The Deathless
Nexion was enjoying a peaceful day outside his home on Dahrtag, also known as Necropolis. He had made an old temple/tomb on the planet his home years ago and kept it as such. After a recent encounter with an 'old friend' of his named
Darth Hemorpheus
, he felt liken returning to his home to relax afterwards. The planet was truly the perfect place for a necromancer to feel at home. Plenty of bodies to use, tombs to explore, the general feeling of Death to be present. It was great. So, here he was lying on a chair outside his home, a glass of red wine in his hand as he gazed across the beautiful scene of the world of bodies.
After taking a sip of his wine, he arched an eyebrow at a familiar presence approaching the area. It was one he was familiar with and remembered well, mostly because of how interested he was with the source of it. A fellow sith, and fan of death. He hadn't seen her since the Sith Academy trials when the two of them faced a small group of Jedi. Well, 'faced' may be too strong... 'slaughtered' would be better. He rose from his chair and began to make his way to wear the presence was heading. The presence of one:
Darth Moskvin

After taking a sip of his wine, he arched an eyebrow at a familiar presence approaching the area. It was one he was familiar with and remembered well, mostly because of how interested he was with the source of it. A fellow sith, and fan of death. He hadn't seen her since the Sith Academy trials when the two of them faced a small group of Jedi. Well, 'faced' may be too strong... 'slaughtered' would be better. He rose from his chair and began to make his way to wear the presence was heading. The presence of one: