Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea: Ghost Ship [The Kathol Outback]

Heaven's Bane
Location: Coming right of hyperspace behind the Farstrider. Adekka.

Seeing the aft of [member="Kytra Odran"]'s cruiser disappear, he was soon dealing with two, maybe three problems. Removing his jacket, he leaned over the scanner, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the char of the navigational officer. "We have two options sir...One, we follow Commander Odran to Senika, or we jump across uncharted space to Aterka." Most voices nearby were quiet, as the trip through space like that had more than one outcome, but failure was at the top.

Looking out the view port, he would use his skills as a hunter and faction owner to formulate a plan. The Ophidia was being manned by a psychotic witch, and its mover were unpredictable, yet that could work in his favor. Basic logic said go to the nearest planet, but this ship wasn't basic, and who or whatever was on that ship wanted turmoil, confusion. Besides, they already had one cruiser in hyperspace en route to Senika, and if she did need back up he would jump back to help. But someone had to do it, so who else but him?

"Get up a channel with the Farstrider, and set our course for Aterka." Rising, he would be set in his idea, his burning gaze staring back at him. "Make sure the forward cannons are primed, and the reserve thrusters. I want everyone below deck at a station, and the ground team suited up and on patrol duty. I am not having no God damn ghost witch undermine me."

Mara looked at him like he was crazy, but he just set his jaw an moved over to communications, where he would soon be making contact with the Farstrider. Standing, he would wait until the comm channel was secured, speaking almost immediately.

"This is Phantoms, captain over the Heaven's Bane. I am currently in the process of making the jump to Aterka, where I will out your reach if you are in need of reinforcement. If a situation arises where you do need help, I will try my best to arrive before something too bad happens. Over and out."

While the navigator prepared a route, the clamoring of the ground team could be heard, all hands were on deck as they prepared for in unknown. "You make a good captain Nate... I like it." Mara chipped up from behind him, causing him to turn, looking at her in bewilderment. "What? It's true!" Shrugging off her remark, he made his way to his cabin, in turn preparing for trouble himself. If the ground team was needed, he would be there right besides them.

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Kimiko"], [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Selka Ventus"]
Sibayka: [member="Kimiko"] and [member="Aeshi Tillian"] would now have to face the Stilleto attack alone. Thanks to Kimiko's quick thinking the small craft that were looking to attack the Stardream were cut off and getting all they could handle from the Cyaron and Lily White. However the same could be said for the two Corvettes as well as the attacking ships began to fire on one another. Without help it would be a slow slog for the two Razor-Class Corvettes to dispatch the attacking fighter. But a fight they could win given enough time and would be helped further of a certain light freighter pilot engage the pirates as well.

Tarka: [member="John Shepherd"] - Due to the hurried and somewhat wreckless jump out of the Sibayka system the ship he piloted suffered a minor hyperdrive malfunction, one that would require quick repairs to them to be able to jump again. However, before those could be made John would need to deal with a new threat. That being the massive ship of his port bow, the OSS Righteous Suffering that was approaching and angling to get into tractor range.

Reika: [member="Werah Unon"] - The ghosts continue to chant the same phrase over and over before one looks over to you. It only says.
"She who is in pain... who needs to feed... she must rest..." Then without another word they vanish.

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
Jumping into Veska
K.O.S. "Gatekeeper", Fenris-class Frigate

Aerin was here to help in any way he could, if he could have "Gatekeeper " soak up some laser-fire for his buddies he would, now all he had to do was figure out which way needed more help. " Right, so... Greater Tarka, Adekka, Reika, or Aposka... let's try Greater Tarka," as always the mechanic-forcer was at the helm of his new toy, he'd spent days over-seeing and participating in the refitting of her and was more than ready to take her out for a test-drive, or rather a fight, to see how she worked in a 'work' environment.

"Sir, should I try the outback channels or just try for general Comms channels?" Dox was still on Comms, surprisingly he'd taken a liking to Aerin and "Gatekeeper"

"Try Outback channels first, if that doesn't work then try general channels." Aerin tapped in the Hyperdrive coords after he checked in system for anything out of the ordinary with his sensors officer.

Move: Veska ---> Greater Tarka
Location: Greater Tarka

John sighed in relief as he thought he was safe, then a sudden blip on the sensors got his attention. He looked down and saw it, glancing back at Felix he went and started to work on the console trying to get them to jump out of the system. Slam... Nothing, he realized his hyperdrive must have failed and that the quick jump must have made it mulfunction. Standing up fast he started to run down to where the maintenance hatch was located.

"Felix, on the guns, this is gonna be a close one!"

John yelled towards his droid as it moved to get on the guns before going down the hatch looking for the problem holding a light in his mouth as he shimmied down the hatch and then down to the engine looking around for any problems. With Felix on the gun hopefully if it came down to it he could last a while. At least long enough to get it out of here.

[member="The Great Narrator"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]
[member="John Shepherd"]

Veino ran into the cockpit, staring at the sensors. They had been in hyperspace and come out rather suddenly. That never went well, by any stretch of the imagination. Even by all other stretches of the imagination, this was not good.

That was a One Sith warship. A fairly big one- massively outgunning this freighter. An alert flashed on the console. Hyperdrive damage.

With a capital ship gunning down on them. He could hear the captain working on the hyperdrive and Felix had dropped down to the gun. That left the ship without a pilot.

He dropped himself into the seat and grabbed the controls.

"Initiating evasive maneuvers," Veino yelled back into the rest of the ship. He buckled himself in, pulling up the controls. "Keep us alive until you get that hyperdrive going."

He pushed the throttle forward and the ship lunged forward. "Give me an estimate on your time!"
Simbayka to Voleka
[member="The Great Narrator"] [member="Kimiko"]

Aeshi dropped back into her chair as they prepared to exit hyperspace. The stars shifted from blurs to dots, many of which appeared to be moving. She leaned forward as another ship dropped out of hyperspace - another old freighter by the looks of it. She grinned and gave a half-salute through the viewport before studying the scanners. Old fighters and gunships by the models showing on the sensors. Lords of the Fringe builds. They hadn't existed for years now.

Pirates, they had to be. They were still quite a ways off, with what looked like a frigate following up behind. She leaned back in the chair as two other ships exited hyperspace. Outback corvettes- the ones she'd seen when this whole crazy venture started. The starfighters were getting close in range now- within weapon range.

She leaned forward and flicked the deflector shields as the larger vessels moved to intercept the fighters. Aeshi appreciated the gesture, but she wasn't overly concerned. They couldn't track her through hyperspace, and judging by the communications, the ship they were seeking wasn't here. It was a far larger threat than these pirates. These could be taken care of at a later date. Bring in some cruisers and a fighter detachment and it would be over. This Sith ship was a far larger threat.

She hailed the Outback captains.

"Lily White, Cyaron, this is the StarDream. I'm not reading any interdiction fields. We can handle pirates later. They're not going anywhere. The Ophidia's our focus now." She spun the chair around and pulled up the navcomputer as Eru guided the ship away farther from any incoming starfighters. While she was at it, she primed the weapons. "Let's hit the closest system, the - Voleka system."

It was uncharted space, but that was her profession. She was a starnaut after all and had built this ship from stock for these kinds of jumps.

"Jump first and I'll meet you there. We've got plenty of tricks these jocks ain't seen yet. Save your ships for the Ophidia. We'll need every ship in best condition."

They weren't such an easy ship to catch, despite its simple appearance. Souped up engines, starfighter grade deflector shield, evasive measures. Fastest hyperdrive this side of the 'verse that didn't even need to drop into realspace to reroute. Able to triangulate their location just about anywhere. The pirates would find themselves with more than they had bargained for.

And she was going to let them know. She switched channels and sent a quick message to the frigate.
See you around, hotshot. Nice to make your acquaintance, but you'll never get closer unless I want you to. ;)

"Navcomputer's ready to jump," Eru reported. Aeshi nodded and hit thte SLAM, sending the ship to high speed quickly. Those two other ships better make the jump.
Greater Tarka: [member="Aerin Kath"] when you drop out of hyperspace you see the OSS Righteous Suffering practically on top of the [member="John Shepherd"] and [member="Veino Garn"]. The delay in flying away from the vectoring cruiser has meant you were not able to get away in time and are now trapped in the ship's tractor beam. This leaves you with few options other than to stay put and hope Aerin can get to you in time to help or abandon ship and use an escape pot to try and run away. Either option will work just watch out for the strange force ghosts that are now appearing on your ship as the Righteous Suffering pulls you in.

Simbayka: [member="Kimiko"] by this time both of your corvettes are under attack but your shields are holding for now... [member="Aeshi Tillian"] has decided to jump away to chase the Ophidia. If you stay and fight you should be able to run against the fighters but it will be a rough go and your two ships will take a pounding before it is over. Aeshi is correct there is no interdiction field so you can stay and fight or follow Aeshi to the next system, that is up to you.
[member="Veino Garn"]

Fixes one last wire and yells up to the cockpit. "We're all good!" closing the hatch and climbing back up but right before he could get up he looks up to see a wispy arm reaching for him. Letting go out of shock he falls down back int the hatch, thinking about going back up he decided to go through the other hatch, crawling down through the bowels of the ship he keeps seeing wispy attempts at forms and knows that this has something to do with that ship, it has to. Glancing behind him every few seconds he finally manages to get to the other hatch and climbs out beads of sweet coming down his face as he breaths heavy going back to Veino, looking at the scanner to see another blip on it.

"Whatever that ship is, it is making some type of ghost things come on our ship, and our only hope now is for that other ship ([member="Aerin Kath"] ) to help us get out of here."

[member="The Great Narrator"] | [member="Selka Ventus"] | Bryce Bantam |

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

[member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Kytra Odran"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Dax Fyre"]

The OSS Ophidia exited hyperspace all wrong. Sideways, to be precise, hull torn in half a dozen places, spraying corpses and debris. The Aterka system's traffic scattered, blaring distress calls across the sector. One passed too close to the Ophidia, and some malign attention ripped the life from half its crew before the little ship could jump away. The Ophidia tumbled toward the planet, out of control. It would take quite some time to endanger Aterka, many hours, but the danger was nonetheless real. A ship this size, uncrewed, could crack this world if it hit.

One transmission among many: a breathless voice, a woman, calling from the battlecruiser. Calling nobody, or everyone.

"I can't find it. I can't find the breach point."


Meanwhile, those pursuers who had encountered starweirds appeared to have forgotten something vital. Telekinetically ejecting the intruders through the hull was all well and good, but starweirds couldn't pass through energy fields. They'd entered before shields could be raised, and when the Underground Forcers cast them out, they'd simply rebounded off the shields.

So when those ships went to hyperspace, the starweirds came along.

Starweirds were single-minded things, relentless hunters of Force-sensitives, and had a variety of powers to call upon. This time they selected Drain Life, tendrils of yellow light that sapped their targets' energy and could kill them. The kind of thing that no mere Padawan could hope to deflect.

Some folks would have to think fast.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Hyperspace, aboard the Revenant Dawn, heading to Aterka
Nearby: No one
[member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Bryce Bantam"]

"Yes Two?"
"I detect an unknown entity at your six o' clock."
The Force user spun on his heels, the stick in his hand rumbling to life, a glowing orange energy springing from it. The starweird floated silently in the doorway of the cargo hold, its hollow eyes staring at the Jedai'i intently, not even acknowledging the presenceless being in the cargo hold. The starweird tilted its head slightly, as if examining the Jedai'i and its glowing weapon. Slowly, it brought its head back to an upright position. And then it screamed.

The haunting scream began to resound in Dax's head, the noice driving Dax to his knees once again, despite having been expecting it. "Commander?!" Two's communication protocol attempting to give the droid's voice the illusion of alarm and concern, "Are you under attack?!" None of the words reached Dax, the screaming within his skull drownig out the droids mechanical voice. Hollowness was beginning to creep in to Dax's soul. A void as the starweird sucked the life from him, it outstretched hand seemingly gathering a fog. His lightsaber was useless, as was the blasters and slugthrower. Every cell in Dax's body screamed out, the life being wrenched from them mercilessly. In an instinctual reflex for survival Dax raised his hand, sparks pathetically falling from his finger tips, and falling to the floor. Suddenly the arcs of savage electricity leapt from his fingers.

Surprise would have lit across the starweirds face had it been capable of it. The lightning that had leapt from the Force User's hand coursed the incorporeal body, pain which had never been felt before cutting off the incessant scream it had been eliciting. Convulsing in the air the starweird could no longer Drain Life from the Jedai'i.

Leos Palle

Corsair-class Gunship Corvette Farstrider
Location: Senika jumping to Aterka

The Farstrider exited hyperspace in Senika only to find the system relatively empty. A few mundane vessels shuffled about, but nothing like the Ophidia. She was a little perturbed by this fact, but at least they knew where to go next, all things considered. There had only been two options on the vector the ship had chosen. Senika had been the closest, and she'd thought to out-think the captain of the enemy vessel, but as it turned out, she really wasn't that good at out-thinking seasoned naval commanders. She should have known better. No matter, though. With knowing the only other option, it made sense for them to go further.

"She's not here. Take us to the other destination point."

"That means crossing via unconfirmed hyperspace routes."

"We've got no choice. We'll lose her if we don't try."


The ship would make the minor course correction with navigational data plugged in. When it jumped, she grumbled something about not keeping up with the enemy ship. Not that she really needed to worry about it provided they didn't crash into some roaming rock in the middle of space or something. What she was really worried about was making it to Aterka after the enemy ship had left, and finding the system too muddied to track. From Aterka the ship could go anywhere and it would take them ages to find her again. By then, the other Underground vessels would likely have cornered her and taken her down.


The ships main navigational officer was pointing behind her. Before she could turn around she heard the scream. Fear coursed through her, and there were screams of pure terror from the crew. She couldn't look at them herself, to see what they were doing. She knew what it was already. How it had gotten back onto the ship she didn't know. But she was done with this. Forcing herself to stand, she turned to face it as it moved towards her. It was tough, because now she felt anger at this thing. The tough part was controlling it enough to keep her wits about her. She'd beaten it once, but she hadn't killed it. Everything could be killed unless it was a Force ghost, and those could be banished.

As it drew down upon her she hit it with a Push that sent it careening through the back wall it had come through. It wouldn't do much more than buy her time. The others were still screaming, which made it hard to think, but she did her best. The one thing she did know was that they weren't impervious to the Force. The other thing she knew, her telekinetic abilities were stronger than anything else she knew. Incorporeal or not, it was still a being that could be ripped asunder. Being incorporeal only meant she couldn't physically touch it. She had an idea.

When it came through the wall after her, and she could tell it specifically wanted her, she gripped it with the Force to freeze it in place like she had before. It screamed again and she shivered, but it was going to take more than that to affect her now. It struggled, but she focused hard, using her willpower to create a whirlwind of power where the creature was standing. It was dangerous, but everyone else was out of the way save for her, and if she didn't kill this thing it would end up killing her and everyone else on the ship, so getting herself hurt was an acceptable risk. The maelstrom grew and grew, intensifying and pulling loose debris within it. The being spun about as she released it, and then in one fell swoop she exploded the maelstrom with a shout.

Even if the Starweird wasn't ripped asunder by the power of her telekinesis, it would be sent flying from the ship and into the realm of hyperspace. The ship didn't have shields on in hyperspace, no ship did, so it wouldn't be trapped with them and able to clamber back on. If it even survived. For her part, she was sent flying into a nearby bulkhead where she lay dazed, not seeing straight for the moment. That had been intense.

[member="Selka Ventus"]
Heaven's Bane, Assult class cruiser
In hyperspace, through uncharted space from Adekka to Aterka.

Making his rounds, he would have already checked the communicative operators, auxiliary power outings, and the main hanger. Occasionally, the few technical ops would run past, their jobs far from over. If only his job was that simple.

Long strides led him down the corridor to the armory, his final destination. He was looking for a distraction, something needed to happen, and soon, or else he'd become anxious, and when he became anxious, he couldn't focus, and when he can't focus people die. Turning the corner, he was stopped in his tracks, as the corridor was lined with corpses, most looked as if they were thrown through a meat grinder, non distinguishable. At the end, one was still alive. At least for another four seconds before his throat was shredded by the black talons of a beast he'd never seen before. Glowing eyes locked into him, salvia dripping from the sharp teeth that filled the creatures mouth. "Damn...You're ugly as all Hell." The creature soon began to radiate this mind piercing screech, the sound bouncing around his skull.

Moving rather fast, the thing floated over to him, rapidly beginning to slay away at his torso with its claws. Flesh and clothes alike were ripped to shreds, blood soon covering him. The thing was relentless, not stopping once in its onslaught of strikes. Struggling to form coherent thoughts, his eyesight would begin to darken, as the surgical enhancements he'd received during his time on the Purgatory could only do so much, and there was too much tissue to regenerate at once.

While his body may have been dying, his will power sure didn't. Finally, one single thought made its way through the constant screaming. ​ Get. The. Hell. Off. Metal groaned around him, the screws in the wall behind him flying in the opposite direction, the lights above him shattering. This ugly thing that had already killed so many of his crew would not take him as well, those men couldn't die in vain, and he knew that he would put a hole in whatever the fuck was on that ship himself. As the feeling he got in his gut intensified, he could feel the Force swell around him, before finally releasing like floodwater after a dam breaks.

A sound resembling an explosion could be heard, as anything within a 3 meter radius collapsed on itself; the metal making up the wall behind him broke apart, some still there, others in crumpled heaps on the floor. The ground around him had done the same ing, the electronic systems beneath visible as the panels covering them would have been torn off. And the Starweird? The creature would have been held in place, it's jaws still gnashing as it tried to reach him. Slowly standing, the many slash marks on his chest and abdomen would close up, his clothing now reduced to tattered bloody clothe. Shoulders heaving, he would step towards the creature, the effect of his power increasing with every few paces. The Starweird was also affected, despite not being able to move, it appeared as if a box had been placed around it, but the box was decreasing in size, like a vice. As the distance was now about half a meter, the creatures telepathic shriek was cut off, only increasing his strength, to the point where he imagined a compacted, smashing its contents to nothing. And that's exactly what happened.

As he released the pressure,there was no visible traces of the creature except the bodys, but much wasn't visible for him anyhow, as the strain of that display of power caught back up with him, rendering his legs and most of his body functions useless. The world darkened around him, and he would've faceplanted into a puddle of blood if it weren't for Mara, who had heard the explosion, and came down immediately. "Send word out to the medics! We need assistance. Now!"
As he was carried up to the Medbay, the ship came out of hyperspace, directly behind the tumbling rear of the Ophidia.
"Stop...we need to... stop her." Speaking out finally, he pushed himself up, still lightheaded but not willing to loose such an opportune moment. "Prepare all ground teams, and pull alongside her." Pushing forward, he held him self up on the chair of the navigator. "I can't board her if she's tumbling."

[member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Kytra Odran"], [member="Selka Ventus"]
((To be continued shortly! I have some business to take care of but I will be back and write my post then.))
"Sakurauchi! Disengage and set course for Voleka. You heard Commander Tillian, these pirates aren't worth our time right now." Commander Takami ordered her counterpart on the Lily White.

Kimiko found herself smiling with amusement at the other woman. This was just a face she put on in front of the rest of the crew. It was even more delightful to Ki, for she knew Takami's (whose first name was Chika) secret concerning her counterpart. Chika's garnet eyes looked through the view port, and she let out a relieved sigh upon seeing the other ship moving away. Her lover was on board after all.

The situation around them was chaotic, but stable. The twin corvettes were doing exactly as they were designed: dealing with swarms of starfighters and smaller ships. Their shields were holding strong. The weapon crews were making short work of the nearest craft with the close-in weapons while several long-range salvos of concussion missiles were launched at the pirate's flagship. Most harmlessly fell short of the ship or exploded against the shields.

They were in real-space for only several more moments before they jumped towards their next destination. All the personnel around her relaxed from their recently tense states. Ki also relaxed but looked up in time to spot Chika approaching her,"I'm supposed to ask for a report yes?" she asked seriously, with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Chika offered a nod to the question before actually speaking,"There is only minor damage to report for us and the Lily White. As soon as we drop out of hyperspace, given it being quiet, we'll drop the shields and let the generators recharge." Ki could feel the stress on the woman, but she carried herself well.

"Chika, take a break. I can handle things here. Oh, and get a hold of Riko. I'm sure she'd be happy to hear you not yelling orders at her." the last words got the target to blush and the originator giggled before Chika bowed and headed to her quarters.

It was quiet on the bridge, with the occasional conversation between crew...another quiet before another storm.

Simbayka to Voleka

[member="Selka Ventus"] [member="The Great Narrator"] [member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Aterka system: [member="Kimiko"] | [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] | [member="Kytra Odran"] | [member="Dax Fyre"] | [member="Aeshi Tillian"]

When you come out of hyperspace to see the whole system has gone to poodoo. System defence forces have responded but ships no large than light freighters can do little again the damaged 3000k behemoth. Civilian craft a scrambling to get out of the system but a large gravity well has seemed to have formed around the ship pulling anything not large enough to run away to its' death. With breaches in the OSS Ophidia there are a few options for those brave enough to try and board her.

The hanger is the obvious entry point, however, it is crammed with a multitude of random craft and force knows what else.

Breaches in the engineering and command sections will also allow boarding for folks in those areas but they are open to the void so you will need proper void suits to enter there.

OOC: Note one post per room like the system jumps so if you start in the hanger you will need to write a post about it before moving to and adjacent room. And no skipping rooms, like a fun house you need to go through all the rooms in order.

EXC: Hanger -> officers row, no go, you skipped rooms

Hanger > Vehicle storage > Crew quarters > Officers row , Correct

Full map below

Greater Tarka: [member="John Shepherd"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Aerin Kath"]

The OSS Righteous Suffering has pulled John's ship on board, but instead of the ghost attacking Veino and John they seem to be trying to speak to them, lead them to the bridge of the ship, it seems someone waits for them there....

Aerin unable to get to John and Veino in time can only watch as the Destroyer jumps away. If he traces the angle of the jump he will see it is leading to Aterka...

Leos Palle

Corsair-class Gunship Corvette Farstrider
Location: Hangar to Vehicle Storage

"There she is!"

"She's listing badly. The locals are taking severe casualties."

"Charge all weapons. Shields to full. Focus fire on her turret mounts specifically. I need someone to fly my in to the hangar and drop me off."

"You aren't going alone, are you?"

Everyone was looking at her at this point and she waved them back to their consoles because there was work to be done.

"I am. I'm not risking anyone else and a lot of the crew got mauled or killed by the thing that attacked us. Can't risk anyone else. Have a pilot meet me in the hangar."

With that, she left the bridge and raced through the ship. She already had everything on her that she was going to need. A DL-44 and her lightsaber should be sufficient enough for her to get the job done, provided she could sneak her way through the beast of a ship without being too obvious. In the hangar were two Fleet Shuttle's. Not top of the line models, but they were typically used for ferrying crews between ships and that was essentially what she was doing now. A pilot was already working on warming one of the ships up as she boarded and took a seat, strapping herself in for what was sure to be a bumpy ride.

They took off, weaving through space and avoiding the weapons fire not only from their own ship, but from the enemy ship as well. At least the Farstrider was nimble and could race around as a tough target. With the number of targets in the system she was confident the ship could pinpoint some of the enemies weapons mounts and take them offline. In the meantime, the shuttle raced across and into the exposed hangar of the craft before hovering on the aft most side. Kytra let herself out and the shuttle took off again. She raced over behind some crates and drew her blaster. A ship this size would have a lot of crew to get through.

She weaved her way through the boxes until she came to a data terminal. She wished she'd brought her datapad with her, but what she did know was that these things were usually somewhere near a door. Sure enough, she spotted it, and rushed towards it aiming to head upwards towards vehicle storage. Or what she thought was vehicle storage. If this thing was anything like most destroyers she'd be right, but she didn't even know where the ship had come from, so who was to say.

[member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Selka Ventus"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kytra Odran"] - Vehicle Storage​

The Ophidia stank. Tens of thousands of people had died here. Although maintenance droids had dragged most of them away and scrubbed the decks clean, although air filtration systems had done their best to compensate for the stench, the Ophidia absolutely reeked. A leak in the recycling systems, perhaps.

Neither Kytra, nor any further boarders, would encounter living opposition. Occasional security droids would provide obstacles, but not a single trooper.

At this range, it would be possible to feel a raw, unshielded presence in the Force, in the direction of the command section. It ran hot and cold, callous and frenetic, depressed and desperate all at once. Insanity, maybe, or just someone who'd been through serious trauma. Someone strong.

For all that everyone aboard had died, there wasn't a mark on the walls. Not a bit of carbon scoring from blasterfire. Not a whiff of blood. That right there said a good deal about the person who'd done all this.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Aterka, boarding the OSS Ophidia
[member="Kytra Odran"]
DMs:[member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Selka Ventus"]

The Starweird shrank and faded, the Force lightening overcoming it. Dax could feel his strength return as the infernal thing fell away to nothing. The aparition became more and more translucent, its hollow eyes going first, then the reaminder of its body, the black claws last. Dax swallowed, a feeling of apprehension he hadn't realized exist lifting as the Starweird died.

"Get everyone prepped Two. Once drop out of hyperspace we're boarding that blasted ship."
"Yes sir" respondd the mechanical voice, turning and clankig away at the sound of dismissal.

Dax moved mechanically, without thought. That thibg. He'd only heard stories of them. He never thought they'd existed. Beings that were manifestations of the Dark Side. He shuddered, the streaks of light beyond the hull retracting to nothing as the broadside of the Ophidia came to being before the Revenant Dawn. The sinking hulk of metal plummeted towards Aterka, the ship caught in the planet's gravitational pull. "Get ready boys! We're goin in hard! Weapons tight! I don't wanna kill anyone we don't have to."

The Revenant Dawn swayed in and out of the debris fields, A loud screech resounded within the ship as some tail of another ship scraped across the hull. Dax's body lay tense as he maneuvered through the debris field to the Ophidia's hanger bay. "All hands, brace for impact!". The Revenant Dawn jolted as it skidded across the floor of the hanger bay. Dax engaged reverse thrusters, attempting to slow the ship before it collided with the wall. Sparks flew as the loud screeching sound could be heard through the whole ship. Finally the Revenant Dawn lurched to a halt.

Groaning Dax stood from his seat. Walking down from the cargo bay, the security droids clanked behind him, their blaster rifles held at the ready. Dax could see [member="Kytra Odran"] not too far away near a data terminal. The young man had never met her, but he knew she was with the Outback. He walked towards the woman, the only friend he may have on this ship.
Slamming his head on the console a few times he sighed as he realizes their is no other way but to follow them, getting up and nodding for [member="Veino Garn"] to follow him he starts to walk down the ship getting his other blaster and checking his equipment he lowers his ramp his dual blasters ready, but nothing.... the ghosts still attempting to lead him away he starts to follow them through the ship still being causious and checking every doorway, every turn in the hall. But, as they travel further and further, he realizes no one is here, but if that is the case, then what wants them in the bridge?....

[member="Selka Ventus"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="The Great Narrator"]

Leos Palle

Location: Aboard the Ophidia, Vehicle Hangar heading to Crew Quarters
Allies: [member="Dax Fyre"]

She glanced back and nearly spun her blaster on Dax before she realized he was another member of the party. That and she could tell from how he felt that he wasn't a Sith trying to sneak up and knife her in the back. She sighed. Never a good idea to sneak up on someone who's breaking into a ship with who knew what on it. So far she'd only seen droids, but they seemed more inclined to be working than doing anything else. Of course then she saw the cadre of droids and such behind him and she groaned. How was she supposed to sneak through the ship with a bunch of karking clankers walking around.

Shaking her head, she pointed upwards, and then scooted on up to the vehicle hangar. She was already close to the end she needed to be at, so she carefully started maneuvering her way around the ships and such that were parked inside. Everything looked absolutely pristine, like it was brand new and hadn't ever been touched or used. That was weird. How was that even possible on a ship this size? She could only shake her head and continue. The other guy would be slower, what with his droids and such, so she was acting more like an advance scout at this point.

Of course she felt the presence of someone lurking at the aft of the ship. It was an ominous feeling, dark, powerful, clearly demented. Sith? Maybe. Could be a Dark Jedi. Could be neither and just be a Force Apparition. If that was the case, it would explain the cold chills that kept rippling across her skin and down her back. She rounded a corner and spotted the door to the next section of the ship, but it was being guarded by a couple of security droids. They didn't look like much fun to deal with. She pulled back behind cover before being spotted and drew her saber into her free left hand, but didn't ignite it yet.

With the droids there, she was compromised. No matter what she did, she was going to get found out. Of course, landing in the hangar would have let them know they'd been boarded, but they wouldn't necessarily know where she was on the ship. Now they were going to, but she didn't have a choice. She took a few deep breaths and then darted around the boxed, igniting her saber, held in front of her, and firing shots at the droids. They returned fire and she deflected shots that got too close to her. When she got near it became dangerous so she dropped to a knee and sprang up and over the droids, sliding downward as she did so, cleaving their heads from their bodies and rendering them useless.

"Don't lose your heads, boys."

The door wouldn't budge so she used the Force to reach inside to open the latch so she could enter what appeared to be a long line of crew quarters. Well, made sense to have them near their deployment vehicles, right?

[member="Selka Ventus"] [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Heaven's Bane, Assault class cruiser
Aterka, Engineering Section
Gear: All in Sig fam.

Seeing a smaller craft make its way to the hanger, weaving in and out of the fire of both ships, he started barking orders, in turn suiting up. Mara chased behind like a lost puppy as he ran to his cabin, effectively stripping down before he slid into his armor liner. "You could barely walk two minutes ago and now you're running off to try an kill a ghost?" Her voice was high and stern, catching the interest of anyone who ran past. Not listening 100%, he would already be covered from the hips down in black beskar.

Mara would have left by the time he finished, as she was apparently fed up with him, and he was fine by that too. Checking his wrists, he would make sure the MM9 Rocket system on his left gauntlet was fastened properly, before he tucked his helmet under his arm, and took off to the bridge again, trying to figure out if there was any other route onto the ship. "Sir... there are multiple hull breeches on the aft, all connected to the Engineering sector. The fastest route would hopefully be through the Sector, past the Engine control Core, and up into the crews living quarters. I would suggest meeting up with Captain [member="Kytra Odran"] before anything."

Most crew members around turned to look at him, all glad to not be on the same shuttle as him. "Good, keep a tracker on her, if something goes weary I want you to blow the queen to pieces. Even if I'm on it." With that, he took off for the hanger, armed to the gills, his gold visor reflecting the lights as approached the shuttle, only to find Mara waiting outside the docking ramp. "I'm coming with, whether you like it or not." Stopping, he sighed, giving her a hard look. "You're not going to change my mind." Seeing her steely determination, he waved her on with a sigh, knowing very well he couldn't win.

After the ship had exited the hanger, they would have approached the aft of the cruiser, holes torn in the hull visible. Pointing to one of the larger ones, the duo would be dropped off, the pieces of metal floating in the void. Leaping from the docking ramp, his mango boots would attach to the floor, the familiar feel greeting him.

[member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Selka Ventus"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]

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