Valiens Nantaris said:
How am I supposed to resolve damage from your bombers, hmm? Just assume all of them hit? I cannot assume damage to your ships. We can agree on this, yes? So you cannot tell me that I can't intercept the fighters without calling shots on me.
It'd be no different if I was in a duel with your character and I fired an e-web at you. You have to tell me whether any of those bolts hit, and what damage they did, before you can reach me and duel me.
I am very willing to accommodate as I am the NPC and the 'losing' party in the thread, but there's basic things we all need to do. Your Vulcan cannons will not be ignored of course, and you have superiority in numbers so my losses will likely be catastrophic...but I can't just up and post that without knowing how many you'll take.
Captain Larraq said:
It was a painful order to give. Neither Larraq, nor, likely, the pilots themselves would be expecting any of those small ships to survive their assault on the enemy position. Hopefully though... they would be lives spent, not lives wasted. A matter that would be dependent upon the results they achieved. If nothing else though... They were about to greatly disrupt the enemy's line of battle.
It's a suicidal drive-by shooting. By the time they reach the intended end-positions, all 5 frigates should be dead and the starfighter swarm should be wiped out or nearly wiped out with empty ordnance bays. With 4 "occupied" hex's to cover, you could easily assume 10, 30, 60, and 80% casualties from hex-to-hex movement with the surviving ships launching 10, 30, 60, and 100% ordnance throughout those Hex's.
Roughly speaking anyway.
You could have taken it any way you wanted (in regard to damage taken). The intent behind the action was to achieve moderate damage output, lose the entire formation, but disrupt the Renegade Sith's Line of Battle at a critical moment during the advance of my capital ships.
But stopping it cold like that...
Coldcocks the entire strategy that I've planned out as my participation for this event.
"No plan survives contact with the enemy" is one thing.
Hell, failure is one thing.
Having physics and time continuity thrown to the side and "units" halted in time and space as the DM tries to figure out what the hell is going on...
Yeah, no. The fun is over and I'm going home.