Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Death meets Death

Nexion was enjoying a peaceful day outside his home on Dahrtag, also known as Necropolis. He had made an old temple/tomb on the planet his home years ago and kept it as such. After a recent encounter with an 'old friend' of his named Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus , he felt liken returning to his home to relax afterwards. The planet was truly the perfect place for a necromancer to feel at home. Plenty of bodies to use, tombs to explore, the general feeling of Death to be present. It was great. So, here he was lying on a chair outside his home, a glass of red wine in his hand as he gazed across the beautiful scene of the world of bodies.

After taking a sip of his wine, he arched an eyebrow at a familiar presence approaching the area. It was one he was familiar with and remembered well, mostly because of how interested he was with the source of it. A fellow sith, and fan of death. He hadn't seen her since the Sith Academy trials when the two of them faced a small group of Jedi. Well, 'faced' may be too strong... 'slaughtered' would be better. He rose from his chair and began to make his way to wear the presence was heading. The presence of one: Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin
The Horror in the Darkness



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -

Location: Necropolis
Darth Nexion Darth Nexion


I found the name, Necropolis, befitting of the planet, with their ritualistic reverence to their deceased, along with all the ancient tombs and mausoleums that gave the ambience of a planet-wide graveyard. I felt at home among the dead, the ghosts, and the creeping monstrosities that went bump through the night. With my staff, rattling like bones with every contact with the ground, out in front, I took in the passing sites wondering what life would be like co-habiting with the dead; the thrills of knowing you're surrounded, in various stages, by decaying and rotting corpses. What ghastly tales that were spoken on full moon evenings, in the taverns or out on the plains huddled around a popping campfire, about wraiths and phantoms coming to steal young children from their beds? To hear one story of a weeping child whisked away by the unknown, never to be seen again, would excitement me beyond all mortal concepts.

My arrival to the planet was, on the rare occasion, not one of business, but of astute pleasure I could only surmise. I had met another Lord of the Sith a few months back, during one of the coming of ages trials at one of the Sith Academies, where my presence was merely to observe the young snack bites. To my delight, for patience and stationery appall me, we had been visited by Jedi; and foolish as one would think, correct in their assessment they would, the Jedi were discarded; their bodies left to feed the scavengers. I wondered what this Sith required of me, for my time is precious and to my satisfaction, most rather deal with me at a great distance. I was viewed by my peers as oddly unique, hauntingly disturbing, and fractured mentally; how they knew me so.

I saw my host, Darth Nexion, walking toward me with two glasses in his hand. Had the months been unkind to my fellow necromancer that he needed to lose himself in liquid fantasies? I tried to paint a smile on my pale face, but he would have to settle for an impoverished grin instead, when I drew closer to him.
"I was rather surprised to receive your message, Lord Nexion," I said rather inquisitively, while Archie, perched on my right shoulder stared daggers into him. "Rarely am I rewarded with a correspondence that is, shall I say, friendly in nature. Your message was not wholly clear on your summons of me, so you have me at a disadvantage, Lord Nexion. Why have you summoned me?"
Nexion's smile never faltered and his green eyes glowed brighter for a moment before returning to their original glow. The necromancer invited his fellow connoisseur of Death to a nearby makeshift stone table outside his home. He sat down and poured his guest a drink and presented it to her.

"For starters, you can drop your false pleasantries. I come before you with my true face, it would be polite of you to do the same. Second, I have simply wished to invite you to a drink. It is a momentous occasion for me and my power and I wished to share it with someone who may understand my work more thoroughly."

Nexion's tone was sharp and confident, unafraid of anything that may happen to him, despite his recollection of how the Sith in front of him acted. He took a glance at the creature upon her shoulder before looking back at her. He was wondering if either her or her pet was able to figure out just what it is that is different about him since they had last met.

"Now, while you are at my home, I would like to request you be a good guest as I am a host. So please..."

He nudged the drink forward a touch more. His voice remained steady and firm. It wasn't demanding, but rather a way of saying 'humour me, you may find things interesting'.

"Have a drink."

Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin
The Horror in the Darkness



"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -

Location: Necropolis
Darth Nexion Darth Nexion


Smirking, I ignored his chiding, moreso that I was merely just a guest, but I would allow him to have his moment. He was no threat to me, nor was he a rival; he simply shared the same passion as I did, and perhaps there could be a pact declared between us, the transitioning of ideas.

I took the offered beverage, sniffed the contents swirling inside and promptly poured it out, politely extending the empty glass back. "Obviously the understanding of a Sangnir's physiology is lost on you, Lord Nexion. I cannot drink or eat as the living do, only blood or what we call Anima. The gesture did not go unappreciated."

Now my curiosity was piqued, surely he would not be foolish to drag me from my work just to share a drink in his home. No, I would think not. There was more to this meeting. I looked him up and down, then clasped my hands behind my back and begun circling him, eyeing every detail about him.

"Did you finally hit your growth spurt?"

Nexion seemed to pay no mind to the act of his guest pouring out her drink rather than drink it, rather he looked at her with intrigue and his usual smirk becoming a knowing smile.

"A Sangnir? Interesting. You haven't so much as graced me with your name, so of course I wouldn't know of your species. I simply assumed you were a cannibalistic human, based upon that jedi you drank from when we last met. When we are finished with what I'd like to discuss, I would like to request you tell me a bit about Sangnirs."

As 'Lady Death' made her 'guess' as to what was different about him, Nexion couldn't help but laugh at her answer. Maybe she wasn't as no-nonsense as she made herself out to be.

"In height, no, I have not. In my skills, however, most definitely. Surely someone like you, a fellow necromancer no less, should be able to feel something different about me."

Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin
The Horror in the Darkness


"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Loyalty - American Head Charge

"Cannibal? Such deplorable creatures, they will eat anything; how foul and disappointing you would think low of me," I said narrowing my eyes, the golden pupils transforming into serpent-like slivers, before I added, "I have many names, Lord Nexion. I believe you have attached Lady Death to me, which I happily adore. But you have earned the right, I am known as Darth Moskvin."

"Sangnirs, yes."

I wondered why vampires have become quite the fascination of late, as if we were something of a taboo, a religious icon formed by ideologies of those occultists who sought to unravel those mysterious encircling our kind.

"I have a tendency to ignore the growths of others, one reason I do not carry around an Apprentice with me," I admitted. "I would make a poor guest if I didn't show interest in your growth, so please Lord Nexion, indulge me what you have learned since our last meeting."


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