Crasdon would have enjoyed talking to Ko about Outbound Flight. But events interceded. He nearly jumped when the faux-Braze manifested in their midst. A strange, macabre plant-impersonator. It was something out of a horror holo.
As Yennic began negotiations, he leaned close to Braze and spoke very softly, the speaker in his helmet reproducing his voice equally softly for people standing outside. Hopefully not loud enough for the plants to hear. But who was he kidding? Detecting vibrations was sort of a plant specialty. Tremors in the wind, tremors in the ground.
It was only when humans had gone out into the stars that they'd begun to understand how much data plants could collect about their surroundings.
"If you cut them, they'll grow back," Crasdon explained, "there's all kinds of scary stories from the High Republic era. If I shoot them, they'll also grow back. If they even get hurt at all. This isn't even a particularly powerful blaster.
Can you people do that force-lightning trick, or is that only something the bad guys do?"
What they really needed was a flamethrower. Crasdon hadn't come prepared for weeding.
He'd come for scientific analysis. Research advice.
For a job like this one was turning out to be, you needed real firepower.
Then again... maybe negotiations would work. They were sentient, after all.
Here's hoping.
Crasdon Kaine Eldervine Braze Kai'el Ko Vuto Yennic Zhan