Alright, we're getting to the dramatic conclusion of the showdown.
As much as I am normally all for letting the chips fall as they may, there's a lot of people who want the conclusion a certain way.
Before another post goes up in the coup, we're going to sort this out here first.
So we're going to get on the same page right now. I'm going to ask everyone to be respectful and civil. No one gets to dictate how this ends. Everyone gets a say. In order for the conclusion to proceed, we have to have majority agreement on the plan to go forward.
Are we doing a large PVP thing in the palace?
What conclusion do we all agree on? What happens to the Dark Lord?
As much as I am normally all for letting the chips fall as they may, there's a lot of people who want the conclusion a certain way.
Before another post goes up in the coup, we're going to sort this out here first.
So we're going to get on the same page right now. I'm going to ask everyone to be respectful and civil. No one gets to dictate how this ends. Everyone gets a say. In order for the conclusion to proceed, we have to have majority agreement on the plan to go forward.
Are we doing a large PVP thing in the palace?
What conclusion do we all agree on? What happens to the Dark Lord?