Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Space Mystery [Ask to Join!]

Location: Deep Space
On Board: Star Destroyer Philomath
Actions: Ready and Take Off to the Asteroid Station

Seto walked through the hallway leading him towards the hanger bay, his steps echoed and his smile grew. It wasn’t everyday that an old asteroid station filled with mystery washes up to his doorstep, and now Seto felt sure of his gamble that this station would bring him fortune. He reached for his Comm-Unit and quickly relayed a message to one of his new friends he had picked up recently, “Talaya, this is Seto, we got ten minutes before we take off, head to the hanger bay zone seven,” Seto quickly paced forward to his destination, his black robes flare up slightly due to his sudden burst of speed.

Let’s see what we find when we crack open that huge lump of rock.


The Asteroid Station remained eerily still, the only light shining on its surface were that of the Star Destroyer orbiting nearby and three swarms of TIE scout squadrons making repeated flyovers. While being able to bring a Star Destroyer meant that Seto had quite a bit of resources, he had little time to complete his mission. The end results were quite simple; If nothing was to gain scrap the asteroid. If there was something to gain, take it, if not scrap the Asteroid. If the Asteroid proved dangerous, turn it into scrap and be done with the mission.

So Seto had little time but had a lot of resources and credits, he sent out a few ads out to selected holonet sites and personally asked for help from past acquaintances to gather a team as quickly as possible. There mission to help explore the Asteroid Station and figure out why such an installation existed and why it ended up in deep space with no other planetary body for light years.

All hired Freelancers and explores interested in the job would be greeted after exiting hyperspace a message from the Star Destroyer Philomath; “Sir Seto Du Couteau is awaiting for you at the Asteroid Station, a Landing Zone has already been established with life support. Our TIE Scouts will escort you safely to the LZ.”

The Asteroid Station itself maintained a low level energy readout upon any scans, and the Landing Zone was located near one of the largest structures on the asteroid itself. Landing in the Asteroid’s hanger bay will prove no difficulty and a small encampment already set up with several Imperial Officers and twenty Stormtroopers standing idly as guards.

Seto stood paced back and forth in front of a large durosteel door, effectively making the hanger bay the only explorable area at the moment.

[member="Talaya Rade"] [member="Tin'tinag"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Location: Deep Space on board a something freighter
Objective: Meet up with [member="Seto Du Couteau"] and the others

The Galactic Empire was not her first choice of contracts, but they paid well and it was one of the places she could go without some Jedi pestering her to join a new order or military. Though a fighter the last thing Tin wanted was to wind up in a war between to galactic powers, something The Jedi Order had provided, a place to train and develop ones skills, more a peace keeping force then the Silvers or New Order. Alas that did not last long as the grand master had up and got himself corrupted by the dark side, all woeful and have to right the wrong, e.i. coming back to the temple with the goal of killing everyone in sight if they did not want to join his new dark brotherhood.

As such it was back to her old life, gun/hacker/pilot for hire, but now with some fancy force powers at the ready, as well as some new crew members. "Well [member="Petal"], looks like where here", the captain remarked, their freighter exciting hyperspace over the desolate asteroid the large imposing star destroyer looming in the distance. "This is Star Destroyer Philomath, this sector of space is off limits by order of the Galactic Empire, state your business here of leave immediately", some things never change, seems imperial greetings was one of those.

"This is Tin'tinag, I am one of the freelancers hire by [member="Seto Du Couteau"] for this operation, transmitting clearance codes now", with a small push of a button the ISD was sent the required information to let the ship past. "You a clear for landing, await one of you TIE fighter squads to escort you to the asteroids hanger bay, don't try anything stupid", the screen abruptly switched off, Tin just giving an eye roll, "the stuff I do for money". Slowly the freighter came to land in the asteroid complexes hanger bay, ventilation steam coming off the ship as it touched down upon the old but still clean floor, "Thank you for flying Twi'lek space line, we will be sitting tight for the next few hours get out have fun and be back before take off".
Des was not happy about the assignment. Being sent off to assist The Empire when she could be out on the front lines fighting? Ugh. But hopefully going through all this would be good for her reputation in the navy, hopefully.

Her TIE popped out of hyper space, and she turned on the radio "This is Private Des Hailstar of The First Order, on assignment to assist with the mission. My clearance codes are as follows;" Des had to smash her fist down on the button to send the codes, since she was flying an older, and dirtier TIE, since her normal one had crashed on Korasa.

The radio crackled "You are clear for landing, please await one-" Des cut them off "Yeah, yeah, I know the drill." Des followed the escort and made a rather rough landing. This damn ship was clearly a punishment for wrecking her last one.

Des jumped out of her ship, taking her helmet off and walking over to [member="Seto Du Couteau"]. She salutes and says "Private Des Hailstar of The First Order, reporting for duty."


Every rose has its thorns
after exiting hyperspace and seeing the massive star destroyer petals eyes grew wide she with awe she heard stories of but she never imagined she see one herself in real life.

Tin'tinag said:
"Thank you for flying Twi'lek space line, we will be sitting tight for the next few hours get out have fun and be back before take off".
*petal giggled * "B-best vacation spot ever right captain?" ([member="Tin'tinag"])
after stepping out and watching the rather rough landing of a TIE that was in rather a poor shape even it might have been old. but if it was hers she knew she could make it as good if not better then some of the new models.
Talaya stared longingly through the view-port within her quarters, arms-folded at her back and hair yet to be tied up and left to dangle in curly fashion. A series of images seemed to haunt her, mostly from the past but she'd find herself snapped back into reality by [member="Seto Du Couteau"]'s message over the comm-link.

"Yeah. . . .Yeah I'll be down shortly."

With that settled, she'd huff to herself before stretching her arms and pulling on the hair-band around her wrist. "This is it, Talaya. First real mission n' daddies not here to tag along. Knock 'em dead." She'd tie her hair up all nice and slip on her shoes before exiting the living quarters and swiftly stepping towards hangar bay zone seven as instructed. Before long, she'd arrive and a short-lived waved towards Seto. "We've got a uh. .asteroid to crack open." She'd look curiously around at hanger bay's interior. "Let's get to it, shall we?" She'd question with a rather neutral face to hide the fact she was rather hyped for the operation. The more she stared at the rock, the more her mind ran with wonder. Beyond that, she'd recall Seto's words of calling upon other's aid to work in tandem with herself and Seto. <"Wonder if I'll meet a uh. .mm. .whats it called. Aaa. . .oo! Wookie. Hmm. .">
Nadstic was closing in on the Destroyer and was in awe. She hadn't seen one so close before, that was mostly because she ran from them. Normally she wouldn't work with the Empire, but the chance to discover a forgotten place was too big of an opportunity. She was dying to get the chance of seeing the place. She almost didn't hear the Imperial, "This is Imperial space, enter your codes or be shot down." She made a lot of banging noises looking for the note with the code. "Right, the code. The code, I have the code. Somewhere..." She grabbed the note and entered the code and was told to board the Destroyer.

Being escorted to the hanger was probably the most nerve wrecking thing she's done in a while.

[member="Seto Du Couteau"]
Seto paced back and forth his robes flared with every quick about-face, truth be told he hadn't expected to run into a problem this quickly. This door! I thought rerouting power to the door would automatically disengage the locks Seto thought annoyed at himself, he breathed in deeply as he heard one of the Officers alert him of new arrivals. Well hopefully this could be figured out. The Stormtroopers appeared wary but otherwise remained at their position and continued to stand guard as Seto walked over to meet those who've disembarked from their ships.

He return a salute to Private Hailstar, "A welcoming sight, I greatly appreciate the Order's assistance," Seto responded. Glad to have our big brother the First Order helping me out Seto thought, he learned about the rather interesting relationship the Empire and First Order and was thankful for it. "Check with our Quartermaster stationed with us to get outfitted with some heavy Imperial gear and weapons," Seto suggested as he moved towards to address the rest of the team.

Hands pressed against his lower back he approached both Tin'tinag and Petal, offering a short bow, "I thank you for accepting the job offer and hope your travel here was a smooth one, I also hope you're prepared as we have already ran into our first road-block," Seto began to explain, gesturing with his right towards the massive durasteel doors, "My Technicians successfully routed power into the door, but unfortunately the locks are still engaged, and well-" Seto shrugged with half a smile "-Using force to open anything in this station sounds unwise," Seto finished.

"Other than that little issue, the Life Support on this station seems to be working just fine, the air breathable if a bit stale, and we currently have no need for Hazard Suits yet, but if you so desire our Quartermaster will provide you with any tools or weapons." Seto added, but quickly realized he forgot one important detail, "Ah before I forget, your payment is here, but if you wish for to instead send the credits to an account simply specify it to me and I'll have it all sorted out," Seto ended, his smile charming. Afterall I need them now, if they're as good as they say I'll be exploring the entire Station with door locked.

[member="Talaya Rade"] | [member="Petal"] | [member="Des Hailstar"] | [member="Tin'tinag"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin gave her crew member a quizzical face like she was actually thinking about the question, "Hmmm well I have lived in worse places, its nice and secluded, probably has a lot of pace to expand, honestly no a bad hang out spot, even though I am guessing that was a rhetorical question". She let out a hearty chuckle before stepping off the freighter, leading [member="Petal"] out and onto the cold metal floor, wandering over to the small gathering of people near a large blast door. 'Hmmm, a First Order pilot, seems the Empire and them are getting all buddy buddy these days'.

The Twi'lek duo stood to the side, awaiting [member="Seto Du Couteau"], the man finishing up quickly greeting them, "Prepeared, I make sure always to have a few tricks up my sleeve, so what have we got"? Tin walked over to the blast door, giving it a small run down as Seto explained the situation, "Okay, it has power, all I will really need to do is bypass the power away from the locking mechanism and straight into the door controls to open it, and yes using the force probably wont end too well, best do it the old fashion way". "Give use a minute of two, Petal you want to help me get this circuit panel off"?

She motioned for her pink companion to remove the control panel, but making sure to keep it operational, quickly turning back around to the Imperial at the mention of payment. "We will take it in cash form, less chance of being tracked and all, and again thank you for the business, always happy to help for the right amount". With a sly smile she took the payment, turning back around to help Petal hack the door controls, not paying much mind to the other members and free lancers that had shown up.

[member="Nadstic Sunshu"] l [member="Talaya Rade"] l [member="Des Hailstar"]


Every rose has its thorns
Tin'tinag said:
Petal you want to help me get this circuit panel off"?
with this petal silently and quickly got to work the panel wasn't too hard to get off and by the time [member="Tin'tinag"] was done handling the money she was almost done getting through the door herself just a few more wires to cross honestly theses doors seemed to be pretty old probably the empire was having trouble to simple for them honestly she had harder locks to bypass when she was 6 but then again old tech was what petals liked the most

[member="Seto Du Couteau"] / [member="Nadstic Sunshu"] /[member="Talaya Rade"] /[member="Des Hailstar"]
Des responded to @Seto Du Couteau"Yes sir"

She walked over to the Quartermaster and waited for her gear as she watched [member="Tin'tinag"] and [member="Petal"] working on the door. Did they not bring any sort of plasma cutter with them, or something to explore an abandoned facility? Well, ok then.

Des wondered if she would be getting paid by them, and her normal navy wage. But most likely the navy would claim it out of her account..

She sighed and flipped her head back around to the Quartermaster, her hair flowing around her
Seto silently wondered if he would hear some grumbling about the expenses from his higher ups, but those thoughts were down the line and he simply shrugged off the worry. Not important right now. He turned to address one of the Officers working on their communications, "Have word sent back to our Captain to send down an additional twenty troops with support equipment," Seto ordered, the Officer nodded before pausing to ask a question.

"What should I say be the reason for the additional support?" The Officer asked.

Seto wanted to say Because I said so but knew better than to annoy his Captain, After all, it is his job to worry about his men Seto sighed before replying, "We have need of more support to establish multiple small outposts within the Station as to assure our logistics are safe and ready," Seto then left the Officer to his duty.

Initial scans revealed large infrastructure dug into the Asteroid and they would need a lot of support to cover this entire station as quickly as possible. He moved closer to the pair working on the door, if their earlier conversation gave anything it was that Seto was correct in paying for their services. They were practically stepping inside a time capsule and thanks to the emptiness of space it was practically preserved almost perfectly. A snap and hiss and the doors opened wide.

Seto smiled as he called out for his small army of scout droids, black little disks hovered gently off the ground and quickly moved through the door to examine as much as the station as they could, Useful things Seto mused as he brought up his HoloPad. The droids quickly scanned their surroundings and provide a rudimentary holo map for the explores to use.

"Alright everyone, our little droid friends will scan and keep updating the map to the best of its abilities, grab yourselves a Comm-Unit and Holopads and our Stormtrooper guards will cover our rear," Seto explained as he walked into the hallway now revealed by the opened doors.


The hallway was just as clean as the landing pads that they were coming from, and Seto peered down the hallway. No other doors except for the door directly down the hallway. Here no doubt the little scout droids separated and split into two groups because Seto noted that there was vast and large hallway. I mean, you can fly large speeders and small space craft through there Seto thought, his mind racing with ideas.


Seto called for the Communication's Officer once more, "Send word back to the Captain to include five Transport Speeders, we've got a lot to cover," Seto ordered. A lot indeed.

He turned around and moved over towards [member="Talaya Rade"] and holding back his smile, "I'll pilot the speeder, these Scout Droids deserve a chance to do their job,"

[member="Talaya Rade"] | [member="Petal"] | [member="Des Hailstar"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] | [member="Nadstic Sunshu"]

OOC Notes: You may move on ahead and check out these areas.
Found herself being placed in a basic suit for sake of safe exploration, and basic level protection from possible danger. Confirming her wrist blaster was secure, she'd grab a comm-unit and holopad and observe what was mapped out so far whilst simultaneously strolling towards the task group. Jerking a head upwards to the sudden opening to the door, she'd hold in the embarrassing blush and simply hope no one noticed her sudden jump. <"Keep it chill, T. Chiill~"> Blue eyes now looking down the length of the hallway, she'd be lost in thought as to what possibly lied beyond until [member="Seto Du Couteau"]'s words. Her lips would bend into somewhat of a smile, brow raising as well. She'd resist the urge to playfully punch at his shoulder. He was right, after all. "Is. That. So?" Brief chuckle. "Ya got me there, I guess. Finne." Sarcastic hand motions, "I guess they can not get ran over."


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
With the payment details out of the way Tin turned back to the task at hand walking back over to the door control panels that [member="Petal"] was fiddling with. She knew full well the pink Twi'lek pretty much had the whole thing in hand, but she just wanted to do one little thing before everyone changed through the blast doors. "You almost done [member="Petal"], that's good just give me a second with the control panel, I just want to program it to stay open for the rest of our stay". As the pink Twi'lek opened the door Tin quickly changed on of the doors code to 'true' meaning it would not close behind them, even if someone tried to close it manually.

"Well the door is open everyone, come on in and don't die", she joked, waving through the different people, following close behind [member="Seto Du Couteau"] into the somewhat surprisingly clean and lit hallway. "Well now that we are here what next boss? you want the data flies on this place because me and misses captain shy can do that if need be", would be the only real challenge in a place and besides, the two would not be paid such a large sum for one measly blast door.

[member="Talaya Rade"] l [member="Des Hailstar"]
Seto chuckled at Tayala's mock defiance, even though he made the suggestion to drive the automated controls would most likely do much of the driving. Seto didn't mind either way if he was the one in control or not, what interested him the most was figuring out how such a massive structure could survive let alone stay powered up.

He turned his head back towards the landing pads as the one of the transports had finally arrived, his Communication Officer already busy organizing the new compliment of Stormtroopers and Engineers. The speeders would arrive shortly and Seto walked back towards the door, he turned himself to face Tin'tinag offer up tracking down any files left behind in this station. As we explore else where? Seto mused, unsure the danger presented with splitting up the group but nodded to Tin'tinag. "Go for it, the speeders are coming down soon and you can ask for an escort from the troopers," Seto responded, his hand gestured towards the landing pad.

The rest of the equipment took no more than ten minutes for the troopers and Engineers to unload and set up for the group. Several Officers giving orders to the rest of the troopers to begin setting up outpost equipment to help extend and create a forward operational base. Seto had no intention to fight a war inside this asteroid, but he neither wanted to be caught without enough firepower in case he had to fight one. I'm calling an evac if I see a million battle droids marching down at us.

"If everybody isn't planning on braving the rest of the station on their own, pack up in one of the speeders and follow me, we'll be hitting the main command center first," Seto explained to the rest of the group.

There speeder resembled more of that an armored repulsar tank, but inside held enough room to allow seven people to fit comfortably. The back compartment already filled with equipment to help as well as medical supplies that Seto hoped he wouldn't need to use. He stepped inside the pilot seat of the transport, his hands outstretched in front of him as he exhaled to calm his nerves. Time to get started.

[member="Talaya Rade"] | [member="Petal"] | [member="Des Hailstar"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] | [member="Nadstic Sunshu"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
She gave a nod to [member="Seto Du Couteau"], this place was most likely massive on the inside with super long corridors, a speeder would be necessary, and fun, not many chances you get to fly them through a space station of sorts. "Well thank your for the kind offer, petal we going speeder racing in a bit", she remarked in a chirpy tune to the other Twi'lek, walking back to the hanger area.

In nut a few minutes the required equipment had been delivered, Tin climbing a top of one of the speeder, making room for [member="Petal"] next to her in the 7 seat speeder, more then enough for the First Order pilot ([member="Des Hailstar"]) and the other woman ([member="Talaya Rade"]). "By all means inquisitor lead the way, after all you are the 'boss', would only be fair", that and herself not really knowing the lay out of said complex, guessing the imperial would know more about it's map then herself.

Slowly the speedr departed from the hanger bay, starting to look more like a train station, hovering through the main blast doors, now open thanks to the Twi'lek duo. "So Seto, what do you suspect we will find here? did the place happen to house any secrets? weapons history you know that sort of stuff"?

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