Noel Strasza
DECEASED Erskine Barran
Rurik Fel
"We may not be Sith, but let's base our assessment of that given by the Major here." Rausgeber paused, glaring at the Avenger while he snuffed his cigarette out in an ashtray, "We are dealing with an unknown variable, who appears to subsume our troops into their own ranks. We know not of their plans. Their intentions, other than that of secession." Carlyle eyed the members of the room, "To move quickly now, would mean us to be caught in some tangled web. A trap for the beast." The Admiral Regent opined to the group, "And this, in my learned experience is not the first time." He raised a singular digit.
"Back during the reign of Supreme Leader Ren of the First Order, we had ourselves a similar situation." The imperial informed the group, "An outbreak of a disease, similar in scale to what the Major has informed us of. Not as disciplined, and concentrated as what we face now. But at that point then, we could not defeat it. It consumed all beneath it. All we could palate was at the time, quarantine." he shook his head, "And never again, should we use that. We need to be decisive. Strong. Send a message to all those, within this room, and without, our dedication to security and prosperity." Rausgeber snapped, "We can easily, throw propaganda to it." he added, pivoting to placate the Avenger.
"Spin it that Halketh corrupted the planet. There was no saving those poor lost souls. Show it, as one of the follies of the Sith, and their magicks." The imperial offered callously, "Because as far as I am concerned, that is our only option that limits our losses. I don't think many of those, who gave their comrades, who bled for Bastion, for Korriban, for a dozen other systems would reliably join forces, and yield for traitors." Rausgeber shook his head, "No, no. We need a decisive message. And we need to send it to all those present. They are with us, or against us. This is an issue of the Sith, and we should not folly or falter in our resolve."
Rausgeber's cool gaze turned itself to the Major, "Well clearly, Major Strasza, you have given us very little to contemplate in other directions. We can't kill the man, lest we turn the beasts loose. And you seem to be making orbital bombardment an impossibility." He folded his arms, "I think you are, overexaggerating the case. I have felt the frigid chill of such storms before. And the range we would pursue them at, with a multi-pronged approach, there would be casualties. Certainly. But there would be far less than a full out landing." The Admiral Regent added.
"To engage in some bandying with lightsabers only sates the egos of Force Users. And puts our men as mere numbers. Carlac as it exists now, is as the Major says, in a state of total war against us. And should they burn for that crime, I shan't shed any tears."