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Death to the Emperor Conclusion

Vilox Pazela said:
But we're not on the same team. Writers are invested in their characters and objectives. This creates division. So long as these writers abide by 'fair game' and wheatons law, then it is fine and there is no problem.

There have been some issues OOC on all sides with regard to fair game. This is an attempt to acknowledge those issues and correct the things that brought them about so the plot can continue without rehashing who did what where.

As for listening to me, I represent the faction admins in this instance. This whole plot deals with the IC reorganization of the power structure of the faction, we sanctioned it to garner activity but not at the expense of infighting and derision. Regardless of what happens in the end, it is in the interest of the entire OS that the issues get resolved now.
Ah yes, let's all recap the last time the great and glorious Vilox Pazela made the One Sith tremble with his presence.

Guest_J3C0_* said:
Flipping another page in his book, Shara kept reading.
Soeht said:
Meanwhile in the same vacinity as Darth Shara, Daella played speed hexagonal three-dimensional fairy loser holochess with a supercomputer. She was on a loss streak.
Darth Nephthys said:
Off in a corner, Darth Nephthys, creepy twin number one, was playing a rather soulful melody upon a violin.
Darth Vornskr said:
Yes, the great Sith Lord, Emperor of Panatha, and most wanted war criminal of the Republic, couldn't keep his colors inside of the designated lines on the drawing.
Darth Orcus said:
Orcus paused in his knitting and looked at his handiwork, then held it up for the Maelibus to inspect. "Look, Shara, mittens! Hauum."
Darth Odium said:
Odium took a drink of his tea
Honestly, as someone that has dealt with Faction Leader transitions before with the One Sith and Republic, this is what I would do if I was the One Sith Admins:
  • Have the Dark Lord die.
    It seems people in general want him dead because of his lack of use and presence. Unless the One Sith Admins plant to enforce the presence and authority of the Dark Lord outside of this thread, there is no point in his existence.

[*]Create a OOC thread where the entire Faction votes on whether or not to have Mephirium as the Dark Lord (or a vote between Mephirium and other candidates).
  • This is the most effective way to keep the One Sith Faction run by the majority, and thus keep people from feeling as if their wants are irrelevant to the Faction's direction. Also, if it's not a binary choice, allow preferential voting.
Soeht said:
Honestly, as someone that has dealt with Faction Leader transitions before with the One Sith and Republic, this is what I would do if I was the One Sith Admins:
  • Have the Dark Lord die.
    It seems people in general want him dead because of his lack of use and presence. Unless the One Sith Admins plant to enforce the presence and authority of the Dark Lord outside of this thread, there is no point in his existence.

[*]Create a thread where the entire Faction votes on whether or not to have Mephirium as the Dark Lord (or a vote between Mephirium and other candidates).
  • This is the most effective way to keep the One Sith Faction run by the majority, and thus keep people from feeling as if their wants are irrelevant to the Faction's direction. Also, if it's not a binary choice, allow preferential voting.
We're all agreed he's dead as Julius Caesar.

I know that Meph is striving for Dark Lord. If anyone else wants the job, this thread is as good a place as any to declare that intention. Leaving it to the coup is only getting people upset.

A vote thread seems likely as well as more timely.

Once that is sewn up we can move to other things. Like finishing Thracior, electing a new FO and then the other doms we have queued.
The very notion of voting on a Dark Lord IC is just.... utterly anathema. Even OOC I think it's very strange.

Oh for the good old days of the Sith Empire.

Eh, personally I think the person who has worked hardest should reap the benefits of the coup thread. Meph did dozens of threads to secure allegiances, worked his butt off to get a chance to strike at the Dark Lord.

If the DL is going down, give the writer who worked the hardest his shot at the spot light.

Seems only fair when there ain't really anyone else who is a) active, b) worked as hard as he did, c) a reasonable human being OOCly.

Just my two cents.
Who says we need a Dark Lord? Who says we need an Emperor?

Perhaps the Dark Lord going mad and losing his touch is an indicator of that style not working out. Can you trust one man (or woman) to hold all power, make all the decisions for you, and step down once the corruption takes over and senses start to decay? Instead, how about checks and balances?

The One Sith supposedly preaches equality, a unified front to forward the Sith agenda. Let's be done with the Dark Lord and establish a Sith Council.

OOC I'm a fan of an NPC leader figure. In absence of that, I favour no single PC leader. Too many pitfalls. This would be a fun way to create some intrigue within the faction, fun Sith power struggles, while shaking up the IC hierarchy in a fun way. I just used "fun" three times in the same sentence, so you know it must be true.

Following a single Dark Lord's vision, the One Sith is a collective of Sith Lords that aims to bring Order through Power.
This is the faction description. Let's become this. After we scratch that Dark Lord part, of course...
[member="Warok the Defiler"] is correct. Only the strongest and most powerful Sith can become the ruler of all Sith, by proving themselves. Mephirium is proving himself and once it has been proven that he is the strongest and most powerful, he is essentially the Dark Lord of the Sith.

To go against the grain in that such an instance would be stagnant, pointless and would basically make you a bad Sith.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
From an OOC perspective:

The thread has gotten to the point where if one side wins, the other will leave the faction. As much as it might irk some people, I believe a middle-ground is in the best interest for all of us. I echo [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] 's suggestion of a Sith Council, but also adding it be compromised of loyalists and rebels. That way it won't be about which side wins, but rather putting on a good story. We've got a Dark Lord teetering on the edge of insanity, it's not a stretch to have him become a big evil that forces both sides to strike him down.
We came here to kill the DL. Not decide who gets to be the Towel Holder of the King's Royal Privy afterwards. Calling it a tie at this point is still going to cause a split. [member="Darth Carach"] said it the best, we worked and developed this, the NPC is going down. Who gets to be what afterwards we can decide after the NPC is dead.
Darth Kentarch said:
We came here to kill the DL. Not decide who gets to be the Towel Holder of the King's Royal Privy afterwards. Calling it a tie at this point is still going to cause a split. [member="Darth Carach"] said it the best, we worked and developed this, the NPC is going down. Who gets to be what afterwards we can decide after the NPC is dead.
This thread is about deciding how that NPC dies and what that means for both sides going forward.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
I feel like there's something really important going on and I'm just sitting on the sidelines playing with my toy trains spaceships.

In all seriousness, I absolutely agree that we need to come to some sort of resolution between the various factions OOCly otherwise you risk seeing the faction disintegrate because people can't separate IC and OOC. Same shit going on with the Republic and the Mando's right now. IC there's some fantastic story and plot but people on both sides are having issues keeping it there.

Of course having the faction literally split in two IC'ly might be interesting, but I get the impression that's not exactly a desirable outcome for most.

Another possible outcome is that IC the Sith become more decentralized. So you have various Sith Lords with their personal fiefs and so on and in times of crisis they come together under a warleader or temporary commander or something but in peace they're constantly feuding and the like. Of course you run into the same issue that if people can't handle their personal feelings you're looking at drama up the ass.
Ok this conversation make no sense at this point. Why are people defending the NPC DL if they want to kill the NPC DL, But don't want the people trying to kill the NPC DL to kill the NPC DL. Thats just plain stupid. Thats what you people are telling me.
Darth Kentarch said:
Ok this conversation make no sense at this point. Why are people defending the NPC DL if they want to kill the NPC DL, But don't want the people trying to kill the NPC DL to kill the NPC DL. Thats just plain stupid. Thats what you people are telling me.


Everyone wants the DL dead. The rebels want PC DL, the loyalists want council. Admin teams wants everyone to sort it out now before it becomes a bigger issue due to OOC stuff.

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