Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Death's Sting: SJC Invasion of BotM held Lao-Mon


Objective II
Allies: The Coalition of the Willing/Last Alliance/generic 'good guys', or whatever we're calling it. Err, SJC.
Enemies: The planet-killing bad guys. Specifically Darth Maleva
Gear: Equipment: Armour, Hold-out Bolter, Boltgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer, Cryo-Ban Gun.


The darkness was palpable as it surged through the air, a violent shudder piercing the desolate battlefield. Elpsis' head was filled with screams. The wails of the dead and the dying. Those that had been sadistically tortured and murdered by the Maw. Too loud to blot out. So she let them fuel her resolve. But she also heard screams coming from her team mates. Along with yelling and sounds of gun fire. "Stand your ground!" she shouted. Her sight was Force-based rather than based on physical sight, but the thick darkness made it difficult to focus her sight.

Soldiers found themselves firing blindly. Then there was a cry of pain. It was small comfort that the Mawist warriors engaged in a fierce melee with the Firemane team would suffer from the same problem. Elpsis tried to speak, but when the dark clouds wrapped her in their chilly embrace, she felt like she could no longer breathe. She gasped for air that she did not lack, but felt like she did. It caused her to choke. Limbs felt like lead. She stumbled, gasping and struggling against a dark tide as if she was drowning. She felt cold, and yet as if her lungs and stomach were burning. "Cease fire!" Nyssa bellowed. "Infernos, with me. Meld. Let our eyes see as one!" That came from Hazania.

Eyes bulged, lips turned blue. Fight, you fool. The feeling of sinking into the darkness dragged Elpsis back to her lessons with Sha Rezz - limbs convulsing, heart beat racing while feeling like she was dragged underwater into the cold, dark depths. And she found the burning flame inside her. A storm of flame burst from her towards the Sith.
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Location: Western Walls, Goshen War Camp - Lao-mon
Objective: 2 - Tip of the Spear
Allies: BotM ( The Mongrel The Mongrel Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Halketh Halketh Romund Sro Romund Sro )
Enemies: SJC ( Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Starlin Rand Starlin Rand ) │ NIO ( Noel Strasza Noel Strasza Avenger) │ GA ( Damsy Callat Damsy Callat The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor )
Direct Engagement: The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Her heart felt as if it was beating faster than it had in the moments before, senses primed for any movement, deliberate or sudden. Indeed, Glossa hadn’t expected that the Jedi would relent so quickly to her demands, which were ultimately based solely on trust and honor. After all, the demigoddess had been asked to hand away even more leverage, potentially opening the door for Glossa to betray her end of the deal. However, even unarmed and wounded, the Jedi was dangerous. It was why it was almost, if not entirely unheard of for any marauder, alive or dead, to defeat one, save for the Mongrel.

It was also why the Jango Jumper intended to hold up her end of the deal.

Glossa kept her distance, waiting until the Jedi had limped an acceptable distance away from where she had dropped her lightsabers, wary of giving up her range advantage. Only then did the slave soldier move to pick up the lightsabers as the Jedi’s back was turned, her attention yet still primed for sudden movements. She placed them on the back of her belt as quickly as she dared, her grip tight on each one as the coveted weapons were clipped into place, opting to trust her rifle over the lightsabers for the moment, given its range.

The sacred weapons of the Jedi and the Sith, worth more than the battleframes of a squad of Scav Kings and most TIEs, now belonged to her.

She hesitated, though only for a split-second as she stood back up after taking the lightsabers, waiting for the moment of truth, the lightsaber in her back as the carefully-crafted illusion was dispelled before her eyes, revealing it all to be a deception. Then, she began to walk backwards, keeping her eyes and her rifle, pointed towards the Jedi and the Marine. Ultimately, while she still feared an illusion, she had no choice but to trust the veracity of her mortal senses.

“An unexpected, though...wise choice, Jedi. You are a good friend. I would hope for battle-sisters and brothers such as you.” She rasped, acknowledging her enemy’s bond with the Marine. “Beside...I’m sure you can make new blades.” Glossa added.

Then, the slave soldier clicked and dropped a flash grenade at her feet, which was set far enough away that it wouldn’t hurt the Marine or the Jedi, though it might briefly obstruct their vision towards Glossa’s direction.

Once the flash of light subsided, the Jango Jumper was gone.




Central Keep Rooftops

there is no emotion, there is peace

Hoping the Sith was put out of commission was asking too much, wasn't it?. Chit never was easy. Nothing ever was. Even through his subpar sense capabilities, Dagon sensed the Dark Side radiating from Letifer. It felt like cracks in the Force; shattering a masterpiece, morphing something so perfect to something so grotesque. The corruption reflected on the man's eye protruding from the ruptured side of the mask, the twisted sulfuric gaze so foul and... so familiar?!

The strands of black hair reminded him of his brother, the thought running a shiver down his spine but reality was far worse.

"I-- I know you!" he exclaimed.

It was one of the SIA agents from Teta he'd barely caught a glimpse of during the riots. A face he couldn't forget, just like so many others. The worst suspicions, the worst case scenarios of every investigation he had conducted within the Core were coming true - personified by the dark masked man before him. Evidence, I need evidence! A thousand thoughts ran through his mind, all of them connected on finding out how to prove what he had witnessed; to prevent the rift between the Alliance and the New Jedi from growing further.

His mind remained blank. The intimidating howl of the Sith shifted his gears back to the grim present. Dagon shifted to a more defensive footing when a blue illumination took his attention from behind. The girl. A momentary lapse of focus - an amateur's mistake. It cost him a grievous puncture into the chest from the shikkar. A year ago his reflexes would've not saved him, they barely did even now. The Knight leaned back in an unnaturally flexible arch to evade a brutal slash of the Sith's saber. Gotta put distance between her and him.

They were in all sorts of trouble. The padawan was bleeding but the fight hadn't left her yet. It's gonna boil down to choose again, isn't it. The mission or the padawan. Much like when he'd have to choose between duty and Yula on Krayiss II. Great timing to remember that particular moment. Fully focused on the defensive, athletically evading Letifer's onslaught, Dagon began to give up on trying to figure out the Sith's weaknesses. He was buying time to find a way out for the bleeding Jedi on the roof tiles beside him. But the aching puncture, the wound opening up more and more with each sudden movement, was on a timer of its own.

Can't outlast him. Not with this profuse bleeding. Artery. Can't risk the Force, he's all over me.

The girl

He hit the brakes on backtracking, heel digging in between two tiles and snapped both arms to catch the man's wrists in place and push them up. Two faces of blood and sweat locked in a ferocious gaze.

"Now!" the raven-haired Jedi barked, praying she'd use the opportunity to strike at the Sith. Throw her saber, use the Force, whatever it was.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer



ALLIES (NIO): Noel Strasza Noel Strasza

ALLIES (SJC/GA/AC/OTHER): Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Artemis Lu Artemis Lu The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor

ENEMIES (BOTM/NSO/TFD): Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid Romund Sro Romund Sro The Mongrel The Mongrel Dakrul Dakrul
Halketh Halketh Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Eldervine Eldervine Glossa










An interesting end to the parley, and one such that may have gotten even more intriguing if Lord Michael had stayed, but in his loathing stare-down with Khaostra, he had seen an urge to act in ways he knew would be nothing short of catastrophic for his life-expectancy. The Dathomiri would be tempted into a conventional fight for supremacy after all, giving the Woad his confirmation that whether they lived or died, the eighth day would certainly be their last solar-rotation of hostilities on Lao-Mon; a relief of sorts to the Imperials on the ground, but in the moment the Wanderer's small guard-detail made it to their own treeline under fire, Michael saw clearly that it would be the wildest by a great and frightening margin- as predicted by both ahan-Yans'Sharlim and Barran earlier that morning. Even as the heat could be seen rippling above the shack he previously occupied, Michael wouldn't be swayed by the intensifying display of dark power on her part, quite the contrary; though the Wanderer worried for Yorunarr in that moment, and more than he ever worried for his bodyguard before, and to top it all off, the fact he heard not a sound or voice in mind was making it somewhat more aggravating also.

I only hope you know what you're doing out there, Yorunarr.


The rainforest repents, the souls of the wild - all await paradise! Give them FIRE!!!

'Right, lads! The Shaman's gettin' busy, an' ah know oor tanks are gettin' busy anaw - I can actually hear them noo!', Michael exclaimed over the trading small-arms fire, hand-signalling for the others to peel quietly into the brush beyond the opposition's accurate range, moving back uphill as the Khaos infantry and Scav-Kings steadily stopped firing at the eastern treeline one-by-one. The exit had been more smooth than their entry into no-man's-land, all owed to the cleared and covered angles looking westward, and to the speed with which the Highlanders could withdraw in a fighting-retreat; in this part of the fight, the Mawsworn would have an understanding of the way Michael's devoted underlings fought before being deployed to Csilla just weeks beforehand. Guerilla tactics, high-manoeuvrability and shock warfare, the three perfect makings of a revolutionary soldier as according to the Wanderer's estimation; on Galidraani soil, the Highland Brotherhood had learned the hard way on almost every level, creating the ideal resistance cells against the Sith holdouts who still exerted power over most of Galidraan's largest cities by that point.

'OP THRAST it is then, Milord. Let me lead the rear-guard actions, you can take the marksmen if ye want.'

Reloading his SA-65, the Highland Brotherhood's 1st-Leftenant wouldn't hang around to wait and see if the Lord-Captain would accept his advice or not, leaving his Laird and commander with the understanding that he'd be leading the rear-guard action either way, professional to the very core of his being. The Wanderer knew he'd need men like McBain in the Second Great Hyperspace War, but couldn't do anything about the fact his most-reliable subordinate was filling in a lot of roles at the time, losing and forgetting to replace important adjutants and staffers in a time when mistakes like this would sap the wills of even the strongest officers; but not with Randall McBain, as Lord Michael's very own answer to Bruenn McHugh was proving his worth in the heart of the crucible, and proving his supreme adaptability to all the finer nuances of his rank. 'Aw'right then, McBain. Yer on.', the Lord-Captain began, pausing to grab his 1st-Leftenant by the collar of his jacket and pull the Highland Brotherhood's lynchpin closer, making sure that not a single word was left to lip-reading and guesswork as the face of the tormentor returned.

'Don't go out like Commoner-Captain McHugh, an' that is one-hundred percent an order by the way. I mean it.... Stay alive, an' teach these heathens the meaning of fear!'

'No worries there, Milord. Leftenant McBain's already got a plan in mind, we're already prepping the first layer of this plan in particular. An' if we're being honest here, I'm genuinely thinking us a bunch o' cruel karkers for going ahead with even half of what we intend to have laid-out for them.... I also swear to defend the 1st-Leftenant with my life, Milord. Honestly, if it means saving the Brotherhood's chances of constant improvement, I'd gladly take McBain's blaster-round for him.'





<"All vehicles, this is Proost! That eagerly-awaited order has finally been passed down the line, and you all know what that means.... FULL - ADVANCE!!! I REPEAT - FULL-ADVANCE!!!! Proost out!">

Going out to all the Cataphracts and Scout-AFVs still operational by the morning of the eighth day, the men of Blue-Heart Brigade would be sent a comm-link transmission they were all beginning to believe was never on the cards to begin with, hearing an elation in Proost that they thought would be out of the question also; this was their moment to shine, their moment to wreak true coordinated destruction as one, as they had in every single engagement before deploying to the Goshen outskirts. All the supporting infantry would be making concerted efforts to set the surrounding area ablaze in the process, doing their utmost to make a difference whilst they still had the power and pain-threshold to take their fight to the Brotherhood of the Maw, making up the infantry part of the armoured-infantry brigade as well as could be expected of the conventional soldiering elite, completely unaware that beasts of a mechanical nature were closing in to nullify their advantage in particularly bloody fashion.


And the standstill is finally over.... Good! I abhor the,"Sitting Duck", strategy anyway!

Whether the heavier vehicles would alleviate such issues when the time came, none would be able to tell, and to the extent that not even the Mawsworn would be able to divine their overall efficacy against aggressively-cohesive Galidraani pressure; a bridge that everyone would need to cross sooner or later, but one that nobody would have a clue of until the very last second regardless, something of a disadvantage to the Dathomiri already. This knack for taking advantage of the unknown factors had turned the tide for the Free-State ground-forces before, and on more than one occasion against the Brotherhood of the Maw, most-notably on Ilum and Csilla, making it a,"Gambler's luck." , factor that would have been driven purely by their superstitious ways in such moments. Whenever similarly-volatile unanswered questions hung in the air for everyone involved, the Woads would always count on Lord Erskine to smell blood in the air and take advantage of whatever what-ifs were in his power to exploit, and in the years since the Second Battle of Bastion, this same knack had slowly but surely engrained it's way into the psyche of the Stormchaser's subordinates.

'So it's really happening this time? Do we actually get to fight again as we ought to, sir?'

'That's right, bruu! Back fighting in our default tactical stance, as all things should be!', the Archaisian Commoner-Captain barked back endearingly, making sure McCaskill was being every part the mad top-gunner that everyone below him needed needed him to be. Even with all the heavy-hitting armoured vehicles kicking up mud, gravel and dust around them, the likes of Proost and Lawson still hoped Corporal McCaskill would be safe enough to work without having his head blown off in the advance, a situation that none of the other crewmen would wish for themselves or for anyone they cared for, but one they had thanked and would thank the young Prestonian endlessly for being so willing to embrace time and time again. If any of Devoid's infantry had known such quality existed in abundance at non-commissioned level across the board, their approach may have contrasted a lot to the head-on approach, as trying their luck as much as the Commonwealth contingent would also mean taking the fight to an already advancing New-Imperial contingent; another particular area of which the Blue-Hearts were especially comfortable, breaking and countering collective opposing advances with the force of weighty, coordinated aggression.


Fire cleanses, brothers.... You must redeem the fallen souls of the rainforest! SET THIS PLANET ABLAZE!!!!


Hahahahahaha! I love this new energy, Yorunarr! Honestly.... But as for the rest o' yees, I sure hope yer taking mental note o' this the noo; oor resident Shaman behaves as a conqueror ought to behave, behaviour I implore you to exhibit in your own particular fashion today. You should fear nothing, especially after Carlac! Prove me right! PROVE - ME - RIGHT!!!!
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Objective: Bop that sith!
Location: Central Keep Rooftops
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer


CAPTURE Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Central Keep Rooftops

A thousand times they've played the game of cat and mouse, of hunter and prey, and it still the mystery remained - who was the hunter and who was the prey? From the riots on Empress Teta, to the criminal syndicates of Denon, to the bowels of Coruscant, Dagon had only caught glimpses of the man's cloak before he vanished and the Jedi was left to undo his work, one that was often irreparable.

The game of cloak and dagger ended now. Atop the roofs of the war camp's keep carved into the ridges. From here one could see the waste the Maw had laid upon Goshen. Pillaged, defiled, and shaped into a war manufacturing plant that supplied the cult's ruthless destruction across the stars. The Brotherhood, nay, the Sith pulling the strings had to be stopped here and now. Before the rest of the galaxy shared the fate of Lao-Mon.

The wind blew sporadically, in bursts, from the trumpets and drums of war beating in explosions both in the jungles and in the Camp. Dagon stared at the hooded man he had chased across the Core, a man he believed to have been instrumental in the efforts to fragment the Alliance and disavow the New Jedi from within. Soot and sweat covered his face, blue eyes once bright with innocence now shared the burdens and trauma of a youth spent in the trenches of the Stygian against the Sith Empire.

"Letifer!" he shouted the Sith's nom de guerre as if invoking the Force to clear his mind; to brush his pestilent thoughts away, mostly his fear over Yula. She was here. He hadn't protested, at least not verbally, but she'd seen it on his face. The worry, the concern, the guilt. Especially the guilt, one borne of abandoning her to the hands of Zaavik and losing her eye in the process. They may have reconciled but the sting still burned in the few sleepless nights he could manage away from work.

"Doesn't have to be this way." said Dagon, almost whispering. The hilt remained still in his hand, the blade a button away from igniting.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Objective: Bop that sith!
Location: Central Keep Rooftops
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Jem was sick of sidelines. She was sick of waiting and watching and she was definitely sick of being held back. She had spent the better part of her youth watching as the older jedi left Coruscant and went off to fight. The temple always felt so empty after that. She wanted to be out there with them.

Her instructors had always coached patience, but that was a skill better suited to her brother. She was sixteen now and she was still an initiate-- not a master in sight.

It wasn't fair.

Sneaking onto the convoys had been work, but she had done it. Jem didn't need a Master to escort her to war. No. She'd prove to them all once and for all that they were wrong.

She was ready.

She was flying utterly blind through the streets of Lao-Mon. It was hard to know what was going on when you're a stow-away, but she didn't need comms to sense the turmoil in the air. She had never come across darkness like this before... it brushed across her senses like a distorted lullaby. It made her want to tear her own skin off.

She had been following it, trying to listen to the force as she crawled across the roof tops. It all came to a halt as she found two forms facing off on a roof below. She leaned forward, her senses pricked. A metallic taste spread over her tongue as she quickly recognized one as a fellow jedi, and the other...

Her fingers tightened over the hilt of her training saber.

She didn't think twice. In fact, she didn't think at all. She jumped, her hair bellowing out around her as she tried to drop down and overhead strike the sith on the head.

She was helping!




KILL Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Goshen War Camp | Rooftops of Keep


The silhouette of a man stood amidst the flaming backdrop as the luminescent fires lit the sky, his cloaked form fluttered in the wind violently with each gale. The smell of sulfur, smoke, and ash was warming to him. It was the call of home, not a place, but an idea. It was here in the crucible of combat, the heart of battle that he truly felt alive, that he truly felt like himself. He glanced down at his hands, outstretched against the open air as embers floated between his fingertips.

Ah, it was him.

They'd chased one another world after world, playing games in the shadows. Always a few steps behind the other, now it seemed they had finally caught up. How lucky for him, the Court of Daggers had yet to lay claim to this death mark. The name Dagon Kaze was one that Letifer would mark off personally, all the snooping, all the investigations. They'd end. He'd make sure Ryv's innocence would never come to light, then he'd pay him a visit too.

His head drifted from the backdrop of battle towards the otherside of the rooftop where his prey stood in wait, the Jedi Knight would soon come face to face with his masked visage. A face-off, two opponents standing at opposite corners in wait. The Sith Assassin growled under his breath, his vocabulator coming to life as he reached at the hip for his saber, "I've been looking forward to this Kaze. I should of killed you on Teta when you were less of a nuisance."

"I'll fix that."

His eyes widened under the veil of his mask, he felt the immediate tug of the empyrean upon his psyche and responded. Near-instantaneously the air lit up in a crimson light, a crackling beam of plasma roaring to life from the hilt of his weapon. He stepped back with a wide arch, narrowly avoiding the easily crippling head blow that could of finished the fight before it began. The training saber nearly hit it's mark, the sudden appearance of the second Jedi only spurred him into action now.

Dropping down, he swept his leg under in a wide arch. Time to die little Jedi.



Central Keep Rooftops

there is no emotion, there is peace

"You will try." he responded in kind, eyes furrowing into a frown. The man was as elusive as a shadow, always an inch away from Dagon's reach. Letifer was no mere pawn of the Sith, he couldn't be. His dark touch was found in the grandest of conspiracies and plots. Not the Dark Lord himself, but a man really close to him. Had to be. A key piece in the puzzle, maybe the one to solve it all if he could be captured and made to talk.

The crimson blade ignited and the cerulean followed as Dagon took one foot back in a defensive posture. Assess, assemble, action. Never had he seen the Sith in combat, he had to analyze him, figure out his weak spots and force an opportunity. A clash of blades was no different than investigating a case. One could argue it was always won through careful examination and patient prep time, rather than outright brute force. The Jedi's athleticism could help him fend off the onslaught long enough to learn.

All deliberations were cast aside in the shape of what looked at first a lunatic dressed as a padawan going for a head strike with saber?!

What the kark??

Instincts kicked in, shoving plans and plots into the bonfire, and his hands snapped forward - a telekinetic bubble formed around her form to fend off Letifer's kick. The shield wouldn't hold long if Letifer's capabilities in combat were as sharp as his skills in sabotage.

"Get the hell back!" yelled out Dagon, wild-eyed and flabbergasted. It was the only reaction he could muster.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Objective: Bop that sith!
Location: Central Keep Rooftops
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

A shin swept under her legs, sending her crashing onto her back before gravity could fully settle. A flash of adrenaline threatened to break the calm that ruled her. She felt no fear, nor apprehension for her situation. Jem had quickly fallen under the boot of her first sith but she didn't falter. Her saber raised as she met the gaze of Lord Letifer Lord Letifer fort he first time. Light wrapped protectively over her.

Her cheeks puffed out in defiance.


She flipping backed onto her feet, leaving the protection as she pressed for her advantage. She was young but she was quick. With her cool head and decisive strikes, she had always had her peers on their back foot.

Her arm lashed out, aiming to get the sith across his neck. She took a step forward and followed it up, her saber flowing in an easy arch to try and disarm him with a strike to the wrist.

Every warning that screamed around her was ignored. It only took one tap of her saber to stun a limb. Let them misjudge her.




KILL Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Goshen War Camp | Rooftops of Keep


A quick sweep and slight of movement readied him for the decisive blow, the sudden strike meant to end it all. His opponent, the Jedi Padawan crashed against the rooftop with her back against the cobbled building. She rose her saber and met his gaze with fire and passion, he saw defiance and drive. She’d make an excellent apprentice, too bad she was to die here.

His saber crashed against the translucent barrier, the invisible wall that rebuked him against encroaching further. He’d spoke too soon, his eyes narrowly snapped to Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze in a fit of rage. The Jedi screamed warning to his compatriot and she rebuked him as fiercely as Letifer’s own attack was halted. With a throw of his hands, the Sith Assassin called upon the explosive energy of the empyrean.

The roof shingles of the cobbled together structure scattered and boomed in a wave of scattered parts. The shockwave of debris reigned in, aimed to keep the Jedi Knight separated from Letifer and Jem Fossk Jem Fossk . He turned his attention immediately to Jem as she rose to her feet in a swift flipped movement.

Her arm lashed out, aiming to get the sith across his neck. His backfoot twirled, rocketing his body to the side as it narrowly missed his neck. She took a step forward and followed it up, her saber flowing in an easy arch to try and disarm him with a strike to the wrist. The Sith Assassin felt the jolt of pain rock to his arm, he let the blade fall and immediately used it for his opening with a now stunned limb.

Drawing a
shikkar with his freehand while she was distracted with her momentary victory. In a fierce burst of speed he aimed to strike true, cutting for her heels.



Central Keep Rooftops

there is no emotion, there is peace


In some twisted irony, the reply reminded him of his own rebellious flame evaporating his master Asmundr Varobalder's last drops of tempered wisdom. A lot of it, back then, had been guts - proving himself; and to extent luck. Looking back, there was more to it than that. A shameless secret - he felt most alive on the brink of death. Addiction, or something worse, it didn't matter; it shouldn't plague others.

The padawan was out of the shield and Dagon was quick on the move. A barrier flared over his body against the tempest of stone and mortar sent forth by Letifer, slowing the Knight and giving the Sith the opportunity to slash at the girl's heels. A cry echoed across the roof and she fell down on her knees at the mercy of the Sith.

It's a prayer's fall from here. At best - you break a dozen and more bones, at worst— the earlier shower, the dust - it's a slippery slope. Gypsum, sand. Mortar's barely holding anything in place as it is. Gonna need wits and feet and she came lacking the first, now losing the second.

The Force lifts the weight from his knees and he leaps over the padawan and fires a hard front snap kick to the masked chin of the Sith.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Objective: Bop that sith!
Location: Central Keep Rooftops
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Her vision flashed white as pain seared through her. She didn't hear her own scream or feel the way her knees jammed into the ground. Her pride at landing a hit had left her blind. The sith took advantage of it. The strike severed both her Achilles tendons. It was only the tough nature of her Firrerreo skin that prevented the blade from severing both limbs.

Her golden skin shifted to a sickly silver. Despite her appearance, she wasn't made of metal. She bled freely across the concrete roof, vulnerable and unarmed. A lifetime of training left her as she froze, leaving her with only panic.

She didn't want to die.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze soared over her, intercepting the sith with a sword... or limb. It was hard to see through her blurring vision, but she could feel him there-- light clashing against the dark.

She had to help.

She sucked in a breath and pulled her torso towards her saber. Agony rippled through her as her feet dragged. She stretched out, sweat and tears staining her face as the pain brought specs of light to her eyes.

Just a few more inches...

The familiar weapon jumped into her outstretched hand and illuminated her blue.




KILL Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Goshen War Camp | Rooftops of Keep


The Shikkar struck true, slicing across each Achilles’ tendon with precision in one fell swoop. The Sith assassin had taken advantage of the momentary victory the Jedi received, while his own right arm was still stunned, locked up in place. He had to take advantage of the moment, had to finish it. Any delay and he’d be at a disadvantage fighting two on one again, he had to take this one out.

The Jedi padawan cried out in pain as her knees hit the rooftop, her golden skin quickly took on a silver tone as she bleed across the cobbled concrete roofing. He could feel her panic, her raw emotions flood in. Letifer took it in, feeding on it like a hungry animal looking for it’s next meal. He felt empowered, invincible.

This was the feeling of power.

Reality hit him immediately as he twirled the blade in his hand, coming in for the finishing blow. Like a punch to gut, his senses lit up with warning, red flags firing like neurons in his brain. His mind was ready and willing but his physical body was too slow, too in motion to divert his course to prevent the Jedi Knight’s foot from planting directly into his face. His mask shattered like glass as felt the full blunt of @Dagon Kaze’s kick send him crashing into the ground with a roll backward.

The wind knocked out of him, he nearly froze in place before it all came crashing down. The anger, the hate. His body felt the pain of what had transpired and let him know first hand, his face felt like jello. The mask had saved him from the blunt force trauma but still gave him the pressure and weight behind the blow. He grit his teeth and picked himself back up.

Coming to stand once again was a struggle but one he conquered nonetheless. He felt it close in, the black rings around his vision. He imagined himself ringing the Jedi’s neck and let all the trauma from his past flood in as he drawed upon the Dark Side of the Force to awaken his rage. Small fragments of his mask fell from him, the Sith breathed in and out violently. Half of his mask was gone, fractured and scattered upon the rooftop. One would expect the now visible face of the monster before them to be grotesque, rotten.

They would be wrong.

The two Jedi would look upon a face no different than theirs. The face of a human, the face of Caleb Moore.

Strands of black hair fell from beneath the broken mask over his face, his lone visible eye stared out with intensity. His near hyperventilating slowed, his eye shifted color before their very eyes to a sulfuric yellow. Letifer screamed a bloody roar, he unleashed the monster within as the Dark Side augmented his body. He charged in, right hand stretching out as his saber returned to his now-functional hand. Armed with a lightsaber and a shikkar, the Sith assassin moved in for the kill with a flurry filled with PAIN.



Central Keep Rooftops

there is no emotion, there is peace

Hoping the Sith was put out of commission was asking too much, wasn't it?. Chit never was easy. Nothing ever was. Even through his subpar sense capabilities, Dagon sensed the Dark Side radiating from Letifer. It felt like cracks in the Force; shattering a masterpiece, morphing something so perfect to something so grotesque. The corruption reflected on the man's eye protruding from the ruptured side of the mask, the twisted sulfuric gaze so foul and... so familiar?!

The strands of black hair reminded him of his brother, the thought running a shiver down his spine but reality was far worse.

"I-- I know you!" he exclaimed.

It was one of the SIA agents from Teta he'd barely caught a glimpse of during the riots. A face he couldn't forget, just like so many others. The worst suspicions, the worst case scenarios of every investigation he had conducted within the Core were coming true - personified by the dark masked man before him. Evidence, I need evidence! A thousand thoughts ran through his mind, all of them connected on finding out how to prove what he had witnessed; to prevent the rift between the Alliance and the New Jedi from growing further.

His mind remained blank. The intimidating howl of the Sith shifted his gears back to the grim present. Dagon shifted to a more defensive footing when a blue illumination took his attention from behind. The girl. A momentary lapse of focus - an amateur's mistake. It cost him a grievous puncture into the chest from the shikkar. A year ago his reflexes would've not saved him, they barely did even now. The Knight leaned back in an unnaturally flexible arch to evade a brutal slash of the Sith's saber. Gotta put distance between her and him.

They were in all sorts of trouble. The padawan was bleeding but the fight hadn't left her yet. It's gonna boil down to choose again, isn't it. The mission or the padawan. Much like when he'd have to choose between duty and Yula on Krayiss II. Great timing to remember that particular moment. Fully focused on the defensive, athletically evading Letifer's onslaught, Dagon began to give up on trying to figure out the Sith's weaknesses. He was buying time to find a way out for the bleeding Jedi on the roof tiles beside him. But the aching puncture, the wound opening up more and more with each sudden movement, was on a timer of its own.

Can't outlast him. Not with this profuse bleeding. Artery. Can't risk the Force, he's all over me.

The girl

He hit the brakes on backtracking, heel digging in between two tiles and snapped both arms to catch the man's wrists in place and push them up. Two faces of blood and sweat locked in a ferocious gaze.

"Now!" the raven-haired Jedi barked, praying she'd use the opportunity to strike at the Sith. Throw her saber, use the Force, whatever it was.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Jem looked up, red and blue playing off the cold sweat that coated her body. She had never left the training room before, yet standing before was a jedi and sith locked in a battle. She could smell the blood in the air-- the taste of copper soured her tongue. Death came for them all. She froze... watching in helpless horror.

But she wasn't helpless, was she? The voice spoke at the back of her mind, screaming to reach her through the unexpected panic. It was a glance from Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze that broke through.

"Now!" the raven-haired Jedi barked,

Her senses jolted. She didn't think. Adrenaline surged through her as she pushed off the ground and lunged. She felt her weight lift as she called the force to her. Tendrils carried her further, faster. She flew like a bullet, an unseen shield cast over her head. In the training room it would have been considered flawless.

This wasn't the training room.

The wind howled, masking her war cry as she slashed for Lord Letifer Lord Letifer 's chest.

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Location: Dungeons of the Central Keep
Objective 1: The Goshen War Camp.
Opposing: The Mongrel The Mongrel

The features of the Jedi Master seemed like they were hewn from stone. Not a single muscle twitched. Only her lilac eyes showed a glimmer of compassion. She had always kept some level of distance from others. Shining like a star in the Force - beautiful, yet cold and far out of reach. The exact opposite of the violent maelstrom of anger and fury that stood before her.

She felt sorry for him. She truly did.​

She couldn't imagine what one had to go through to become like him. She had seen Sith with utterly destroyed lives. Seething with rage, who's 'chains' were broken. But this was different. The Force did not pull at him. Did not whisper to him, like the Dark side did to the Sith. No, he had to genuinely believe in his warped philosophy. In the endless mantra. "War, death, rebirth".

Her brow furrowed as the Mongrel reached for one of the heavy tables. She quickly glanced toward the stone slab to her left. Was she going to need cover again? The Force was her greatest ally, but relying on it like a crutch swiftly depleted one's newfound strength. Besides, she was done fighting.

Sakadi deactivated her lightsaber, but kept the hilt in a tight grip. "Please." He despised her 'voice'. She didn't mind - he would either listen, or his fury would lead to a mistake. "Don't you see it?" The table came at her, accompanied by a howl. Her eyes widened in response, body already moving in accordance to the reactions and techniques she had practiced for years. She had never been the kind to hold her ground against direct assaults. No, she much preferred to evade and redirect instead.

Sakadi dropped, performing a fluent shoulder roll to her left. Again, the slab provided her with cover. This time against the plethora of flaying knives that were launched through the room by the Mongrel's violent throw. The heavy table crashed against the back of the wall first - she heard that loud and clear. Her daunting opponent wasn't far behind.

"Think! We are already inside your camp. This battle has already been decided, warlord." In truth, Sakadi didn't know how the battle above was going. Her attention was in the here and now, still with the intention of having him stand down.​
Objective I: SIKE
Tags: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood
Location: Somewhere in the vicinity of the Slave Quarters
NPCs: Tammuz Hoole | Jaina Grayson

There was a cracking noise as Tammuz sliced off part of Zachariel’s horns. The Shi’ido in drexl form made another lunging motion toward the Gen’dai, fangs gnashing as he dodged the swinging axe.

Unfortunately, Zachariel moving meant that Jaina only managed to get a few hits in with her katana. She blocked the initial strike of his sword, pitching her superhuman strength against his. Tammuz was also becoming an obstacle to her offense; his sheer bulk was in her way, preventing her from swinging as widely as she would have liked.

Zachariel’s next blow hit her arm at the elbow, cutting it off almost cleanly. The amputated stump gushed glowing pinkish blood, her severed arm falling to the ground. Jaina backed away, grimacing. She was glad she couldn’t feel pain, but now she had only one arm, and it would take a while for the limb to regenerate.

Nimdok resisted Zachariel’s retaliatory assault on his mind—at first. Defending himself became increasingly difficult, preventing him from doing anything more to Zachariel than distract him from the others. “Hit him now!” he shouted to his allies, hoping they could take advantage of Zachariel's divided focus.

Jaina was about to exchange her katana for a disruptor, when she realized she could wind up hitting Tammuz if Zachariel dodged the shot. She paused for only a second as she calculated the repercussions of such a mistake… then made a decision.

The katana was sheathed, and the disruptor pistol came out. She fired three times, all shots aimed at Zachariel.

Location: Lao-mon, Goshen Keep Dungeons
Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

The willowy Jedi was quick, far too quick to be caught by his unsubtle blunt-force attack. The heavy table crashed against the far wall, and the fan of knives atop it scattered off of the stone torture slab in the room's center. The Mongrel paused, breathing hard, trying to get control of the fury blazing in his mind and overwhelming his reason. He was never going to win, or even survive, if he couldn't slow down and think tactically. If he let the witch get to him, let her get inside his head with her ideas as well as his words, he was finished. He couldn't let that happen.

She had turned off her laser sword before he'd even hurled the table, and had made no move to attack since then. But it was no gesture of surrender, and it wasn't one of conciliation, either. The Mongrel knew better. She was trying to look peaceful so that she could manipulate him, a typical Jedi tactic. That was why she kept speaking in his mind, trying to sap his resolve. He was sure of it. He chuckled darkly. "You think the Brotherhood folds the moment a battle begins to go against them? Walls may crumble, legions may die, planets may fall, but we..."

"We will never stop. We serve the inevitable."

He was sure of it, deep in his gut, a certainty that he had never felt about anything else. The Three Avatars would end this cycle, this era of the millennia-long squabble between Jedi and Sith, and those who saw their truth and served them would be the only victors. Perhaps no one in the Brotherhood today would be alive to see that dream come to fruition, the dream of a galaxy freed from the tyrannical bonds of ancient Force traditions, but their cause was the only righteous one, and it would win out in the end. From the ashes they made, a new galaxy would grow.

Win or lose on Lao-mon, they would never give up.

And if the Jedi thought she could lull him into accepting her order's insistence on static serenity, laying down his arms and letting the supposed guardians of peace and justice take him into captivity, he intended to show her just how wrong she was. Peace and justice indeed; thirty thousand years of struggle, and they had spent as much time acting as soldiers, generals, and even "Jedi Lords" as they had diplomats and healers. The truth was that they would only accept their definitions of justice and peace, definitions they enforced at the end of a lightsaber.

Definitions in which they were the elite, the enforcers.

The Mongrel pointed his dread blade at the Jedi, its dark red blade glowing in a line across the room. "So take up your weapon, Jedi. Defend yourself, and know that, even if you strike me down, the time of your order is passing. No matter what happens here, the stagnant stasis in which you have held the galaxy for thirty millennia will come to an end." He did not advance, did not charge her or deploy his bag of tricks or try to block the door; he just stood there, waiting, unwilling to strike her down while her lightsaber was still inactive.

For what glory would there be in that?

Darth Maleva


Maleva had hoped for a moment of recovery, but she knew it was too much. She had to feed the spell, letting it grow, until the team that struggled subdued. That never came. Even when surrounded by fear and pain, they persisted. Maleva sensed the dramatic shift as the fire burst forth from the witch, its fury and destruction impartial. Her gesture change, attempting to shield herself instead, all thoughts of illusion abandoned. Crimson energy began to collect at her fingertips- but slowly, too slowly. Before she was ready, the spirals of flame were upon her. A guttural scream escaped her throat. She could not control this pain no matter how she tried. Yet still, she called the darkness, desperate for some measure of protection. The sizzling lessened as the tendrils slithered over her flesh, encasing the lesser protected bits. Agony was replaced by a more familiar sensation, and although still not a pleasant one, it was something that could be lived with, something that could fuel her own fires.

"Severt!" She called, though no one answered.

She knew it to be likely that many were lost in the blast, or lit up by the same inferno that had touched her, though, without her skill, they likely would not rise again. A cold fury pulsed through her at that thought. Time and resources, wasted, destroyed in a matter of moments. Maleva spoke, but her words reverberated through the force, attempting to reach the redhead.

"Sloppy," She taunted. "Far too chaotic. Do you mean to harm your friends again?"

As she spoke, her hands became exposed to the flame as some energy left, a bolt of lightning manifesting and arcing outwards.​

Yula stumbled over the nalargon, momentum from her landing and the unexpectedly slick surface of the keys causing her to wobble with her arms held out for balance.

He had a point; she could have jumped. But that wasn’t as visually edgy as careening overhead with a grappling hook.

She finally crouched into something a little more stable when the Sith’s saber-whip had lashed through the falling durasteel panel she’d loosened from the ceiling. Predictably, he went after her next. Yula rolled forward, dodging the strike and plowing haphazardly though a field of ornate, intricately carved thousand-year-old keys.

"You will be my masterpiece."

“I have a boyfriend.”

Maybe he wasn’t implying what she thought, or maybe Yula just figured that Dagon wasn’t a fan of extra appendages or tentacles.

Unless he was, that was a no-go.

The Force surged, yanking the loosened keys from the desecrated instrument and sent them hurdling towards the kel dor as a series of blunt-edged missiles.


Objective II
Allies: The Coalition of the Willing/Last Alliance/generic 'good guys', or whatever we're calling it. Err, SJC.
Enemies: The planet-killing bad guys. Specifically Darth Maleva
Gear: Equipment: Armour, Hold-out Bolter, Boltgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer, Cryo-Ban Gun.

"Sloppy. Far too chaotic. Do you mean to harm your friends again?"

Elpsis did not respond to the taunts verbally. It was not her style. She did not engage her foes with witty banter. But concern gripped her. And it caused her to make a mistake. She reached out with the Force, trying to sense her team mates. She could feel pain emanating from several of them. Little did she know that it was not from the wave of flame. Guilt seized her like a vice.

And this gave the lightning strike the opening it needed. The soldier cried out in pain. She had not been holding her lightsabre and given her distraction, she had not raised her magitech, cybernetic arm in time. Lightning struck her flesh and blood hand. Smoke arose from her gauntlet, as searing pain surged through her.

Her features hardened. "A mentalist will play tricks with your mind. Use your emotions against you. You must direct your rage. Like a lance. Otherwise you're a danger to the mission. Be the thermic lance." Sha Rezz' words came back to her. Taunts could not hurt her. Words were wind. Her eyes narrowed. Remembering a trick, a Maenan fire goddess had used against her team, she gestured with her metal hand.

Pieces of debris rose into the air. The rubble was already the exact opposite of cool from all the fire being tossed around, and she lent it a portion of her heat to create shards of molten napalm. The fast, super-heated shrapnel flew towards the Sith Lord from various sides and Elpsis advanced implacably.
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Objective: Defend the Warcamp
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha BotM and Allies
Enemies: Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | SJC and Allies
Engaging: Zachariel engaging Errik, marauders Ziare
Links: Sword | Axe
Post 8​

Move after move, blow after blow, they went back and forth. Their duel continued, mentally and physically. Unending, unstoppable, and unkillable. Zachariel's fury towards his foes only grew, yet it wasn't entirely directed towards them. Some of it was towards himself, for having simply rushed into this situation. More of it was directed towards them though, for being so weak as to face him three on one, all while being amplified by this beast and using the Force so much.

Normally, Zachariel wouldn't use the Force this much, choosing instead to rely on his physical prowess. But with this mental game, he continued on, even as his blades swung and blows were exchanged. Still, despite their advantage over him, they didn't fight together, instead attacking as individuals. It brought a grim smile to Zachariel's face, knowing it was a large part of why he still lived. Ducking below the drexl's next attack, he focused on Jaina for a few moments, attacking brutally. His attacks proved fruitful, leaving her with a cut off arm.

Good, that was half her effectiveness removed, if not most of it. Turning towards the drexl, Zachariel focused his might upon it, drawing more and more upon his anger and rage. He also drew upon his god, forcing more and more towards Errik. But it was as the man thought, Zachariel's attention was divided. He battled fiercely with Tammuz and Errik, facing them down as one. Snarling, he focused his blades towards Tammuz, swinging and dodging to the best of his abilities.

Moving as quickly as he could, Zachariel was rushing back and forth, striking across the drexl wherever he could. Blow after blow rained towards Tammuz, even as Zachariel roared once more. Such movement proved to be a difficult target for Jaina to target, though she still fired. The shots surprised Zachariel as they flew towards him. With the first shot, Zachariel was alerted to the fire, and it thankfully missed as he had just leapt forward once more. Spinning half towards Jaina, the second shot connected to Zachariel's pauldron. The shot went through the skull trophies adorning it, and began eating at the heavy armor present. It dug in quickly, but for now Zachariel was forced to ignore the damage.

Snarling instead, Zachariel ducked low to avoid the third shot. However, his concentration was now broken, and his mental attack on Errik ended. Twirling to avoid any other shots, Zachariel spun towards Tammuz, slashing out with his axe once more. Any future shots would be at even greater risk to hitting Tammuz, and Zachariel leapt forward. He cared little now what happened, instead slamming his full focus on Tammuz. His axe and sword swung, even as his rage went towards the drexl man's mind. Zachariel knew he could not face them all at once, not now. But eliminating one after another, that seemed more feasible, and it was a thought he fought towards with the ferocity of a cornered predator. Victory or death was all that awaited them all.


Ziare believed she knew what to expect, that the hell here in the Brotherhood was nothing to prior experiences. She couldn't be further from the truth, but that was something she'd learn first hand given time, and painful experience. Their torturers are experienced beyond belief, the taskmasters and priests have no compare. Any who go into their hands dies or is converted, that was the fate of all. It was to be the fate of Ziare.

As the silent marauder coldly executed his former commander, he noted her cry and the utter shock in her eyes. Did she not yet understand? Only the strong deserve to rule, and while strong, the champion had been rash. She had been simple, with but one goal in mind, no true chance of rising higher. The silent ones chances thus grew by eliminating her and taking in Ziare for his own. Dragging her, the marauder simply smiled at her cries.

Marching her along, not yet heading to the cells but rather a healing station(small medical station on the wall, with bacta supplies and a research terminal), the man said nothing. Instead he was as silent as ever, even as the other two followed along, quietly muttering to one another. With Ziare looking him over, she'd note how different he was compared to other Mawites. Where others bore spikes and grizzly trophies, while carrying a certain confidence, this one was different. There were few spikes, and all of them located further atop his armor, as primitive protection. His trophies also, they were neater, more organized along his belt. And his confidence, it wasn't the swagger of the others, but a cool indifference of one who had seen and done it all.

Dropping her, the silent marauder went to the medical station and began pulling forth files. They needed to fix Ziare's ribs, lest she die before the taskmasters got to her. At the same time though, she went about her suicide attempt. As there was nothing for her to cut herself upon, she'd attempt to bite her arms open instead. The marauders who had arrived late were barely paying attention to her, instead lost in conversation about their future under the silent marauder. But at the sound of teeth biting into flesh, they turned towards Ziare with a start.

Letting out surprised yelps, they rushed her and forced her down. Her left wrist was now bitten open by her teeth and gushing forth blood. Panicking, the one marauder held her down, preventing her any easy access to biting herself again. The other meanwhile, he tightened his grip around her arm to slow her blood flow. It slowed down, but didn't stop fully yet, and she was losing more blood. It was then the silent marauder turned towards them and sighed.

Pulling bacta patches forth, he walked over to the marauder. Handing them over, the one holding her arm began applying the bacta immediately. It stopped the bloodflow, but would no doubt leave her somewhat lightheaded from the bloodloss. Sighing, the silent marauder shook his head as he spoke.
"Trying to leave us so soon? The taskmasters won't appreciate that." Pointedly looking at the pair of marauders, he continued. "Ensure she survives, or it's you who will be replacing her on the tables."

The pair visibly gulped at that, before securing Ziare. Holding her arms down and preventing as much movement as possible. At the same time, the one on her bitten arm continued to ensure the bacta was working, making sure all bloodflow had stopped. Frowning down at Ziare, the silent marauder turned and returned to the medical station. There he continued his work in silence, looking up solutions to their current problem, and also sending out a message to both the Taskmaster Tu'teggacha and to the Mongrel, the soon to be master of Ziare.
"Target secured, her survival will be ensured. What shall we do with her?"

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Objective III
Location: The Emerald Undertow, near Lao-Mon
Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. | Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Commander Ewan "Raider" Isaacs | SJC | NIO | GA
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha

"It looks like they're attempting to counterboard."

Admiral Quee spared a quick glance from the holo-tank to watch a Mawite boarding pod shoot blindly forward through the thunderous fire coming from the Emerald Undertow. Bereft of any starfighter targets to lock onto, the point defenses of the Emerald Undertow found themselves new targets to attack - streams of quad autoblaster fire, expanding flak bursts, soaring starbolt missiles, and shimmering force fields from the Trudo Point defense turrets all sought to intercept the boarders before they reached the ship's hull. As the pods reached the hull, they found an unpleasant truth. While it was true that the Starlight Scutum shield wasn't protecting the Undertow itself, it still retained three other active shield systems. Double-layered Aspis Deflector shields and an anti-concussion field generator system that itself was specifically designed to mitigate kinetic impact attacks. After the shielding systems, the Undertow had two belts of thick armor plating - one of proprietary designed matrix armor and another of Impervium. The Undertow had been designed to slug it out with similarly sized dreadnaughts and even super star destroyers over protracted engagements.

If the Knyghts managed past these defenses and into the ship itself, they would quickly find that like many other large warships fielded by galactic powers, the Emerald Undertow had built-in defenses. Mantraps were embedded into floors while automated Stormfire Repeater Emplacements guarded important hallways and intersections. Much like the ancient Invisible Hand, the ship also contained internal Force Field Generators to protect doors from breaching and ray shielding to trap unwary opponents. Thousands of both Directorate and Antarian Shock Marines were onboard to specifically defend the vessel, and they could easily call upon the Skytroopers, NORCOM Infantry, and Kwookrrr assault troops preparing for impending ground operations for back-up support if needed.

"It may be because they have few options," surmised the admiral, "the station itself doesn't seem to have many weapons on it. Not at least which are a severe threat to us. And they appear to be out of conventional strikecraft."

Dav nodded in agreement, "But they seem to be tearing apart your first wave of boarders."

"They're like cannon fodder at this point," agreed the admiral.

The battle droids sent were designed to take on and disable the station exterior systems. Less armed than the average galactic soldiers and sporting at best average personal armor, the battle droids clearly weren't equals with Force-using super soldiers wearing alchemized armor. Do we just bleed them dry as they tried to board us? That seemed a tempting option that played to his strengths. It seemed unlikely that large numbers of Mawite boarding pods would be able to survive the intense point defense fire from the Undertow, and even if they did, how many of them would then be able to break through the shielded hull and then deal with the large numbers of troops onboard backed by internal defenses? His face contorted as he considered possible outcomes with that approach. It's going to take a lot of time...too much time? A glance at the tactical holo-map showed that Admiral Reshmar was engaged in his own frenzied engagement with the Mawite fleet. It'd be safe to do it that way, but would the others survive out there by themselves?

"Divert all strikecraft to attack the boarding pods," ordered the admiral, "and lets send in the second wave of boarders now towards the fighter bays and areas opened up by the first wave."

The surviving Sh'nerus joined the dozens of more advanced Gregales in making slicing attacks at the boarding pods attempting to launch from the station - laser cannons, autocannons, and missiles all surged out from their fuselages in attempts to destroy the craft even as the Undertow herself sought to bring down the invading craft. Cyclone II bombers lumbered around the Undertow itself, using their extensive ordnance to destroy pods that had managed to make to the Undertow unscathed. Even as they did so, hundreds of small shapes leapt out from the Undertows bow. At first easily confused for missiles, the smaller shapes were actually Concord skytroopers. As friction and gravity slowed their initial speed from their catapult launches, the Skytroopers relied on the flight capabilities of their armor to make the final descent to the station itself. Characteristically, the troopers tossed Fireblast and proton grenades into their landing zones in an attempt to shake up their opposition before turning to heavy projectile repeaters, shotguns, flechette carbines, and gauntlet-mounted static blasters to engage their opponents. The admiral saw one of the sktroopers use his flechette carbine to launch an anti-vehicle missile at one of the Knyghts, and he couldn't quite decide if that was overkill or not - clearly, the Knyghts would be difficult opponents. Dav drew up close to him and cleared his throat.

"Might I offer a suggestion?"

The admiral nodded, "By all means."

"This station is probably as tough as the Undertow, which means that it's going to take longer than you want to crack it. Why not employ the turbolasers directly on their infantry that are coming out to fight your boarders?"

"That's one way to get a more certain foothold," agreed the man, "why not? Chief Toi, let's experiment with that. Put some of your best men and see if they can snipe one of their super soldiers over there. I'll buy drinks for the team that hits the most."

With that, dozens of plasma turbolasers began to directly fire onto the Knyghts that dared to be brave enough to show themselves on the station's exterior or meet the Skytroopers attempting to access the Flight Bays.

The Emerald Undertow with boarding module
-3 squadrons of Sh'neru Starfighters (Attacking enemy boarding pods)
-5 squadrons of Gregale-class Heavy Fighters (Attacking enemy boarding pods)
-6 squadrons of Zephyr-class Droid Fighters (Screening Shyyyo-class Transports - providing air support to Rebel Army)
-6 squadrons of Cyclone II-class Starbombers (Attacking the enemy boarding pods)
-8 squadrons of Shyyyo-class Combat Transports (deploying troops onto the battlefield - providing air support to Rebel Army)
Summary of Actions
-Emerald Undertow continues to fire upon Monastery of Slaughter
-First wave of boarders is almost completely wiped out by Knyghts
-Second wave of boarders consisting of Concord Skytroopers begins their approach and initial infiltration through hangar bays and sites exposed to the exterior by first wave of boarders
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Objective I: OH CHIT
Tags: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood
Location: Somewhere in the vicinity of the Slave Quarters
NPCs: Tammuz Hoole | Jaina Grayson

Three shots from a disruptor pistol, the range up close and personal.

The first shot missed, going wild. Nimdok sensed Zachariel’s surprise, but the mental barrage from the Gen’dai kept him from reacting to what was going on.

The second shot hit Zachariel in the shoulder, burning through his trophies and eroding rapidly at his armor. The assault on Nimdok’s mind was cut short, allowing Nimdok to realize what was happening.

The third shot went over the ducking Zachariel. Nimdok saw it coming and reached out with the Force to try and stop it, but his attempt was feeble, his strength exhausted by the strain of defending himself from Zachariel’s telepathic assault.

Tammuz must not have seen it in time. That was the only conclusion Nimdok was willing to accept in the aftermath. He thought he saw polyweave creeping over Tammuz’s leathery drexl hide, a last resort to try and protect himself from the blast, but polyweave disintegrated when hit by a disruptor. So did flesh.

There was a blinding flash. Zachariel swung his axe in the now vacant space where Tammuz had once stood, the blade of the weapon slicing through ashes as they rained down.

Nimdok turned toward Jaina, the shocked whites of his eyes visible. She stared at the empty air, her logical, biotic mind rapidly processing what had occurred. What she had done.

You vaporized him!” Nimdok snarled, his voice breaking halfway through the sentence. His hands trembled. He was still holding the flamethrower from earlier. Why in the feth hadn’t he used it on Zachariel the moment the bastard caught up with them? He couldn’t remember. Probably the same reason why he wouldn’t have taken those shots, if he had been the one holding the disruptor instead. Too much risk that he'd accidentally hit a friend.

Now, though—he turned the flamethrower on Zachariel at full blast, slamming his mind against Zachariel’s like a psychic headbutt, or a forceful kiss that sent your teeth rattling together. Whichever proved more painful for Zachariel.

Hatred fumed around Nimdok, made the flames burn hotter and the air seem warmer. He was furious with Zachariel for attacking them, furious with Jaina for gambling with Tammuz’s life on the possibility of vaporizing Zachariel—and losing the bet. Most of all, he was furious with himself. His contempt for his own being stretched back years, tracing the path of every choice that had led up to this point in time, the loathsome, meaningless death of the closest thing he had left to… to a father.

I get it now, Starlin. I get it.

Jaina resumed firing almost as soon as Nimdok started blasting, squeezing off an entire round of a dozen shots aimed squarely at Zachariel. They weren’t going to let him get away alive now.

Auria Blackmoore





ALLIES: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | NIO | SJC | GA
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha (sort of)
GEAR: Not a dress


Fire raged through the kingdom.

Screams could be heard as a heart shattered and fear ran amok in her mind.


That wasn't hers.

Auria was fisting her hair as she tried to pull herself back to sanity. Memories assaulted her that weren't hers. She had no idea where the Taskmaster's ended and Konrad's began and where her own memories continued.

Briefly, she was aware of her surroundings. She could hear the commotion behind her as the Jedi engaged the Palatini. She was dimly aware of the Breaker of Minds slumping against the tunnel wall as Konrad lay crumpled a few feet further. Frustration battered against her clouded mind, trying to keep her in the present as movements turned sluggish. She wanted to check on her ally that she had thrown down the cavern, but couldn't get her feet to move.

Ryloth was ablaze.

The clash over the Altar. The destruction of the dome. The massacre. Brothers and sisters at each others throats. Chaos reigned supreme in the cobblestone streets, in buildings, on rooftops. Cries of despair could be heard as anarchy ran amok.

Auria, still an Initiate at the time, came across a young Twi'lek girl clawing at what would appear to be her father's trampled body. The cries of "Kora" as she tried to raise her father were so pitiful, it clenched the young witch's heart into pieces. Tears streamed down her face as she knelt down next to the girl, extending a comforting hand.
“Dao bo san, ercio.” she choked, urging the girl to leave her dead father and go with Auria.

The girl reluctantly allowed the witch to lead her away.

It was chaos. The Agents were everywhere, sabotaging what and who they could. Auria was aiming to reach the rest of the Solanaceae, not aware that Vytal was squaring off with the rest of the Mandragora over the Altar.

Not that she ever reached them. A group of Agents intercepted her and the girl. Auria was not quick enough to get a shield up against the swift attack, leaving her gravely wounded on the ground and the girl…..staring up at the burning sky with sightless, glassy eyes while lying in a pool of crimson.

Auria had never touched fire - had never focused on it like she had on elements like Earth, but in that instance, the sheer despair, anger and absolute hatred of the chaos raging around them shot out from her being in rage filled torrents, turning all in its path to ash.

Despite the raw anger and despair raging forth, she had not been able to save an innocent life....

Auria clawed at her face. Not that memory. Anything but that. With an opiate-induced lethargic action, she reached out an arm to the side, calling on nature through her despair.

It did not take the air long to respond as wind came howling through the tunnels, snatching up most of the fumes as it whipped past. Breathing came easier as the cloud of opiate slowly started easing its grip on her senses. Extending an arm at a Palatini aiming a killing blow at the Jedi, she sent a powerful telekinetic pulse his way.
“Finish them and let’s get out of here! I’ll grab your alumni!” Auria called to Ishida as she started moving down the tunnel to the crumpled heap that was Konrad, paying the slumped Taskmaster little mind.

She sincerely hoped she didn’t kill the fool.


Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was not in a good place mentally.

Zabka winced, feeling how much he missed Syd Celsius Syd Celsius . It was horrible and perverse that his worst enemy should end up almost like a Mother to him, with him barely starting to get back into any sort of picture at all.

Gods he wanted a Deathstick at that moment. He blasted the head off another Maw Warrior and eviscerated a second as he followed Starlin, covering him.

"I questioned it too, day I woke up, and I was thirty...and the Sith Lords were still around. We thought we were gonna be the generation to finally crush them too...we never are. But the lives we'll be saving have meaning. Every life saved from evil has meaning. That's why I don't despair. Good people lived because I refused to stop fighting. It must sound hollow right now but I swear it's the truth. Good people will live if you keep fighting for what's right..."

The Man in White burst fired a Sith Lord to death.

"How many Jedi does it take to screw in a Light Bulb? Three. One to actually do it. The second to berate him for acting too soon and the third to contemplate the act on a spiritual level..."

Laaaaaammmmmeeee Joke. But a Dad Joke. Hd didn't realize it, but he had just told one.
Ziare Dyarron
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective: Try to escape from captivity
Location: Goshen Keep Dungeons, Lao-mon
Equipment: 3x dogtag || OPBC-01m
Writing with: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood 's hunters
Allies: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Auria Blackmoore | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha
[ Dream of home ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

No, in those moments I don’t really think I would have been in the situation and mental state where I was able to understand what they were doing. I didn't know Maw that much. Carlac was my second mission, I had never met them before. At least not on the battlefield. For me, only the TSE existed as an enemy before them, nothing else. Even Bryn'adû was just a distant rumour because I lived so far away from those areas. When Csilla exploded, I was on my training, and not there.

I was still trying to get rid of it, but it was physically much stronger than me and I couldn’t. My ribs, my throat, my hands, everything hurt more and more. The man's armour was different, so then the second option would remain, not the first one. However, we didn’t go where I escaped, but somewhere else. I ran through this place too, but then the door remained closed, now it opened and we entered.

A medical station; I would have needed this at the beginning of the escape. By the time the silent marauder finally let go, both my hands were aching with pain, squeezing as they dragged and tugged at me for the past few minutes. I was surprised when he left me alone and the other two stood in the doorway. They talked about their future. I looked around quickly, my heart still pounding with fear, my eyes circling around the infirmary as fast as a trapped animal is able to do this.

I didn't see any sharp gear left in front. Ironically, I want to commit suicide in the infirmary where it’s easy to save. I wanted to laugh; then I bit my left wrist. It hurt more than I thought, my mouth filled with blood in an instant. An alarm immediately appeared on my retina that I had a life-threatening injury, if I didn’t do something I would lose consciousness and die. The countdown was also there. Blood flowed down my hand and squirted after all my heartbeats.

I was ready to bite my other hand as well, when I heard the shouts, I saw the two marauders set off towards me. Before I could bite, I was on the ground again, one kneeling on my back and pressing my head to the ground. My ribs, I coughed up blood again, tried to move, to fight, but he was stronger; true my hand was bleeding better, from a faster heartbeat, while the other held the wound firmly. I struggled, kicked again and again helplessly with my feet, tried to scratch with my free hand the man who knelt on my back, tried to tear my injured hand out of the grip.

There was a growing pool of blood growing on the ground, I could feel the adrenaline running out of my body, I was tired and I was getting more and more sleepy. The bleeding slowed steadily. I was still trying to shout to let me go, let me die. I coughed up blood, tears streamed from my eyes. But I didn't give up. The fear was greater, fear from survival. I wanted to laugh that the Taskmasters won’t be happy. I'm glad if that's the case. Who are they? The Mongrel had already mentioned them to me, when he captured me.

"Just let me die… just let me die!" I begged barely audibly.

To survive; I didn't want to survive. I didn’t have the strength to move, I was weak and tired, everything hurt. I tried to resist as they pulled me off the ground and held me down, but I just fought weakly until one of them grabbed both of my arms so that he also hugged my waist from behind and hugged me so I couldn’t move. The other also held my injured hand, no longer bleeding. I tried to take a deep breath, but I coughed up blood again. As I tried to move again and again pain ripped through my side.

I didn't give up, but I sobbed and shouted, I wasn’t more than what I really was; a terrified little girl. But I have to fight, I have to! Now that I was not lying on the ground, only they held me; I tried to step hard on the marauder’s feet and tried to make a heading backwards to see if I could surprise him and let me go if I hit him with my head. Maybe I will have enough strength to run away…

With my last strength…


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Post: 5
Objective: War is no Place for Heroes
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives on person and in backpack | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Halketh Halketh | Darth Tennacus | Bendak Crail Bendak Crail | Romund Sro Romund Sro | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Glossa | Jaedec Ren | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Ves Fett
Enemies: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Avenger | @hurion Heavenshield | Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Mrurh'en'lase | Hel | Lyra Vent | Artemis Lu Artemis Lu
Special Tags: Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Tegan literal met the entity that called itself Death and laugh maniacally in its face. This soldier she held no fear of, she had no fear of anything or at least anything tangible and physical. Paine was temporary, broke and shatter bones were temporary. Tegan had ripped out her own eye once to prove a point about pain, and to show to what extent she could withstand it. Thena again no one had endured as much pain as her to be able to handle it like she could or at least that was her belief.

As for things like War the imperials didn’t invent it, it was the very first act any sentient species learned. Kill or be Killed, survival of the fittest, and brutal tribalism. If you weren’t willing to fight and kill for the last Banana on the tree you starve better to fight and die trying, then do nothing at all. Tegan had survived as long as she had which was a really long time because she was will to do what ever brutal depraved act to survive. That depravity got pleasure from the sight of Imperials disintegrating their own on death nothing like bring boxed ashes back to there widows and families.

“This is your Daddy Kid, he left a whole man full of patriotism now he is nothing more then dirt and ash.” Tegan had to wonder how many times that had been spoke by the millions and billions of deaths she had been responsible for. That number was extremely underestimated she had probably killed more people then whole of the Imperial army at this point. Unlike a soldier not single one of those face some even children didn’t hunt her dreams. She had no regret or remorse and slept like a baby at night. Where soldiers often woke in cold sweats in the middle of the night for there actions the faces scarring their tiny little minds.

Her spear got knocked off kilter, but it still seemingly landed a hit eating through what ever metal and material of his armor with ease. Yet where she hit and how much damage, she did there was no time to real asses and adjust. His weapon came for her arms and even more devastating considering the angle at which her spear had been pushed away at. He did a quick sidestep to his left just to avoid getting crushed my his coming down but that did little to alleviate her situation.

His weapon came down biting first into the left sleeve of her midnight duster, the jacket had specifically been designed for vibro weapons and knives. Tegan had had encountered more Knife wielders then she did saber users in her lifetime so she knew to protect herself well from that. As the blade that acted like multiple blade bit into the Jacket and started shredding through it and down to the light armor underneath Tegan force phased her arms and spear.

Her movements quick as her arms and spear phased right through Aemilio leaving him to his forward downward movement that depending on how agile he was or not could land him face down on the ground. As the arms phased through him with, he spear as well Tegan feet moved herself a few steps back and to her left putting her on his right side near his back. Her arms and spear became solid once more and reversed her swing to strike at the soldiers Jetpack to either disable it or best case scenario cause it to explode even at her range she was willing to take that hit if it exploded also strike at his back from his side put him at a slight disadvantage he was close enough to strike her but any back swing would be heavily advertised so she could defend against it.
Location: Lao-mon, Goshen War Camp
Gear: 1 Lightsaber (Regular - Purple), 1 Shoto (Purple), and 1 Jedi Robes
Tags: The Mongrel The Mongrel

It was true that under normal circumstances these two warriors would be taken as prisoners and be judged by whatever authority deemed themselves worthy of such matters. Truthfully Amelia agreed with the decision to take out the Maw before it could destroy more planets, but Amelia can feel, or rather sense, there are plenty who are either in this endeavor for themselves, out of sense of their own justice, or to stroke their ego. Meaning that only a few would even attempt to persuade the enemy as many might believe that the Maw was beyond saving.

However, Amelia was never the type to lump everyone in the faction as the one and same personality. Especially with how harsh the Maw was, Amelia wagered there were some who either believed in making their own death on their own terms, or simply fighting for their lives. In this case, Varkas was fighting for his battle-brother's life. He questioned what alternative Amelia might have, but quickly denounced the notion of becoming a prisoner. However the hand that held the grenade was lowered and his demeanor was changing from hostile to uncertainty. That was the thing with freedom, no direction was given except what they decide, and if they have been following orders throughout the majority of their life or under the direction of someone else. It can be confusing how to proceed on their own.

"You are correct. Under normal circumstances you would be shackled by association alone. However, if you were to help with freeing the slaves and keeping them safe. Let the Jedi and the people know that you're helping them. I will inform them that you and your brother are an ally." Amelia knew this would be risky given Androk's condition, but Amelia proceeded to use that card on the table metaphorically.

"Mind that they will be skeptical at first, but letting them see that you're helping them will regard you as a hero. I can see to it that you and your brother can be excused from the sentence as we get him patched up. This will mean that you'll be changing sides, and I won't lie that it likely won't be easy. But after this is over. Both of you can go free, whether that lands you in being somebody's bodyguard or becoming a bounty hunter. Even taming beasts could be a living you can make out of, but whatever you do will be your own choice to make."

Technically Amelia wasn't lying, and it would involve a lot of paperwork, headaches, and more than likely two or three screaming matches with the head hunchos. But Amelia was prepared to do that for them. It was just a matter of if they took her hand, or he let go of the grenade. She hoped that he would throw it far if he did let it go, but only time will tell. Truthfully Amelia hates the fact that she has to nearly kill them in order to get them to even consider joining forces with her. But better late than never right?

"Don't forget, you're still able to give commands to those who listen to you. You can use that to your advantage." Some might consider her crazy for even suggesting such a thing. But at this rate they are going to need all the help they can get to get the slaves out safely.

// Voidwalker-Actual // 501st Legion, Black Hands //
Objective I : Bring the Light Iron : Lao-Mon
// ALLIES: Silver Jedi Order, Galactic Alliance, Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Lyra Vent Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
// ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, New Sith Order, Witches of Rhand, Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall The Mongrel The Mongrel Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Glossa Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Bendak Crail Bendak Crail
// Gear : Tenebrae, Tidefall, Left-Handed Grav Glove
It was the end of this tiny woman and her spewing of nonsense. The vibrosword tore through layer after layer of her jacket as if it were a ravenous beast, hungering only for textile sustenance. In that moment when he was certain her arms would be lopped off, thrown into the air with jovial celebration, her arms began to pass through him.

Behind his helmet, his eyes widened. The constant slapping of his heart against his breastplate coming to an abrupt halt as surprise coursed through him, freezing all bodily functions and locking him in place.

What power is this?

It felt as if time slowed down as he watched her limbs pass through his blade and then through him. He felt recognition. A familiarity. It felt like he was living one of those stories he had heard from men who had thought they were dying. His trainers mostly, passed down to ensure discipline and smart thinking in the moment... It was like he could perceive every second to the fullest of his senses, every minute detail, he saw. The blood slicking the ground, bodies that his HUD told him were dead rising up from the ground, he noticed for the first time. Even the carvings the Witch made in the earth to make the spell happen.

The sense of danger ran up along his spine, his head twisting about his shoulder to face the woman -- he wouldn't let himself be backstabbed. What greatness was there in that?

It was then when he noticed the disintegrated shoulder plates. An entire side of his throat and neck exposed.

It served as distraction for the spear that was jabbing forwards to stab into his jetpack.

I'm not suppos-

Impact was made.

The detonation of the jetpack was... Nonexistent.

Her material disintegrating spear dissolved the contraption on his back. Its dissolution into dust was very lackluster. Without an igniting element, the jetpacks destruction came with no added boom. Instead, it lifted its weight. And Aemilio, frozen in place leapt into action.

Surprise at being spared a fiery death was suppressed beneath the drive to win. He could wrack his mind later about how he survived, about how the fates favoured him or didn't. But now? It was up to him to bring an end to this.

It may as well have been his trademarked move at this point. Many had suffereed for it greatly over the course of his deployments. Swoop riders, Cirihut Macemen, even Draelvasier.

Its employment were always different, but the timing of its use was always when desperation was in play. Aemilio wouldn't admit it, but when he thought he was going to die at Circumtore, Korriban, even on Carlac, it saw use. Each time he had been on the cusp of defeat, of death.

The intense beating of his heart resumed. It was all he could hear in his skull. Each and every pump that kept his levels of alertness raised into the abnormal.

His stance shifted, and he pivoted around to face her. Simultaneously, in the midst of his coming around, the Tidefall swapped hands. Clehcned and secured tightly in his right, his left, already pointed in her direction only took the effort of opening his palm to open her up to the full blast of the grav glove. Like Toraaz the Zealot on Korriban, this Witch was much too close to him. In such proximities heads exploded, bones shattered and contorted arms into a sack of skin and cartilage. Holes were punched through torsos.

The invisible energy of the boulder shattering force shoved out from his hand, aimed, point blank at the Witch.

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