The Widow
Danger wasn't upset at Judah being pissed; it was one of Alric's decisions that had always settled wrong with her, especially as they involved Rose and Lily. However, she could only ensure that the twins were cared for, giving Noghri guards to keep them safe. At the time, she hadn't met them directly, but she did her best to ensure no harm came to them. Not for Alric's sake, no, but for the sake of those girls.
It was the commentary regarding Thessa, however, that managed to perk a brow at him. In the years she'd known him, the old salvaged had not made any negative commentary regarding his ex-wife around her, much the less Makai. Too much respect for the fact that Thessa was Makai's mother. Hearing him say that meant that he was already at a level of seething she very rarely ever saw Judah show.
Danger raised her free hand, rubbing at the bridge between her eyes. What she'd say next likely wouldn't help the situation, but it had to be said.
"I'm tellin' you this because of the real reason I'll need your help in corralin' in a particular bit of damage control if I ain't here to handle it...and if I'm being honest, because I don't think I can do this alone." it seemed to be a tangle of words that didn't make much sense. Truth be told, Danger felt strange asking for help, for assistance. It was hardly ever the case.
"Almost two decades ago, Alric developed a way to be able to a Yuuzhan Vong biot, cloned flesh, and an external storage device that looks just like a tattoo. Seein' how many folk were keen to have him live a shorter life plus with courtin' a Lady of the Sith, he had to have an insurance policy in place. One where he'd be able to transfer all that he was into a younger clone body of himself." it wouldn't take long for Judah to connect the navpoints. He was a country boy, yes, but that don't mean he didn't have common sense.
"When he came back this last go around, he had it in his mind that if his clone got all his memories, such as that of his daughters, then his clone would be apt to want to come back and fulfill his obligations." Danger reached for her glass of whiskey, taking a large sip, needing that burn to flow down her gullet. She was unable to look at Judah. It hurt. To hear it out loud.
"Told him it don't work like that with the biot. One doesn't pick and choose by cuttin' bits off. Needless to say, I convinced him to consider another way if he was dead set on goin' that route rather than cut into the biot." Danger gnawed on her lower lip, emerald fire boring its gaze upon the lowball glass in her hand. Her wrist gave a slow rotation, watching the amber liquid rod. "Took him some time, but he did."
It was the commentary regarding Thessa, however, that managed to perk a brow at him. In the years she'd known him, the old salvaged had not made any negative commentary regarding his ex-wife around her, much the less Makai. Too much respect for the fact that Thessa was Makai's mother. Hearing him say that meant that he was already at a level of seething she very rarely ever saw Judah show.
Danger raised her free hand, rubbing at the bridge between her eyes. What she'd say next likely wouldn't help the situation, but it had to be said.
"I'm tellin' you this because of the real reason I'll need your help in corralin' in a particular bit of damage control if I ain't here to handle it...and if I'm being honest, because I don't think I can do this alone." it seemed to be a tangle of words that didn't make much sense. Truth be told, Danger felt strange asking for help, for assistance. It was hardly ever the case.
"Almost two decades ago, Alric developed a way to be able to a Yuuzhan Vong biot, cloned flesh, and an external storage device that looks just like a tattoo. Seein' how many folk were keen to have him live a shorter life plus with courtin' a Lady of the Sith, he had to have an insurance policy in place. One where he'd be able to transfer all that he was into a younger clone body of himself." it wouldn't take long for Judah to connect the navpoints. He was a country boy, yes, but that don't mean he didn't have common sense.
"When he came back this last go around, he had it in his mind that if his clone got all his memories, such as that of his daughters, then his clone would be apt to want to come back and fulfill his obligations." Danger reached for her glass of whiskey, taking a large sip, needing that burn to flow down her gullet. She was unable to look at Judah. It hurt. To hear it out loud.
"Told him it don't work like that with the biot. One doesn't pick and choose by cuttin' bits off. Needless to say, I convinced him to consider another way if he was dead set on goin' that route rather than cut into the biot." Danger gnawed on her lower lip, emerald fire boring its gaze upon the lowball glass in her hand. Her wrist gave a slow rotation, watching the amber liquid rod. "Took him some time, but he did."