonel. A deep grumble was hard from his mouth as this present obstacle would slow them down even further than they already are. Marching an army without repulsor vehicles or walkers to support them was difficult enough. The soft glow of the communication device rang out on his person to the amusement of Lomrik Mackane.

Pressing the button to hear the message as it seemed additional mercenary reinforcements would arrive to support his campaign in the form of Relic Stormtroopers. "Ah!, A bit of luck for me. Isn't that right Gorsh. They will write down in the history books of the man who single handedly conquered Onderon from the hands of cultist!!!" Lomrik said doing a simple twirl around with his arms outstretched. But his defining victory speech would have to wait as the jungle was still here.

"You know what to do!, BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND!!!" Lomrik said with a crazed laugh. "Confirmed Sir, You heard him burn the jungle to the ground." Captain Gorsh said as the abonshee warriors began lighting torches and other flammable objects on their person, throwing them into the thick jungle wall blocking their path as the bright orange flames erupted on a few outlying trees.

Outstretching his hand as the force flowed freely to feed the flames into quite the large inferno. The Final Dawn would establish a base camp within the area to receive the reinforcements promised.


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