As the fleeting starts to draw to a close, I want to say you have really done some incredibly stellar work here, [member="Valiens Nantaris"].
It has been a challenging but awesomely rewarding experience to have been a part of, from the perspective of a long dormant RPer just getting their space legs back, as it were. It was really enjoyable a team-building exercise between the First Order OOCly as well as ICly, to craft interweaving narratives throughout the event. I am sure the other factions can attest to that from their respective sides too!
I can only imagine the long, tedious hours that were spent getting everything squared away for each individual update, but I am hopeful that the appreciation of everyone involved will make up for it in some small way.
Also, the fleeting component was the only one I was a part of, but I've been hearing a lot of great things about the other portions of the Omega event as well, so please pass the thanks and congratulations for a job well, well done, to everyone else involved!