The Beskar Lord

Darth Levo: 'Avery Galligan'
- ALIASES: The Beskar Lord
- POSITION: Sith Lord
Born on Ziost to mere scavengers, young Avery knew only the life of being poor. If not for the greedy dreams of his parents, his calling never would have come. Captured and nearly auctioned off for slavery, Avery's force abilities spared him from the slave pins, and saw him placed within Sith training as an acolyte. It was there he made the first of many mistakes, he began to trust, worst of all, he confided within his assigned slave; a woman named Azula. Finding so few who could relate to the life he lived, the young man poured much of himself into the woman, in a way, becoming obsessive of her, unable to see that she had no desire to be lorded over by him, rather sought to free herself from his control. As time passed, Avery began to grow in power, and prestige, as did the might of the Empire. Rising to the esteemed level of Sith Lord after nearly two decades of study, work, and near death experiences, the newly titled Darth Levo plotted to expand his influences, taking interest in one world in particular; Mandalore. Wishing to create an armor from which none could harm him, the Beskar of the world seemed ideal, and it was then that his fiancee came to him, Azula, offering to go in his steed, take to adapting to the culture of the people, and eventually securing the resource he so longed for.
It was a decision that he spent many years later regretting. Initally, Azula seemed to make progress, as she began to become welcome into the Clan. But as several weeks turned into months, he began to grow concerned, still lacking the resources he needed, and struggling to contact his soon to be wife. Unknown to him at the time, Azula had left Levo as she became part of Clan Ordo, and with her went the couples unborn daughter. Enraged at what he soon found to be the betrayal of his love, he was kept from acting on it by his superiors, as he sought to burn Clan Ordo and it's people to the ground, though doing so would risk a conflict that few wanted to take part of; especially over a lowly Sith Lord's marriage problems. So he sat, bid his time, and waited for a time to strike. To his surprise, it was Azula who came to him, with a seemingly sincere exchange, she offered to bring back their child, as well as several other items she had obtained. In spite of himself, Levo allowed himself to trust her once more, blinded by the ideas of raising his daughter to become as powerful as he, with his only love at his side. He should have truly learned, for it was a trick. Azula met with him in secret, seemingly bringing the items which he desired, and stayed with him for the night. It nearly cost him his life. As he made preparations to depart with Azula, the woman made her move, detonating the cache, and lighting Levo on fire in the process. Azula's reasons for this betrayal were her own, Levo never learned why she had done this, but as he forced himself back to life against his own pain, he learned he no longer cared. Azula fled before he was able to regain consciousness, but his body was ruined from then on, and there would be no more forgiveness.
When the siege of Mandalore came, Levo personally lead an attack on Azula's home, slaughtering what members of her family he could find, and allowing the woman to think he would accept mercy when she offered to return to the Empire with him; her only true bargaining chip being that he had a living son, who was gifted in the force, unlike his daughter. In spite of himself, Azula survived their final encounter, though Levo' permanently crippled her in the process, claiming her heavily damaged Beskar suit as a trophy. He has since taken leave on a small fortress he himself has built, titling himself the 'Beskar Lord', much to the mockery of his comrades, as the only item of Beskar he owns, is the equipment of his former love. Still, he is not to be taken lightly, as this Sith Lord has only two things that he cares about; finding his son, and killing the woman who gifted him this hellish existence.
- SEX: Heterosexual
- GENDER: Male
- SPECIES: Human
- EYES: Yellow
- HAIR: None
- HEIGHT: 6'2
- WEIGHT: 188lbs
- BUILD: Bulky
- Fueled by Pain: Levo is very difficult to bring down, able to continue to rise and fight, even when his body should no longer be capable of it.
- Brute Strength: Levo is a monster when it comes to using his strength, often casting aside technique when battle takes him and laying into foes with monstrous strength.
- Fueled by Pain: Levo is very difficult to bring down, able to continue to rise and fight, even when his body should no longer be capable of it.
- Hardly Human: Levo is hardly capable of sane thought any longer, the only things he cares for are possessions of the past, and clinging to seemingly trivial tokens.
- Eternal Suffering: When Azula fought him last, the burns from her weapons permanently damaged his nerve clusters, causing him to remain in a constant state of pain. While he uses this to fuel himself, the pain can make him incapable of thought from time to time.
- Hardly Human: Levo is hardly capable of sane thought any longer, the only things he cares for are possessions of the past, and clinging to seemingly trivial tokens.
Personal Armor
Lightsabers x4
Crimson Dawn (Audax-Class Cruiser)
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