Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Death Is A Stepping Stone


"Is that the expression you usually keep hidden under your mask?" Alina tilted her head, staring at Alisteri in almost disbelief. Almost. This was just in line with what she expected. It almost warmed her heart seeing just how much he cared about his apprentice's safety. Even seeing the scowl at the suggestion of her being a spy or a plant. He cared, more than most Sith did at least.

"If she even wants to be rescued, Ali. She's likely already started to move on from your death from necessity. Going to drag her back isn't going to help her. If she's in Korriban, she can learn all sorts of things she wouldn't learn otherwise. I think it'd be best you at least confirm she needs saving, less you risk your own discovery and endanger her. .. Hey, what if we go play students for a while."

A fanged grin took over. If Revna was in the Academy, there was no better way in than as a student. "It's annoying but we can change our faces enough to not be immediately recognized."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
He balked at the question and quickly adopted a more neutral expression, although one that came off more sheepish than nonplussed. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He really wished He had His mask for this conversation. He felt vulnerable like this, everything so clearly on display without Him intending to do so. He didn't quite have the Pazaak face that He wished, having grown too used to a physical and mental barrier to His expressions and thoughts. At least one of those was still intact.

Darth Strosius fixed her with a venomous glare, His lips curling back to reveal His fangs. From a young man to a snarling beast within moments, a rather disturbing yet very seamless transition. "I will not leave her in the clutches of Kainite filth any longer!" It was simply unacceptable, outright despicable to even consider. It didn't even make any sense in His mind. Of course she needed to be rescued, she had been captured due to His actions. He owed it to her even if she wasn't His apprentice.

Her suggestion managed to wipe the anger from His features and replace it with perplexion instead. "What?" If nothing else it was a very bold suggestion at least. "Why in the world would we do that? If we can get on Korriban without detection then we can secure Revna no problem, playing student only exacerbates the issue."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"You're assuming that she wants to leave. All I'm suggesting is some recon. And maybe a little fun in the process." There was little chance she was going to press him on just what he thought of Revna after seeing how he tightened his expression. His connection was a weakness. They both knew the dangers that brought for them as Sith, especially for her.

"We both have an issue of charging in blindly to situations. The type of recklessness that brought us both to death. I'd rather not see you die again, Ali."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
"That she's still alive is an assumption. Or it was. Everything else is an assurance." Truthfully after His apparent death He had little doubt that Revna would have been discarded at the first opportunity, given that she would have effectively lost her value as leverage to her captors. That she had wound up left on Korriban at least seemed to support that idea, although thankfully she had been left somewhere rather than outright executed like He had feared.

"I don't intend to rush in blindly Alina, I intend to make a subtle yet direct approach." Even if she wasn't on the chopping block as it were time was still of the essence. His survival could only be kept hidden for so long and the moment that He reemerged to the wider Sith if Revna wasn't already rescued then she'd become a prime target once more. "I won't be going alone either, my flock will not hesitate to help in freeing a sister of theirs. While they placate and distract the denizens of Korriban, I will find her and secure an escape."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"Heading to the Korriban academy, which is constantly on the move mind you, headed by Darth Caedes Darth Caedes with the intent of bringing your soldiers to fight a war and sneakily securing Revna's return when you're not even sure if she's there by force or choice is you not rushing in? You just said you plan on bringing your flock somewhere safe to regroup, but you'd go into full war for your apprentice?"

Disbelief filled Alina's expression as she sort of put her head in her hands. If he was going to tell her he didn't care about Revna and pretend such a thing was impossible he should at least be better at pretending it, right?

"Talk to her first. She's gone through a lot because of you and your choices. Don't force another on her. It's no different than what was done to us if you do."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
"Who said anything about fighting a war?" If worst came to worst then military intervention would of course be on the table as an option, but there wasn't any reason to resort to it right away. Especially not with His forces scattered and disjointed as they were. "I intend to make a brief insertion, gone by the time our arrival is really noted. Caedes will be none the wiser until Revna is far away from Korriban, if she is there at all. If not then he won't be aware of our true intentions and purpose at all."

His eye twitched at her exasperation and disbelief, gritting His fangs as a frustrated breath hissed through them. "Do you even hear yourself? 'Force another on her'? You speak as though I am the problem!" To some extent He was He supposed, given that she was in this mess because of Him, but that hardly mattered now. "I'm going to save her from the consequences of my actions Alina! To save her from her captors and whatever horrid treatment she may be undergoing! She's not like us, she doesn't just heal from every cut and bruise!"

A wave of His hand nearly threw over the nightstand next to the bed, the tendrils flowing from His back having grown into jagged pinions. "Damage is permanent for her! Or have you forgotten that in your damn high tower?! That not everyone can just shrug off pain and suffering like we can! That we're still fragile too?!" There was a pause, a breath, as though He had shocked Himself with His own little outburst. "I...I-I mean, she is only in this entire affair because of me. It is my responsibility to get her out of it just as I got her into it."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


Alina was, oddly, the calm one here. She kept her posture, kept her expression neutral even as he yelled at her. It was.. So backwards from how their last conversation went. When she was shouting at him, when he tried to calm the tensions. When he killed her. Death and time had changed them both so much more than expected. He really couldn't hide how much he cared about Revna though. Baring his fangs like this.

She smiled. It seemed out of place, but he'd really become someone more than the frightened, soft spoken slave. More than a crazed cultist. "You're a much better master than most Sith would ever think of being. Talk first, Ali. Find her, scout out that moving temple, ensure she wants to escape. If she does, I'll throw my full weight into being the distraction myself so you can get her out and keep your people safe. If she doesn't, then we'll figure out where to go from there. You do her no favors acting on emotion like this, though."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
"If only." He sighed and sat back down, one of His gloved fingers pressing against His head for a moment. If He were a better master then this whole affair would have never been an issue to begin with. "I still don't understand what you mean by her not wanting to leave." He huffed and rested His chin on His hand as He looked back at her. "Besides, if you want to help me for once then I need you to do something that none of my followers could. They can distract and delay just fine but there's another concern I need handled."

He gestured towards Alina with a nod. "I need to ensure that Taeli Raaf doesn't catch wind of my return and come to finish what she started with Formos. You're the only person I know that can keep an eye on her movements and could alert me if she finds out that I still live. Keeping her far away from my flock is all that I ask, Alina."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"She's dating the King, if the ramblings of the students are to be believed. If what I've seen with my own eyes are to be believed. You shouldn't be so keen to pull her from a situation she wants to be in. If that's the case, anyway. The point is to scout and be sure. You're the assassin, you know the importance of preparation and fact gathering."

Alina waved a hand slightly, though her expression did shift just a little. Mulling over the thoughts, truly.

"Kidnap her children or grandchildren again, and I'm handing her your head and maw, utterly devoid of the Force. Not because of loyalty, but because I like those kids. So long as you're not striking at her, though, you've paid for your sins with your life. I'll let you know if she figures out you came back. I imagine she'll be more curious on the how than furious you do still live."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
Darth Strosius fixed her with an incredulous look, His mouth hanging open for a brief moment before closing as He hummed. "You do realize this isn't the time for jokes, yes? We're talking about rescuing someone from captivity Alina, we should be serious about this. Revna's life is on the line." He spoke carefully and directly, an exasperated expression adoring His pale features as He did so. "The fact is that she's being held captive, all that I need to know is the circumstances of her cage so that I know how best to extract her from it."

He rolled His eyes at the threat and waved it off with a gesture, as though He hadn't learned His lesson from last time. Next time He'd just kill the little brats instead, they were clearly useless as leverage. "I doubt that. She's had it out for me and mine even before I rightfully retaliated against her. Just warn me when she inevitably sends some forces my way, that's all I need." He'd prefer that she use her closeness to Lady Raaf to cut her down but He knew well enough that Alina wouldn't choose Him over her master. She had made that very clear in the past.

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"I'm not kidding, Ali. You died. She found her way to not just survive, but thrive. To live, even if after everything that happened. You should be much more willing to seek the information. Why are you so bent on just charging in there when she could actually have done well? Get your information." Alina let out an exasperated sigh. The worst, it made sense Alisteri would assume that. But.. It was frustratingly like talking to a brick wall.

"If you say so. It's the least I can do to help. .. You are frustratingly difficult to talk to, though. Just so you're aware."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
"Could have done well? Alina we're talking about Kainites here." He scoffed and waved off her remarks, shooting her an annoyed glare out of the corner of His eye. "You keep acting like she's ran off to them of her own volition. She was kidnapped. To be get back at me. Whatever situation she's wound up in on Korriban isn't her choice and I'm not going to pretend like it is. I don't care for you trying to make light of the situation just because your master is all chummy with the tyrants."

The sigh did draw a slight smirk to His features however. "Words are cheap when actions are required Alina, you should know that better than anyone. Besides, I don't recall you ever caring much for my tendency towards exposition before now."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"You misunderstand what I'm saying. It wasn't her choice, but she could've made the best of it. Hell, made it into a situation she wants instead. That's what we do as Sith. No matter the hand we're dealt, we change it. We make it good for us, or we die trying. Whatever her plans, whatever she did, don't sabotage her in the process of trying to help her. She thinks you dead, and her plans account for you being dead. You taught her that, no?"

Or he should have, in any case. What was Alisteri like as a teacher? Alina's expression.. Saddened, almost, as she realized just how apart they'd truly grown. She could tell he cared for his apprentice, but there was a time she would've known just how he taught her.

"Before you barely even talked and let me drag you around wherever I was feeling for whatever I wanted. I'm glad you've finally put yourself and your ideals first, but man were you so much easier to talk to then. Now it feels like whatever I say you have something to quip back with. .. My master doesn't care about ruling. She wants to continue her studies and learn everything about this galaxy and beyond. Her research, her knowledge, is what she cares about more than anything, even possibly her family. If you do end up crossing her again, make use of that."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
"We are talking about Kainite 'hospitality' here, there's not a lot of room to improve her circumstances I'd imagine." His mouth dried slightly at the question, His gaze shifting away from Alina as He paused and fumbled for an answer. "I...I hadn't exactly prepared her for my death nor for captivity. I had done my best to ensure that neither could occur. She's a survivor by nature so she's likely to keep herself intact and alive, but the extent of that is in doubt given the circumstances." No one in His cult had really been prepared for His demise, given all that He had survived thus far it just didn't seem likely.

A shining example of His own hubris He supposed.

He chuckled at the reminder of the old days, such simpler times when He could afford to be a follower instead of a leader. "Well you spend enough time biting your tongue and you wind up concocting some snippy responses after awhile. And I bit my tongue until the day I became a Sith Lord." It wasn't often that He could exchange words with someone that could understand and respond to His barbs. Most of the time His quick tongue got Him into trouble that only a lightsaber and the Force could get Him out of.

He scoffed at the insistence Alina spoke with regarding her master but aside from that and a roll of His eyes He didn't offer a proper rebuttal. He knew better than to try and argue such a point, even if she was in the wrong about all but the knowledge bit. Raaf was the exact opposite of apolitical and she very much wanted those in charge to stay in charge because they kept her in a comfortable position, that much He had gleaned from their little conflict. That much He knew was more than enough to seal her fate alongside all the rest of them, even if she hadn't stolen two planets from Him. "I find it odd that you say 'if' instead of when, Alina."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"She's in a temple free to flirt with the king and not strapped to the Embrace of Pain. I'd say she's certainly in a better place." It wasn't sarcasm or a joke. By the grimace on her face, she knew just how hospitable the Kainite's would be, especially for helping. There was no denying the power it'd unlocked for her, and the fact that it wasn't even trauma at this point.

But she'd asked for it, literally. Revna wouldn't have to her knowledge. "It is the nature of the Sith for the young and hungry to kill those above them. I'm under no illusion you're not going to plan to strike at her. The if is more if she's still alive when you'd be prepared to." Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf was her master, after all. If someone was going to kill the Lady of Secrets, it should be one of her acolytes.

If she ever got the chance, anyway.

".. You'll get her back, though. Revna, I mean. Just- don't rush in blindly. I don't want to see you die again, Ali."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
He gave her a dry and unimpressed look at that remark, quirking up an eyebrow as though to silently display His doubt in that statement even with the genuine grimace she offered. Alina had sought out such horrid treatment, it was little wonder that she'd have a more positive view on it than He did. A more biased and unreliable view. But He'd let that one slide for now, He had lost the energy to do much arguing at the moment and He knew well enough that this particular subject just wasn't one that they'd ever agree on.

"And who exactly would strike her down before me?" He smirked and nodded towards her. "You? You looked past too many chances to do so already Alina, and I haven't seen you producing new monsters or companies of your own so I doubt you're using her training you as an excuse. I'll rid us both of her, have no fear." For all their differences the two Sangnir did share that commonality, an odd dissention from their masters for one reason or another. His distance from Ophidia's teachings was due to her absence and betrayal of their mission, but He couldn't even begin to wonder why Alina hadn't more closely followed the footsteps of Raaf. At least, not yet she hadn't anyway. "Do let me know if you intend to take a swing at her, I'll be right there with you if you do." He'd give her all the confidence and backup she'd need to do it too.

Darth Strosius sighed, His jaw tensing for a long moment before He finally responded. "I clawed myself back from death once already, and doing so has left me more...drained and ill-feeling than I could have ever imagined before." He cast a narrowed glance at a stray tendril that swayed behind His head. "I don't intend to put myself through that ever again. Before I had no fear of death, no reservations that would hold me back aside from my concern for my followers. Now though..." Now He knew better. He knew that He had a much grander purpose than being a mere martyr for the Sith. "I won't die Alina. Not until my work is finished, and I will see it through to the end this time."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


"I've an order on those I plan to kill first, you know. It's not that I haven't had my chances and chosen not to. Her resources are exceedingly helpful and I've no intention of being run to the ground like you and Malum were when you killed your master. I want the Worm dead, before anything. The other Sith we both want dead all agree with that mentality. They focus their efforts on the Worm, fight and kill the Worm, and in that weakness when the Worm is finally dead? We kill them."

The Worm before anything else. It still sent a shiver down Alina's dead spine on what the Worm could do, how well it could see her and everything connected to her. She might not even be capable of cutting it from the Force, but she would try regardless. The Worm needed to die. Alina took a breath before giving a more tired smile as she nodded her head.

"Good. .. Just- good, Ali. I'm still annoyed you let Malum of all people kill you, though."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
He quirked up an eyebrow at the continued mention of the Worm and idly resisted the urge to scoff at her plans. Using one enemy to kill another had never worked out too well for Him, as the Ouroboros Crisis showed. People such as them were simply too unpredictable. Too independent. One had to get involved themselves for the best result, otherwise all the efforts would be for naught. The insistence on labeling Empyrean as the Worm was odd but He assumed that Alina had just taken that particular eccentricity upon herself to call the corpse his forbearer.

It wouldn't be the strangest thing that He had ever heard of after all. He had plenty of similar little quirks after all, He refused to even call the Sith Order an empire or Empyrean an emperor after all. Neither had earned the title and the latter never would in His mind. "I prefer to knock them all down like a house of cards myself, but to each their own."

Darth Strosius chuckled at that remark and shrugged in response. "Believe me Alina, I had no say in the matter. If I did then we'd be speaking at the new seat of the Sith Order on Dromund Kaas in my throne room, instead of in this dingy little hideaway in the Marr palace." His loss still stung, in more ways than one, but He knew what Alina meant by it. "Besides I came back didn't I? No harm no foul and all that."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


".. Yeah, you did. I can be thankful about that." She practically whispered the words before a loud, basically annoyed groan escaped the Sith as she stretched her arms overhead. All this talking, this rambling on her part, she felt the need to move. Her eyes focused on up the ceiling. "How much longer are you going to stay hidden, by the by? Or are you planning to head out in a disguise?"

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
"Disguising myself would be counterproductive, I have no need to pretend." Sticking to the shadows was far easier than attempting to hide in plain sight, and among the Sith it was far more respectable. To don some sort of disguise or false identity would imply regret or shame in His circumstances when there was so very little of either to be found. None that would be relevant to the wider Sith at least. "Once I've retrieved Revna I'll have no need to hide. My return would mean that she would become a piece on the board once more, but for now as far as the Kainites are concerned she's outlived her usefulness and is not worth considering."

Darth Strosius couldn't risk His apprentice being under even more threat by His return, her swift recovery was His top priority. Gathering together His followers would go hand in hand with her rescue, at least for those in the Outer Rim that He'd need to contact in order to reach her. "With her safe then I'll be able to step back into the public eye again. Preferably with my cult being able to move with my return as a helpful distraction."

Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

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