Folks, keep in mind, this is a skirmish thread. Participation is optional, and all it serves is an opportunity for the Mando writers to get in some development for their characters. That's a positive thing.
It's a waste of time to assign motives and accusations on other writers, especially considering it doesn't change the outcome. So what if their writers hate us and are intentionally acting like ****s?
I don't really care; how we adapt to changing RP environments is on our backs, not theirs. It's a raiding party, on a shipyard, over a planet of at least 56 Million inhabitants. Something like this probably wouldn't even make the evening Holonews considering the state of the Galaxy as a whole.
Write narrative saying local security forces did what they were trained to do in response to such an event, or whatever. Give the Mando's a frame of reference to base their RP on, don't just complain OOC that it's happening. Help them write their story.
I have other RP going on, so I won't be participating, but best wishes to anyone who does.