Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Death's Sting: SJC Invasion of BotM held Lao-Mon

// Voidwalker-Actual // 501st Legion, Black Hands //
Objective I : Bring the Light Iron : Lao-Mon
// ALLIES: Silver Jedi Order, Galactic Alliance, Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Lyra Vent Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala
// ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, New Sith Order, Witches of Rhand, Glossa Bendak Crail Bendak Crail Romund Sro Romund Sro The Mongrel The Mongrel
// Engaging : Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
// Gear : Tenebrae, Tidefall, Left-Handed Grav Glove
The hum of the vibroblade was a comforting sound as it carved flesh, leaving nothing but egregious wounds and death in its wake. Both blood and limbs all finding themselves in the grim symphony of bloodlust that the stormtroopers greeted the defenders with.

No mercy was given, no respect, not even in death.

Corpses of the dead were crushed underfoot, disregarded and forgotten, as if they were the ground itself, after they were sent up to whatever chaotic hall of afterlife celebrations. They were quick to be enveloped in the blood and innards of their enemy, never taking more than a moment before engaging their next foe. The Black Hands had come to know that until they got to the top of the hill, there was no end to be had. There'd always be another Maw fanatic to kill.

Pointing out an entrenched missile battery, Voidwalker let the Batlemind AI identify and designate the target for his men. With a plethora of advanced equipment, it didn't take much for a trooper that was still in the air -- jetpack keeping them above the gun emplacements -- to fire a rocket into the tagged target.

Of all the battles they had been deployed to, this was the simplest.

No mountain of sand that was determined top priority, no cannon he was meant to stop from firing to save allies that didn't like them anyway. He'd have his chance to deliver pain unto them, he was sure of it. This whole operation was theirs after all.

“Will you serve the Maw?”

Valaar did not hear what the woman said, but he could see that she was speaking. One of his own, close to falling away into the embrace of death, taken from him? By some twisted Witch of the Maw? His silvered gaze tightened, the vibroblade in hand clenched tighter as he patched into the link.

<<Vinso, get him!>>

The nearby trooper nodded, fibrecord launcher fired from their wrist wrapping around the wounded Black Hand before they could truly accept the 'offer.' Simultaneously, Aemilio's jetpack boomed to life, propelling him across the blood-caked earth as Vinso yanked on the fibrecord and dragged the wounded trooper out of the way. Faintly, he heard a voice cry out for Aella -- the name was familiar -- one of the medics in the unit, but he could not recall if he heard an answering call before tuning them out.

<<Nobody fire on the Witch!>>

With the jetpack throwing him forwards, faster than he had ever moved while tethered to the ground, he aimed to tackle the maybe-not-so-distracted woman to the ground. Garbed in a heavy powersuit, the result -- if not stopped -- was sure to leave the woman crippled from impact alone.
Ziare Dyarron
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective: Try to escape from captivity
Location: Goshen Keep Dungeons, Lao-mon
Equipment: N/A || OPBC-01m
Writing with: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood (planned)
Allies: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Auria Blackmoore | Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha
[ Dream of home ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~

I tried to control my breathing, breathing carefully, slowly to hurt as little as possible. With this, I was able to achieve that I also felt pain in my right wrist. It didn’t break according to the data, it just bruised and strained. If I have the opportunity, I have to look for an infirmary now to get a painkiller. I didn’t want to pass out halfway while fleeing. As long as MANIAC deals with door opening…

~ In the meantime, try downloading a blueprint for the place, or find a way out and an infirmary! ~ I ordered him, and I hoped he would succeed in that task too.

~ Attempt failed, local network does not have wireless access! ~ he replied.

Feth! I had no luck with this, I would have to go blind. However, the door opening was successful and the road was finally open. As the door opened, the noise of the battle was immediately audible. After the disturbingly silent silence so far, it was somehow reassuring. At least I knew it was the reality, and the sounds could make my job easier. Following them, I can get out of here. There were corridors on both the right and left, there wasn’t too much sound on the left wing, but the noises could definitely be heard from the right.

As I progressed slowly and carefully I was beginning to understand why MANIAC said there was no wireless; the place seemed very ancient and archaic. But then maybe they don’t have cameras either, meaning they won’t be able to track me. I wish!. The metal was still cold under my feet, damp, the air humid and warm. Jungle? This is the usual weather there. Once I get out of here from these dungeons, it turns out. I reached the end of the hallway, I looked out of here carefully.

The next corridor was also empty, but there were already corpses here. In addition to the seemingly barbaric men of the Maw, there were also ordinary soldiers. Since the place was empty, I went out. I wasn’t happy to have to get equipment from dead soldiers, but I had no choice. I squatted down next to the first dead soldier, SJC symbol, shot and cut wounds, not just on it, on the others as well.

"When the bullet hits its mark
Know your time in hell has been served
You won't return to home
Dream of…"





Central Keep Rooftops

there is no emotion, there is peace

"I'll fix that."

"You will try." he responded in kind, eyes furrowing into a frown. The man was as elusive as a shadow, always an inch away from Dagon's reach. Letifer was no mere pawn of the Sith, he couldn't be. His dark touch was found in the grandest of conspiracies and plots. Not the Dark Lord himself, but a man really close to him. Had to be. A key piece in the puzzle, maybe the one to solve it all if he could be captured and made to talk.

The crimson blade ignited and the cerulean followed as Dagon took one foot back in a defensive posture. Assess, assemble, action. Never had he seen the Sith in combat, he had to analyze him, figure out his weak spots and force an opportunity. A clash of blades was no different than investigating a case. One could argue it was always won through careful examination and patient prep time, rather than outright brute force. The Jedi's athleticism could help him fend off the onslaught long enough to learn.

All deliberations were cast aside in the shape of what looked at first a lunatic dressed as a padawan going for a head strike with saber?!

What the kark??

Instincts kicked in, shoving plans and plots into the bonfire, and his hands snapped forward - a telekinetic bubble formed around her form to fend off Letifer's kick. The shield wouldn't hold long if Letifer's capabilities in combat were as sharp as his skills in sabotage.

"Get the hell back!" yelled out Dagon, wild-eyed and flabbergasted. It was the only reaction he could muster.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Objective: Tip of the Spear
Tags: Glossa, The Dark Inquisitor The Dark Inquisitor
Flying at the Enemy

Unlike what Omen had ordered, U7 or what he wanted to be called, Fighter Pilot of Death and Destruction Bob did not go to the LZ, in fact, he stayed behind those Sith Bombers, focusing them down one by one and destroying them one by one in a remarkable display of piloting and making the clouds light up as he engaged those who had committed war crimes against the people of this planet. Not one was to get away. When one bomber tried to escape by pulling a high g maneuver to try to dive away from the unknown gunship. U7 matched the maneuver and more, destroying the bomber's engines and making it swirl down through the clouds, crashing into the earth in a spectacular explosion. "THAT'S IT GIRL! GIVE ME MORE OF THAT!" came out of the droids binary code and the ship complied with a slight blush, blasting off toward the next bomber with 110% engine efficiency, ready to take down more bombers with her close friend Fighter Pilot Bob.
Omen sprinted forward, shield raised as he sprinted up to help his Jedi friend whose twin gold sabers were lit against an alien Maw gymnast who was firing from a slugthrower. The Zabrak blocked the bolts with ease by raising the remains of war as her shield, the bolts lodging themselves in the trash before the Jedi sent the bullets back to where they came. The Clone must have her teach her that someday but right now he could only use it to his own advantage.

The trooper guessed which way the Maw agent would dodge and lept to meet her, passing over the head using the rain of trash the Zabrak had sent flying, positioning his shield to trap the small attacker's neck between its two prongs to pin her to this awful tainted ground she had helped create. "Not monsters Jedi, just mislead men and women that have been lead poorly to their fates! Never think of them as any more or any less. Referring to them as monsters will only lead you down the path of a book burner and no one likes an AC cultist!" As he flew through the air, he wondered how he got here, fighting the Sith in a realm 850 years in the future, away in his home and his brothers but like in a battle, he could only adapt to his opponent's of life's movements and strategies. Omen would not let life win and leave him broken and disheartened. No, he would do as much good as he could for as long as he could. It is what he owned the galaxy after his brothers betrayed the Old Republic so long ago. Now he would get a chance to make it right once again.
will you sink down to me?

// Artemis Lu Artemis Lu | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn \\

<Good! Fine -- better than that.>

Damsy chuckled and shook her head to herself. She was about to tell Artemis she didn't have to lie; Damsy wasn't one of those hardshebbs that abhorred any hint of fear in the field. It had made her a good commando and then squad leader to understand her mates' emotions, but not only that. She embraced them, encouraged her men and women to likewise acknowledge their experience.

Another reason she'd make a chitty Jedi. Oh, joy. Yeah, she needed at least a dozen more of those. Not.

Anyway, she was about to tell Artemis she didn't need to lie, until something staggered her breath. Or, two somethings. First, a man's callout—

Hey! Move! Tank! Behind you!

—of which she didn't catch in entirety. High-pitched whooping of air that had been standing still a moment ago cut into Damsy's ear drums and ran her into the tree line. On her way, she reached out to grab her fellow padawan by the forearm. "Quickly!" slipped out verbally, not that Damsy was too worried about giving away her position. The Galidran-class tank was already doing wonders at that, but then again she assumed the time of stealth was up.

If Artemis really did follow Damsy's lead even as she literally jerked the younger one around, she would find herself crouched in the gap between two tree trunks with a blanket of deflection draped over them both. A collection of cuttings were flung by the ultachrome blades, failing to move through the goliath to be deposited in its wake rather than flank, at the two; when the bioclastic hail ceased, Damsy stood, cast off the protection she had risen, and extended a hand down to Artemis.

Her actual master was going to be so mad she was running around with another not too qualified to be protecting her.

At least Artemis would have some good stories.

But, dear Ashla, Damsy hoped she wouldn't post any of them on SpaceBook.

Together, they stepped out from under the jungle canopy, and started following the trail of shredded earth left by the Galidran.

Objective: Bop that sith!
Location: Central Keep Rooftops
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer


CAPTURE Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Central Keep Rooftops

A thousand times they've played the game of cat and mouse, of hunter and prey, and it still the mystery remained - who was the hunter and who was the prey? From the riots on Empress Teta, to the criminal syndicates of Denon, to the bowels of Coruscant, Dagon had only caught glimpses of the man's cloak before he vanished and the Jedi was left to undo his work, one that was often irreparable.

The game of cloak and dagger ended now. Atop the roofs of the war camp's keep carved into the ridges. From here one could see the waste the Maw had laid upon Goshen. Pillaged, defiled, and shaped into a war manufacturing plant that supplied the cult's ruthless destruction across the stars. The Brotherhood, nay, the Sith pulling the strings had to be stopped here and now. Before the rest of the galaxy shared the fate of Lao-Mon.

The wind blew sporadically, in bursts, from the trumpets and drums of war beating in explosions both in the jungles and in the Camp. Dagon stared at the hooded man he had chased across the Core, a man he believed to have been instrumental in the efforts to fragment the Alliance and disavow the New Jedi from within. Soot and sweat covered his face, blue eyes once bright with innocence now shared the burdens and trauma of a youth spent in the trenches of the Stygian against the Sith Empire.

"Letifer!" he shouted the Sith's nom de guerre as if invoking the Force to clear his mind; to brush his pestilent thoughts away, mostly his fear over Yula. She was here. He hadn't protested, at least not verbally, but she'd seen it on his face. The worry, the concern, the guilt. Especially the guilt, one borne of abandoning her to the hands of Zaavik and losing her eye in the process. They may have reconciled but the sting still burned in the few sleepless nights he could manage away from work.

"Doesn't have to be this way." said Dagon, almost whispering. The hilt remained still in his hand, the blade a button away from igniting.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Objective: Bop that sith!
Location: Central Keep Rooftops
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

Jem was sick of sidelines. She was sick of waiting and watching and she was definitely sick of being held back. She had spent the better part of her youth watching as the older jedi left Coruscant and went off to fight. The temple always felt so empty after that. She wanted to be out there with them.

Her instructors had always coached patience, but that was a skill better suited to her brother. She was sixteen now and she was still an initiate-- not a master in sight.

It wasn't fair.

Sneaking onto the convoys had been work, but she had done it. Jem didn't need a Master to escort her to war. No. She'd prove to them all once and for all that they were wrong.

She was ready.

She was flying utterly blind through the streets of Lao-Mon. It was hard to know what was going on when you're a stow-away, but she didn't need comms to sense the turmoil in the air. She had never come across darkness like this before... it brushed across her senses like a distorted lullaby. It made her want to tear her own skin off.

She had been following it, trying to listen to the force as she crawled across the roof tops. It all came to a halt as she found two forms facing off on a roof below. She leaned forward, her senses pricked. A metallic taste spread over her tongue as she quickly recognized one as a fellow jedi, and the other...

Her fingers tightened over the hilt of her training saber.

She didn't think twice. In fact, she didn't think at all. She jumped, her hair bellowing out around her as she tried to drop down and overhead strike the sith on the head.

She was helping!




KILL Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Goshen War Camp | Rooftops of Keep


The silhouette of a man stood amidst the flaming backdrop as the luminescent fires lit the sky, his cloaked form fluttered in the wind violently with each gale. The smell of sulfur, smoke, and ash was warming to him. It was the call of home, not a place, but an idea. It was here in the crucible of combat, the heart of battle that he truly felt alive, that he truly felt like himself. He glanced down at his hands, outstretched against the open air as embers floated between his fingertips.

Ah, it was him.

They'd chased one another world after world, playing games in the shadows. Always a few steps behind the other, now it seemed they had finally caught up. How lucky for him, the Court of Daggers had yet to lay claim to this death mark. The name Dagon Kaze was one that Letifer would mark off personally, all the snooping, all the investigations. They'd end. He'd make sure Ryv's innocence would never come to light, then he'd pay him a visit too.

His head drifted from the backdrop of battle towards the otherside of the rooftop where his prey stood in wait, the Jedi Knight would soon come face to face with his masked visage. A face-off, two opponents standing at opposite corners in wait. The Sith Assassin growled under his breath, his vocabulator coming to life as he reached at the hip for his saber, "I've been looking forward to this Kaze. I should of killed you on Teta when you were less of a nuisance."

"I'll fix that."

His eyes widened under the veil of his mask, he felt the immediate tug of the empyrean upon his psyche and responded. Near-instantaneously the air lit up in a crimson light, a crackling beam of plasma roaring to life from the hilt of his weapon. He stepped back with a wide arch, narrowly avoiding the easily crippling head blow that could of finished the fight before it began. The training saber nearly hit it's mark, the sudden appearance of the second Jedi only spurred him into action now.

Dropping down, he swept his leg under in a wide arch. Time to die little Jedi.



Central Keep Rooftops

there is no emotion, there is peace

"You will try." he responded in kind, eyes furrowing into a frown. The man was as elusive as a shadow, always an inch away from Dagon's reach. Letifer was no mere pawn of the Sith, he couldn't be. His dark touch was found in the grandest of conspiracies and plots. Not the Dark Lord himself, but a man really close to him. Had to be. A key piece in the puzzle, maybe the one to solve it all if he could be captured and made to talk.

The crimson blade ignited and the cerulean followed as Dagon took one foot back in a defensive posture. Assess, assemble, action. Never had he seen the Sith in combat, he had to analyze him, figure out his weak spots and force an opportunity. A clash of blades was no different than investigating a case. One could argue it was always won through careful examination and patient prep time, rather than outright brute force. The Jedi's athleticism could help him fend off the onslaught long enough to learn.

All deliberations were cast aside in the shape of what looked at first a lunatic dressed as a padawan going for a head strike with saber?!

What the kark??

Instincts kicked in, shoving plans and plots into the bonfire, and his hands snapped forward - a telekinetic bubble formed around her form to fend off Letifer's kick. The shield wouldn't hold long if Letifer's capabilities in combat were as sharp as his skills in sabotage.

"Get the hell back!" yelled out Dagon, wild-eyed and flabbergasted. It was the only reaction he could muster.

ALLIES | GA | SJC | NIO | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

A shin swept under her legs, sending her crashing onto her back before gravity could fully settle. A flash of adrenaline threatened to break the calm that ruled her. She felt no fear, nor apprehension for her situation. Jem had quickly fallen under the boot of her first sith but she didn't falter. Her saber raised as she met the gaze of Lord Letifer Lord Letifer fort he first time. Light wrapped protectively over her.

Her cheeks puffed out in defiance.

"Get the hell back!"


She flipping backed onto her feet, leaving the protection as she pressed for her advantage. She was young but she was quick. With her cool head and decisive strikes, she had always had her peers on their back foot.

Her arm lashed out, aiming to get the sith across his neck. She took a step forward and followed it up, her saber flowing in an easy arch to try and disarm him with a strike to the wrist.

Every warning that screamed around her was ignored. It only took one tap of her saber to stun a limb. Let them misjudge her.

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Her response invoked his cold glare over her cybernetic form. She was on a warpath, as very clearly indicated by her nom de guerre. And she'd kill both of them in the process. Rash, reckless, thoughtless. A robot functioning only on basic protocols. Is that what the Iron Imperator envisioned for the next generation of Spectres? Brutes with disregard to life and a processor for a brain?


The jawless marauder flying from over the wall further solidified that notion. Warmachine offered a hand up but he refused, opting for the grappling gear to lunge upwards and land right in front of her way.

"We will do this my way." Avenger stated cooly, eyes narrowing beneath the helmet, "Covertly. Like ghosts. Keep attention away from us." his figure began to disappear in thin air as the stealth generator of his armor was engaged.

"No killing."

She still had their unique spectre frequency to track each other, even when invisible.

ALLIES | NIO | GA | SJC | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza


D E M O N ' S _ H E A D
Operation: Bastion Spear
14th Military Intelligence Brigade, 501st Legion
Goshen Keep Dungeons

"The mind, unconquered by violent passions, is a citadel, for a man has no fortress more impregnable in which to find refuge and remain safe forever."
—Dhul Qarnayn, Konrad's maternal grandfather, to young Konrad, circa 856ABY
Thousands of hours had been poured into constructing his mind into an impenetrable stronghold to resist mental intrusions of both conventional and ethereal nature. There, in the endless sands of Kandara, upon the rolling deserts, Konrad could see his grandfather shaking his head in disappointment. Years later, he was still bound by the shackles of passion and arrogance. They raised the gates of the fortress, showering with welcomes the Taskmaster's trojan horse in the form of Jaeger Harrsk.

There is no escape from the Kandaran heat, it broils the flesh and boils the blood, even when the sun has shifted behind the mountain. Blindfolded, stepping on shaky five-meter tall wooden poles, he dances with the sword against the flailing practice dummy. He's a child back at the fortress of the Axis of Shadows. Training. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for his father to pay a visit - a rare instance - and see how far he has gone in his training. How close he is to become the dagger to fulfill the legacy of Harrsk.
He hears his coarse voice, a mere whisper from this distance, and he stumbles on his footing. The pole wobbles and he with it. For the nth time he is bound to fall with but this time he manages to maintain his footwork and skip to the pole behind, a safe port from falling down the slope and spending a week in the infirmary (again). Frantically, Konrad reaches to remove the blindfold and with a jubilant, victorious, and proud grin to shine upon his father. He blinks to adjust the lightning of his vision and the grin folds into a sullen grimace as he sees his father's shadow departing. His footprint in the sand - as evanescent as the time spent between a father and a son, brushed away quickly by the cold breeze coming down from the mountain and enveloping the son in a bitter embrace.
A tear rolls down his cheek.
A tear rolls down his cheek and turns to steam under the fiery rage boiling beneath his flesh. Rage fixated in a glower at the Taskmaster who hastily turned heel, leaving Konrad and Auria to the mercy of his elite guards clad in red.

"You..." Konrad hissed, venom in his voice. His head snapped to Auria whose presence he had completely forgotten until her ball of fire lit up the dungeons. "He is mine." she either dies here, skewered by a polearm, or she burns the guards to a crisp and follows after.

It did not matter.

Only the Taskmaster's death did.

"I will have your head made into a cup and drink your secrets from it, you octopus looking bastard!!" he roared in fury and apparently picking up on Auria's weird nickname-giving hobby.

Charging straight into the pair blocking his way toward the Breaker of Minds, he timed his maneuver with only one aim in mind - get to Tu'teggacha. Expecting the polearms to poke, maintaining the reach advantage the weaponry naturally possessed, he would strike the tips down and utilize the momentum to jump into a double side sommersault in an attempt to go over them and chase after the Taskmaster.

ALLIES | NIO | GA | SJC | Auria Blackmoore | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina (PERHAPS)
ENEMIES | MAW | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha

O B J E C T I V E 1
Tags: Sars Sarad Sars Sarad
Kadan had always appreciated the term 'Calm before the storm'. It spoke to him on a level, something about a person standing before an insurmountable force, and being undeterred. He felt this very strongly in battle, and both his Mandalorian and jedi training had served him well on this front. He had seen what the dark side drove people to do, his family had been born from it, and his life molded by it. It was for that reason that he had come on this mission, and partly why his master had left him to this task. Clad in his Mandalorian armor, he leapt off the landing ramp of his drop-ship, saber blazing to life as his feet made contract with the ground, and began to rush forward. Blaster fire lashed towards him, as fellow jedi and SJC soldiers joined in the fray, the world around him a mix of sabers, blaster fire, and bodies. He numbed himself to the suffering of others, feeling pain reverberate outwards towards him from both the act of war, and the barbarism of the Maw forces here. The sooner he could strike at the heart of these fanatics the sooner the battle would send; so he set his sights on the citadel.​
His muscles tenses, the force flowing through him, as Kadan leapt over a barricade, and used it to propel himself high. His crush gaunt struck in the wall of the citadel, halting the warrior as he danged above the battlefield. He grunted at the strain, planting his feet into the wall once more, and eyeing a walkway just to his right, he leapt for it once more, flipping his body onto a jaunted out walk way, and came face to face with a startled guard. Two quick slashes with his blade and the men fell in halves, leaving the padawan to enter the corridors, his senses searching for the nearest dark presence he could find.​
Truth be told, he didn't know what he was looking for. It just helped to do anything at this moment.​

Location: Dungeons of the Central Keep
Objective 1: The Goshen War Camp.
Opposing: The Mongrel The Mongrel

"So far none of this has been pleasant." A smile played about her lips. "I'm sure I could put up with some more.' She couldn't read his mind, nor gauge his true intent. When she tried, she found nothing but violence. Violence, and mind-numbing hatred for everything she stood for.

Sakadi adapted to his pace as he closed in, circling with him in an arc too wide for the corridor. She raised a single perfect eyebrow as he spat out his plea. She wanted to respond. Tell him he was wrong - The Jedi were not the ones who 'judged'. No, if he were captured, his fate would be decided by the authorities of the Galactic Alliance, New Imperial Order and Silver Concord. She could no longer save him. All she could cling to was the idealistic hope that he had an ounce of humanity left, and was willing to stand trial for his crimes.

And that she would get a chance to apologize for the Jedi not being there when he had needed them four years ago.

Not that she was given that chance.​

She had let him get to close. She reached for the saber hidden in her sleeve, drawing it before her in a slashing flash of white. She raised her blade an instant, just in time to meet his swipe. Sparks erupted from the clash of saber and sword, the latter aided by such strength that she was forced to direct the sword's blade overhead with her parry. She ducked as she parried, his sword no doubt carving a path of molten stone through the wall above her. But ducking brought her closer to his next surprise - another mistake on her part.

Seeing the cannister made her realise she needed to launch her counteroffensive. She carried a rebreather-device with her, but wasn't in a position where she could reach for it. Not yet. She needed space.

Sakadi reached within, embracing and guiding the Living Force toward her outstretching hand. She channelled into an devastating push aimed at his gut. Not necessarily to maim, but to create the distance she so desperately needed.​
Objective II: Tip of the Spear
Tags: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn Artemis Lu Artemis Lu Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra The Mongrel The Mongrel
In the jungle outside the
Goshen War Camp

With Damsy Callat Damsy Callat and Artemis Lu Artemis Lu having found cover, Starlin was pushed back further into the jungles by the sudden appearance of chemical weapons on the battlefield. From behind a tree near the two women, he witnessed the destruction of the Galidran-class tank at the southern gate.

The second tank, intended to either replace the first in the event of its destruction or plow along through the gate behind it, was now under heavy fire. The removal of the Wretchedness vapor meant that rebels were resuming the siege, but progress was slower than it had been. Medics swarmed, trying to help those downed by the Wretchedness, with varying degrees of success. Some of the rebel forces abandoned the apparently hopeless southern entrance in favor of the eastern or northern gates, desperate to find some way through.

On top of it all, a Sith Lord with an army of undead had entered the fray. Halketh Halketh and his forces were much too close to Starlin’s position for comfort.

Still in cover, Starlin’s gaze darted between Caelitus and the dead tank that stood in the way of the rebels’ advancement. The Padawan reached out with the Force, grasping the molten carcass of the Galidran tank and giving it a push. He used it as a battering ram, slamming its bulk repeatedly against the southern gate. Cracks would begin to form, the door splintering, bowing, breaking open... he hoped.

Utterly concentrated on maintaining his telekinetic hold on the dead tank, Starlin was left vulnerable to attack. Sweat poured from his brow, his breaths coming in rapid gasps. Shi’ido bombers still whirled overhead, dropping their payload on the camp. Micians continued to divebomb the marauders. The hillside was strewn with bodies.
Objective 1
Location: Lao-mon, Goshen War Camp; the Citadel
Equipment: Lightsaber; Old Sin; Dueling Armor
Allies: The Maw, nominally
Opponent(s): Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora

The Citadel was a maze of corridors insofar as Sarad was concerned. As he'd never set foot in this place until now it was easy to lose his way however he advantage of being able to follow the sounds of combat. Blaster fire, the screams of men in pain and so forth. Everything helped lead him from one place to another. This was the chaos of combat.

As he turned down a corridor Sarad would see a number of bodies, mostly Mawite Troops as well as the occasional Jedi slumped against the wall or laying prone on the floor. Already dead, there was no challenge here. Then, suddenly a Mawite Trooper came around one of the corners from an adjacent corridor firing a blaster. Sarad, quick on his feet but also thanks to his senses extending throguh the force was quick to ignite his lightsaber.

As the phosphorescent glow came to life again he deflect the blaster fire from the Mawite causing stray bolts to snap backwards against the walls of the corridor creating brief flashes where they struck alongside some sparks before all that remained was a burn mark. A single blaster seemed of little consequence to Sarad who artfully continued to deflect the fire from the Mawite while closing the distance. When he came close enough a flash of the saber was enough to cleave the barrel of the blaster before a follow up blow cut into the chest of the Mawite, finishing him quickly as the heat of the blade left burn marks where it made contact. It was over just as quickly as it had begun.

Sarad had prepared to deactivate the lightsaber when he felt it, another presence closer than others. He moved, leaving this corridor behind and trading for another.

While his was not technically a dark presence he had the stains of past transgressions on him. Sarad had done terrible things in another life. Using the force, manipulating it to his benefit he'd adjust his path so that it intersected with the presence he felt. When he came down a corridor, the signs of battle still clear all around him he'd finally come face to face with Kadan Scipora Kadan Scipora , a man he didn't know at the opposite end.

Gazing at him there was a moment of silence, then Sarad raised his lightsaber and let it point down towards the Jedi. The Lightsaber pulsed, humming while it radiated with an almost palpable heat.

"A Mandalorian?"

...there seemed to be some recognition there for Sarad, Mandalorians were known to many as the most capable fighters in the galaxy...

"You'll do."

...he'd advance, slowly then with lightsaber extended and leading the way. The Overcoat he wore overlaying the armor beneath it. As he came forward Sarad, reaching with his left hand retrieved a secondary item from the inside of his coat which fit easily into his palm...

Location: Lao-mon, Goshen Keep Dungeons
Tags: Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk | Auria Blackmoore | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

If the assassins hadn't been exceptionally gifted killers, the Taskmaster supposed, they would never have made it this far into the keep. They were certainly more than a match for him - there were some elderly cripples who could probably have beaten him in a fair fight - and might even be a match for the deadly Palatini. More than that, both were highly mission-focused, and would not allow themselves to be delayed or distracted. Even as Tu'teggacha's bodyguards attacked, the infiltrators were already moving to evade them, and to prevent him from making his escape. If he wanted to dodge this attempt on his life, he'd need to do more.

The witch was quick to react, and at her command the Living Force tore open a fissure in the corridor right in front of the fleeing Ebruchi. Her power was everything his was not: tangible, elemental, showy. He had no easy counter to the forces she could unleash. The keep itself groaned as dark stone tore apart, leaving a ravine where unbroken hallway had been moments earlier. Had Tu'teggacha been a Jedi Knight, he might have called upon the Force to strengthen his limbs and leapt across the obstacle. Had he been an elite trooper, he might have managed it through sheer physical conditioning. But he was neither of those.

He could not make the jump. He was cut off from the panic room.

Tu'teggacha forced down his fears... though they nearly returned twofold when he saw the dark-armored bladesman coming right at him, trying to vault past a pair of Palatini. Behind him, the witch had unleashed her pyromancy, slamming a fistful of flame into the gut of one of the bodyguards. His robes immediately caught fire. His plastoid armor fared a little better, though the terrible heat of the fire softened the material until the surface layers dripped like molten wax down his leg guards. Both Palatini rearranged themselves, trying to keep their phrik-reinforced shoulder guards and gauntlets in the way of such burning attacks.

With an enraged Konrad trying to leap past the ambush to get at the Taskmaster, Auria was suddenly alone in the midst of four highly-skilled killers, only one of whom had been so much as tagged so far. Divide and conquer. Turning their polearms, the Palatini formed a square around the witch, striking from four different angles with their razor-sharp vibro-voulges. They were well-disciplined, and well-accustomed to fighting together, working as a unit. Two stabbed at her body while the other two slashed, one high and one low, filling the narrow section of corridor in which she stood with a convergence of razor-sharp blades.

Few could survive such a tandem strike, coming in from behind and in front, left and right, upward and downward. The witch did have one advantage in finding some way to escape the combined attack alive: the Palatini she'd wounded, thrown off his rhythm by pain, struck slower than the others, ever so slightly spoiling the otherwise perfect synchronicity of the blows. For his part, Tu'teggacha was no longer paying attention to her struggle against his bodyguards. He could only hope that they would quickly cut down the sorcerous assassin and return to his aid, for he had little chance of surviving against Harrsk without them.

"I will have your head made into a cup and drink your secrets from it, you octopus looking bastard!!" The Ebruchi had certainly succeeded in enraging the bladesman, inspiring him to abandon his comrade to the Palatini, but that tactic might have ultimately backfired. Despite his worries, Tu'teggacha showed no outward fear as Konrad leapt over his bodyguards and gave chase - though a human would probably have struggled to read Ebruchi emotions anyway, even if they were plain on his face. Instead he focused on continuing his manipulation. Harrsk had made one mistake thanks to his fury. Perhaps he could be led into another.

"Do you think that have impressed your father?" The Ebruchi asked, turning to face Konrad as he slowly backed up the corridor the way he had come. "A grisly little trophy of my skull? It wouldn't be the first time you behaved like an animal in his eyes, would it? Not after running off to join your little band of radical youth just to spit in the face of daddy dearest, pretending his approval no longer mattered." Tu'teggacha laughed wetly, a sound full of phlegm and bile that could only have been conjured up by organs so alien that no human mind could easily imagine them. "He died so terribly, terribly disappointed."

As he spoke (and backpedaled), the Taskmaster prodded once again at Harrsk's mind, prodding at old regrets and embarrassments and sorrows and fears. He seized on one in particular, a delicious moment from the relatively recent past, aboard the Storm Petrel en route to Bastion. "But then, he wasn't the only one you let down, the only one you failed, was he? Where were you when Irveric Tavlar died?" Tu'teggacha conjured up that memory, made it vivid. Konrad was reading that fateful message - Imperator Assassinated. His jaw was clenched, his hands curled into fists, fingernails drawing blood from his own palms.

The Taskmaster paused, smiled darkly. "Powerless, weren't you? Your little imperium revealed as a nest of snakes, its structure rotten to the core, easily rattled, easily toppled by one of your own. Remind me, what exactly is it that you think you're fighting for?" Waves of emotion roiled out from him in a telepathic assault, hopelessness and despair and helpless rage. What was the point? Why continue to fight, to struggle, when the cause is so easily corruptible? Konrad's own mind seemed to be asking these questions of itself, over and over in an endless loop, though it was Tu'teggacha who was actually speaking the words.

In the back of his mind, only slightly distracting him from the concentration of his attempted Memory Walk, the Taskmaster sensed something else: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr was loose. She had escaped her cell, and was roaming the maze-like halls of the keep dungeons. Tu'teggacha smiled internally. Good. Let her believe for a moment that there was hope. Let her think she had somehow outmaneuvered the Maw, that she would be able to get away from this place. It would make the moment of her recapture all the sweeter for him, and bring her all the closer to breaking. "All alone, aren't you?" His voice spoke in her mind, mocking.

"You'd better run, little slave. The hunters are coming for you..."
Objective: Stick with Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Location: Outside Goshen War Camp
Allies nearby: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand , Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
Enemies: Maw

A male voice called out – Artemis' head snapped in that direction to briefly glimpse Starlin Rand Starlin Rand . Then, she felt the grip of Damsy Callat close around her arm and yank. Her mind was spinning, which didn't help matters.

Vigilance, padawan! Master Yi's voice echoed in her head.

And for the smallest moment, she wanted to look for him... but she remembered that the steady presence of her master was nowhere to be found here on Lao-Mon. Now, crouched in the brush with Damsy, reality came crashing upon her, bringing with it the darkness of the Maw. This place felt thick with sick energy, the kind of which she'd never truly experienced before. And there was death around them, she could feel it.

She suppressed a wave of nausea.

When Damsy grabbed her hand, Artemis stood and let her pull her along. Artemis took a sense of comfort in the fact that she wasn't here alone and may have squeezed Damsy's hand to let her know before she let go. Then, chaos unfolded before them – the tank by the gates was destroyed, there were flying creatures overhead, and the aura of darkness was getting stronger, likely fortified by multiple enemies near or within the camp itself.

Artemis gripped her force-imbued sword, the blade of which gleamed with faint white light. Let it guide you. As the second tank mowed its way forward, she sensed the presence of the male padawan (Starlin), grow stronger within the force. He was in battle. Artemis drew a deep breath and focused, letting the imbuement of Force Valor begin to strengthen her resolve. In such close proximity to Damsy, it would likely touch her as well.

Do your worst, Maw.
Actually, no. Please don't.


Mean Green Mother From Outerspace

Allies: Maw | Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid
Enemies: Others | Noel Strasza Noel Strasza | Avenger


"It is unwise to keep us from our feasts." One voice reigned supreme over all others. The Eldervine. It's attention turned to the witch that had become one of them. The witch that had opened the path to those who could be fused with the Drengir and made one with the hive. The projection of his image would invade the connection. The silhouette of a human with no face. Just an oversized, toothy maw of jagged teeth.

"What we find is not.. Flesh enough to eat. Do not deny us our food for too long. When I finish with what I have found, I will come to make sure the harvest is fulfilled."

Then he was gone. Elsewhere, marauders were being taken out without a trace of the attacker. While their bodies would be good for the harvest, if these attackers broke through, the Drengir would loose another harvest site. The Maw had been good to the Drengir. Never let it be said the Drengir weren't good to their allies.

Bit by bit the green and lushness of the jungle would wither and wilt. They'd turn shades of brown, then black. Rotting. Their energy ripped to fuel the monstrous, carnivorous plants. One by one their amorphous forms would tear from the ground, eyelessly looking around for the intruders. Vines spread, writhing over the ground. They might be invisible, but they still needed to walk the floor.

"Come, meat. Join the beautiful harvest."

Location: Lao-mon, Goshen Keep Dungeons
Tags: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

She never actually spoke, not physically. That was what The Mongrel found most eerie about her. Each graceful eyebrow raise or smile ghosting around her lips figuratively spoke volumes, even without her telepathy to accompany them, but no words came forth except in his head. Clearly this one relied heavily on her magic, to the point that it had replaced ordinary functions... though the calmness and even humor she projected in his direction were all her own, speaking to a strong will. She had no fear in the face of his bloodlust, and that told him much about her.

As The Mongrel had predicted, he did not decapitate the Jedi with a single strike. Her laser sword emerged suddenly from her sleeve, its brilliant blade causing his visor to automatically dim his vision in order to protect his eyes. The gloom shrank back from her, this beacon of literal and figurative light, and his dark crimson sword could not overcome that light either. The weapons clashed, spitting sparks that sizzled against his heavy leatheris jerkin. For a moment it seemed that his superior strength would push through her guard... but that was when she put her agility to use.

Ducking under the dread blade, she redirected it over her head; the corridor was filled with a deafening, nails-on-a-chalkboard screeeech as the weapon tore a long furrow in the dark stone wall. Of course, that put her face almost level with the gas grenade he held. Go on, he thought, smirking behind his mask, get a good, long whiff. Because that was what you did to womp rats: you gassed them in their burrows, exterminating the little pests. The last two Jedi he'd tried this on - well, a Jedi and an Imperial Knight - had quickly countered it, but maybe the third time was the charm.

That was when her invisible fist slammed into his solar plexus, doubling him over and throwing him across the hallway. The Mongrel growled in pain and frustration, the sound made monstrous by the metallic distortion of his mask, as he flew away from his foe. He had been tossed around by Jedi before, and knew it was a possibility, but he had been able to find no defense against such magics. There was only one blessing about the situation: the angle of the push. He'd been thrown back down the corridor, rather than into one of the walls. Because if he'd hit the wall this hard...

His rib cage was durasteel, but most of his skull was not.

Because he'd had experience being telekinetically manhandled, The Mongrel knew better than to try to fight his momentum. Instead he let the invisible blow carry him, not thrashing to change his direction but calmly taking note of it. He flipped over in midair and slammed his dread blade downward, piercing the stone floor of the corridor with another earsplitting shriek. Dropping the gas grenade, which continued to billow a cloud of anesthetic into the hallway, he grabbed the hilt with both hands, using his weapon as an impromptu brake before he was thrown too far from his foe.

"Afraid you can't match me blade to blade, Jedi?" He asked, pulling the blade from the stone and standing back to his full height. "No matter. I have other ways to kill you." Holding his energy sword one-handed, he reached down and drew the big iron on his hip. It was a recent acquisition, taken from a foolish bounty hunter who had tried to interfere in a Mawite raid. Now that had been a good fight, technology against technology and skill against skill, no magic tricks. And he'd gotten a good trophy out of it. Trophies he could kill with were his favorite kind.

The Mongrel liked the heavy, armor-piercing kick of the gun... and its ability to load a variety of ammunition. The first shot he squeezed off was a flash-bang round, sending a burst of bright light and harsh sound ad the Jedi to disorient her. He'd used similar tactics in the past with directed energy weapons; Jedi were good at deflecting blaster bolts and slugthrower rounds, but their laser swords couldn't block stunning flashes or eardrum-shattering sound. Loading the flashbang into his gun was far more convenient than holding it in his hand or trying to lob it at a foe.

The next group of rounds he squeezed off, the revolver barking five times in rapid succession, were Hel-class Bio Slugs... the kind of "bullets" he was astounded it was legal to sell in "civilized" space. Avatars bless Jaeger Solutions for openly selling mass-produced Jedi-killing weapons. These bullets were living things, bioengineered organisms based on Yuuzhan Vong technology. Somewhat self-guided thanks to their primitive, ravenous sentience, they streaked toward their target. Their grim intent: to latch on and burrow into the flesh of those they struck.

Their digestive acid dug through armor and flesh alike.

Of course, the living bullets were projectiles, the kind of thing a skillful Jedi could intercept and disintegrate midair with a lightsaber and Force-enhanced reflexes. The Mongrel was counting on the anesthetic gas and the flashbang round to slow and disorient his foe, in the hopes that even one of the nasty little flesh-eaters could slip through her defenses. It was a new tactic for him, and untested... so he advanced as he fired, his cybernetic arms remaining perfectly steady and on-target despite the movement of his body. If this didn't work, it was back to the blade.

He would do whatever it took to defeat the Jedi.


Tags: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
One. Two. Three. Four.

After that, she lost count, killing all that unluckily stood in the crazed Fetts path with no distinction between friend or foe. Finally, only the cry for sanity and focus from one of the tattoed painted Maw raiders brought the blood-crazed woman to her senses, pulling the Fett by force off the mangled remains of some poor unfortunate Maw fighter. She struggled out of the grasp with all the savagery and feral like nature of a dog with rabies before she went off in pursuit of more unfortunate Jedi and Imperials.

She strolled to another corridor, darkened save for the occasional flashes of light from bombardments outside that illuminated the corridor, revealing what seemed to be a team of Imperial soldiers or Concord troops. It didn't fething matter who they were in the end, they stood in her fething way, and she was not going to leave without them all dead or gone.

One. Two. Three. Four.

Ves counted in hushed tones, waiting for the subsequent bombardment to cease and shroud the enemies in darkness once more. She'd bide her time, let the confusion be their undoing in the tight confines where the Mandalorian thrived in hand to hand.

She rushed the first of the soldiers, smashing him in the face and collapsing his nose with her knuckle dusters before grabbing him by the sides and using him as a human shield against the confused flurry of panicked blaster fire. Ves waited for the thudding of blaster rounds against the corpse to stop before booting the now dead man forward into his comrades, knocking one to the ground with the body on top and another landing against the railings of the adjacent jail bars. Before the man on the floor could get up under the body, she quickly aimed her blaster pistol and emptied a round into the man's skull, flipping her pistol and whipping the other man in the jaw before opening several shots in his stomach. The crazed Fett was answered in turn with a rifle stock to the gut from another soldier; her eyes narrowed in shock and pain as she stumbled backwards and tripped over a corpse. That was all the time she had to think as she rolled to the side to avoid blaster fire. Thinking fast, she turned to grab a blaster rifle from one of the corpses and flung it at the soldier to give herself space to get up.

She got up on her knees, pain flashed through her, she grunted and then threw herself into the last two soldiers, wildly throwing several blows with her knuckle dusters into exposed areas as she landed atop one of the men. The other moved to pull her off, but Ves answered in kind by biting into the man's arm, which was wrapped around her throat, before using her strength to flip him over her back. She used the cell bars for support and pulled herself up, angrily spitting a chunk of flesh and blood back at the pair before picking up a rock and brutally finishing them both off.

One. Two. Three. Four.

One. Two. Three-

Her mindless brutalisation of the two mutilated men was stopped by the arrival of several escapees and a mysterious older man. She slipped back from them cautiously and eyed them with suspicion and sadistic bemusement, if the fething guards could let teenagers escape, god help them all.

"You some kind of saviour, came to free them did you? Awww, maybe you'll get a little medal, a reward?"

Her attention diverted to the mans little rabble of freed slaves, she shot a bloodied grin and wiped the blood from her mouth before using her free hand to point behind her.

"I'll let your little flock of sheep leave; no good sport in killing them now, is there? I'll let them go; maybe your fellow Jedi will give me a reward."

She pointed a finger at the Jedi.

"You, however...."



Solipsis' Cruiser
Throne Room

Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Kiara Ayres | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


The ventilation ducts barely had the width to support Bernard as he worked his way through the claustrophobic crawl space. It was cramped, dark, and empty, but by no means quiet. Fighting had broken out aboard the cruiser and alarm klaxons blared in its corridors. The occasional Maw marauder patrol passed by underneath him, shouting orders or discussing the course of the battle. So far their morale was high and their spirits brimmed with bloodlust. Nothing but the battle awaiting them seemed to cross their minds, which made it easier to conceal himself from them using the Force.

The sounds of battle slowly drew closer as he crawled deeper into the ship's depths, intent on finding its heart. The reactor was a crucial target to destroy. Without its power source, a vessel sat, theoretically, dead in space. Exposed and far less dangerous running on auxiliary power than it was when the main reactors supplied its shields and turrets with the energy to keep it in the fight. An act of sabotage like that could turn the tide of battles, which made timing important.

As he bumped his elbows against the metal to keep advancing inch by inch, he simply hoped the intel they'd receive of the Maw cruiser's blueprints had been accurate. The closer he felt he got to his intended destination, the less he could shake the feeling that something sinister was waiting for him at the end of these tunnels. Not that it mattered, he'd been assigned this mission as head of the New Jedi Order's sentinels, and he would see it through to its completion, no matter the obstacles in his path.

Blasterfire and the crackling of lightsabres started to echo through the corridors and up into the vents. The boarding parties had fought their way out of the hangars and into the network of corridors that comprised the cruiser's most vital sections. With any luck, they were headed in the same direction as he was. He lost track of them, however, as the vents curved in a different direction and the sounds of struggle faded from his vicinity. They remained absent, even as he turned the corner into the last stretch of tunnel, bringing into view the vent panel, on the other side of which was his target. Red light poured in from the slits in the metal and the stench of the Dark Side was thicker than anywhere else on the ship. He'd found his mark.

The panel flew in a wide arc, directly at one of the guards, who sliced it in half as it came threateningly close to his mask. Harmlessly, the two halves clattered to the floor behind him while he turned his head to the new challenger to arrive. Bernard had taken the moment of surprise to leap down from the opening in the wall, and landed, not inside the main reactor room, but inside the sanctum of the cruiser's commander. Within the throne room of the Dark Lord himself.

Standing on the opposite end of the room from the throne, Bernard faced down the wall of guards and their cruel master. Behind him, he could hear a shuffle of boots, among them a distinctive heavy iron thudding. He didn't turn around to look, rather he felt himself bolster in confidence as the footsteps closed in. They radiated the Light of the Force like a beacon in a dark sea. They were allies. He unclasped the lightsabre from his belt and activated it, the blue blade hissing to life, and assumed a stance ready for the battle ahead.

"Hello there," he offered the Dark Lord.

Though he'd aimed for the heart of the vessel, the Force had brought him a different heart that demanded to be destroyed. What good fortune.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

Objective III
3rd Fleet 38th Attack Squadron
Reef Home
Allies: Gir Quee Liram Angellus
Enemies: Marlon Sularen

The short jump ended as the swirling light of hyperspace was extinguished in a cascading series of flashes as the ships of the small group of Silver Fleet forces emerged from hyperspace. At the fore of the formation was the massive hulking form of the Emerald Undertow. The three capital vessels and their escorts of Reshmars formation dwarfed in the shadow of the much larger vessel. Reshmar watched the holographic display explode with information as the data burst from the two scout craft arrived. The hologram filled out showing the world and all of the traffic around it. Each was tagged as friend or foe and each was given a threat assessment value. Reshmar looked over the image before him taking in the information and assessing the situation. A minute later Gir's face appeared on the screen before him.

"Admiral Reshmar, there appears to be a large space station in orbit over the world - you can't miss it. I am going to suggest that we make it the focus of our efforts. Wipe it out or secure, and then work our magic on the ground below. It would appear that Commodore Angellus's group is already involved in fighting some fighters nearby. We might be able to mutually support ourselves. Any objections to the plan?"

Reshmar nodded towards the image then responded. "I agree, we will concentrate our fire mission on the base. I will send additional assistance to aid the Etherial and silver city," replies Reshmar. with a nod from Gir, the transmission dropped and Reshmar gave the order to move to target the station. The massive battlecruiser at the front of the formation lurched and began to move into position to fire slowly moving ever closer to the battle before them. "Match the Undertows speed and move forward in formation" ordered Reshmar. A nod from the captain was all the response he needed.

Reshmar looked at the battle unfolding and the position of all the players on the field. The Etherial and Silver City had inadvertently pulled the attention of the enemy before Reshmar's group could arrive and assist. Gir and Angellus were the operational units for the battle. It was his group's mission to provide long-range fire and fighter support were needed. His force was the support group for the larger carriers and battlecruiser. That did not mean he did not have the tools to do either of the missions of the larger vessels.

"Captain, break a light cruiser, one of the pocket carriers and three of the pickets off and have them more to defend and assist Commodore Angellus' carriers." ordered Reshmar. he looked at the two carriers moving to engage the enemy vessels, he will learn one day to bring escorts, Reshmar thought. He only hopped the man would learn that lesson before it was too late.

Reshmar turned to an officer to his right and barked an order "Colonel, Launch the first wave" said Reshmar with a gruff bark. The CAG nodded and gave the order. a moment later the Concordia-class carrier Salacia, moved into position on the port flank of Reef Home, expelling two squadrons of fighters from her launch tubes. These craft were soon joined as a squadron from the Guardian mkII-class star destroyer Horus, and one squadron each of the three Bellerophon-class Pocket Carriers joined their formation. once the six squadrons were formed up they shot off towards the world below to assist with air superiority missions in the sky over the world below. A moment later another group was launched from the vessels creating the second wing of fighter craft. The six squadrons accelerated and sped off engage the enemy attack craft harassing the forces already in the system and assist the Sh'neru fighters.

"Wave one has launched Admiral, Two and three on standby," said the Cag from Reshmars right side. Reshmar turned and nodded then looked back at the hologram in the center of the room.

"Captain, have all long-range batteries open fire on that station. Label it priority target alpha," ordered Reshmar looking at the holographic representation of the object s the label appeared above it listing it as the priority for the group's attention.

3rd Fleet 38th Squadron
304th Command Line
Reef Home
Concordia-class Battle Carrier - Salacia
Guardian II-class Star Destroyer - Horus

311th Escort Section
Pelagic-class Star Cruiser
MC57-class Light Cruiser
MC57-class Light Cruiser
Defender-class Cruiser
Odysseus-class Cruiser

365th Picket Flotilla
Fulgor-class Pursuit Frigate
Vigilance-class Heavy Picket
Vigilance-class Heavy Picket
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop
Intersector-class Sloop

Entered system escorting the Emerald Undertow
Launched attack craft wing assigned to assist ground operations
Lanched attack craft wing to assist orbital operations.
Brooke off a light cruiser, pocket carrier, and three pickets to assist the Etherial and Silver City
Performing long-range fire operations on the orbital station as the formation moves into standard weapons range.

Mrurh'en'lase | Hel


Equipment: Hel's Lightclub | Robes
Objective: Engage the Brotherhood
Targets: Darth Tennacus
Enemies: BotM | BotM Allies
Allies: SJC | SJC Allies

The strike missed by an inch, but it was a wide inch. The man flung himself behind her as her lightsaber hit scarred earth, the tip carving through the jagged hill he once stood at the base of. Most combatants she had faced would have used this opportunity of flanking to strike at her with their own lightsaber or fire at her with a blaster, but this man was different. The Hybrid spun around herself, bringing her blade to bear in a protective angle with a double-handed grip tightly held on the handle. The pain felt in her cursed arm despite the efforts of the containment armor was numbingly searing from the constant movements it was undergoing this day. However, the Hybrid refused to falter now, not when the battle had only just begun.

Ooooh, tough girl ain't ya?

The arm and the Shroud be damned, it was by her own physical and reactive speed - perhaps the best benefits of her Chiss genes - that she was able to catch the man's attack coming at her in radiant blue arcs. The sound of it was impressive in its Sithly power and terrible in its pitch, a whining crackle of azure terror. Sizzling the oxygen around them into nothingness, the arcs of lightning rode toward her like demon cavalry, and Mrurh'en'lase could only react on the defensive.

Pressing her weapon forward, the Hybrid barely caught the impact of the arcs and then pushing back as her blade was shoved dangerously close to her face. Unlike the masters of old and new, Mrurh'en'lase was not skilled at all in this particular form of defense - which was no doubt additionally hindered by her preference for offensive tactics, even after the teachings of Allyson Locke Allyson Locke . While much of the assault was deflected and/or absorbed by the lightsaber, strands and forks of the lightning still licked the Hybrid's skin and robes, tearing apart fabric across her stomach and rending the flesh underneath. This naturally added to the anguish she felt from the pressure being applied to her cursed arm. Mrurh'en'lase gritted her teeth, blocking as best she could the offensive power of the Force and the as yet untold potential of this man's might within it. She pressed against it. Hard and with shaking arms, trying her damndest to keep both it and her own weapon away from lethal harm to herself.

She was failing, all the same.
"Frack!" she hissed as the heat of her weapon grasped for her cheek, threatening to slice through her head with no effort. Any closer and she would have been dead, beheaded by her own weapon, and shamed for all time.

I know you're in there, Oppressed, perhaps, by the blinding of the Light. Reach out; let nothing hold you back. Not if you wish to walk from here, today. The only way you walk away from this is if you give in to your anger.

The words were a dark whisper, barely audible in the recesses of her mind as if it was not her that they were speaking to. This frightened her. What else could they possibly be speaking to besides...that thing? The mere thought of this drove the young woman into a momentary panic and she found herself suddenly pushing back against the lightning with even greater force than before. Catching more of the lightning with minute movements of utmost precision - a mere condition of her sudden desire to get away from this situation at all costs - the muscles in her arms were straining against her skin like an overstuffed puppet. Any more pressure put upon them, and she might have burst apart at the seams.

"What are you hiding, Jedi?" the man asked plainly even as the electrical current he unleashed split the ethers in twain.

The young padawan would have answered with a yell to be quiet, to cease his attempts at breaking her. She would not lose her resolve and let that thing come out, not this early into the fight and not ever. The Shroud - that evil beast that lived inside her soul - would forever remain locked away in its totality. Only its residual energies would be used in battle, only to ensure that peace, and justice, and freedom were maintained in this chaotic galaxy. That the infection was cut out and perpetually gone. This is what she needed to do.

Peace, justice, and freedom? What are you playing at, Hel? What are you hiding? What dirty secret could you possibly be hiding that our fine fellow here could want to know about? A secret lover? A sin greater than the sum of your virtues? A desire to spill the blood of every life before you?

There would be no appearance by the Shroud, she swore to herself. It would not come to her and it would not control her. She would maintain control of her mind and not let this man before her shatter her resolve.

She would not.

I will NOT!

As luck would have it, the young woman was able to shove enough of the assault away and leap to the far left of the man with surprising agility for someone her size. There would be new scars to mend after this fight, she noticed, as she took note of the hot blood running from the open wounds on her abdomen. Jagged scars to remind her to train more with that particular defensive tactic.

The Hybrid switched to the offensive once more after that was settled. No movement was wasted in her quick response to the man, her eagerness to regain her dominance this day almost overwhelming. A series of lunging steps was what she utilized, zig-zagging across the landscape before striking at the man's own abdomen with a violent upward swing angled from the earth. If she made it, of course.


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