Dark Thaumaturge, Loremaster of the Sith

Revelation, Part 5
Location: In the heart of the Red Dragon
Tags: Tithon Antilles
Tsis'Kal: Dvasia

Kalzok watched as iron and lightning struck true: The Admiral of the Fleet, Tithon Antilles, died in under the span of a breath, a clean kill. The Admiral died with stoic honour, his body broken and destroyed. There was no coming back for him. Efficient, in death as he was in life.Antilles finished his autopilot encryption, and then took his seat only a moment before Kalzok arrived. When the Sith appeared, he would see the Admiral proud but withered by war. No words were shared between them - Antilles gave a simple nod, and took a seat.His eyes would close for the last time before the air was sliced by lightning and knives - impaling him and forcing a final breath to leave him like a sigh. Head wilting, life fading, the Admiral offered nothing but honor to his dying moment.
The Thaumaturge cussed aloud, the first sign in a long time that he was still very much mortal, with mortal concerns. He looked to the control consoles: one of the damage control panels was still lit for several seconds before it too shut down. But it gave sufficient crucial information about the ship's decks.Then the alarms sounded -"Self Destruct sequence iniated. Protocal: Eclipse in effect. Life support shutting down, escape craft disabled and purged of fuel. Glory be upon Typhojem, Glory be upon the Emperor.", the AI voice called out with such a human fervor it seemed like he himself was a zealot in their ranks.The ship was set on its course, and the death of all those who remained would be swift.
Kalzok turned and sped out the bridge, almost flying through the air like a bullet. The final image of the ship's deck status burnt into his mind, Kalzok flew through the ship, speeding past panicking crew members or those resigned to their fate. As the ship fell apart from the damage, headed directly towards the Malsheem, Kalzok made his way to one specific deck on the ship: a small shuttle craft storage compartment. Nestled deep in the heart of the ship, and yet far away from the reactor, Kalzok stepped into it. Rows of shuttles and fighters clamped into place and tucked into the hull. The protocol would help Kalzok here: the ships were purged of fuel, which would lower the chance of a chain explosion. But the command codes were disabled and the crafts shut down.
No matter. All Kalzok needed was the craft's physical body.
Kalzok ripped open the ramp of one of the sealed, inactivated shuttles, before squeezing through, choosing the sturdiest and hardiest model. He could feel precious time tick away as he reached an access panel in the shuttle's plasma coils.
Won't be needing this anyway...
While the fuel was purged, the internal plasma and capacitors were still filled. Useless for propulsion without command codes and fuel, but Kalzok was not using that. No, he ripped the plasma coil open and pointed it at the gap he had torn in the shuttle. He levitated the ripped panel onto the gap he had torn. Reaching out with the Force, he manually "squeezed the heart of the shuttle", almost like squeezing the recently ripped heart of a corpse. Much as the blood would spurt through its ripped arteries, superheated coolant, residual plasma, and even some backwash blaster gas burst forth from the coil, a superheated jet of energy and power that sprayed over and onto the tear in the shuttle door and the piece of durasteel placed over it. Withtin a few seconds the coil's contents emptied, pitiful squirts of superheated gas gurgling through, but it was done. The panel was welded primitvely over the hole in the shuttle door.
With that settled, Kalzok sat on the floor of the shuttle and concentrated, extended his senses, reaching out with tendrils of energy, touching and seeing the precise physical state of the bulkheads, blast doors and hull nearest to him. He wrapped the Force around the storage deck of the Red Dragon. Even as explosion rocked the ship, he pulled hard, wrenching the strings of fate so hard some broke. Reality and physics bent to his will, albeit on a localised scale, a bubble of protective reality where the impact and nuclear explosion of the Red Dragon would be dampened, allowing this part of the ship to not be vaporised once the Dragon smashed into the Malsheem. The impact would be enough to rip open the deck, however, allowing the shuttle to freefall through the void and hopefully onto an intact portion of the Malsheem. At worst, Kalzok would wait in the void of space for the victory of the Tsis'Kal.

Antilles' lifeless corpse had a front row seat, watching the Red Dragon head closer and closer to the Malsheem, the ship accelerating as its reactors boiled over. In under a minute, it would detonate if it smashed into the Kainite flagship beyond full speed. His grinning skull, flesh partially melted off, smiled one last time as the Red Dragon roared its final charge.

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