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Dear People Who Want Alchemy

Steph Zenima

Look! Steph's did it all by herself!


Steph Zenima

Deal, [member="Matsu Ike"]! It's 5 grams of glitterstim for a standard hammer. 6 grams will get you extra tape. 7 gets you extra spikes AND tape!
I am currently working on becoming more proficient innthe use of force imdue at the moment. However Neth (@Darth Meirn) is not posting as Neth.... But I am getting it from many sources. Working in many threads to get what I need.
Cross Ikon said:


IIRC, bio-alchemy looks different than tech-alchemy in the EU, but I might be wrong, too.
Alchemy in Star Wars is Sith Magic. It is literally a different name for Sith Magic which effects living and non-living things to alter their physiology and composition, and sometimes genetics. It requires force powers to do, though as Ashe mentioned you may use alternative technology to both mimic and surpass the original. (Although Alchemy can do the exact same thing that technology can and more as well, they just require a lot more work and it is no where near as feasible.)
Sarge Potteiger said:
But seriously, I'll have to agree with Jorus. I used to get requests as Disciple, and it was like I existed to do work for other people. No bueno.

Make me something pretty!


In return, you can take me on a date --- maybe :p

Nah, but on this topic, just go out there folks and try it yourself. I'm currently working on a crystal specialist, so that should be fun xD
Cira said:
Make me something pretty!


In return, you can take me on a date --- maybe :p

Nah, but on this topic, just go out there folks and try it yourself. I'm currently working on a crystal specialist, so that should be fun xD
I am amazed that you don't already own a character with every feasible archetype and combination yet.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Silara Vantai said:
Alchemy in Star Wars is Sith Magic. It is literally a different name for Sith Magic which effects living and non-living things to alter their physiology and composition, and sometimes genetics. It requires force powers to do, though as Ashe mentioned you may use alternative technology to both mimic and surpass the original. (Although Alchemy can do the exact same thing that technology can and more as well, they just require a lot more work and it is no where near as feasible.)
The balance of sources treat alchemy and magic as separate but complimentary. One need not be a sith magic 2%er to use alchemy.


Disney's Princess
What I learned summarized:

1. If I want an alchemical item for my characters, there are some steps I can follow besides just asking Rave to do it for me. I can 1: learn what Sith Alchemy actually is through research on the internet. 2: I can visit Wookieepedia or the Marketplace to look for existing items and similar concepts to use immediately. 3: I can use my newly acquired research to create an item myself through fiction and roleplaying. And 4: cake is inherently evil.

Nice. :D

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