Character Name: Ijaat Akun
Relevant Skills: Master beskarsmith/blacksmith in general, Bartender extraordinaire, Cantina owner, master swordsman, very intelligent metallurgist
Relevant Experience: Long career as a Journeyman Protector of Concord Dawn and former merc/bounty hunter, so years of bouncing all over Space.
Faction Allegiances: Mandalorians, Protectors(friendly with)
IC Rationale: Ijaat has just recently came out of retirement thanks to prompting from [member="Anija Ordo"] and would have likely heard of the expedition from her and offered to tag along in case anything his fighting or metallurgist skills could help with came up. He'd also be an ace in the hole to repair any armor or weaponry broke in the expedition. Due to his metallurgical and smithing knowledge, he could fit in engineering or science, whichever you wish him in.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]