Tall Mute Goblin Lady
Day After Injury
Tags: Open (One Responder Only)
It was late into the evening hours. Rayne was huddled up underneath a small alcove in a cliff, next to the warm blaze of a campfire. It was raining, water pattering off of the roof of her walker which was positioned right outside, providing a wall from any incoming wind. She wasn't alone, however, as she had found an individual today, out on her expedition to find old hardware to salvage. They were injured, passed out, and notably dehydrated, so she had managed to transport them here before the storm, bundling them up in a home-made blanket next to the fire.
As Rayne sipped a cup of hot chocolate, watching the storm dance in the bitter night, movement would draw her attention to the wounded individual she had saved. They were moving, and it seemed as though they were returning to consciousness.
The young woman would give them a warm smile and a half wave, her typical wordless greeting. Hopefully they were not in too terrible condition. She had done her best, but she was no medical expert. Ultimately she would just have to wait and see for how the individual would respond. Rayne only hoped that her kindness wasn't almost immediately taken advantage of.
Ooc: Hey there! The concept for this thread is a pretty simple one. Your character, for some reason or another, was injured and passed out whilst traversing the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, and Rayne here has nursed you back to health. You're objective is to figure out how bad your condition was, what day it is, and then ultimately enjoy a more dialogue/interaction based thread. Normally I leave stuff like this open for OOC requests to jump in later, but I wanna keep this to 1 on 1 stuff. Thanks in advance!