Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deadly Void (Fleeting) OOC Thread

[member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Knight"]
[member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="William Kerkov"]
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Zofia Marek"] [member="Horus"]

A quick correction/clarification.

In order to move off the map, say you are moving to one of the specified hexes in column 1 (01.11 to 01.21). You will pause for a turn there to allow the Sith ships to fire.
Then the next round the survivors can exit and claim victory points.

This stops people just flying past when there's no way they could.

Also, if we get enough ships breaking through I think we will be able to have a fun little sequence. Would be fun to have a little Death Star-esque trench run with TIEs and Alliance fighters united. But we'll see what happens if we get there.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Rapid Response Line will be here during round 7 to pick up wounded, and conduct search and rescue, they will depart at the start of round 8.


Event Account
As an extra note, there will be 2 further map updates.

One will be done tomorrow morning my time or about 18 hours from now.

The last and final will be done in about 2 days.

So get your moves in and we'll bring this battle to an end!

Great going all.
[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]
You cannot post in this thread.
  • You did not sign up.
  • You cannot cross between threads.
  • You would be almost certainly blasted apart before you got out of the Omega's shadow.
  • This is a fleeting thread, not a continuation of the PVP or DM threads.
So whether you want to exit with a post or just leave it is up to you.


Event Account
North: [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Knight"]
East: [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="William Kerkov"]
South: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Horus"]

A thousand apologies for the multiple posts.

For some reason it would not let me post the update, and until I cleared out the destroyed ships it would not let me do anything.

If you want to see the full list, see here:

Tearing my hair out at how frustrating this has been. Anyway, it's there now.
Current leaderboard as of turn 8

Metres Destroyed
Rogue Sith 15720
  • [member="Omega"] 15720
Republic 2108
  • [member="Charzon Loulan"] 2108
Galactic Alliance 8010
  • [member="Ayden Cater"] 2794
  • [member="Astarii Saren"] 2460
  • [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] 1456
  • [member="Zark"] 1300
Mandalorians 4410
  • [member="Verz Horak"] 3110
  • [member="Captain Larraq"] 1300
First Order 15207
  • [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] 3844
  • [member="William Kerkov"] 3625
  • [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] 2600
  • [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] 1444
  • [member="Valessia Brentioch"] 1344
  • [member="Natasi Fortan"] 1300
  • [member="Tanomas Graf"] 1050
Silver Jedi 5438
  • [member="Gir Quee"] 3088
  • [member="Reshmar"] 2350
Never had there been such a slaughter.

Anyway, get your last moves in. There's no rush on this one, final update will be this week sometime.

If you're in a position to exit the map my moving into one of those hexes you may be fired upon, as you leave, in which case I'll auto resolve damage.

All ships which exit count as 2 x their metres, so this is a big boost to your faction's VPs.
I will also note that the 2 x metres thing may be edited, depending on many things, if it proves to be unfair. I never expected it to actually get to this point, so therefore everything is experimentation.

Remember though that mere victory points is only part of what I look for. It's an advantage, certainly, but teamwork, fairness and balance are just as important for achieving the highest rewards.

Keep all this in mind as you debate your last strategies.
As the fleeting starts to draw to a close, I want to say you have really done some incredibly stellar work here, [member="Valiens Nantaris"].

It has been a challenging but awesomely rewarding experience to have been a part of, from the perspective of a long dormant RPer just getting their space legs back, as it were. It was really enjoyable a team-building exercise between the First Order OOCly as well as ICly, to craft interweaving narratives throughout the event. I am sure the other factions can attest to that from their respective sides too!

I can only imagine the long, tedious hours that were spent getting everything squared away for each individual update, but I am hopeful that the appreciation of everyone involved will make up for it in some small way. :)

Also, the fleeting component was the only one I was a part of, but I've been hearing a lot of great things about the other portions of the Omega event as well, so please pass the thanks and congratulations for a job well, well done, to everyone else involved!
[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Aww thanks! That’s nice to hear.

It was a lot of work to do this, but I have no complaints, it was worth it, completely.

For years I’ve wanted a big, epic completed fleeting battle here and on other sites, and never got it. This is that battle, and it’s been marvellous.

I want to thank everyone involved for your writing, patience, dedication and overall fairness. I’ve had no cause to drop the hammer on anyone, and those few times I’ve needed to I’ve been able to drop a little hint and the issue has been rectified.

When this is all over I will be sharing my fleeting system if anyone wants to use it. I deem that this has been an excellent test of the system and it’s turned out remarkably balanced. There is of course more tweaking but overall I’m very pleased.

After my final map update I will be continuing a couple of purely IC posts to wrap up the story aspects of the thread. When that’s done I will be analysing and announcing rewards.

So thank you again everyone involved!
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Valiens Nantaris said:
For years I’ve wanted a big, epic completed fleeting battle here and on other sites, and never got it.
For reals. Especially for folks who haven't been on the site for a long time, this was a real achievement.

I want to echo what Roderik said, this thread has been absolutely awesome and a great deal of that was the effort you put in. Would fleet again 10/10.

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