Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Ares


I could be reading this wrong, but sounds like you want me to put forth effort to lead someone astray only to fail?

Ares is about fighting, he doesn't convert unless he is converting them to join him personally.
I would like to note your two weaknesses aren't truly weaknesses. Almost every single character on this site is prone to both outbursts of rage and doesn't know another language (except for a few). It's a natural reaction among many species to succumb to anger, and it's common to only know one language. Perhaps think of more thorough weaknesses, as these aren't weaknesses

Oh, and I'm welcome to a duel if you want to back up your claim as Sith of War ;)
[member="Darth Vidar"]

In all honesty those aren't his weakness. I am letting him develop and sort of discover weaknesses of that makes sense.

Might be unfair for me, but sure why not. Mind starting, I make lame openers.

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