Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death Wtich

The zeltron streched her body out. As she was moving and sticking around now with all of the new changes. She could work with some of the firebirds and they would be able to develop this small area of the rift that they were using itno something more secure. She doubted it would be int he end but they would e able to do a lot more with the bubble nd the rift thanks to the things they already had. Ships for exploring and running protection, equipment and their own soldiers. THe reports coming in about increased sith activity only served to make her bored when she was standing there on the deck of the ship letting the other firebirds come around with them. Protection, fighting and mercenary work were what they offered to the people and she worked to help them in force related needs and with equipment. There was also why they were coming out this far into the massive nebula away from everyone else.
It gave her a chance to calm her mind, she might be a sith lord... she might seek to conquer but there was more to it and what remnants of her soldiers remained loyal to her stood. Augmented with the darkside from her warlord.... fiery red hair and the second. THick white hair in dreads. They were her most loyal next to Elara who stood behind her. Betweent he four of them they were searching and had found a place.. in records and legends that they would be able to use for a secret spooky project. The first step though would be getting to said planet she saw as a problem... She saw the danger for now until she was sitting in the transport and meditating. Allowing the darkside to course throughout her body with a grin on her face. The illusionary magics of the sith that would keep them concealed as they were going slowly and quietly down towards the world.
The ship landed, deeper int he shadowlands of the world then they had been expecting.. deeper then she would normally know what to do with anything. Balaya stood there while she was looking at all of it and her arms crossed under her chest with a small bow of her head. "This will do." THey would have to search but landing the ship itself on a thick branch that had fallen was easier to do. She was walking and they could see the thick fang as big as a terentrek... and more so as she touched it. The force going through her body while she felt the hunger and it seemed to react to her.. seemed to know she was coming and she could feel it all there... could fel the creature all around herself. "Lets go."
THey were moving through the trees, across and over some fo the fallen branches and flesh that seemed more like stone. THick bleached white teeth were visible before. They continued to head in deeper and she was using the force to light the way for them, low light... following a hunger of the creature until she looked on at the heights of the shadowlands and couldn't see anything.. couldn't hear anything. Everything was still and quiet like it was waiting for something to happen and that was what alerted her when her hand came up. "Stay.... we are here." THe sith lord was looking at it and found it, darker shadows and wriggling arms in the blackness that alerted her to its location.
The mouth of the creature that was leading down into its stomachs and being was there, they moved in with lightsand sensors to see all of it. Balaya taking the moment to allow the force to raise her up until she stretched herself out with the force and touched the soft flesh. It let her feel really how large the creature was and it was hungry... reaching to grab her while she sneered and let the darkside pulse to repel its arms that were near her... "No no no my pet." THe sneer became a smirk though as she pulled out a knife and sliced her palm bleeding a little to get the sarlacc vibrating and hissing. She wanted to enjoy this and the beak peeked out while she was focusing on what little brain and sentience it had.
She could just barely feel it, these creatures lived for tens of thousands of years... lifetimes on planets alone and they survived anything just waiting for someone to come close into their snares... She was looking at to change that somewhat... alter it... make it her own and to serve a purpose. Giving it the thought that this would help it attract food... that it would be able to eat and secure its own food for thousands upon thousands of years to come. THe sith lord was pouring the force into the creature while there was a village above them.. a village around here that they could use. "Go... secure it and bring the prisoners to me... quietly... do not let them escape understood." She said it and the firebirds were moving quickly, black robed and radiating the darkside with their scythes.
While they were heading to the village to retrieve blood and bodies that would be needed for the ritual she would need to work with this. Finding a place where she was able to sit and the tendrils and beak were near her. Without getting violent they stayed calm and focused intently on her. Her mind was aware of how dangerous this could be... it would be smarter to handle the situation when the creature was young but a beat such as this... young meant it would make thousands of years to grow to this size again... she couldn't wait that long so a grown one being twisted and turned would have to do. She'd just speed up the process of tainting the flesh and making it serve her ends. "
She was pushign the force into the creature breathing in deeply the scent of the darkside down here. The deah of the creature as it had captured and caught something that was slowly being eaten deep down within it. She knew how to do this.. she knew how to taint and corrupt the largest creatures in the galaxy as she could connect to her child. The nightmare child was across the stars... moving silently and she could feel him. She could feel its hunger and it matched the creature near her. The beak of the creature was under her hands and she could feel what amounted to its brain itself. "There we are... now you will serve me."
The firebirds returned standing there, chained prisoners in thick nets and metal were being dragged with soldiers in frot and behind them. THe wookiee's were strong and dangerous.. they knew to fear this area but it would serve its purpose and make little differentce if they didn't want to be here. She needed them.... she needed their power in their blood at least.... Balaya producing a blade for her hand while she started slitting to bleed them all out. She could feel the power as it was seeping into the flesh now... slowly infused with the darkside when she released her own blood into the mix to spread throughout the pricess.
She didn't know how long it was going to take, how massive the creature really was.. on the surface if the ancient abyss was anything to go by then they could go for kilometers but underneath it was huge deep and powerful. Something that grew for thousands upon thousands of years on the planet. Became a part of it and with the trees all around it had become just as different spreading and expanding with tendrils into the roots of the tree system. She was working on it, twisting the flesh, reshaping it and adding teth, venom... power... dark corruption that would still take time but now she had plans of what might be able to be done here.
She could feel it seeping throughout the massive beast, going into the blood and corrupting it... pouring itno the cells as under her hands the flesh altered and melted... Reforming as she wanted it to and the tendrils fo the beast were changing, altering with her ideas to make them more dangerous. Just grabbing would be not enough... no they needed to be able to grab and bring with force. Teeth, digestive acids that was more like saliva. It was elongating and becoming a very dangerous thing that the sith lord would be able to twist more of it. She could feel the brain of the creature as well and it was becoming her servant.. slowly it would be able to feel her, to fel her power and it wouldn't attack her but anyone else unless she stopped it they were free game.
Slowly the darkside of the force was shaping the creature for her, opening it up to her influence at a greater level of power. Then it slowly began to change until the sith lord was pulling back from the creature.... "THere we go." THe corpses of the wookiee's were within the creature and as she had shaped the flesh the lowest level fo the stomach suspended had fleshy hooks of bone that were made to hold the vault itself. The black metal of it was alchemically enhanced turadium that was coated to resist acid. She could make her way down into it and the others were stuck up top as she slowly started to put the racks within the vault itself. The pathway down had to go through the stomachs and acid itself but the sith lord crossed her arms breathing in the scent of death that came from the wookiee's feeding her creature.
She had allowed the creature to become larger and stronger... slowly building and filling the vault itself. Her different creations being kept within the lowest levels when she opened herself up to the force of the planet and was working to give a dark taint to the environment around them. The blood of the wookiee's were feeding the creatures, were feeding the corruption that went into it and as the bodies were hidden away and being used to feed it they were fueling her power within the creature. THe sith lord was looking up and around to see what she might be able to do to finish it off. THe Black Vault would be one of her largest creatures that would never be able to roam around. She knew the creature was female and it was over twenty thousand years old having the trees growing with it when it had arrived. She crossed her arms over her chest and continued to meditate on the creature.

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