Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death to the Emperor Conclusion

I understand my word will carry very little weight here due to me not being involved directly with this whole affair, or even have that great of an understanding of it outside what little I could read so far and skim, but wouldn't a compromise from an OOC perspective be best? If memory serves me right the initial disdain for a PC Dark Lord was primarily the fact it could open the floodgates to a lot of . . . unsavory behavior and potentially individuals, for lack of better terms. It ran the risk of destabilizing the faction as everybody and their mother would like to stake a claim at the throne.

If he wins, wouldn't it be best to allow [member="Darth Mephirium"] to hold the position of Dark Lord from an IC perspective due to all of the work and effort he placed into this, possibly granting him the rights of a Moderator or something along those lines to further cement it in both OOC and IC perspectives, while from an OOC perspective act as if a Council is in place? Rewards the man's tenacity / effort while minimizing the risks of any drama happening, both current and in the future.

If this has been stated before and shot down or if I'm being an idiot with all of this, I apologize in advance. That, and for butting my nose where it don't belong.
[member="Nakama Kyoko"] [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

The loyalists do not want a Dark Lord NPC or PC even if he was only a figure head of the One Sith. It will do nothing but cause drama (especially in the case of a PC DL) as others will be looking to usurp his position and lead to more in fighting.
Konrad von Grimmelshausen said:
The loyalists do not want a Dark Lord NPC or PC even if he was only a figure head of the One Sith. It will do nothing but cause drama (especially in the case of a PC DL) as others will be looking to usurp his position and lead to more in fighting.
Whats to stop a council member from doing something like a coup, with some supporters who are council members, declaring himself DLoTS and attacking the council members who don't support him? What if I'm already shoring up people to help me achieve this right now. Do you see the problem?
Food for thought:

The success or failure of each type of power structure has largely to do with the people in it rather than the structure itself. There have been successful factions with a PC leader and various heads of state and successful factions lead by a council. There have been massive failures of both.

The make or break point of them was the willingness of the people to work together OOC to make it successful and the attitude of the people in the positions of leadership.
And it's always important to remember that at the end of the day, the structure that ends up being cemented into the faction will invariably be dictated by the Faction Admin and Owner. Whether that comes in heavy handed control or in some laissaez faire control scheme that allows a governance, ooc, for the people and by the people. And as [member="Sinistra"] said, both of these can work or fail utterly depending on those who are currently active in the faction.

And really, if you think about it, it makes sense. Because while the writers of the faction are significant components of the faction itself, in that they make up the faction activity, the Admins and Owner must deal with the fallout of the choices that aren't inherently good for the health of the faction. That means time spent repairing and rectifying when things go south.

[member="Darth Kentarch"]

I see nothing wrong with your proposition, so long as the admins find that agreeable towards the intended path of the faction. Which is their prerogative. Keep in mind, the choices they make will benefit the whole as opposed to the wishes of the few. Because their priority, as admins of the faction, is to see the faction thrive.
[member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"]

Alright, let's take a second here.

There's no need to retconn ourselves out of anything just yet.

There has been much proposed and nothing is in stone. Everyone is going to have to compromise here.

The rebels have conceded the existence of a council, and although the loyalists are against a PC DL, there is EQUAL support for one as many are unsatisfied with the NPC Dark Lord and/or supportive of Mephirium.

I believe there is room for a bit of middle ground.

What about a council with a PC Dark Lord, and a stipulation that when Meph vacates the position, the FA's at that time have the option to either reinstate an NPC or put the vacancy to the faction to chose the successor. Either way, the council remains in place until such a time as the staff decides to change it again.


EDIT: Please keep your comments constructive and on topic.
[member="Reverance"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] + [member="Sage Bane"]

When i joined this site months ago, you guys ran this faction. It felt like a family.
No words i got do justice or explain how i feel after all this.... I Miss you, we miss you.Whoever said that after you left being FA/FO's things remained the same is so wrong, it feels Hollow especially after the cutie torgrutie and Isamu stepped down.

I back the idea of a council with no PC DL.
Mythos said:
[member="Reverance"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] + [member="Sage Bane"]

When i joined this site months ago, you guys ran this faction. It felt like a family.
No words i got do justice or explain how i feel after all this.... I Miss you, we miss you.Whoever said that after you left being FA/FO's things remained the same is so wrong, it feels Hollow especially after the cutie torgrutie and Isamu stepped down.

I back the idea of a council with no PC DL.
I...have to agree with that..

When I first the joined, with those in charge, especially with the likes of [member="Reverance"] and [member="Vrag"] and [member="Sage Bane"], the One Sith felt like a strong and united family of writers that fought and wrote for a common goal. We achieved numerous objectives through sheer teamwork be it through dominions, skirmishes or invasions. In my honest opinion, the faction seems to have been deteriorating ever since the leadership positions were vacated by those mentioned above. In a way, I miss how things used to be as well.

With regards to whatever the faction eventually decides, I'll be behind it.
A council all of witch with equal amounts of power as the other members of the council so no single one can just go and do his own thing like we have seen in this frankly ridiculous civil war. That way if one or two of the council members try to take power for themselves the other members will beat them the fuck down and then promptly replace them and demote them as far as they can.
Council would be fun, yeah.

But damn folks >.> no need to get this bent up about it.

Look at the Mandalorians. They were able to pull off just having a Mandalore. Someone said that earlier, figured I'd touch on it just so people don't miss it.

Imma go back to thread stalking this, especially as some have made it clear I don't matter as much. Please be civil folks.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
When I gave the OK to do this thread, I trusted that people would behave fairly. Disappointingly, that didn't happen. Now it's gotten to the point where people will leave.

So, here's the plan: We're all going to work together, and come to a compromise. Will it make everyone happy? No. Do I care about making everyone happy? No. I'd rather a few people get annoyed, than lose half our active members.

So if you've got ideas for a compromise, post them now. Otherwise, if the fighting continues, then the Faction Staff will make a decision.
I think we should do a poll, and the creator of the poll gives out the options, then people vote on it. Whoever who has majority wins. If two options are two close, we do a run-off, and whatever options is favorable among OS members, we pick it, and go with it.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
All of the below assume the death, destruction, exile, or otherwise removal of the current NPC Dark Lord.

The way i see it we have the following options:

1. PC Dark Lord with Council - The 'Mephirium Wins' option.

2. NPC Dark Lord with Council

3. Council with no Dark Lord

4. NPC Dark Lord, no council

5. PC Dark Lord, no council

6. Something else

There does not appear to be any support for options 4 and 5, so those can safely be eliminated. Options 2 and 3 are both possibilites for the Loyalists, though I personally question the logic behind having another NPC Dark Lord if the current one os generally unpopular.

6 is pretty open. I like the idea of a large externally powerful faction that happens to be internally somewhat unstable. Rule by the strong and all that good Sith-y stuff.

However there appears to be a sizable minorty who oppose the concept of a civil war happening at all and generally are opposed to IC conflict within a faction. I can understand that view to a point, as you will never be able to get everyone to separate OOC and IC.

But that ship has sailed. It was rather clearly percieved (whether true or otherwise i cannot say) that a majority of the faction wanted this civil war. Things were proceeding rather smoothly so I thought, and now that theres some doubt people are coming out of the woodwork to call out both the staff and other writers on things that arent necessarily relevant to the issue at hand.

Thats some low shit, so I would recommend that anyone who finds themselves particulalrly emotionally and passionately invested into this issue take a step back for a bit and let themselves cool down, because youre doing no one any favors at the moment.

Now im of the opinion that [member="Darth Mephirium"] has earned his victory (on land anyway, best step your game up in space bruh) and why not let him be Dark Lord for now? Maybe it works out great and we go forward happy as clams. Now maybe it doesnt pan out, in which case he seems like a reasonable guy and we can either remove the position or make an NPC later on, no harm done.

But seriously yall take a fucking chill pill, staff are here to help dont shit on them because something is fucking different.

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