Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Death is but a Door; Time is but a Window

Danger wasn't upset at Judah being pissed; it was one of Alric's decisions that had always settled wrong with her, especially as they involved Rose and Lily. However, she could only ensure that the twins were cared for, giving Noghri guards to keep them safe. At the time, she hadn't met them directly, but she did her best to ensure no harm came to them. Not for Alric's sake, no, but for the sake of those girls.

It was the commentary regarding Thessa, however, that managed to perk a brow at him. In the years she'd known him, the old salvaged had not made any negative commentary regarding his ex-wife around her, much the less Makai. Too much respect for the fact that Thessa was Makai's mother. Hearing him say that meant that he was already at a level of seething she very rarely ever saw Judah show.

Danger raised her free hand, rubbing at the bridge between her eyes. What she'd say next likely wouldn't help the situation, but it had to be said.

"I'm tellin' you this because of the real reason I'll need your help in corralin' in a particular bit of damage control if I ain't here to handle it...and if I'm being honest, because I don't think I can do this alone." it seemed to be a tangle of words that didn't make much sense. Truth be told, Danger felt strange asking for help, for assistance. It was hardly ever the case.

"Almost two decades ago, Alric developed a way to be able to a Yuuzhan Vong biot, cloned flesh, and an external storage device that looks just like a tattoo. Seein' how many folk were keen to have him live a shorter life plus with courtin' a Lady of the Sith, he had to have an insurance policy in place. One where he'd be able to transfer all that he was into a younger clone body of himself." it wouldn't take long for Judah to connect the navpoints. He was a country boy, yes, but that don't mean he didn't have common sense.

"When he came back this last go around, he had it in his mind that if his clone got all his memories, such as that of his daughters, then his clone would be apt to want to come back and fulfill his obligations." Danger reached for her glass of whiskey, taking a large sip, needing that burn to flow down her gullet. She was unable to look at Judah. It hurt. To hear it out loud.

"Told him it don't work like that with the biot. One doesn't pick and choose by cuttin' bits off. Needless to say, I convinced him to consider another way if he was dead set on goin' that route rather than cut into the biot." Danger gnawed on her lower lip, emerald fire boring its gaze upon the lowball glass in her hand. Her wrist gave a slow rotation, watching the amber liquid rod. "Took him some time, but he did."
Taking a long sip of the whisky, it was the only thing keeping him from speaking his mind. To utter words that could severely damage their friendship, possibly end it.

Judah had promised himself that he would move slower in the future with Danger after blowing up like tibanna gas exposed to flame mere months ago. Recent events were making that promise hard to keep.

Always having prided himself on having a steadfast, calm demeanor in the most choppy of seas, the waves were lapping high at his boat of patience.

"So he's out there right now, frolickin' like a nerf calf in the spring sunshine, while you're here dealing with the fallout? While the girls are mourning?"

Mouth set into a thin line, muscle twitching in his jaw, barely perceptible underneath the scruff of his beard. Shoulders set straighter, drawing a rigid posture as he tried to reconcile the warring thoughts in his mind.

He was trying not to judge, yet he had grown up with such rigid ideas of being a man and the duty a family entailed, it greatly colored his thoughts. Mix in his personal failings with Thessa, how the relationship ended, the echoes of history repeating itself here made it difficult to maintain a detached view of the situation.

Long silence stretched between them as Judah attempted to tamp down the livid thoughts licking like flames in the back of his mind. How incredibly angry he was for the three young women caught in the crossfire. The absolute stupidity of Danger for being an accomplice to this moronic idea. The dark thought of crossing paths with this younger clone and beating the living shit out of him.

Another deep breath. He was finally ready to talk without feeling as if he was going to completely blow up.

"Damage control as in how? Danger, you can never, ever tell the girls this. I don't care if they are adults....this is not something a child of any age would be able to handle."
As much as Judah felt the urge to let loose his thoughts and unleash a storm of fury, Danger couldn't ignore the burning need to take action. To move. To do something — because the options had been limited, a situation laid out and orchestrated by the Tetan long ago. Judah's reminder that she was left to face the aftermath and tend to the girls during the grieving process only added more sting to the wound. It was a reality Danger had already come to terms with.

So, in the midst of the heavy silence as Judah struggled to rein in his anger, the fiery-haired woman rose from her seat, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarillo clutched in the other, as if it were her last lifeline to sanity.

Another deep sip of the fiery liquid, and Danger took a deep breath, halting before a sizable painting of Empress Teta's skyline. She examined the piece, the swirls of paint, the hues of the beautiful sunset. A nerve twitched in her jaw, and her full red lips pressed into a firm line. There were too many emotions for Danger to put into words, but in the end, that didn't matter. What mattered was ensuring her girls would be okay.

"That's the plan," Danger exhaled, shoulders squared.

"Never to let 'em know." she swallowed hard, then lifted the cigarillo for another hit. Cheeks drawn in, she let the smoke linger in her lungs. With her vices, odds were she wouldn't be around in this 'verse for much longer. Things needed to be set in place. Her girls needed to be taken care of.

I want him to have my experiences, what I went through, what I put myself through, what I learned from you, Silara, my entire life, but I don't want him to have the obligations I do...I want him to be free.

"The damage control is that I ain't got no clue what Alric set in motion with his deal. He might have chosen to sever all ties, for all I know, or maybe just a portion of them, or perhaps he kept them all. As it is, his clone will want for nothin', and likely is already movin' underway. It's the mere chance of him deciding to return that haunts me." A cloud of blue-white spicy clove smoke would curl around her as she spoke. That thought sent ice down her spine. To have the girls see a version of their pa who wasn't their pa at all.

"And the last thing I want them to believe is that their pa wanted his clone to be born without the need to carry on his burdens." Danger bit her lower lip, well aware of how that would sound. Burdens. As if their life and the girls were a burden. At the time, she understood what Alric meant. His clone was a separate entity; it wouldn't truly be Alric. That Alric would be dead. He intended to allow the clone he created to live his own life, not Alric's. To a degree, it is what Danger was now attempting with Rue. Was it stupid to go along with it; yes, but it wasn't her place to tell Alric what to do with the living entity he created before he lived a life with her. This had been his way to reconcile it.

But lookin' back on the life they shared, it still karkin' hurt.

"This was his plan from the days of Silara; I only managed to stop him from erasin' the girls' memories in his biot by pure chance when he came back years ago. He had everythin' in place long before we even were married... and he wasn't the only one," it was going to be a series of jaw-dropping revelations. If Judah decided to storm out, explode in anger, or unleash a string of curses, she wouldn't blame him. Ultimately, she had played a part in Alric's plan by honoring his final wishes.
"Burdens. Burdens? That's all his own flesh-and-blood is to him? A burden."

Voice was laced with disbelief. Yet, in this moment, perhaps it was also cementing his feelings about Alric and Danger and their inaction with Myra. If Alric felt his own daughters were a burden, his own genetic makeup, how did the man feel about Myra? A girl adopted into the family with no ties?

Processing that piece of information, Judah was met with another revelation, that Danger was planning something similar. Or at the very least, she had a clone in waiting as well.

Navpoints, however wrong, were starting to connect in his mind, drawing a map of how all this was to play out.

"So you have a clone as well..."

Judah let the words hang in the air for a moment before continuing his line of thought, doing his best to be careful. The chant of get all the facts first was echoing in his mind, trying to understand the dynamics of the situation.

"....and you're planning to do what? Hop into a younger body and drop off the face to the 'verse to be young and in love again? To be with him and be free of all your 'burdens' too?"

Judah shook his head.

"Danger....I'm hoping the next words out of your mouth aren't what I'm thinking. If so....I can't help you. I won't be an accessory to you doin' the same. I care for Myra too much to put her though this."
Things were a whole lot messier than what Judah was reckonin', Danger winced, biting her lower lip as she weathered Judah's disbelief that was stormin' like a Dac summer tempest.

I expected this, she told herself, working through it and reminding herself to give the elder Dashiell proper answers, not to let frustration rule the roost. Now wasn't the time or the place -- and her vexations about the whole situation weren't Judah's fault. They are my own.

It was tough, but Danger gathered up the gumption to turn towards Judah. She spotted him: Mouth set tight, a muscle twitching in his jaw, barely revealing itself from out under his scruff. Shoulders squared up, a rigid stance as he wrangled with the tumultuous thoughts in his mind. His oceanic gaze bore into her emerald green eyes, hoping she wasn't about to rattle every regard and respect he had for her.

"No... no," Danger quickly assured him with a firm shake of her head. No, she'd already decided what to do with her own clone once Alric, and she adopted Myra.

"My reasons for her creation were for a different matter." Admitting what came next was a considerable risk, exposing Danger to a vulnerability she so rarely let anyone see. She turned away, staring out through the vast floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the fields of the Arkuhn farm. She took a few precious seconds to gather herself before she continued.

"I lost two babes of my own; the first when I was nineteen, stuck in a Hutt prison cell, and I almost bled to death. Doc told me that, unfortunately, the scarrin' was so bad that I'd never be able to get pregnant again. So when my miracle came by accident, I was well over the moon." Danger swallowed hard, the sting returning to her eyes.

"Unfortunately," a hollow laugh, "this body ain't fit to bring life to the 'verse – I lost Fiona to stillbirth when I was seven months pregnant." A long pause. Danger took a large swig of her whiskey, her tongue running over her teeth as if to keep from crying out.

The credit chip rises.

"She'd be Makai's age by now."

The credit chip falls.

The puzzle pieces click into place now, nearly twenty years after meeting Judah and Makai for the first time. Why had she clung to his son with an almost desperate need to mother him? How silly and pathetic is that?

"At the time...I had come to the conclusion that I had no kin, no lover, no child... Everythin' I could ever want that credits could buy, sway, and clout to rub elbows with whomever I wanted... but no family of my own. No one to share it with and certainly... no one to hand down my legacy to."

"Pathetic, really," Danger gave a cynical twist of her lips and then brought the glass back up double back on the burn. It wasn't a woe-is-me tale. It was the honest evaluation of what got her there in the first place, why she created Rue instead of trying to surrogate a child instead.

What life cast onto Danger ravaged her flesh, and all she had left at the time was to excise what salvageable parts and move on. Inwardly, at the time, she knew that each experience brought a thicker skin and gritty determination. A bitterness that had lasted a lifetime.

Danger had concluded that she could change that; if not in this lifetime then in the next.

"Creatin' a clone of me was just my way of tryin' to give her a better chance at life with the resources I could provide while keepin' Arceneau Trade afloat." After a deep breath, Danger finally returned her emerald gaze to the Dashiell.

"But as soon as Myra came around, I knew that plan had to change."
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There was a visible softening in his expression and posture once Danger she mentioned not leaving the three girls behind. Her lead up, in his eyes, made it seem as if she was thinking about doing the same, drifting off into the night for a different life in the 'verse.

One could argue the girls would be losing their step-mother and mother in the future, that it didn't matter, no one truly lived forever. Yet it was difference of the body giving out rather than the conscious choice to leave and know what one left behind.

"I'm sorry to hear about your babes, no one should have to bury a child."

Despite no one to share a family with, Judah thought it odd she had a clone rather than a surrogate bring life into the 'verse. Each to their own, he wasn't here to pick apart past personal decisions regarding family.

Judah did some quick calculations, figuring the age of this clone. If her daughter Fiona, would have been roughly the same age as Makai, then it would make the clone at the very least, slightly older.

Now he was thinking if he had seen a redhead woman around Arceneau Trade in the higher positions, one that may look like Danger. No one came to mind, but the Trade Queen just mentioned giving a clone a better life. Perhaps said clone was busy living the life of a High Core Heiress, attending odupiendo races and high teas.

"So, where is clone Danger at this moment? Out living the good life?"

There was a small pause.

"There's also an issue with Myra. She believes she's the sole heiress of your legacy and has structured her life as such. Could be a serious issue in the near future."

Here we go, thought Danger. With a nod, the woman took one last puff from her cigarillo, burning through the vice in record time. Making her way to the desk, she flicked the ash away and snuffed out the stub.

"No...When we adopted Myra, I chose to slow down her growth. She's still at a secure medical facility, in an induced sleep," Danger explained, purposefully steering clear of dwelling on his condolences for her lost children. Today wasn't the day to tumble down that dark hole. It had been several years, but the pain still lingered.

"I decided not to stick with my original plan and come up with a different solution for her. The issue with a blank slate clone is that without the right nurturin' and socialization, the risk of clone madness goes up. I didn't want that for her," she continued, eyeing the dwindling level of amber spirit. Sauntering back to the drink bar, the redhead continued her tale.

"I wasn't about to have her terminated, so I tasked PharmaTech to find a solution. We solved the issue with the clone madness; it would take a cerebral uplink to essentially flow into a makeshift holograph interface where one can interact with her just like in reality." the more difficult part of the process came next.

"Building bonds and the like naturally manifests a personality, but doing that for a grown adult on a blank slate was problematic. That is until a solution appeared about a month ago," Danger revealed. "A de-aging virus, likely cooked up by the Sith, hit the planet of Ammuud. It spreads through contact, fluids, or airborne particles, knocking about ten years off a humanoid's age." Uncapping the decanter, she poured herself another three fingers of whiskey.

Connecting the dots once more came easy.

"Infecting her with the virus let her rapidly de-age...she now looks around eight or nine years old," Danger explained. She placed the decanter back on the bar and spun to face Judah, leaning against it, forefinger tapping a beat on the lowball glass.

"I plan to bring her into the family, raise her as my own. Myra will still take over Arceneau Trade as planned; the only difference now is she'll have a little sister." A moment of silence, then a deep breath as Danger took a step forward, heading back to the desk. This time, she swiftly pressed a finger to activate the holo array. Instantly, the holographic image of a youngling appeared – no more than eight or nine, with Danger's wavy auburn hair, freckles dotting her nose, and wide green eyes.

"... and her name is Dangeruese Judith Arceneau, or Rue for short." She swallowed hard, realizing what she'll say next and uncertain how Judah would take it. "I named her after you."

Despite having limited contact with his son lately, Judah was aware of the virus and issues on Ammuud, thanks to his Director of Salvage. Apparently Makai and Myra had to be hauled back into civilization after a large winged leathery creature had utterly destroyed the young heiress' shuttle.

He supposed even the worst of viruses could have some use in the 'verse.

Judah was listening, wondering where the tale was going, even as a holoimage of the girl appeared before him. She looked spunky, full of mischief. Much like Danger herself but also clearly her own person with her own personality. Odd as it was, Judah knew in this time the young girl was what Danger needed.

Yet what the Trade Queen said next nearly caused him to choke on his whisky. A small cough as he was trying to regain his bearings, to respond. Shock was written all over his face.

"I'm honored. Thank you."

Judah was truly surprised. He had been on the outs not only with Danger but also with Makai. He had been keeping his head low, trying to navigate choppy waters, feeling as if anything he said just made things worse. Open mouth, insert foot.

Conversations they had alluded to in the past, their missed opportunities, their lack of finding the right time in the grand scheme of the universe. Was this her subtle acknowledgment of what could have been years ago? He wasn't going to dwell on that aspect yet, there was far too much going on to come up with conspiracy theories and what-if scenarios.

"She's adorable, looks like you'll be kept on your toes, which is good. Any clone of Danger Arceneau is bound to stir up a storm or two."

Amber liquid swirled in his lowball glass, thinking a moment.

"Am I allowed to meet her?"
Danger could grasp the shock and surprise. It ain't like every day someone spills the Giju that they named a kid after you. Usually, in most situations, such tales revolve around the birth of a fresh-faced newborn, maybe named after a parent or a dear friend. In this case, it had been the latter. When you think about it, the Dashiells and the Arceneaus had tangled their lives so much, and Judah had gone above and beyond in helping during Myra's illness that it made sense. Alric agreed, letting her know it was her call, and he'd back it.

So Danger named Rue's middle name after Judah -- Judith. It made sense to her when she considered everything.

Thankfully, Judah didn't seem insulted or bothered. However, there was a subtle narrowing of his eyes that Danger chalked up to the overload of info and the massive mess she was revealing. Odds were, he had many thoughts bouncing around in his head that he kept to himself for now.

Taking a deep breath, Danger set down her glass on the desk, the first hint of a smile gracing the redhead's face since the conversation kicked off. It was clear that the topic of Rue was close to Danger's heart; then again, when it came to children, that wasn't anything new. Even if this one had been regressed to a child due to a virus. "Of course... wouldn't be right to name a child after you and not let you meet her."

"But that would mean meetin' her in the holographic virtual set of the Arkuhn farm she's in right now. We're tryin' to make her memories reflect as much of a natural settin' as that of a child growing up. Part of that requires me..."
Danger raked her hands through her hair, the wavy auburn tresses curling around her fingers before falling down along her shoulders again.

"... and, well, once I let Myra know and get a feel for how she feels about it, have her start a version of an imprinting process. It allows Rue to bond and gives her as many real memories as possible. I don't want her thinkin' that what she remembers was all manufactured for her up to this age."

Swallowing hard, she met Judah's eyes again.

"I know this sounds like a story from one of those crazy holo TV series... and it's a big ask. But if you're willin', I'd like you to be a part of that." Danger intended to explain this to Myra and Makai as well, but she wanted to gauge Judah's reaction and thoughts first.

"...not to mention, you know Makai, and I know you've become closer with Myra. Helping me figure out how to explain the situation without overwhelmin' and reassurin' them of their place. I don't want Myra thinkin' she's being replaced, and I also don't want Makai feeling as if somethin' this important has been kept from him, especially now that he's courting Myra seriously."
It wasn't a real surprise to him that Danger would want to do right by a clone of hers. That she would see the clone of herself as a child and act accordingly. Judah had heard stories of some treating clones as mere body parts for harvest or as a disposable object. The fact that he and Danger seemed to be of one mind regarding ensuring the next steps forward would be appropriate ones. One that would ensure Rue would grow up solid and secure rather than a neurotic afterthought.

"I can help, it seems the only course of action that makes sense, to allow her some type of memories to build a foundation on. I think it will help once you reveal to her she is a clone...hopefully later in life. That's quite a bit to process mentally."

Hearing how Danger was musing about how 'the kids' would take the news, he had some thoughts of his own. There was no easy way to do it but in order to ensure Rue had a successful transition, it was going to have to be done. Quickly too, if he was reading between the lines properly.

"It would be best to tell them together, sit them both down at the same time. I think the kids will do better processing it together. Makai will appreciate being told up front, his reaction should be favorable. Lots of questions, but favorable."

Judah took a sip of whisky.

"Myra feeds off him. If Makai is logical about this and can help guide her through, I think you'll be fine. If Makai goes off the rails and gets emotional, then it will be a disaster. I don't see why he would though. "

'After might want to talk to Myra one-on-one. She overthinks, I saw it first hand."
Danger picked up her glass and cradled it with both hands, resting it against her lap as she leaned against the front of Alric's desk. Alric. Her mind couldn't help but drift over to him and his clone. Would he be okay? How would he react to being born? Danger knew Alric would have set everything in place for him to be able to live on his own and do what he wanted. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder. Wonder and worry.

There was so much to worry over.

"You're right," Danger replied in a low murmur, bringing her right hand again to press at the bridge of her nose and rub up over her forehead in a slow, persistent pressure point massage.

"I've noticed Myra's been mellowin' out more. Smilin' more. El-Three has indicated she hasn't had a panic attack since Makai's return. I can see what you mean regardin' Makai helpin' her and guidin' her through this." Rose and Lily should be fine; although Danger tried her best to make a connection with the older women, she knew they both had their own lives now.

"I'll see if I can discuss this after the funeral with them both. Or maybe while they are here?" Danger went from answering Judah on the when to second-guessing herself and murmuring more aloud to herself what she should do. It was a side of indecisiveness very rarely seen in the typically put-together Queen of Trade. When things mattered to her personally, Danger couldn't help but doubt and second-guess her options and decisions. One of the many reasons she told herself she needed someone as a sounding board. Regardless of how things had spiked when it came to Myra and what to do, Judah was still someone Danger highly regarded for his opinion. Always had.
Leaning back into the plush leather, it seemed the worst of figuring this out was done for now. He had been on edge at first, upset Alric had left Danger to deal with the fallout of three grieving women. There had been a touch of unease that she was thinking the same, but those fears had been squashed by the Trade Queen herself. Judah didn't want to lose his oldest friend for an idiotic whim.

"Maybe a little time after the funeral, as in a couple of days after the dust settles. I can't see them leaving work and coming out here only to pull stakes immediately after the burial. If its looking that way, then I suppose we'll just have to show our hand and tell them as they are leaving."

Now that wouldn't be an ideal situation, but at the same time, Judah couldn't see Myra leaving so soon after the funeral. He imagined there would at least be a week or two spent with Danger at minimum. Knowing Makai, his son would follow her lead to some extent.

"I'll tell Makai I'm putting others in charge of his site visits and anything else that needs his physical presence for awhile, that should be an additional layer of assurance they won't go running off and dive into work."

Whisky finished, Judah set the lowball glass on the small table next to him. There was no need to get a refill, although the glass did give him something to do with his hands,something to fiddle with.

"Besides, if things go well, it will give you and them time to create some of those memories you were talking about."
"Aye, I reckon you're right," replied Danger, gently placing her glass on the desk before rubbing her temples. The weight of Alric's passing, the responsibility for the girls and Rue, and the uncertain future were all still sinking in. A brief, hollow laugh escaped her lips-- a small release of tension.

"I'll take the time to settle them and break the news. Pendin' on Rose and Lily's schedule, I'll inform them too." Uncertain about how long the twins would stay at the farm, Danger felt the need to keep them in the loop. After Alric's death, she couldn't help but wonder if the twins viewed her as a mere replacement for their mother. It goes to show that Danger still couldn't help but assume the worst in every situation, keeping her fearful thoughts in her head that seemed to crawl like maggots in her head. It was perhaps one of the reasons why, despite Alric telling her he loved her, in Danger's mind, while appreciative of it, she often felt inferior to Silara. This only continued to feed into that sense Danger felt of being abandoned once more for something better, despite recognizing that Alric's death had been chance.

With another heavy exhale, Danger asked, "Have you spoken to Makai? Wasn't sure if you heard about him before your arrival." Celestia loomed, and though Danger interrupted Judah during a meeting, she was grateful for his presence. Unaware that he hadn't come alone, she added, "And I'm sorreh for this chaotic mess."
Judah hadn't seen Rose and Lily in years. By the time Danger had married Alric, both girls were teenagers and eager to spread their wings and live their own lives. Last he heard, one was ruling on Empress Teta and the other was out exploring the black with some type of research project.

"I'm sure they will take the news just fine."

Would the two Kuhn sisters keep Danger in their lives? He wasn't privy enough to their relationship with the Trade Queen to fathom a guess. Considering the length of time Danger and Alric were married, he would certainly assume so. Danger had a natural mothering instinct, so it wasn't as if the redhead would push the girls away.

As for Makai....

"No, we haven't spoke since Life Day. We uh...we had quite the discussion and I've been giving him a little space. He should be somewhere out in the Pacanth Reach, working on the expansion."

A pause.

"Have you spoken to Myra?"

Judah imagined she probably had in some way or form. Lately, Danger seemed more abreast of the kids and what was going on then he was due to being on the outs with Makai.

"There's no need to apologize for the situation. Just a bit complicated but it will sort out."
Danger sensed a bit of tension between Makai and his pa, even though Makai hadn't told Danger about it the few times they met. Most of their conversations revolved around Myra and the need to give the girl some recuperative time. The business holo tabloids and grapevine, however, were buzzing with the details. The old salvager, after years of going solo in business events, had found himself a partner. And not just any partner—a curvy, cerulean Togruta at that.

He sure has a type, Danger had mused weeks ago at the time, suppressing a mild annoyance upon learning this juicy tidbit through the news. It wasn't her place to delve into why Judah hadn't mentioned it to her. She recalled how tight-lipped he had been about his marriage and wife when they first met. Odds were, this relationship or situationship, as she called it, was no different.

"Aye... spoken to her a few times after they came back from their week on Naboo. Glad to see she's in better spirits," Danger shared. No panic attacks since Makai's return, confirmed by El-Three, brought relief. If Myra was happy, she was happy. Especially if it involved Makai. Now, only time would tell where their connection would lead.

"They spent the day together before Life Day. Myra was in a rush getting Makai's presents ready. They went to Kashyyyk," Danger continued, pausing to sip her whiskey. "She's happier than I've seen her in years. Glowing—and no panic attacks."

Looking up at Judah, Danger debated whether to broach the topic. After another sip, she decided to dive in. "So, what happened with Makai?" she asked, curious if Judah would open up or clam up about it.
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“It sounds as if things are going well then.”

Judah knew about Life Day on Kashyyyk, the day they had spent together. What he didn’t know was the pair spending time on Naboo, drawing an eyebrow raise but not a word otherwise.

“As for what happened…we got into an argument, no that's too strong of a word, perhaps I should say disagreement.”


Cleaver came down on the fish, cleanly separating the head from the body. Makai was on fish cleaning duty for their Life Day fish fry and he was taking all his frustrations out on the catch.

So far it had been a tense day of casting lines and tersely asking assistance with a net here and there. Silence had lapsed between them, only the sounds of the ocean waves and clicking of reels as they wound.

Judah was on the beach, pouring oil into a pan, eyebrow raised at the rather aggressive way the fish were being cleaned. It had been a rough Life Day expedition thus far.

“So…how have things been?” The elder of the Dashiells ventured out from the straightforward words that had been traded all day.

“Fine.Busy.” Makai wasn’t making this easier. “Yourself?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary. Same old.”

Makai scoffed. “Nothing out of the ordinary? Nothing? Not anything different like say….taking Zuly out on business trips? Or am I getting too personal?”

There was the crux of the issue. Judah knew it had something to do with the business expo where Makai and Myra ran into himself and Azula. Add in the introduction of Casteel to the mix and it had been a disaster. Definitely not the way he had wanted his day to go, nor for Makai to find out. To be fair, Azula felt bad as well, although strangely more concerned about Myra.

“It’s not the way I would have wanted you to find out, no.”

“How long Dad, how long has this been going on?”

“A few months….since you two went to the Pacanth I would say.”

“Months?! Months…wow, thanks for the heads up. Really appreciate not having an inkling of what is going on.”

“I wasn’t hiding it. More, you’ve been busy and Azula and I were trying to figure out what was going on between us.”

“Yet it didn’t occur to you to just say, ‘hey, I’m dating someone, trying to figure it out, get back to you soon’....doesn’t seem incredibly difficult to do.”

“Little more difficult than that Makai…you don’t understand…Hopefully you never will.”

“Little more difficult? Here I was looking like a moron in front of Myra’s weird escort, dealing with this bombshell and at the same time, not looking like a blathering idiot…but yes, very difficult for you not to at least open your mouth sooner.”

Judah opened his mouth to argue his point more, but took in the exasperated look and angry posture in his son and decided it wasn’t worth it.

“You’re right, I should have told you sooner.”

Summarizing the argument to Danger, Judah felt like he needed another drink. He rose, moving to the bar cart to pour another in his lowball glass, quite the generous portion.

“So, it goes to say we’re on the outs for the first time ever. Not sure how long it's going to last. I….I would say I’m in over my head.”

Shoulders shrugged, a shake of his head as he sat back down with the full glass of whisky. A little early to be going so hard but between all the things Danger had to sort through and the kids arriving, he was going to need it.
What kept Danger grounded was focusing on others' worries, concerns, and problems that needed fixing. It was her forte -- the Queen of Trade excelled at being a mother hen, always striving to find solutions for everyone involved. In hindsight, attempting this now, on the eve of her late husband's passing, wasn't the wisest choice. Nevertheless, as Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell summed up the Life Day fishing trip with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and how the younger Dashiell responded to the limited information Judah was willing to share, Danger couldn't help but reflect on the dinner she had with Makai and Myra about a week ago on Etti IV's, La Per Se. Judah had also been invited, but he had been noticeably absent; the restaurant selected to overview Dashiell's cousin's review of his Nerf steak and how the restaurant prepared it.

It's astonishing how much can change in just one week, altering the tides of life and perspective.

Alric had advised her to stay out of it. At this point, it was something for the Dashiell men to work through and come to terms with. Getting in the middle of it might make Judah defensive, especially given his reluctance to share much about his personal life. He seldom offered information, and throughout the years, Danger often discovered after the fact when the older salvager was unwell or dealing with a tough task. Usually, it was just a passing comment from Ms. Datos, or if Judah happened to be more open during their lunches, she might catch a snippet. However, most of their conversations centered around business or the children, never delving into his personal life.

Yet hearing Judah stammer for a moment there, pour himself a more than generous portion of whiskey, and reveal the matter made him feel over his head and brought the redhead to pause. In the wake of everything, things were tense and certainly emotion-ridden. It wasn't just on Danger and Judah's side, but Makai's and Myra's as well; in that dinner, Makai had opened his heart regarding the matter and how he felt about it. Myra also had her thoughts, but for the most part, the heiress was concerned about Makai's end. In summary, it was clear that the elder Dashiell had not provided any input regarding his dating life to Makai, especially for a woman he'd been seeing for several months by Makai's accounts. The relationship had begun before Myra's and Makai's reunion at Maramere.

"So what happened?" Danger finally asked, watching Judah as he took a deep swig of his whiskey. "Was there a reason you couldn't let Makai know what was goin' on in your life with the woman you're seein'?" what went unsaid was fairly clear, as the details Judah summarized compared to what Makai told her made it clear that this relationship with the Togruta had been going on for more than just a few months.

Not to mention the redhead being unawares that Judah had brought the respective woman to the Farm and was presently staying at his suite.
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A good portion of whisky was already gone after his tale of how his Life Day went, having taken generous sips of the liquid in between recalling the argument.

"There were intentions of not telling Makai until it was sorted out what we were doing beyond the obvious. One of those situations where you are trying to figure out where you stand with the other person."

Judah shook his head, recalling his stupidity.

"Plus, this is the first woman I've had to think about this with. Its a little more difficult and complicated than I first expected. Last uh, entanglement, was a one night stand so it made things easy in terms of not having to sort out anything."

He was quiet a moment, draining more whisky as he thought about the current situation.

"Not to make excuses, but I've never been in this situation. Its not exactly easy to tell a grown child this, I don't even know if I'd have all the answers to his questions."
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Honestly, Danger understood where Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell was coming from. It made sense, especially when considering the potential impact of revealing a new love interest to one's child. The risk of heartbreak was always there, no matter the age. But now that Makai was a young man in his early twenties, perhaps the time had come to address it. Even a simple mention of Judah's dating intentions could have provided Makai with some preparation.

Tapping her glass lightly, Danger stared into the amber liquid of her whiskey. She had promised Makai she'd talk to Judah about his concerns, but she knew it wasn't the right time or place to delve deeper. Alric, her husband of many years, had just passed away less than twenty-four hours ago. The idea of starting anew and dealing with romantic entanglements wasn't something Danger felt prepared to tackle in her current state of grief, even if it was for someone else.

The mention of a one-night stand caught Danger off guard. Judah had always been so guarded with his emotions that it was hard to picture him attempting, let alone participating in, one. Perhaps it was the strength he had shown in protecting and fighting for his marriage to Thessa that had colored Danger's perception. She couldn't shake the feeling that Judah might still be deeply in love with his ex-wife. His reluctance to pursue new relationships only seemed to reinforce that belief.

Danger couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be loved so deeply, jealous of the Silaras and Thessas in life. In her mind, she had pondered the same with Alric and Silara, her own insecurities making her doubt that Alric would ever love her remotely the same.

Then again, Danger knew how desire and loneliness could cloud one's judgment. A man like Judah, in his prime, with natural urges, might find himself in one-night stands, even if he still harbored feelings for his ex-wife.

Nor am I one to judge, Danger mused. Passion, getting the right buttons pressed, and a long, long, dry spell resulted in Danger breaking her vow of keeping business separate from pleasure when she first met Alric. The end result of that had shaken her so much to her core that Danger had retreated to Tatooine to regroup, sending Six, her Human Replica Droid, to conduct any further business with the Tetan. That they forged a friendship and married after he was widowed was a twist no one saw coming. Then again, by then, Danger felt she had no one else to turn to and Alric was there doing his best to earn her forgiveness.

"I s'pose that makes sense," Danger murmured, taking a sip of her drink. The warmth of the whiskey spread through her, dulling the ache in her chest. "I reckon Makai just wanted to know you're datin' again, figurin' things out. No need to share all the details. Just be honest." As she spoke, a wave of melancholy washed over Danger. The pain of losing Alric felt fresh, even amidst the conversation about Judah's love life. A pause, but she had to be certain, "Is that why you didn't join us at dinner on Etti V?"

It had been an area of contention with Makai.
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Judah didn't expect this conversation at all. Why his love life was the sudden course of topic. Of course it centered around Makai and that dinner he didn't attend and his son most likely venting a little to the Trade Queen.

He would prefer to expound on his reasons at another point ; not so fresh in grief on Danger's end. In his opinion it wasn't something that had to be hashed out today, although the woman was most likely concerned about any flare-ups that would occur with both Dashiell men around.

He wasn't an idiot, nor was Makai. both would push through his moment in order to support the Arceneau women.

"It is, I didn't feel like explaining myself in front of an audience. Its more of a private matter, despite how close we are, its not something I would be comfortable speaking upon during a public dinner."

Whisky finished, Judah set his glass down, done with the subject for now in his mind. He already knew it would emerge later on.

"Have you gotten rest yet? You should try to relax a little before the kids arrive. Just let me know what I can take off your plate in the mean time, I am serious about being here to help."

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