Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust
The zeltron streched her body out. As she was moving and sticking around now with all of the new changes. She could work with some of the firebirds and they would be able to develop this small area of the rift that they were using itno something more secure. She doubted it would be int he end but they would e able to do a lot more with the bubble nd the rift thanks to the things they already had. Ships for exploring and running protection, equipment and their own soldiers. THe reports coming in about increased sith activity only served to make her bored when she was standing there on the deck of the ship letting the other firebirds come around with them. Protection, fighting and mercenary work were what they offered to the people and she worked to help them in force related needs and with equipment. There was also why they were coming out this far into the massive nebula away from everyone else.