Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Date under a nebula

It was true, the cathar took amazing care of his fur. A lot of work went into keeping it properly kept. Then again, it looked hard to those who weren't cathar. To cathar themselves? This was just average upkeep, normal by their standards. Stepping out of that hot air dryer spot, he reaches his arms out in a stretch. "I'm going to choose to take that as a compliment." He chuckles. His puffball form intimidating? Not as scary as his Mandalorian armor, for certain. He makes his way over to the sinks where he grabs two of the towels that are folded and sitting on the counter. He hands her one of the towels and begins to dry himself off more, particularly his hair, which was still a bit wet. "Product? It's all in the shampoo, it's hard to rub lotions into my skin without messing up the fur, so it's mixed into my shampoos. Fur will lay down on it's own in five minutes or so." It's already beginning to settle as it was before.

He puts the towel on a hanger after he finishes drying his hair, and picks up a comb off of the counter by the sink to begin lightly brushing it, combing it back in his usual spiky style. "I just wake up every day thankful I'm not a wookie, to be honest. There's no saving that much fur.....and you ever seen a wookie with short fur? If you haven't, then d yourself a favor and uh....don't." He's typically not one to insult looks, but a wookie deciding to have short hair? Terrible, terrible choice.

With his hair done, he sets the comb aside, moving on to his clothes. Since he's planning to wear the mando armor, it's simply a simple black bodysuit, made to help the wearer stay cool. Makes sense considering having fur in that full Mandalorian armor must be absolutely brutal Once the suit is on. it covers most of his body, even has built in socks. After that, he pulls on a simple pair of pants, since well, it's about the same as a wetsuit in terms of tightness. "Weird, I know. But it's better than dehydrating in my onw armor, eh? Anyways, what do you want for Breakfast?"

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
"Product for your fur," Zlova patiently clarified. "To keep it down. If it lays down that quickly I'm guessing that isn't a problem that needs solved." Quick turn around. She didn't have a lot of experience with hair so 'bad hair day' was just something others complained about. Granted, most people did look pretty bad on those days. Zlova assumed it was a difficult issue to fix; didn't sound like Cathar had a chronic problem on that level. Something natural, or was it all in the shampoo like Talohn suggested?

Slowly the red woman begins to dry her lekku with the towel that'd been given to her. No Twi'lek liked wet lekku. It tickled and not in an enjoyable do-it-again sort of way.

"Wook bathe?" she asked half-joking. But, no, really, half-seriously, did they bathe? Not something she'd ever bothered to research or ask anyone about before. Didn't really mattered. Zlova could go her entire life without knowing the answer, and only cared because Talohn brought it up as a topic to pass the time. "I can't imagine their hair is half as enjoyable as your fur is." It was probably rough and itchy. Not to mention they were a Wookie. Strong, certainly, but not her type.

A slight shrug followed Talohn's remark about his outfit. "Not that weird. You should see some of the armors Sith wear. They're just as bulky as a Mandlorian's, but not nearly as strong. Most of it is for show. 'Instill fear in your enemies' -- and sometimes your friends. I, however," Zlova sauntered over to drape an arm around Talohn's shoulders, "am a woman that believes in less is more." Mobility was more beneficial than looking like a tank. Though she didn't walk around in a loincloth either. More was more when you started talking about being practically naked in a fight. Sure, she could fight nude, but she wasn't begging to die.

"Do Cathar eat fruit?" A broad smile slid over her lips. "But I wouldn't mind seeing more of your cooking. You'd be surprised how adaptable the Twi'lek are."

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
"Ah, I've tried product for my fur....Most of them dry my skin out, which isn't good for the fur itself. Leads to bodywide dandruff." He shivers, shaking his head. "Fuckin...white flakes with every step I take like some sorta demented saltshaker. No thank you." He sounds like some sort of skin care guru or something, though knowledge about fur and skin management is the average for a cathar. A bit of dandruff for a human? No big deal. Dandruff on a cathar? Unspeakable horror.

He's putting some toothepaste on his toothbrush when she asks if wookies bathe. He actually pauses, staring into the mirror pensively. That's a fair question. "....Uh..... I hope so." He states, scratching his head. He then goes silent once again. She anjoys his fur? That warms his heart a bit, he's beet red under all that fur, not that it's evident. He smiles once again. turning to face her. "Thanks, not sure how to respond to that though. Like...If I say your skin feels nice, isn't that considered creepy by most people. On cathar, complimenting the feel of fur is common but uh." He chuckles slightly. "But going 'oh, your skin feels so nice!' That's apparently weird? Learned that the hard way."

He nods. "I've seen some bulky sith armor, yea. Not a fan of the bulky armor, ruins agility, and if the bulk doesn't add any extra defense, why even bother? I mean, you can have perfectly scary armor that doesn't make your shoulders look like a nexu head." He sets the toothbrush aside as she approaches him, arms going about her waist as hers go about his shoulders. Looking into her eyes. He smiles. It's a warm, friendly smile. It's strange, the fact that he hasn't tried to kill her yet. Maybe he's just a genuinely wholesome person? "You certainly won't see me protesting against the idea of less." He states, playfully planting a light kiss on her lips before moving on to answering her question.

"Hm...Some fruits, most berries are fine. No vegetables though. Seasonings from veggies and leaves are fine, but things like lettuce upset the stomach. Most of my cooking is meat oriented."

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Dandruff? Might have been a word she'd heard before. Didn't sound completely alien to her ears. Zlova couldn't see how flakes would come from fur, so it must have something to do with the skin. Would product for his fur dry the skin out? Or would the product cake up and fall off instead? Having hair seemed like such a pain to deal with. The Twi'lek was glad not to be bothered by such things.

Which meant she could enjoy all the perks with none of the fuss.

"You do?" she asked when Talohn replied hoping Wookies bathed. Naturally you'd hope everyone bathed so their didn't stink, but aside from the hairy creatures being insanely strong workers and warriors, Zlova didn't really care how they smelt. A little institutional racism passed along one Empire to the next. She didn't like senseless slaughter, but the Twi'lek Sith was far from a bleeding heart trying to find and undo the galaxy's wrongs.

Talohn was hopelessly innocent. Honestly. "It's only creepy," she cooed, "if you aren't already intimate with them." A light stroke of the Cathar's nose followed. "I certainly hope my skin feels nice. I may not be an Alderaani whore, but a woman has her pride." If she wasn't physically attractive then she would have lost one of the weapons she could use to mislead or manipulate people.

"See," Zlova smiled after the kiss, "that would be 'creepy' if we weren't already intimate as well." The part about not minding the sight of her in less.

Then she got a brief lesson in matters regarding Cathar cuisine and digestive tracts. Lettuce? The green plant with practically no flavor? The thing most Lords would supply the slaves so they stopped complaining about not getting enough to eat? "So don't ask you to become a vegetarian. Noted." Zlova chuckled at the thought. "Though I do like fruit. I don't think many grow on Ryloth, so as a Twi'lek it is a... uniquely enjoyable taste." As were many foods given the opulent Twi'lek in the galaxy. A bit too enjoyable. Fortunately Zlova hadn't developed an eating disorder having been raised off Ryloth by less sympathetic individuals.

Gently peeling herself away, the red woman set about to slipping something on as well. It wouldn't be fair if she was the only one naked at breakfast, would it?

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
"Course I hope wookies bathe. I don't run into many of them, but if they don't bathe, I'll be forced to take in the scent with this sensitive nose of mine." He shivers. "If a cathar goes even a few days without bathing, you can smell it from a mile away. Eugh." So he's a bit of a cleanliness snob, but with that much fur, it's hard to blame him.

As they spend a few moments intertwined with eachother, he nods, taking in her info. A sith teaching someone how to properly behave within society? That must be a strange position to be in for certain, because she's right. In a few ways, Talohn was indeed hopelessly innocent. After the kiss, he returns hewr smile. "So it's fine long as there's intimacy, got it." He then raises a brow. "It's my personal opinion that you're far above any Alderaani whore. I'm not even flirting here." He states, his expression semi serious as he pokes her nose. "Find yourself some more grand comparisons and you'll be getting closer." He winks.

He responds to her words as she pulls herself away. "Never had much fruits? I'll find some of my favorites. I love berries, they're nice and tart, sort of a sweet and sour kind of thing. I can easily find some. I'll get them on the table next time we have dinner, how's that sound?" He asks. After taking a few moments to brush those scary teeth, he rinses out his mouth and proceeds to put on a shirt and some pants over the environmental suit. He may peek on occasion while she's getting dressed. Has he seen it all? Yes. Can he get enough? Nope. She's like glue for the eyes. Once they're both dressed and good to go, he opens the bathroom door. "You do all the stuff you need to do, I'll start breakfast." With that, he exits, heading down the hall. By the time she begins towards the kitchen, she would already smell pleasant aromas, along with hearing the child chanting 'food food food food!'

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
A soft laugh followed Talohn's statement. Zlova would certainly expect her to rate far above an Alderaani, Those women were so soft you could skin them for a blanket. In fact most of the Core worlds were contemptible in a Sith's opinion. Every luxury imaginable at their disposal. Even their criminals had every need met, and the law enforcement efforts... The Empire could at least maintain order and discipline. Everyone knew there were real consequences to acting a fool.

The Twi'lek dressed unnecessarily slowly with a small smile on her lips. She didn't look over at Talohn, but she knew.

"I'll try not to damage your new ship." A quick wink followed. Do all the stuff she needed to do? She really should teach him how to be more careful giving a Sith carte blanche. There were some that 'needed' to destroy everything their eyes fell upon... though it was unlikely the Cathar would invite them on board. Zlova didn't need to tell him that much. Hopefully.

She waited a moment until Talohn vanished into the ship before she turned the other way. A relatively 'open' area, even that of a corridor would suffice for her needs. The red woman would come to a stop and let her eyelids drift shut for a moment. Sight was unnecessary, and often deceptive. Visual lies to distract the mind.

A hot breath fell between her lips before the Twi'lek began to dance. Every movement flowed into the next with her arms extending, retracting, and curling as she moved. Each step was carefully placed and her movements ebbed and flowed so as not to stray far from where Zlova began. There were no leaps into the air, or sultry stretched against the wall in this dance. An observer of combat could easily discern just how precise the motions of the dance were, and how they mimicked battle.

Control. Control of one's self. One's passions. Guide them. Focus them. Harness the power that the Sith held in such high esteem. Yes many spoke around the issue, but few practiced the teaching. Flailing mindlessly at a Jedi was a waste of effort; those high-minded types were all too happy to block and parry until the sun fell and rose again. No, grace and precision -- mirroring their own biding for time -- would slip a blade through their defenses in the same fashion they waited to strike through hers.

Zlova's arms were brought together over head before they were pulled down, clasped together over her hips. Another heated breath parted her lips, and her eyes opened once more.

"What's this about food?" the Twi'lek asked as she strode into the dining area. Not that the question needed asked, of course, but the little one certainly seemed eager to be sated. "I suppose you will be devouring two plates on your own?" Zlova smiled over at the young girl.

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
Talohn would have enjoyed that display, but he didn't stay for it, respecting her privacy. Though he didn't know Zlova's past, he knew for sure that sith don't trust easy. That's why he left to give her that time. He knows that in a sith's mind, the only time one can relax is when alone, without the threat of looming betrayal. Thus, he gave her that time before starting her day. Not that such would occur to her while she was busy dancing. Perhaps it might later? Who knows.

When she arrives, she would find Monari sitting in her chair at the table, bouncing up and down with excitement. She waves to the Twi'lek, that wide grin of her resembling Talohn's in how genuinely happy it seems. If not related by blood, these two are related in spirit. The table is set with three plates, one for each human present. Meanwhile, Madlad is sitting in the living room area, watching the projector. Some sort of morning cartoon. Actually watching things for pleasure? Further proof of the droid's sentience. Talohn himself is in the kitchen and....He's in a white apron. This is either adorable or jarring to see, considering the tough mandalorian he supposedly is by reputation. From the looks of it, he's making some form of pancakes.

"Ah, there you are. Take a seat. Food'll be done shortly." He winks, turning around to flip one of the pancakes.

Monari chirps excitedly to Zlova. "His pancakes are really good. They're his mom's recipe apparently, they're Catharese pancakes." She nods sagely, proud that she knows such knowledge. For someone so smart, she's still a child. Talohn finishes up the pancakes finally after a few more minutes, and brings them into the kitchen. The cakes are certainly different. Instead of fluffy and thick, they're thin like a burrito shell. and they're rolled up with some sort of sweet chocolate cream inside instead of laying flat. Using his spatula, he scoops two pancakes onto each plate, and then places a jar of syrup on the table. "I forgot to say, though us cathar eat meat, things like this can work too....just not extremely often." He chuckles. They chocolate cream is nice, has a sort of dark chocolatey bitterness that contrasts with the sweet syrup, and the pancakes themselves have a hint of cinnamon.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Zlova's smile slipped as she looked from Talohn to Monari. "Pancakes?"

The Lethan drifted into the dining area to find a seat and pass the time with the young one. She'd given a glance in Madlad's direction as he seemed occupied with a projected image, but otherwise left the droid alone. Just because he was wasting time didn't constitute evidence of anything to Zlova. Well, nothing except the droid obviously had a crossed circuit. Yes, the child was far more interesting, and Monari was certainly more engaging socially.

Her lekku shifted slightly as Zlova's golden eyes fell upon the pancakes deposited on the plate set before her. The syrup she knew having seen it before. These... pancake were reminescent of something she'd seen somewhere in the galaxy; not that she recalled the details. "I don't know how they'll taste, but your presentation isn't lacking." There was a strange sort of artistry to their appearance. A thin shell wrapped about a line of cream, with its pair set nearby. A little garnish and it might make for an appealing advertisement.

"My Master didn't believe in sweets," Zlova commented as she looked over at Monari. "Not even as a reward. Very few Masters spoil their apprentices as Talohn might. Fresh vegetables might be a suitable reward." The Twi'lek laughed expecting the child to not find that very appealing. It was nevertheless true. If you wanted to survive you had to earn the privilege. Seeing how Monari didn't have competition on board the ship, Zlova doubted she had anything to fear in that regard.

With a thoughtful hum, she retrieved a fork to cut a piece of the pancake free to take a bite. Pancakes weren't the only things that came rolled out, so she could guess how they were meant to be eaten. The sweet flavor caused her to pause on the first mouthful, however. Her eye followed to anyone adding the syrup on top of their dish.

"And this is...breakfast?" she asked politely. A small smile crossed her lips. Such a thing seemed more fitting as some kind of dessert. "Well made, as I have become accustomed to expecting of you, Mister Atar." The Mandalorian did seem to know how to cook that much was certain.

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
"Never had pancakes? This is mom's recipe." He states as he puts the cakes before them all. "They aren't actually catharese. Mom got the recipe from an offworlder. It's literally written down in the family history book." He chuckles slightly. "Hope mom is doing alright. The Mandalorian Union runs cathar these days..." He shrugs. "Least they aren't enslaved." He sits down after setting his own pancakes on the plate, grinning at her compliments. "Oh? Good to see my presentation is proper. Hope you enjoy."

Monari, after shoving a piece of pancake in her mouth, looks up at Zlova. "Your master sounds like an ass." Calling a sith's master an ass, this child is truly fearless. Talohn gives the child a slightly stern look, to which she shrugs, before explaining herself. "I prefer to tell it how I see it. Then again, I can't eat veggies, well, I can eat certain ones from the mon calamari home planet....being a half breed." She giggles before shoving another pancake in her mouth. "Also..." She pouts. "I'm not spoiled."

Talohn returns her smile as he nods in confirmation. "Not breakfast every morning, that's not very healthy. Sometimes it's eggs and bacon, a bowl of fruit, whatever we're in the mood for really. But pancakes every morning isn't part of a healthy diet. Us cathar aren't technically even meant to eat pancakes. They don't upset our digestive system like vegetables do, but they aren't part of the typical healthy catharese diet, though the sweetness is too hard to pass up. Reminds me of mom." He chuckles slightly. "I'm glad you enjoy it."

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Mandalorian Union. Zlova held her tongue, though she didn't expect Talohn to be a rabid devotee to that faction. Plenty of Mandlorians hadn't 'returned home' to great old Mandalore the planet to fall at the feet of the latest crazed sentient claiming the Mandalore title. Was there a new Mandalore the person? Did it really matter? Either Zlova had to strike them down, or she didn't -- and as of today she didn't.

Zlova turned to regard the child for a moment at the very forward commentary. Talohn seemed to recognize the situation for what it was. Not that any -- bit hyperbolic -- Sith Apprentice would ever defend their Master as the bastion of generosity or the pinnacle of a decent person... but they did have an obligation to crush any that besmirched them. Fortunately, Zlova was her own Master now. No such duty was demanded of her.

Especially since...

A soft cough of a laugh followed Monari defending herself. "Young one, pray you never find out how spoiled you truly are." Jealousy? Perhaps. Concern? Maybe. Knowing? Definitely. Zlova hadn't subjugated the masses under orders despite her personal (and silent) objections and thought herself 'spoiled.' Long at the lavish affection rained down upon her by inscribing another Sith-damned tattoo on her body! To sit there and watch such a carefree girl 'tell it how she saw it' was... Spoiled didn't even describe just how 'blessed' Monari was, and didn't know it. It would be better such an illusion of the world being so simple were never shattered. Obviously, the blunt truth of the galaxy was not the Way Talohn had chosen to instruct the child.

"Yes," Zlova smiled for a moment as she turned her thoughts away from the past. "I can see it as an indulgent reward you give yourself now and then. It is... different." Routine was something ingrained in her to reduce the amount of time spent on frivilous details or cut down on reaction time. Since leaving the Empire, however, the Twi'lek had found varying from routine on occassion was liberating, in a way. Invigorating, at times. "Thank you for sharing this with me."

"Your Mother is still on Cathar?"
It might not hurt to learn more about the man, given everything that had already happened.

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
Talohn takes a nice big bite of his pancake as he listens to Zlova talk to Monari. These were things Monari needed to hear. Though, Monari had something to say. Sighing slightly, the girl speaks up. "I....I have lost everything before. I know how lucky I am. How lucky I was to leave that place alive, and for him..." She points to Talohn. "Of all the people in the galaxy, to pick me up. That..." She takes in a breath. It was hard to look back on that day. "Monster....I'm convinced no one else would have gotten me out of there alive. I'm sorry if I....."

Before she can finish, Madlad's head turns to look directly at the child, and it speaks while standing up to make it's way over. The result is likely the most jarring thing Zlova will experience this morning. Madlad actually caring about another creature. "Rising heartbeat detected. not talk about what your mind cannot handle." It places a hand on her shoulder. "It is not good for your health." Though they're born from concern, Madlad's words are brief. It's not good at the emotional thing at all, but it's impressive that it tries. With that, the droid heads back to it's seat.

Talohn, having realized how uncomfortable Monari was, gives her an apologetic smile, but doesn't linger. "Let's move on to something else, shall we?" Both Monari and Madlad respond in unison. "Agreed."

Talohn smiles. "Self indulgence every once and a while never hurts. If you don't live for yourself on occasion, life becomes pointless, doesn't it?" He raises a brow. With that question posed, he nods in confirmation. "Mom and dad both, yea. Dad specializes in agriculture, and mom is a warrior. Both under the Atar clan. We aren't the biggest of the catharese clans, but we manage. We're a mercenary clan, so no one is up in arms to destroy us because they might need us come the next war with a clan." He shrugs. "But if the Mandalorian union starts causing trouble for my family? I'll burn the bastards down, no hesitation."

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
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Zlova listened to the young girl, then turned her attention to the droid that found sudden interest in the discussion.

Some might drone on about a droid having more sympathy, but then a droid lived in an idealistic world where life boiled down to mathematical formulae. As for a Twi'lek woman she hadn't experienced this loss Monari spoke of; or if she had it was buried under so much else she couldn't recall such a thing. No doubt the young one had suffered in this experience, and Zlova wouldn't tell her to 'get over it,' but the Lethan wouldn't patronize her either in pretending to truly understand.

In life something killed you, or was killed by you. There were times when your vengeance was delayed -- as Zlova herself had hidden herself away on Nar Shaddaa -- but fortunately she'd been brought back before succumbing to death. Talohn was that something for Monari, and here she was. There was time yet for her to live.

Her golden eyes shifted over to the Cathar man as he suggested they speak on something else, and the others agreed readily. Was Monari too young to discuss this? They seemed to think so. Though, Zlova wondered how long the young girl would run from it before she confronted and accepted what had happened?

"The Mandalorian Union serves its purpose," Zlova replied casually. "But they are no friends of the Empire. While I may not be publicly waving my title around, should the Mandlorian Union pose a problem for your family I know those that would help in solving such things. Should you require the support." She might be considered dead, but upon her return there were still those that would owe her. Seeing how Cathar bordered Sith space -- currently -- it would be a trivial matter to have such resources arrive to aid Talohn.

With precision, the Twi'lek set her silverware down with scarcely any sound before her eyes lifted to regard Talohn once more. "Do you support your family from afar?"

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
"The Enclave would help out my family as well. At least house verd would. House Verd and the Mandalorian Union have some bad blood apparently. Course, it was before my time." He shrugs. "Something about house Verd being exiled? Apparently it wasn't ok to be force sensitive on Mandalore back in the day? Either way, went to Mandalore with house verd. They were NOT happy to see us. Sadly the head of house Verd didn't fill me in, and I brought Monari with me to meet all the house verd folk."

Monari nods, slight irritation in her eyes from just looking back at the incident. "They mobilized an entire military force on a ship with a nine year old girl in it. Dimwits." She said, a catlike hiss leaving her lips before she takes in another bite of pancake. While chewing, she begins talking again. "Apparently they're no friends of the CIS either. Enclave is pretty CIS." She reads a lot about politics, it's a hobby.

Talohn points at her with his fork. "Mouth full. Swallow before talking kiddo." The kid rolls her eyes in response, swallowing her bite before speaking up again. "Joke's on you, already said what I had to say."

Talohn snickers. He'd be annoyed, but the wit reminds him of his younger self. "Mom and Dad? They're too proud to accept help, not that they need it. They're both forces of nature. I would help them if they ever asked for it, but me aiding hurts the clan honor and all that so I don't really do anything unless absolutely necessary. Bright side, people don't try to put clan Atar in desperate situations because I apparently have more firepower than the average catharese clan alone. Mind you, since we were mostly tribals not long ago, it's not a high bar to pass." He specifies, finishing off the last bite of his pancake.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
"Enclave? Oh, right. I have seen a larger number of Bucketheads around lately." Zlova paused to smile over at Talohn. At this point socially she was expected to exclude present company, of course. What if she didn't? If the helmet fit, wear it, right?

A soft sigh followed. "You build gadgets and explosives, and follow who's who in the galaxy. Something tells me I don't even need to suggest who to sell your goods to; you already know." A playful remark, though Zlova wondered if it wasn't far off the mark. Seemed like getting Monari something was going to be hard unless she learned the girl liked stuffed animals or wanted a baby Yoda for Life Day.

Oh, sorry, was that insensitive toward Yodas? Just try and Force Choke a Sith Lord see how far that gets you, baby Yoda.

Shortly afterward, Zlova regarded Talohn again. More firepower than the clan was it? They'd been tribal until recently? Sounded like they would need all the help they could get if things got dicey. Who was Zlova to tell them how to live though? They wanted to handle it personally that was righteously Sith of them.

"The Mandalorians and New Imperial Order," an eye-roll said all needed saying about the later, "are too busy fighting the Empire to bother Cathar, fortunately. You should be careful if the Order manages to take control of the sector, however. I wouldn't put it passed them to try conscription."

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
"Ehhh, the helmets are rounded, wouldn't call them buckets per say... I think globe head would fit better." Talohn counters, smirking ever so slightly. He wasn't insulted by her words in the slightest. Though, he joined the mandalorians more for Monari's security than his own, so he's nowhere near an extremist to the cause. Monari chimes in with her own take on mandalorian helmets. "I hear some people call them chrome domes!"

The cathar changes from snickers to a full on laugh at that, which was unfortunate as he was drinking water at the time. He quickly turns his head away as he coughs his lungs out. It takes a few moment before he turns back to face them. "Ugh..." He wipes his mouth. "Sorry about that....didn't dunno why that hit me so hard..." He clears his throat and pounds his chest a few times before getting back on topic. "You can tell me all the people you sell to, I don't mind. More connections is always good. It means more options, and options are good to have."

She'd notice Talohn seems just as displeased by the mention of the New Imperial Order as she is. "The Enclave is more about reclaiming mandalorian culture. Artifacts, history, beskar. Things of real importance. Not some planet that's been glassed fifty times over." He shakes his head. "Imperial order seems a bit...totalitarian. I dunno. As for Mandalorian union? Well, they don't like me, so the feeling is already mutual there." Pausing, he takes a moment to feel his lips. "Ugh...syrup in my fur. Gonna need to wash my mouth." He then looks at Zlova, grinning widely. There's a joke incoming. "Unless you want to-" Before he can finish, a rag from across the table hits Talohn's head, causing it to drape itself over his face. The rag came from Monari, who points at the cathar. "Gross! Cooties!"

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
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"You're right," Zlova replied breathlessly, "they are round. I'll be sure to broadcast throughout the holonet so people can insult you accurately." Of course they were both laughing at the situation rather than one another. Because that was the important thing when it came to insulting or disparaging someone -- being factually correct. Chrome dome wasn't half bad, but it didn't have the same demeaning jab that buckethead did. Like all the Mandalorians wore was a flimsy, wooden helm instead of one made from the strongest natural ore in the galaxy. Usually.

The Twi'lek composed herself, but with a smile as Talohn recovered from his coughing fit. Really? Couldn't tell, could he? Probably a result of the common evolutionary flaw -- likely a reason for it, but still the best evolution could come up with on a galactic scale? -- of having a single pipe for both air and liquids.

"Oh? Just write all their names and addresses down for you?" It was Zlova's turn to smirk now. "I have expensive tastes, Talohn. Some of my associates don't like unexpected visitors. Why don't I introduce you to a few of them someday?" Provided this... whatever it was between them lasted for more than a fling and a bloodbath.

She listened as he spoke of the Empire's latest "friends" briefly. Totalitarian? The New Imperial Order? Not with their Jedi friends, surely. It physically hurt to contain the laughter, but Zlova managed. If barely. The sudden turn into syrup territory and a rag being smacked into the Cathar's face didn't help the knot in Zlova's chest either.

"If Monari says it, it must be true." Zlova's hand lifted in an exaggerated shrug as if there was nothing a Lethan could do.

Was it unreasonable to think these tw-- this trio couldn't be trusted? That they'd betray her the moment it was convenient? They laughed and played nice together, but then they were a... unit, a squad; the sort that knew one another, trusted each other, and crushed their enemies together in order to survive. Of course they were comfortable in one another's presence. As for Zlova, well extending their good will for a short time to her couldn't be that difficult. It could be a ruse.

If it wasn't? It wasn't the first time Zlova had seen a family together. Sith didn't always just walk into a city with overwhelming force without any advanced intelligence. The Lethan had visited many places and seen civilians living out their lives in comfort before the assault began.

Jealousy? Of what? Letting your guard down? How easy would it be for either Monari or Madlad to kill Talohn in his sleep? The Cathar seemed to trust them implicitly. It was a dream world. A fantasy from where a Sith Warrior brought up by a Traditionalist sat. Weakness given form. An ideal... that Zlova wasn't sure she could ever hold. Was that why some heroes walked into the sunset in holo-vids? Because this life wasn't for them? Not that Zlova believed she was the over-sentimental hero, but there were a few hard-ass types she could appreciate for their cunning and battle prowess.

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
"That sounds delightful." He says, chuckling along with her about the shape of Mandalorian helmets. "Also, in my opinion, the more true an insult is, the better. After all, I've only been around 28 years or so, however I already know people hate hearing truths with a passion. Of course, his coughing fit comes not long after, thus his time laughing is cruelly ended. Poor kitty.

"Fair enough. I have a few contacts who don't like being pointed out either. Of course..." He grins. "Friendships and such are all about give and take, yea? How about someday you introduce me to your contacts, and I can introduce you to mine. I know a few people. Probably not as much as you, but I'm sure I can find something that'll strike as useful for you. I've also been keeping an eye out for a krayt dragon hunting job. I'll be sure to call you when I get aholds of that, since your help would likely be nice to have....and you can get yourself some krayt pearl to satisfy those expensive tastes. I hear it does wonders for a lightsaber." happens. Talohn takes a rag to the face. But it's worse than that. It doesn't just sit there like a normal rag. Madlad can be heard cackling from his spot on the couch as Talohn slowly peels the rag off of his face, which is now covered with hints of light brown from that sweet syrup. It seems the poor fellow had the used rag thrown at his face. He slowly points at Monari, who's got a wide grin on her face. "I'll get you back for this later, so don't be looking so smug, kiddo."

He then stands up from his chair, making his way to the kitchen. "Let me wash my face. Then, I think it's about time we got going. What do you think, Zlova?" He asks her as he turns on the faucet, leaning down to splash that warm water on his face and cleanse the stickiness from his poor abused fur. "I should probably get my armor on." With his face now clean, he turns to face Zlova. "We taking my ship or yours? I regret to say we can't take this beauty since it's where Monari is."

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
What was worse than a typical family interaction? One including a humorous exchange resulting in a messy prank where the target just completely shrugs it off. That was mind-bending enough to be painful. No one needed to imagine how a Sith Lord would take something like that; people knew how a Sith Lord would respond. And it wouldn't be with a good natured smile. The promise of retaliation would be enough to give some heart attacks alone.

"Sounds right," Zlova replied to Talohn checking it she agreed about the timing. She'd endured 'normal, everyday' interactions before masquerading as someone's partner, love interest, tutor, or whatever else got her into some high-security location. Didn't recall anything approaching this level of... wholesomeness? The Twi'lek really didn't know what she should feel under the circumstances. Someone not trained like her would probably say 'happy.' Wasn't her bag. In fact, her bag didn't contain a response for all this. Probably best not discover what her tolerance was on the First Date, so to speak.

"We can take mine." A smile graced her lips for a moment. "Fuel is the least I can contribute in return for everything you've given me." You could mooch off people endlessly, especially if you intimidated everyone around you, but in the end what would you have? A Sith had to learn when to give back, and not be a galactic... So, Zlova would graciously offer to drive to the scene of the crime.

Sorry, the dispensing of justice.

Funny thing that. It was justice to punish criminals. Statutes set up by the 'good citizens of the galaxy' and supported by the fair-minded Jedi. But if you tried claiming justice resulting from an Imperial Court they could call that criminal as well. Justice and Criminal Activity were all subjective depending on what was considered moral or right.

In this case, however, Zlova wouldn't complain. Sure, the Empire used slaves. And no, Zlova hadn't been terribly upset by it. Needless abuse of slaves, yes. Slavery in and of itself, no. Seeing how she'd thrown her saber in with the Confederacy of late, however, slavery in any form was bad and slavers had to be punished. Criminal Activity. Judicial Action. Simple, straight forward, and most of all... fun with Talohn.

"It's reliable enough to get us there and back again quickly. Can put a few holes in anything standing in our way too, if it comes to it." Wasn't a large ship, obviously, but it could support company. "No orbital drop this time, but I can plunge into the atmosphere at a steeper angle than necessary if you'd like."

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
Indeed. Poor Zlova was stuck in a sitcom. Poor girl. The cathar nods in agreement. "Your ship it is then. I'll meet you at the hangar, gotta get my armor on." He gives his Twi'lek partner for the day a playful salute before heading off towards the Armory. Monari follows behind him, oozing about some gadgets that she wants to send with him to test in the field.

The worst part about this is that she's been left alone in a room with Madlad. There's a mechanical humming as the droid's head slowly turns to look at the lethan. "So......uh...." The droid imitates an awkward cough using it's voice box, not that it can actually cough. It stands up, metal footsteps dinging on the floor as it makes it's way across the floor to stand before the sith, it's single lensed eye glowing blue momentarily as it scans her over.

"Initial scans identify....confusion?" It chuckles, as if it had expected that. "This is your first experience with unit? As politicians and economists call it in order to cite the statistics that push their shitty agendas. Nonetheless, stick around and you will see wholesome things. The sweetness is almost sickening, is it not? However....I would rip and tear for the rest of my life to defend that sweetness." The lens turns red suddenly. "I would also rip and tear anyone who threatens it." It crosses it's arms. lens returning to a neutral color of white. "You already understand what I'm saying. Remain the opposite of a threat, and I will remain such to you as well." The gaul of this droid, the sheer guts. It was impressive, and also horribly annoying. However, it's loyalty was admirable.

"You two kids have fun on your date." With that, the droid turns to walk away, likely heading to it's quarters. Talohn should be waiting at the hangar by now.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Zlova smiled as the pair drifted out of the area. It wouldn't last long, however, as a synthesized voice sought to remind the woman of the droid's presence. Slowly her golden gaze shifted in Madlad's direction as the creature rose to its full height. While her lips curled up at the corners, her eyes were not filled with mirth.

Could the two of them connect on how alien such 'sweet' moments seemed to them? Perhaps another time. This particular encounter was quickly followed by a threat, which forestalled any 'warm' moments between Lethan and Droid. A matter that caused even the facade of a smile to fall from the Twi'lek's lips, and the rings of her eyes seemed to glow beneath the diffuse interior lightning of the starship.

If Madlad wasn't Talohn's precious creation, Zlova would have slammed its metal chassis against the wall for threatening her so openly. You could take the Lord out of the Sith Empire, but you couldn't take the Sith out of the Lord. It was one thing to be objectified when she posed as a mere dancer on Nar Shaddaa; but Zlova was not feigning to be some low-class woman you were free to look down upon. She was the kind of person to lop a Wookie's arm off and beat them to death with it.

Madlad likely knew she wouldn't tear him apart over such a simple slight. For whatever reason it believed that, it wasn't wrong. She'd endured worse pretending to be someone she wasn't to get into a secure location. Nonetheless, if it thought Zlova wouldn't keep a tally... Best it stayed on her good side for more than 'because Talohn is around.'

The red Twi'lek rose from her seat and strode toward the hanger without a word.

Someone truly capable of meting out their own retribution didn't need words to threaten others. Her eyes should have done that in response to Madlad's confrontation. Verbally responding would just be needless redundancy. It knew she wouldn't be cowed by the threat.

By the time the Lethan was in view, the smiling mask had been pulled on once more. They were about to go hunting. Why shouldn't she smile? "Alright, Talohn, you have the coordinates? No sight seeing on the way there. We can stop somewhere on the way back." Nothing wrong with a little humor as she climbed aboard her ship.

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

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