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Approved Tech Darren Torran's Interlocking Lightsabers

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The darkness lays ever near the light.

Out of Character Information

Intent: To finally get around to subbing Darren's Interlocking lightsabers.
Image Source: Credited underneath Image(s).
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Mission: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Production Information:

Manufacturer: [Member="Darren Torran"]
Model: N/A
Affiliation: [Member="Darren Torran"]
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Copper Faraday Cage
Lightsaber Components

Technical Specifications

Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One Handed Dual Blades (Seperate), Two-Handed Double-Bladed (Interlocked)
Length: 27cm (Singular - Hilt), 53cm (Interlocked - Hilt)
1.27m (Singular - Ignited), 2.53m (Interlocked - Ignited)
Weight: 2 kg

Special Features

- Two Interlocking Blades - Connectable Via Turn-Lock Mechanism
- Cushioned Grip
- Phrik Hilt
- Copper Faraday Cage Protecting Internal Electrics
- Two Ilum Crystals in Each Blade - One Dark Blue, One Aqua


Interlocking Dual Blades: Darren likes to surprise his enemies - and being able to easily join his blades with a simple turn-lock mechanism is certainly surprising during combat.
Phrik Hilt: The hilt of the blade is made entirely of phrik - and it also protects the lock mechanism. This means that the blade can not be severed by another lightsaber.
Cushioned Grip: As a personal preference - Darren likes to be comfortable while in combat. The cushioned grip on his saber's hilt very much reflects that.
EMP/ION Resistance: The inner electrics of the saber are protected by a copper faraday cage - meaning it has a resistance to EMPs.


Water: When submerged in water - the blade with short out.
Cortosis: As with most sabers - Darren's lightsaber will short out when it comes into contact with Cortosis.


Darren Torran's Dual Interlocking Lightsabers were designed and constructed by the man himself during his rite of passage within the crystal caves of Illum. Each of the four crystals used in it's construction were found and imbued by the Zabrak - along with the hilt which was designed and forged using the facilities offered by his company - Torr Industries.

They were designed to reflect the man's personality and style of fighting - surprising and comfortable. By pure luck - the man found the crystals of his favourite colour as well - blue.

The the dual sabers are able to interlock at a diagonal angle at the bottom of the hilts via a Turn/Twist-Lock Mechanism specifically designed to be able to do so quickly and efficiently during combat.

In essence - these lightsabers are perfect for Darren Torran.
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