Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death to the Emperor Conclusion

Alright, we're getting to the dramatic conclusion of the showdown.

As much as I am normally all for letting the chips fall as they may, there's a lot of people who want the conclusion a certain way.

Before another post goes up in the coup, we're going to sort this out here first.

So we're going to get on the same page right now. I'm going to ask everyone to be respectful and civil. No one gets to dictate how this ends. Everyone gets a say. In order for the conclusion to proceed, we have to have majority agreement on the plan to go forward.

Are we doing a large PVP thing in the palace?

What conclusion do we all agree on? What happens to the Dark Lord?
There were no true objectives to this rp and this is not about what has occurred. This is about how we can work together to reach a compromise on how it ends. As the neutral admin, I'm not concerned with winning or losing. I want the faction to work together to find common ground.
PvP ensues. Whoever emerges the victor, decides what happens next. This is the Sith way. Abide by the old rule of 'fair game'. Anyone can win or lose because of a moment. Adekos could reveal he is a self serving bastard and 'goes for it'. All the Sith could gang me because hey, nobody wants old spooky Vazela as the Dark Lord. So and so forth...
I am not a judge on who wins and loses. Part of the animosity has arisen from this us vs. them attitude. I'm not going to feed into that mentality. We're all OS members. We need to stop acting like the opposition is our OOC enemy.

What I want both sides to agree on is a loose outline of what will happen from this point forward in the thread.

Yes, the objective is to overthrow the Dark Lord.


So far the ideas I have heard bandied about are:

The rebels want to subdue the loyalists and then kill the DL.

The loyalists subdue the rebels and turn on the DL themselves.

So if both sides want the DL dead...surely there is a solution to this that is amenable to all involved.
Sinistra said:
I am not a judge on who wins and loses. Part of the animosity has arisen from this us vs. them attitude. I'm not going to feed into that mentality. We're all OS members. We need to stop acting like the opposition is our OOC enemy.

What I want both sides to agree on is a loose outline of what will happen from this point forward in the thread.

Yes, the objective is to overthrow the Dark Lord.


So far the ideas I have heard bandied about are:

The rebels want to subdue the loyalists and then kill the DL.

The loyalists subdue the rebels and turn on the DL themselves.

So if both sides want the DL dead...surely there is a solution to this that is amenable to all involved.
If both sides want him dead, how is this an issue?
Vilox Pazela said:
Adekos could reveal he is a self serving bastard and 'goes for it'.
Darth Prazutis said:
It's developed into an issue mainly over who gets to be the next Dark Lord I believe, and I'm sure there are people on both sides who want the position.
Its gonna turn into a Last man standing death match free for all.... Every Sith and their mom is gonna sudden hop in to claim the Throne.​
[member="Darth Prazutis"]

Just touching base on the whole thread bit with ya. You tagged me as an enemy, but Ferus, asides from killing some stormies to do god knows what, hasn't actually picked a side.

Nor have I actually posted in weeks. Or how ever long its been.

If someone wants to go looking into the death of a handful of low rank stormtroopers and figure out Ferus killed them, feel free. But I ain't part of this whole rebels versus loyalists.

Also, just kill the DL and let people beat one another to see who's in charge.
You're trying to control Sith vying to become the Dark Lord of the Sith, which frankly, makes me question how you became a Sith Lord in the first place. Of course there is a us vs. them attitude because that's the entire point of the thread.

You can't control peoples attitudes and decision during and after the thread. If they decide to leave the faction because of the person who becomes the Dark Lord, that is their prerogative.
Nulgath Zardai said:
Its gonna turn into a Last man standing death match free for all.... Every Sith and their mom is gonna sudden hop in to claim the Throne.​
Why hello Dark Lord of the Day Club

[member="Darth Ferus"]

I was my belief through the words of others that you were an enemy. My apologies Ferus, i will remove you.
Vilox Pazela said:
You're trying to control Sith vying to become the Dark Lord of the Sith, which frankly, makes me question how you became a Sith Lord in the first place. Of course there is a us vs. them attitude because that's the entire point of the thread.

You can't control peoples attitudes and decision during and after the thread. If they decide to leave the faction because of the person who becomes the Dark Lord, that is their prerogative.
I'm not trying to control the characters. The us vs. them attitude I refer to is about OOC things that sprang up over the course of the thread. I fully expect the characters not to get along. My aim here is to have the writers remember that we're all supposed to be on the same team.
Sinistra said:
I'm not trying to control the characters. The us vs. them attitude I refer to is about OOC things that sprang up over the course of the thread. I fully expect the characters not to get along. My aim here is to have the writers remember that we're all supposed to be on the same team.
But we're not on the same team. Writers are invested in their characters and objectives. This creates division. So long as these writers abide by 'fair game' and wheatons law, then it is fine and there is no problem.

This is a Sith faction, it is a cut throat environment. Stop trying to control the event and allow it to continue.

Do we even need to listen to you? I don't understand why nobody has made a new post yet lol

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