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Dear People Who Want Alchemy

I've made roughly four dozen alchemy submissions, most of them publicly available or for people who wanted custom orders. I've had an awful lot of fun along the way, and I've enjoyed helping people.

However, in the last several months it's become clear that the board's alchemists, beastmakers, and gadgeteers can be taken for granted by people who don't want to do the research themselves, or put in the work. I'm sure [member="Valik"] and [member="Nyxie"], among others, can attest to that, and know that request backlogs can stretch into months. In fact, a large portion of my Akure Executive Leatherworks products are the way they are because they're what people kept asking...and asking...and asking us to make, often when there are viable alternatives that would have required minimal work on their part. We don't mind polite requests, though we often don't have time for them. However, we have people coming to us feeling that they're entitled to our work, entitled to ask us for ambitious submissions and substantial development threads, entitled to ask us for training threads.

This is fundamentally silly.

If you want access to alchemical whatnot (and in Star Wars, tech can do just about anything alchemy can do, and often do it better -- we do this for fun), on behalf of the board's alchemists, I present a heartfelt three-part plea.

First: Find something that already exists. Many, many requests can be solved by simple Wookieepedia searches or by browsing the Marketplace.

Second, and related to the first: Be satisfied with something that almost does what you want, or that does it through other means.

Third: If you've got through all of the above and you just have to have alchemical masterwork...learn alchemy and get Master. I've done probably a dozen alchemy threads with Rave, some of them very substantial. Others have put in comparable work. I've done a ton of tech/species subs and, yes, had some denied or nerfed along the way. Others have put in comparable work. If you want the power to make shiny alchemical toys, do the work. Start out a new character, and get him or her to Master while specializing in one or two crafting traditions. (Alchemy, Nightsister crafting, Force-imbued weapons, Jal Shey, Felucian shamans...the list goes on.) Or take an existing character that's been around for a while and put in a few threads and a few tech subs to gain crafting as a secondary specialty. If the character's a non-Forcer, be a gadgeteer. Virtually any alchemical whatnot can be duplicated by Star Wars tech, with enough research.

Should you not know where to start, here are some resources, so you can start learning to make your own stuff. The sourcebooks are out of print and legally available, at least in my country.

Jedi Academy Sourcebook
Dark Empire Sourcebook
Galaxy Guide 14: The Dark Side
Dark Side Sourcebook
Steph Zenima said:
Who needs alchemy when you can just tape spikes onto your sledgehammer?!

You mean who needs alchemy when you can be a


But seriously, I'll have to agree with Jorus. I used to get requests as Disciple, and it was like I existed to do work for other people. No bueno.
Evasion Studios
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Space wizards turning lead into gold - and without a philosopher's stone. I'm just glad you haven't gotten a disembodied ghost haunting armor for a brother, or had to get some metallic prostheses for your arm and leg. Then again, I doubt you'd try and resurrect someone. :)

Evard L'Rik

Got Lightning Running Through my Veins
Evad said:
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Space wizards turning lead into gold - and without a philosopher's stone. I'm just glad you haven't gotten a disembodied ghost haunting armor for a brother, or had to get some metallic prostheses for your arm and leg. Then again, I doubt you'd try and resurrect someone. :)
Alchemy... Is why I have nice things...
[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

You two are a couple of the more alchemically knowledgeable people on the board, IC. Is it possible for an NFU to use Alchemy to make power-imbued objects? Would I need a Knight or Lord to help, or would I be able to do this myself?

Cos I'd be willing to take the pressure off some of you guys, if I can.
"Power" or "Force Imbued" things would require a knowledge and ability with the Force equivalent to the "power" you wish the object in question to hold. So, yes, in simple terms, you would need to be an FU. However engineering the object in question as an NFU and having a Alchemical Master to aid in the actual crafting would also work, IMO. This is how people learn to do these things, anyway - learning from someone else of higher knowledge and skill.

Then again, as has been stated, you don't need to be an Alchemist or an FU to build really cool things that serve the same purpose as Alchemically crafted things.

Thinking out of the box is your best bet, along with research and showing your work.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
I've wanted to make a Sith Alchemist for about five years.... Hmm. *so tempted to make a Felucian shaman that somehow ended up with the witches of dathomir or the sith*

*So tempted*

Not for the equipment, I have Makkik for that. Just for the space magics, and sithspawn. xD
Well, the big part of Cross' exile is that he experimented with genetics too much, including accidentally making a Force-Screaming banshee. So, I'm assuming I could rationalize him being an alchemist that likes to mess with Force-Imbued items.

It's just that he'd need an FU or an imbued crystal or something to build stuff with force abilities, right?
I think you're confrusing real world alchemy with sith alchemy.

Real world alchemy was a mixture of 'magic' and science, which had to do mainly with compounds and chemicals.

Sith alchemy is much like Sith Magic (correct me if i'm wrong), using the force to manipulate objects and change their natural form.

You have to use the force to use alchemy.

[member="Cross Ikon"]
Cross Ikon said:


IIRC, bio-alchemy looks different than tech-alchemy in the EU, but I might be wrong, too.
Both definitely require the Force. However, you could easily use genetic engineering to parallel the first one, and gadgetry and metallurgy and science to parallel the second one.

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