Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dawn of the Light


Tanalorr | Jedi Temple

Romi Jade Romi Jade

Sometime before the Annihilation Attempt on Tython...

The Knight slowly leaned back into the pilot's chair as the landing gear of the Blue Lightning fully settled onto the planet's surface.

War against the Maw had not been kind to anyone, especially Okkeus. He was reaching his late twenties, but he felt as if he was sixty years old. It was just one battle to the next, no real time to rest. And in the off chance there was time, it was spent planning and preparing for the upcoming engagements. All of it was starting to take its toll on the man. He was a kid when he first got involved with the conflict. Fragments of a true childhood were often blurred by the blood of enemies. The thought of it alone was enough to send chills down his spine. This is why he tried not to linger on it too much.

A small hiss could be heard from the cockpit as the main bay door dropped open. Lifting himself out of the chair, Okkeus made his way towards the ramp. Grabbing his lightsaber, a blaster pistol, and a light jacket, he walked out into the open air. It felt slightly stale, even though life seemed moderate on this planet. Definitely interesting. Looking down at the small datapad built into his robot left arm, the man activated a small signal, sending his location to Master Romi Jade. The two of them only had a few small conversations about the Order and how the war was affecting it. Sith numbers grew at an alarming rate. It was only a matter of time before the Jedi were going to be placed on the defensive, which the two of them believed were under prepared for.

Stepping onto the rocky surface, Okkeus gazed upon his surroundings. His vessel was situated about one hundred yards from a Temple, one that was built centuries ago. From the limited information that Coruscant's libraries could provide, the Knight found that this place used to be a home for Jedi refugees during a time a galactic conflict. Very similar to what was happening across the stars now. Maybe there was something inside of the Temple that could help them turn the tide in this war against the Maw.

Or, if it came to it, prevent the Jedi from being wiped out completely.
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Sometime before the Annihilation Attempt on Tython...


She'd come across Tanalorr once or twice initially some time ago -- perhaps while reading through something? She couldn't recall where exactly. Though by now, Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser had given her the summarized version, and she now could see for herself...he was drawn to things like the Koboh Abyss; deadly and mysterious nebula weren't much her speed, but for the task at hand she committed to it.

However, Koboh seemed very fitting for the long plot.

She'd landed a bit ago, hoping to get a brief scoping of the place prior to. The whole concept, and its mysterious history would draw and scholar, she never considered herself much of an academic but she did enjoy exploring the mysticism of the Force in relation to the Jedi; it had become a thing of hers.

Her chronometer went off, and then she got a ping from Okkeus -- he was here. She started back down her walking path, retracing her steps from the outskirts of the temple and to rendezvous with him.

She for sure could see some uses...

Waving from afar as she approached, walking in synchrony with his bay door opening, she was still a couple of yards away. But without much in way, they would surely cover the ground they needed.

At some point they'd gotten closer, "Okkeus, Good to see you, how was your flight?"

Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei


A smile and a returned wave were offered as he spotted Romi approaching.

In a galaxy that was quickly becoming filled with hate and corruption, it was always nice to see a friendly face. It was like he was back at the Jedi temple, greeting every new person he met, talking about what life was like in their corner of the stars. Luxuries like this were becoming harder and harder to come by. That is why he made sure to cherish each one of them.

"Romi! Good to see you as well. My flight went well, only a little bumpy."

Prior to the journey he took here, Okkeus had been meeting with Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill about how to find an Abyss compass. There were incredibly rare to find, as only a handful of them were made. The blueprints to build one had been long lost by the time this piece of technology was documented in the temple archives. So, when the Knight was able to find one in a junkyard on some backwater planet, he was beyond ecstatic. After the two of them were done surveying this temple, he would be sure to try and reverse engineer the compass, in hopes to provide a way for another Jedi in need to travel here.

Looking down at his left foot, the man noticed that his BD droid Apollo had followed him off of the ramp. He would actually come in pretty handy in case the two of them wanted to explore an area that was blocked off. For now, the little droid sat idly.

"Have you done much surveying yet of the temple? I can see from here that it looks a little worse for wear."

If the two of them were going to turn this place into the safe haven they hoped for it to be, they were going to have to put a lot of work in. But hey, Master Jade did build the Jakku Enclave after all. She might know a thing or two about this stuff.


Sometime before the Annihilation Attempt on Tython...


"I can imagine, navigating the abyss wasn't the easiest -- but then again I'm not the best pilot." She closed the gap between them and pivoted to surveying their surrounding area, "This was a good find. I had read about it in small doses here and there, different seeing it in person." She said, slowly pacing off.

"I got a quick glimpse of some of the surrounding area leading up to the temple, haven't stepped foot inside though. Should we take a look?" She asked before trailing off.

"My niece Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser has been here before, she sent over some rough schematics that roughly show the lay of the land from some prior scouting missions." She added while pulling a holoprojector -- the holographics springing to life.

"I do think it would be suitable as a Jedi outpost though. It's not far from Koboh, so that works. What do you think?"

She started following the trailed she walked earlier that led towards just the outskirts of the temple.

Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei


"Yes, I think we shall."

Falling in step with Master Jedi, the man continued to assess the surrounding area. There was plenty of room for expansion if they ever chose to do so. Having space to land starships was important as well, which made the field-esque areas fanning out from the temple very helpful. It had the makings of a great sanctuary for Jedi.

Okkeus' eyes darted over to the holoprojector that Romi produced. The name Starchaser was quite familiar to him, although he had not had the chance himself to meet Kaia. These schematics would be a great start to the renovation.

"I do agree. The planet's connection to the light side of the Force is valuable. And having a temple already built here makes things easier."

Walking down a small hill, the Knight made his way towards the entrance of the temple. Even overgrown with vines, the architecture looked phenomenal. True time and effort went into its formation. Entering the dusty space, the man looked out upon a large walkway inside, almost like an entry tunnel. Down the path was a junction, going either left or right. They were in no hurry to chart this temple, but they needed to start somewhere.

"Which turn would you like to venture on first?"

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