Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Decreased activity

Right, so anyone that's been in a thread with me has probably noticed that I haven't been posting as much for the past month or so. I've been trying to, but my muse/motivation has all but disappeared. I was hoping starting on a new project, the Anti-FU faction, would get my muse going again... It didn't. This isn't a change in anything, really it's just letting people know what's already going on; I've got 0 muse, and I'm very slow to post. I'm still going to continue the threads I'm in, I'm still gong to judge he Codex, and I'm still going to run the Beast Hunter's Guild (which I've been sadly neglecting), but I probably won't be making any new threads for awhile, and I'm going to pause work on the Anti-FU faction until I have more muse to write anything. I don't want to half-arse it, and do it when I have no motivation for it. But I do still plan on doing it eventually.

So yeah, tl;dr: No muse, slow activity, still going to do Codex and BHG, normal activity will return when muse returns. Which will be, hopefully, soon.

Sorry to anyone this inconveniences- I tried to force my muse/motivation to come back, but that didn't work.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Mrrew"] - Charge your batteries, we'll be here waiting and know you'll be putting 110% into all you do. :)

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