Miles Varden
The Valkyrie
NE-4, part of the Companionesk Galaxy, a world only known by the number of dead. A world where a few scattered villages withered away with the corpses that wandered its wasteland.Miles was one his way there to investigate the planet. He flew on his Valkyrie, a light shuttle fit for up to 17. Having made the journey, with his crew and passengers, he made for landing in a clearing in the middle of a plain.
Miles had the crew maintain the ship in the field, he set out for the cargo hold, there were four Swoop Bikes, one cargo Speeder, and five Waypoint Markers. He stood before the ramp, it was unopened, and awaiting the order from Miles to exit and explore.
[member="Knight"] [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] [member="Riley Stryker"]

Miles had the crew maintain the ship in the field, he set out for the cargo hold, there were four Swoop Bikes, one cargo Speeder, and five Waypoint Markers. He stood before the ramp, it was unopened, and awaiting the order from Miles to exit and explore.
[member="Knight"] [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] [member="Riley Stryker"]