Peace Is A Lie, Mercy Is A Falsehood

NAME: Darth Kustos
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Nikto (Esral'sa'Nikto)
AGE: 37
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 FT / 1.8 Meters
WEIGHT: 210 LBs / 95.25 KGs
EYES: Black
SKIN: Grey
+: Strategic Mind: Having spent most of his life in some form of combat training or real combat, Darth Kustos has gained a skill in strategy and commanding battles.
+: Duelist Focus: Rather than devote time to learning the ways of the Force in depth, his skill with a lightsaber is his main focus. Said skill has been honed throughout his years as a Sith, making him a force to be reckoned with against even multiple opponents.
=: People are Resources: In his mind, no one person is more valuable than any other. Civilians dying and soldiers dying have the exact same presence on his consciousness. That being said however, he is not a butcherer nor is he one for wasting his soldiers. People are resources, and that means that one cannot run out or misuse them.
-: Force Lack: Although he is Force Sensitive, Darth Kustos never developed his skills in the Force to any sort of significant degree. While he does have some skill in the Force, he has much preferred to fight with his lightsaber rather than his gifts.
-: Peace is a Lie: Darth Kustos is a warrior through and through, and a cruel one at that. The word "peace" is not in his dictionary, and to even mention the word "mercy" in his presence would earn you laps at best and a beheading at worst.
Darth Kustos is a rather imposing figure, due to both his height and his build. He also keeps himself in peak physical condition. His grey skin is occasionally disturbed by a myriad of scars on various parts of his body. Each one was earned. His left arm all the wya up to the shoulder is a black cybernetic replacement, although it does little to lessen his presence. His face is surprisingly average, lacking many striking features other than a set of small frills running along his cheekbones.
Beginning life as the child of a simple farmer on Dantooine, the boy who would grow into Darth Kustos spent much of his youth working on his family's farm and then as a manual laborer in the nearby city. He drifted from job to job, eventually finding work as a bouncer/bodyguard for a gang in Dantooine's capital city. Slowly but surely he would rise up through the ranks of the gang, becoming something similar to an enforcer. Or an executioner. This would not last forever though. Soon enough the gang that he worked for couldn't out maneuver the authorities any longer, those authorities by now being the Sith Empire, and the man found himself behind bars.
Although he only spent one year in prison, the life was hard. The other inmates weren't kind, and he found himself in many a brawl.
One day however, the Legionnaire recruiter on the world found themselves with a less than satisfactory number of new recruits. With few options to meet the quota in time, several prisoners were conscripted. Of course, Darth Kustos was among them.
Life in the Legion proved surprisingly good for the young Nikto. He proved adept at many of the physical trials and tests that the Legionnaires in training were put through, and moreover he seemed to have some innate skill in terms of strategy and leading troops. Under his leadership, even during training, he and almost every Legionnaire triumvarite that he worked with proved to be brutal and effective soldiers.
However, fate would not see this young Legionnaire become a soldier.
Not long before Darth Kustos would graduate to a full Legionnaire and serve in battle, a Sith Lord had decided to inspect the training camp to ensure that the soldiers it was producing were of good quality. During said inspection, the Sith discovered that the Nikto harbored a level of Force Sensitivity. After discovering this and being impressed with the man's tactics and fighting in a practice siege, the Sith Lord didn't hesitate to take the soon-to-be soldier as his apprentice.
Being a Sith was an adjustment for Darth Kustos, to say the least. The rigid and structured Legion was far different from the Sith Order, full of aspiring and conspiring individuals. Most of whom where only out for themselves.
Nevertheless, he rose to the task again and earned a reputation among the lower Sith as a brutal yet calculated duelist and warrior. His master trained him harshly, like a true Sith, but at the same time gave his apprentice plenty of room to grow. In between sparring matches and missions from his master, Darth Kustos would spend his spare time learning about strategy and sneaking out to watch the Legionnaires train. Soon enough though, his skills and resolve would be tested by the wars that the Empire found itself embroiled in.
Although he never starred in any heroic missions or claimed any great victories, he would serve his entire Knighthood in the wars. His master would die within the latter years of the conflict, meeting his end in a battle over the orbit of Ziost. Darth Kustos would soon promote himself to the rank of Darth, taking over the old powerbase of his master and using it to help fight the enemies of the Sith on every front that they presented. His time and efforts bought Legionnaires a chance to reload or regroup, and the lives of his personal men were spent ensuring that civilians would escape a conflict safely.
By the time that the Sith Empire had fallen, all of his resources had been exhausted. He would seemingly fall by the wayside of history, until he was called upon for a new mission by the Sith.
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