Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Day After Injury


Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


"Honestly, home is my ship, really. It's not always a full one."

"Aren't you gloomy," Rayne remarked with a smirk, but rather quickly frowned. Her vocoder sort of lost the sarcastic tone. "Sorry," she apologized. "That sounded a lot more amusing in my head."

She could relate, at least. Even if it was for different reasons, her only home was this walker, so it was kind of similar, in a way. Trapped alone in a metal box, left to wander with no real place to truly dwell in. Maybe that's why she was so quick to resort to joking. It was a way to forget about her own predicament.

"I don't think I could live in something empty," she admitted, tilting her head a little. "I'd lose my mind without anything to tinker with.



At Rayne's sarcastic remark, Gatz allowed himself to laugh. He then quickly cut it off, as the movement did something to his gut wound that didn't feel very nice. With a hiss and a groan, he settled back into a still posture, and waited for the pain to ebb. This whole getting shot in the abdomen thing kinda sucked. Which, unfortunately, he had known long before today. This wasn't the first time he'd caught a bolt to the gut.

"No, no that was fine," Gatz tried to reassure Rayne with a smile, "sometimes I have to be reminded not to be a perpetual frowner. So thanks."

He wondered, did she live in that walker? The way it was painted, it seemed more like a colorful residence than a piece of military equipment. For all that he complained about having sold his home, and only having his ship, that was still more than Rayne possessed.

"Oh there's plenty to tinker with," Gatz added, "just about everything on my ship is aftermarket, so there's always something that doesn't work quite the way it's supposed to. I spend a lot of time making sure I don't burn out components, or ensuring that they won't give out on me in a dogfight."

Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to



Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


"I think I prefer to stay on the ground," Rayne decided with a shrug. "Worrying about dog fights doesn't sound like it would be good for my health."

Yeah, anxiety was sort of a low-stakes problem, but she certainly had it when it came to more dangerous situations. Rayne was ready to kick ass at a moments notice, but she really didn't want to. She'd much rather be left alone to her scrapping and tinkering. That was far better than running around the galaxy constantly fretting about if she was going to be shot at and from where. Maybe, in that scenario, it was a lot better to remain grounded and stick to civilian transports off-world.

"Well, not to be the barer of bad news," she continued, "But you probably want to find yourself a bacta tank. I can see that injury getting infected as the burnt tissue continues to deteriorate. Hot plasma doesn't just stitch closed."

The Lothal Protectorate had good doctors. He could probably find a local clinic in the capital city pretty easily. It wasn't too far from where they were, after all.



Rayne was right, of course. He needed proper medical treatment, not just patched up. A good soak in a bacta tank would do the trick. Problem was, Gatz didn't have the time for one. Every hour he spent on Lothal was another hour for one of Kragan's hunters to find him. And he couldn't defend himself if he was suspended in a bacta tank. He'd have to make do with the medical supplies he kept in the cramped medbay on his ship. Or just make a beeline for the Jedi Temple on New Cov, and deal with the pain until he arrived.

Man, where was Iris when you needed her?

"You're right, I should see to making an appointment." Gatz groaned, and lied, as he unwound himself from Rayne's blankets, "thank you for saving my life. Is there anyway I can repay you?"

If he'd still been a smuggler, he could have paid her for her time. Handsomely too. Unfortunately, vigilantism didn't pay the bills. Any of them. But maybe there was another way to return her kindness. He hoped so.

Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to



Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


"No payment," she assured. "I don't like debts."

Stupid is what they were. They were a way to take advantage of people, twist their desire to make right on an act of kindness. People used kind actions to grift off of others. Rayne didn't want to fall into that behavior, not after what she experienced on Nar Shaddaa. He could keep the change.

"Uh, you need a ride," Rayne asked. "You don't really seem fit for, y'know, walking."

It would be a real waste of both their time if he just passed out and died on the way back into town.



Rayne didn't believe in debts. Gatz wished he could feel the same. But there were some people he owed more than he could ever repay, and even though most of them weren't looking to be compensated for what they'd done for him—or what he'd done to them—Gatz believed in returning favors. Unfortunately, he'd only ever failed to do so.

Rayne was just one more person he couldn't repay, even if she wasn't asking him to.

Gatz almost refused her offer of a ride: she'd done enough for him. But it occurred to him that he'd been shot twice, he was pretty far away from the city, and it was dark and raining. Trying to walk there on his own would be downright suicide.

"....If it's not too much to ask, I'd appreciate that. I, uh, probably wouldn't make it on my own."

Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to


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